I just thought some of the points you brought into your review were idiotic.
I'm gonna admit That you're friggin' right. My points most of the time are fucking stupid.
Like saying that Riley was a plot device.
What was the One thing that the Main Characters focussed on in the Movie? The one Character that had No development, But the 5 Main Characters cared about that person so much? Riley. Riley kept the Plot moving for no Other reason than Unfortuanate events. She's the Car, and The 5 Emotions are driving it. She's a Device.
Well, you'll probably learn it soon.
Maybe. I finished watching Big Hero 6 for the 18th time, and I thought, "Hey, I didn't give Big Hero 6 that big of a chance, But now I love it! Maybe Chuck is right about Inside Out." So maybe very soon I'll change my Opinion of the Movie once I dig deeper. But for now... I just don't Like it.
Well I'm deeply sorry about that.
Don't be. I've learned to push that depression bullshit down deep inside me, and Not release it, and That gives me some awesome Motivations for making art and shit. I'm fine.
You're all for not liking the movie, completely acceptable. I just thought some of the points you brought into your review were idiotic. Lik… moree saying that Riley was a plot device. C'mon.
But it just doesn't make sense
Well, you'll probably learn it soon.
If I wanted to do that, I could have just gone and lived my own Sad life where I'm already depressed.
Well I'm deeply sorry about that.
They focused on her so much because they are HER emotions. That makes sense. I don't know how else to tell you this. They want to help Riley through her struggles, and without sadness and joy there, they can't do anything about it.
I just thought some of the points you brought into your review were idiotic.
I'm gonna admit That you're friggin' right. My points m… moreost of the time are fucking stupid.
Like saying that Riley was a plot device.
What was the One thing that the Main Characters focussed on in the Movie? The one Character that had No development, But the 5 Main Characters cared about that person so much? Riley. Riley kept the Plot moving for no Other reason than Unfortuanate events. She's the Car, and The 5 Emotions are driving it. She's a Device.
Well, you'll probably learn it soon.
Maybe. I finished watching Big Hero 6 for the 18th time, and I thought, "Hey, I didn't give Big Hero 6 that big of a chance, But now I love it! Maybe Chuck is right about Inside Out." So maybe very soon I'll change my Opinion of the Movie once I dig deeper. But for now... I just don't Like it.
Well I'm deeply sorry about that.
Don't be… [view original content]
I understand that part at least. I just finished watching it again... It's not too bad the second time around, But I think it's more or less because you helped me out understanding things.
They focused on her so much because they are HER emotions. That makes sense. I don't know how else to tell you this. They want to help Riley through her struggles, and without sadness and joy there, they can't do anything about it.
I loved Inside Out, saw it with a couple of friends, I loved the short film before it too, the feels overwhelmed me, the movie and short film were pure genius, I can't wait for Inside Out 2 where the Puberty Alarm goes off.
No! I don't want virtual hugs! I want to murder everyone who is working on this God damn Movie, No... It doesn't deserve the title, "Movie", It deserves the title of, "Abomination"
Before I get into the Jurassic World review, I'll give you a brief summary on how I feel about the previous Jurassic Park films.
Jurassic Park: A groundbreaking film with beautiful practical and special effects that still live up to this day. An extremely intense film as well. Grade: A
The Lost World: Jurassic Park: Jeff Goldblum was really good, the story was ok, and I actually liked it once they transitioned to the city setting because I got to see people get shredded by the T-Rex. Not as good as the first, but still serviceable. Grade: B
Jurassic Park III: Special effects that looked pretty bad, dumbass coincidental story full of annoying characters and cliches. Sam Neil was the only thing that helped me get through it. I was completely bored throughout the movie. Grade: D+
Onto Jurassic World.
Jurassic World is the 4th installment of the Jurassic Park franchise, and it stars Chris Pratt, Bryce Dallas Howard, etc. They're pretty much the only people that matter in this movie in my opinion. The movie follows two stories that eventually converge into one. It starts off with two sons on their way to Jurassic World to visit their aunt, while the other follows Chris Pratt, the badass velociraptor trainer. The location, Jurassic Park, has changed drastically ever since the first because now, it is a full fledged theme park where families can go out to see dinosaurs do insane shit. They've even managed to produce a hybrid of a dinosaur that is the coolest/scariest fucking thing I've ever seen! Now, the main reason why a lot of people love the Jurassic Park franchise is because it's just epic on a grand scale. Who the hell wouldn't want to see dinosaurs doing insane shit on the big screen? Does Jurassic World do the franchise justice? I think it does! I actually didn't think I would like this movie because a lot of the sequels to this franchise haven't been very good according to fans/critics alike. I like it when movies change my opinion for the better.
