Customization regarding TFTBL through TPS
its been announced that there is a couple of head Customization if you have both TFTBL and TPS. the problem is that i have season pass TFTBL on steam, yet i have HC on PS4. how can i unlock them? i dont like the fact that they made us have to buy it twice just to have them? is there a way?
note : this feature is for fans. why make it difficult for them to have it? this bothers me because I DID buy them. the problem is with the system and how t got handled.. again this was for fans, so why i cant have them also although i did buy both? i hope there is a fix or something. i simply cant buy a product twice
please telltale! make your fans happy.
maybe we can have a shift code that we activate both on steam or any website and get it on another platform? i hope telltale give me an answer
Please make sure to look over the Exclusive Unlocks Thread to ensure you have met all the requirements to receive the Unlocks in your SHiFT account.
In your particular instance, if you own Tales From The Borderlands through Steam, you will only be able to unlock you Exclusive Unlocks for the Steam version of Borderlands: The Pre-Sequel. In order to unlock the loot for the PS4 version of The Pre-Sequel, you will need to own the PS4 version of Tales From The Borderlands. My apologies for any difficulties this may cause you.
yes i have season pass on steam, but i have the handsome collection on PS4... hope you guys can make a way for someone like me to have the exclusive unlocks, as a fan of gearbox and telltale, i would love to have the extra stuff.....

i pre-ordered Tales from the borderlands, so i would not have known otherwise. if this cant be fixed at all, then thank you Mike. i guess i cant have it.
My apologies, I will make sure to pass your interest in the ability to unlock cross-platform Exclusive Loot Unlocks along to the team! Unfortunately at this time you will only be able to unlock the PS4 loot by owning the PS4 version of Tales From The Borderlands.
made my day! hope one day i can access them
thank you again!