Positive thinking vs Negative thinking
in General Chat
I'm normally a positive thinking person but I do live in the reality that not everything is perfect. On that same note, I still think life's too short to focus on the negatives.
For everyone else, do you live positively or negatively?
If positive, how do you keep from being cynical?
If negative, do you see value in others being positive and nice to other people? Or do you see it as a weakness?
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P.M.A. my friend.
Positive mental attitude.
Major negative Nancy right here...
Honestly, I think pessimism helps you to find a problem and fix it. Pessimism works. Pessimism gets things done. Unless that 'thing' is getting invited to parties.
I find myself unable to think positively, especially concerning myself, because I can't find a single good or positive thing about me. The surrounding reality doesn't help much either. I often joke around and try to fight it with humor, but it rarely helps. It's funny to me how I go around laughing almost hysterically at some jokes I make or hear while my actual mood/attitude is only several steps away from outright depression.
Negativity, pessimism and cynicism help me to look at the world with clarity. Maybe it's just some brooding, dark mood I have, but I've always been a pessimist and a cynic.
I don't really see a value in positivity, because it often borders on hope and hope is vain and empty. One shouldn't hope, as it brings you naught but disappointment. Though, not my place to tell anyone what to do. People want to be/can be positive? Let 'em. Probably a healthier attitude, too, who knows?
Negative most of the time, cold, hard realism. It's served me well, though I can switch it off for others' benefit.
I used to be always negative, but not as much now. Lately I've been negative because my life isn't exactly in its' prime, but I still think positively. I'm realistic, you don't have to be pessimistic to be realistic. You can think positively yet still be realistic.
Yes! That's how I am. So many people think that people who see the bright side of things are people who don't live in reality and that's not even true lol
I'd rather be too pessimistic and then be pleasantly surprised when something turn out better than I anticipated rather than being disappointed as a result of being too optimistic.
Positive thinking moves you forward.
Negative thinking holds you back.
If you are outwardly positive, more people are attracted to you.
If you are outwardly negative, people try to avoid you.
Guess which attitude is easier?
I constantly try to be more positive, but negative thoughts always try to force their way in. A battle no one sees.
A related feeling is being confident. Confidence is not just being positive. It's knowing that bad things will happen, but you'll be able to handle them as best as you can when they do.
I try to always be positive or realistic around other people so they too will be positive and realistic. However, when i'm alone, I'm pretty negative. How you are creates a ripple effect for other people and changes them.
these days, no matter what sort of misfortunate accident happens to me, i just think "at least i'm not greek" and then everything seems easier by comparison
Lmfao! You're really screwed if you're Greek, then.
This is spot on and covers everything perfectly
A war only one feels.
You can also fake confidence, that way others think they can face their problems too just by you faking it. I do that a lot and people are always fooled.
Neither. I think realistically.
That's how I feel too. I'm all dandy and shit with others, but once I'm by myself, something in me turns my thoughts into negative ones.
But then there are times when I confuse my pessimism for realism. Something that I do gotta fix.
I try to think more positively but I feel like I think negatively too often but I guess I think in like a neutral state more.
I tend to be negative. Most of the time to be honest.
Me too, I've improved that around others so I'm not being all down and saying it's the truth because that just makes it much worse.
My belief ^
I'm an extremely positive person and I achieved many of my goals in life came from being that way even this year
I always believe anyone can be the best at any of their passions or achieve amazing things but to be the best or achieve amazing things you must first believe you can then work hard and train the hardest at it everyone wants the same thing earn it
Like for my sport or grades at school my goals are always to top the class and be the best player on any team I join setting high standards for myself doesn't scare me but motivate and excite me to work hard and do my best
Recently I had a massive exam to quality as a gym instructor I set my target to top the class and get an A+ the idea of achieving this really excited me if I set the bar any lower or be negative about my ability I wouldn't bother even studying I'd have no motivation so I studied 3 hours every night for a few weeks I really wanted to prove to myself I could do it I believe I could and I did.