- The Positives:
For starters, Chris Pratt was definitely the one that drives this movie forward. He's charismatic, he's badass, he's intellectual, and just an overall likable character. I was practically rooting for him the whole way through. C'mon, he was able to tame velociraptors for Christ's sake! The idea of taming them may seem far-fetched, and I agree, but the movie was able to provide you with a small explanation that made it seem a bit more credible. Bryce Dallas Howard did pretty well too, but she was very "meh" for the most part. Special effects wise, the movie did look very good. It's nothing like the first movie, but looked good nonetheless. Some scenes looked pretty bad, but I'll get into that later. They did convince me with some of the dinosaur models. (the main ones at least) The Indominus Rex has to be the most terrifying thing I've seen in the Jurassic Park franchise. That, and the Mosasaur. Thank God the Mosasaur is extinct, otherwise we'd be screwed. When shit hits the fan in this movie, it really hits that fan hard. Whenever the Indominus Rex comes into the scene and lurks around for the main characters, my stomach clenches up. I haven't felt this way since that kitchen scene in the first Jurassic Park. Now that's some intense shit! This movie also seemed more violent than the previous films, so watch out for that if you can't handle it.
- The Negatives
One of the various negatives that I have with this film is it's relatively slow start. Things don't really pick up until Chris Pratt comes into the scene; but even after that they have a few more minutes of filler once we finally get to what we've been waiting for. Another was the forced in family side story. This isn't crucial to the plot in anyway, so I'm going to spoil it. Apparently, the two brothers in this movie have family problems. The aunt isn't very close to them, and their parents are apparently getting a divorce. Something that didn't even seem likely from the beginning. I feel like the only reason this was mentioned was so that the audience could actually care about them. They didn't need that honestly. The fact that these two kids could potentially die, and have the aunt feel accountable for their deaths, is enough to have me care for them a little bit. They didn't need this sob story. And yes, there are two scenes where they're actually crying because of that, and it was cringe worthy. I just kept thinking: "I don't care about your problems! Just show me the dinosaurs!" Another negative I have for this movie was that some of the CGI looked obviously fake. As a matter of fact, some of the dinosaur models looked really ugly. It was as if Zack Snyder decided to direct a segment or two in this film. The last negative I have for this movie is the villain. He's a pretty generic, "I'm gonna be an asshole and disagree with whatever the main characters are doing!" He was just nothing in my eyes.
Overall: Does Jurassic World still have the same magic as the first Jurassic Park? No, not really. But Christ Pratt and Bryce Howard deliver solid performances, and the film certainly has some intense and entertaining moments. The visual effects, while looking choppy at times, did impress me for the most part. But the film's various plot points were extremely weak
I loved the first , liked the second ,and disliked the third and I actually never saw any of them in theaters so I got to have that experience this time.
At the beginning I hated Bryce Dallas Howard's character way more than I thought I would but as the movie progressed she grew on me. Speaking of this one being more violent- A WOMAN FINALLY DIED!!! HALLELUJAH! this might sound harsh but since only adult men were killed in the first 3, I've been waiting for a woman and/or child to die, kind of messed up but I'm a Saltlick so I guess it's fine.
Chris Pratt wasn't in it for what, the first 20, maybe 25 minutes? But I didn't hate the start like some other people have and Bryce Dallas Howard did a good job. The family story was probably just a way the filmmakers thought they could connect with the kids but it was unnecessary. The effects were not as good as the first two but they were better than the third so I was okay with that.
Overall, great actors, intense moments and if you love the series, you'll love this.
Because of the action-filled climax and just the nostalgia it gets an A from me for the hell of it.
Jurassic World review
Before I get into the Jurassic World review, I'll give you a brief summary on how I feel about the previous Jur… moreassic Park films.
