Tell us your name here.

Tell us your name and what It means and stuff. My name is Shawn and here is some stuff about my name People with this name have a deep inner desire to use their abilities in leadership, and to have personal independence. They would rather focus on large, important issues, and delegate the details. People with this name tend to be quiet, cooperative, considerate, sympathetic to others, adaptable, balanced and sometimes shy. They are trustworthy, respecting the confidences of others, and make excellent diplomats, mediators and partners. They are often very intuitive. They like detail and order, and often find change worrisome. They may sometimes feel insecure or restless.The name Shawn is an Irish baby name. In Irish the meaning of the name Shawn is: Irish: God is gracious; gift from God.
Daniel; God is my judge.
Max. Or Maxwell, if you're feelin' fancy. I'm partly named after James Clark Maxwell.
Cory. My name is weird.
Jack, no meaning behind it, my parents just liked the name Jack I guess.
My name is Isaac and it means Laughter
I don't like giving out personal info, so just make up whatever name you believe fits me.
I'm going to guess Ben.
Jamie. It means my dad has two other sons with J names so he decided to pick this one I guess lol.
I propose a more interesting thread.
"What's your bank account's code number?"
Judging by the picture your name is A BIG FAT BACKSTABER
Nah, the "What are you wearing right now?" thread sound more fun
Can't backstab the people who are holding me hostage.
A child murderer?
Clem's still alive... for now.
Attempted child murderer?
Not the most flattering name, but we'll role with it.
Alfredo, it means elfic council.
All hail the Urban Dictionary.
Dom, which means born on a Sunday... Accidentally true....
Well you created thread "Life Is Strange"
hey whats up Arvo?
My name is Ten million Dollars
I'm Volodymyr.
What does it mean in our language (ukranian) - "lord of peace"
the only dictionary I trust.
If read your name in English letters on our language without translation, then you call the "House" in our language.
It's just a shortened version of my name, but that's pretty cool
Daniele, "Judged by God"
It's Daniele (italian), not Daniel, but Danny is my favourite nickname.
Wow Puncake you expect us to give you our names when you can't even have the decency to give us yours? I'm not falling for these fraudulent tricks.
"What is your mother's maiden name?"
My name is Puncake.
I already know your name.
Ok what is it then?
If you say Brian I'm gonna lmao