I had dyslexia in school I used to be negative and allow myself to use it as an excuse to not study as I will fail anyway the minute I started being positive believing in myself which motivated me to work hard every exam was an A
I went to boxing this year I set my target even as a newcomer to top the class this motivated greatly again if I set the bar low or be negative I wouldn't have the motivation to even go, I showed up to every training this year and always stayed afterwards for more I was always the last person to leave the club
We recently did a fitness test for the whole class I tripled second places score and I also was awarded most improved boxer
This year in my college I decided to even instill this mentality into kids I was coaching in a big soccer tournament I was asked to manage the school team
I told them before it even started I want to win this tournament, I want you all to win all the awards your are all the best players here but only you can show it to create a positive group mentality belief. Then I went around individually telling them they are the best in there position I want you to win to make them feel important as an individual for the team
In all matches no matter the score 5 nil 6nil etc I'd tell them I want another goal MORE goals
If they missed I never was negative or critical I instilled the idea that missing was merely a delayed goal as they will score their next try and they usually did keep everything positive lets build them up not tear them down
They all played with a smile on their faces after every match I would fanboy over how awesome each of them were and give them a pat on the back or high five to make them feel like their were the best players ever to play football make them believe motivate them I never once criticized them I made sure their mentality was they were the best if they worked the hardest and they can do it not to let negative taughts affect them
In the end they won the tournament as underdogs and all the awards available for individual talent and I won manager of the tournament I'll never forget the smiles as they came up to me thanking me saying I'm the best coach ever and I'd respond only because I had the best players ever I told you from the start you were all the best it was a proud moment for me
My point is I believe we manifest what we think and being negative or even realistic(that really depends on your self esteem how u see yourself)
I honestly think if we ever want to achieve anything we must believe be positive we can it's the only way nothing wrong with having a dream be the hero of your own story let the fire burn inside to achieve don't let pessimism put chains on your potential believe and you will achieve
Accept your faults and make the best of the tools you were given
Failure just means to try harder not that you are not good enough
Do you know what gets me out of bed every morning, Go to college and still show up to boxing training etc? that I still feel I have more to offer and can do even better everyday it inspires me I always aim to be better then yesterday if I feel I couldn't letting negativity rule my life I wouldn't have the motivation to get out of bed tbh
On the point of negative people
I tried to avoid them they are their own worst enemy tbh they believe they will fail at everything before they even try making them fail. They call themselves the worst names which makes their points reality as the sub-conscious takes in what we say about yourself as truth so your basically telling yourself
Person: I am worthless, I hate my life, I hate my family etc
Brain: Ok whatever you want to believe buddy it's now true
Being always negative and critical about yourself turns fiction into fact making you become them words in your life you set the road map for you brain by convincing yourself of these things
It also triggers me when people say they feel worthless and unimportant everyday you have the ability to influence the people, friends in your life who care about you in a positive way maybe help them with something which troubles them to me value and importance is being able to help the people you care for, for me something as simple as bringing my niece to the shop to buy her sweets,a toy shop or maybe even the play ground and then to see her smile be happy makes me feel important worth something that for the people I care for I can make their day no matter how shitty my day is a little brighter to me that makes it priceless that influence means the world to me don't underestimate your importance to the people that love you and at the end of the day that importance or value will be all that ever truly mattered
Being negative also brings every down around you we all have problems remember that the only way to escape and solve them is to try to see the light in the dark believe try to see the positive side a way to beat it don't be consumed
If you don't love yourself How can you expect any one else to?
Your all awesome stop asking yourself why you can't but why you can?
I'll always be a day dreamer trying to achieve great things and to try to be happy and positive no matter my problems keeps me going everyday
sry for the long rant I'm passionate about this issue anyway this is just my opinion
I try to balance positivity and negativity because you need to think both ways especially since the morally negative things to think about are sometimes the logical things to think about, I try to stay positive but I often think negatively. I try to be positive around others since I don't want to make them feel negative if I'm negative, being positive towards others can help change their mood, while being negative alone kind of helps you realize how much being positive can do for you, if that makes sense?
The Greeks I know are awesome but the situation is definitely awful rn I love that song to XD
Mostly positive but I have moments where I think negatively. I tend to mix between an optimist and pessimist. I also look realistically.
Long rants are welcome ^^ It's kinda why I made this topic. ( I was also high as a kite lol )
But yeah I cannot stand negativity. Just get away from me if you're gonna be a wet blanket all the fucking time.
Thank you for making this, it's awesome
XD exactly
Being pessimistic is great. You are either right, or pleasantly surprised.
And more people avoid them, making them dislike themselves even more. Fucking downers amirite?
I am a realist, but my reality is shitty.
Well, I consider myself a realist, but truth to be told, that's just a lie. I'm a pessimist to the core, and it ain't good I know that so well. I really envy people with a cheerful postive mind. I wish I could be like that, but I'm not built like that.
Some see the glass as half full, some see it as half empty. But if you look at it from my standpoint, the glass is twice as tall as it needs to be.
Ohio people are smart, i like that.
Me to.
That's an awfully optimistic attitude to have about pessimism.
Negative is the way to go. If you hold onto enemies from years ago, and learn to use them as the taunters and mockers still trying to nail you to a cross, you'll always have a reason to rise up, conquer and destroy your competition you use in effigy of those who once oppressed you.
y'all broke the thread lol
better call Saul
I'm thinking positive most of times, sometimes I think negative.
I have a weird way of thinking. On a normal day to day basis I think very negatively, but in a "grand scheme of things" perspective I have positive views of humanity, life, etc. Very contradictory, and I'm not actually sure how I hold such a positive world view when the majority of my thoughts are the direct opposite.