* Jurassic Park: A groundbreaking film with beautiful practical and special effects that still live up to this day. An extremely intense film as well. Grade: A
* The Lost World: Jurassic Park: Jeff Goldblum was really good, the story was ok, and I actually liked it once they transitioned to the city setting because I got to see people get shredded by the T-Rex. Not as good as the first, but still serviceable. Grade: B
* Jurassic Park III: Special effects that looked pretty bad, dumbass coincidental story full of annoying characters and cliches. Sam Neil was the only thing that helped me get through it. I was completely bored throughout the movie. Grade: D+
Onto Jurassic World.
Jurassic World is the 4th installment of the Jurassic Park franchise, and it stars Chris P… [view original content]
Ohh man. When that one lady died, I thought: "Damn how long is this gonna - Mosasour comes - oh shit!" I was laughing and feeling uncomfortable at the same time.
The family story was just so forced it ain't even funny. I'm starting to question, why didn't the parents go with them to Jurassic World? Did I miss something or what?
I loved the first , liked the second ,and disliked the third and I actually never saw any of them in theaters so I got to have that experien… morece this time.
At the beginning I hated Bryce Dallas Howard's character way more than I thought I would but as the movie progressed she grew on me. Speaking of this one being more violent- A WOMAN FINALLY DIED!!! HALLELUJAH! this might sound harsh but since only adult men were killed in the first 3, I've been waiting for a woman and/or child to die, kind of messed up but I'm a Saltlick so I guess it's fine.
Chris Pratt wasn't in it for what, the first 20, maybe 25 minutes? But I didn't hate the start like some other people have and Bryce Dallas Howard did a good job. The family story was probably just a way the filmmakers thought they could connect with the kids but it was unnecessary. The effects were not as good as the first two but they were better than the third so I was okay with that.
Overa… [view original content]
In my opinion it lacked two element that were important features of the first:
The great characters.
Chris Pratt's character had NO personality at all, and his acting was barely-there. He had one face all the time. Pretty thrilling scenes, like the one, when he hid under the car, where ruined by his blank face. If he isn't afraid, why should I be? Then the lady. Laura Dern/Ellie Sattler was soo great in Jurassic Park, you'd believe in an instant she was a scientist, but she played it so down-to-earth and warmhearted and also a little cheeky. The red-haired lady of World was too stereotypical for me - ice queen who defrosts in the course of the movie. Yawn. And the family story was indeed forced and a waste of time. Also the military dude ... please just go away.
And the great animatronic and CGI - blend of the first one.
The dinos looked too ... clean and sleek sometimes, and a little blurred. I sat there and was aware that those things aren't really there. I didn't think that in the first movie for a second.
Some minor things...
I didn't like the Mosasaur-ex-machina at all. It was ridiculous. I didn't like the fourth-wall (or whatever you call it) humour in the scene between Jake M. Johnson and Lauren Lapkus. I didn't like the movie kiss, you couldn't pick a worse moment for this, really. Outrun a T-Rex on your high-heels? Sure why not. Hunting down the huge ass mutation dinosaur with velociraptors? Didn't know he trained them to be suicidal.
All in all, I missed the sense of wonder. It was okay though, I was not disappointed, as I didn't expect too much once I saw the trailer and heard about the casting. And it was a more enjoyable sequel than Jurassic Park 3.
Jurassic World review
Before I get into the Jurassic World review, I'll give you a brief summary on how I feel about the previous Jur… moreassic Park films.
* Jurassic Park: A groundbreaking film with beautiful practical and special effects that still live up to this day. An extremely intense film as well. Grade: A
* The Lost World: Jurassic Park: Jeff Goldblum was really good, the story was ok, and I actually liked it once they transitioned to the city setting because I got to see people get shredded by the T-Rex. Not as good as the first, but still serviceable. Grade: B
* Jurassic Park III: Special effects that looked pretty bad, dumbass coincidental story full of annoying characters and cliches. Sam Neil was the only thing that helped me get through it. I was completely bored throughout the movie. Grade: D+
Onto Jurassic World.
Jurassic World is the 4th installment of the Jurassic Park franchise, and it stars Chris P… [view original content]
Really? I thought Chris Pratt was awesome. I guess it's cause I'm still thinking about Star Lord, but still, the dudes got a promising career ahead of him. If he plays Indiana Jones, I think he'd be great as him. I agree, Laura Dern was definitely a better heroine than Bryce Dallas Howard. I didn't necessarily have a big problem with Howard though.
I saw the Mosasaur part coming once they got near the water. It came out of nowhere, but I thought it was pretty funny. I remember seeing a review from JeremyJahns where it mentioned that this is pretty much a monster movie like Pacific Rim or Godzilla. I could understand that. You're right, about the part with the velociraptors. I was thinking, why would you send 4 dinky ass dinosaurs against that humongous mofo? They're gonna get shredded.
In my opinion it lacked two element that were important features of the first:
The great characters.
Chris Pratt's character had NO pers… moreonality at all, and his acting was barely-there. He had one face all the time. Pretty thrilling scenes, like the one, when he hid under the car, where ruined by his blank face. If he isn't afraid, why should I be? Then the lady. Laura Dern/Ellie Sattler was soo great in Jurassic Park, you'd believe in an instant she was a scientist, but she played it so down-to-earth and warmhearted and also a little cheeky. The red-haired lady of World was too stereotypical for me - ice queen who defrosts in the course of the movie. Yawn. And the family story was indeed forced and a waste of time. Also the military dude ... please just go away.
And the great animatronic and CGI - blend of the first one.
The dinos looked too ... clean and sleek sometimes, and a little blurred. I sat there and was aware that those thin… [view original content]
I thought Jurassic World was okay at best. The good things were the special effects, action, and performances. But I found the characters and storyline to be incredibly boring and/or illogical.
Jurassic World review
Before I get into the Jurassic World review, I'll give you a brief summary on how I feel about the previous Jur… moreassic Park films.
* Jurassic Park: A groundbreaking film with beautiful practical and special effects that still live up to this day. An extremely intense film as well. Grade: A
* The Lost World: Jurassic Park: Jeff Goldblum was really good, the story was ok, and I actually liked it once they transitioned to the city setting because I got to see people get shredded by the T-Rex. Not as good as the first, but still serviceable. Grade: B
* Jurassic Park III: Special effects that looked pretty bad, dumbass coincidental story full of annoying characters and cliches. Sam Neil was the only thing that helped me get through it. I was completely bored throughout the movie. Grade: D+
Onto Jurassic World.
Jurassic World is the 4th installment of the Jurassic Park franchise, and it stars Chris P… [view original content]
Updated what i have seen list as of july 10th 2015
Inside out A+
Jurassic world A
Sponge out of water A+
Want to see list as of july 10th 2015
Goosebumps the movie
The peanuts movie
I saw the Goosebumps movie trailer and I am... I don't know what I am.
It seems like it's being marketed as a comedy but with Goosebumps sprinkled on top. I mean, it's cool for nostalgia purposes because I get all the references to the books. But shiiit is this really necessary? Jack Black as R.L. Stine? Hell naw bruh. This movie feels like those god awful Scooby Doo live adaptation movies.
I saw the Goosebumps movie trailer and I am... I don't know what I am.
It seems like it's being marketed as a comedy but with Goosebumps … moresprinkled on top. I mean, it's cool for nostalgia purposes because I get all the references to the books. But shiiit is this really necessary? Jack Black as R.L. Stine? Hell naw bruh. This movie feels like those god awful Scooby Doo live adaptation movies.
I'm gonna have to see this one... cries inside
Eh... Inside Out was not too good In my Opinion. It was bland, The plot was predictable, and I got sadder watching Toy Story 3, A movie that… more I hate. I honestly don't like it. I mean, it was okay, But it just doesn't feel like a Pixar Movie. I will say though, The "Lava" short at the Beginning was damn adorable, The most enjoyable Part of the Film Imo.
-Good production design
-Creepy atmosphere
-A few decent performances
-Had the potential to be scary
-Illogica… morel storyline
-Heavy reliance on jumpscares. And about 85% of those jump scares were fake outs. (Like a door opening or someone pulling a prank.)
-One of the characters is one of the most insufferable douchebags ever.
-The other characters are pretty bland and forgettable and their only real purpose is to die.
-Dumbass ending
-Every time it had a good scene, they always fucked it up somehow.
-Like usual, the found footage style is given a lazy explanation and is only there to make the movie seem more edgy than it really is.
Did not like this movie 3/10.
At first, I was interested in Ant-Man because it was supposed to be directed by Edgar Wright. If you don't know who he is, he is the man that directed Scott Pilgrim vs. The World and The Cornetto Trilogy. I love his style of directing because it's incredibly fast paced and energetic. After it turns out he wasn't directing it, I kinda lost interest. Even more so when I found out Paul Rudd was going to be Ant-Man. Enough with that, let's get on with the review.
Ant-Man is the newest Marvel Movie, and it stars Paul Rudd, Michael Douglas, Michael Pena, and Evangeline Lilly. It follows a man named Scott Lang (Paul Rudd), who is imprisoned for 3 years for burglary. He may be a nice guy, but he is nonetheless a criminal. Along the way he also has - surprise surprise - family issues. Looking for a way to redeem himself, Michael Douglas chooses him to become the one and only, Ant-Man! Despite my little quip in the intro, Ant-Man is surprisingly a solid film. Like I've said before, I didn't think it would be all that good because of Paul Rudd. He's type-casted as that dumb comedy film dude. While he may be comical in this movie, I don't see the lame Paul Rudd from before.
The Positives
The film was friggin hilarious. I laughed more here than I did Guardians of the Galaxy, and I really liked that movie. I still think Guardians of the Galaxy is the better movie though. The film perfectly establishes the comedic timing for all these characters. Throughout the movie, they make small little remarks about The Avengers, and there is an incredible scene that makes a full on Avengers: Age of Ultron easter egg that I was just freaking out. Paul Rudd was hilarious, Michael Douglas had some funny moments, but most of all, Michael Pena was absolutely ecstatic. I looked forward to every scene he was in because he's such great comic relief. There are these great flashback scenes that appear in the movie, and I just have to say that the whole theater was laughing when they happened. Seriously, Pena was awesome. Most of the characters in this movie were really well written. I said most, but I'll get to that later. Paul Rudd was surprisingly extremely good as Scott Lang. He's smart, he's funny, and just overall charismatic. I'm actually pretty glad that Paul Rudd is part of the Marvel Movie scene now because it's nice to finally see a fresh new face. It was great to see Michael Douglas back in a good movie because the dude is just a good actor. See a movie called Falling Down, and you'll see how good he really is. Like I said before, Michael Pena was absolutely great in this movie. He's practically my favorite part. Another really great thing this movie does is the way the handled the camera work for the scenes where Scott Lang becomes the minuscule Ant-Man. Those scenes looked extremely well shot, and were actually pretty convincing. Some scenes looked like they were fake, but those scenes were far in between. The action sequences and the training montages with the ants looked incredible because they genuinely looked legit. The movie is in 3D, but I don't know how well the 3D looks like, so you're going to have to consult another opinion about that.
The Negatives
Remember how I said that most of the characters were really cool? Well not all of them as you could tell. The main villain of this movie was really generic. As a matter of fact, I was wondering who the main villain of the movie was gonna be. Then I remembered it was that guy. He didn't seem like a threat at all, until he put on his suit. He wasn't necessarily bad, but he was just lame. I was hoping for a villain along the lines of Ultron or Loki, but they didn't deliver here. He was just extremely forgettable. One small problem I had with the movie was it's pacing. While I did have an extremely fun time with this movie, somewhere in the middle I got really underwhelmed because there weren't a lot of scenes with good build up. Like one of his training montages. They looked good visually, but it felt like it came out of nowhere.
Overall: I honestly think Ant-Man was better than Avengers: Age of Ultron because I just had an insane amount of fun with this movie. The action sequences looked stunning, and the comedic timing was spot on. Literally spot on. Paul Rudd was extremely good as Ant-Man, and I am really looking forward to more of him in the future because he is just so damn likeable! I mean, this is a superhero movie, and all we're looking for is a good time. The final verdict for Ant-Man is...
Ant-Man is amazing, everyone should go see it. Not only is the story and characters itself amazing but it ties into MCU so well with the events of Age of Ultron as a backdrop, tiny hints toward Spider-Man, Falcon cameo which is gonna end up leading to Scott's role in Civil War. Man, it's a great movie. Definitely my favorite one in the universe other than Winter Soldier.
Movies of 2015 i seen so far:
The Avengers: Age Of Ultron (was pretty good)
Jurassic World (LOVE IT)
And the movies i am planning o… moren watching:
The new mission impossible (ill have to watch the previous movies first lol)
Ant-Man (Not that interested but will watch it since is marvel)
Star Wars: The Force Awakens (the classic sci-fi series returns)
Ill update this if i decide to see something or end up watching something.
Movies I saw...
Taken 3 (...)
Run All Night (okay)
Furious 7 (pretty good but it was also a great way to end things BUT they're mak… moreing another...)
Spy (pretty good)
Jurassic World (LOVED IT)
Terminator: Genisys (not as bad as I was expecting so pleasantly surprised)
Movies I WILL see
Mission Impossible: Rogue Nation
007 Spectre
Creed (Part Rocky 7, Part spin-off)
And I might see Star Wars: The Force Awakens.
Well...The third wasn't "Horrible" but the trailer looked good (when will I learn...) and just compared to the first, it's nowhere near it so I was a little disappointed.
Have you seen the first?
Well...The third wasn't "Horrible" but the trailer looked good (when will I learn...) and just compared to the first, it's nowhere near it so I was a little disappointed.
Kevin James and Sandler are in it, and I really dislike Kevin James. I'm probably just going to watch it for the fun video game stuff and maybe Peter Dinklage.
Kevin James and Sandler are in it, and I really dislike Kevin James. I'm probably just going to watch it for the fun video game stuff and maybe Peter Dinklage.
I'm gonna see Mission Impossible Rogue Nation this Friday and in August I'm thinking about The Man from U.N.C.L.E, here's some other stuff I will/might see
12 Rounds 3: Lockdown...Straight to DVD popcorn movie (might get)- WWE Superstar Dean Ambrose plays Shaw, a detective who returns to active duty after the death of his partner. When he uncovers evidence linking his fellow officers to the murder, they frame him for a homicide he didn't commit. Trapped in his own prescient, Shaw will do whatever it takes to expose the dirty cops and clear his name. With twelve rounds in the clip and one shot at redemption, nothing will stand in Shaw's way in this action-packed thriller.
Spectre 007....Theaters (will see) Looks better than rumors made it seem but we'll see.- A cryptic message from Bond's past sends him on a trail to uncover a sinister organization. While M battles political forces to keep the secret service alive, Bond peels back the layers of deceit to reveal the terrible truth behind SPECTRE.
Creed (Part Rocky 7 Part Spinoff)...Theaters (will see)- The former World Heavyweight Champion Rocky Balboa serves as a trainer and mentor to Adonis Creed, the son of his late friend and former rival Apollo Creed.
I Saw the Light....Theater (might see only because I'm a fan of Tom Hiddleston ( @Markd4547 ) and Elizabeth Olsen but the plot isn't that interesting, guess I'll wait for more info...)- The film revolves around country music singer Hank Williams rise to fame and sudden death at the age of 29
Star Wars: The Force Awakens.....Theater (might see... first trailer sucked in my opinion but second was awesome, I'm not as excited as everyone else seems to be for this but the second trailer did get me hyped then)- The Force Awakens is set approximately 30 years after the events of Return of the Jedi and features new leads, Finn, Rey, and Poe Dameron alongside characters returning from the previous Star Wars films.
I'm gonna admit That you're friggin' right. My points most of the time are fucking stupid.
What was the One thing that the Main Characters focussed on in the Movie? The one Character that had No development, But the 5 Main Characters cared about that person so much? Riley. Riley kept the Plot moving for no Other reason than Unfortuanate events. She's the Car, and The 5 Emotions are driving it. She's a Device.
Maybe. I finished watching Big Hero 6 for the 18th time, and I thought, "Hey, I didn't give Big Hero 6 that big of a chance, But now I love it! Maybe Chuck is right about Inside Out." So maybe very soon I'll change my Opinion of the Movie once I dig deeper. But for now... I just don't Like it.
Don't be. I've learned to push that depression bullshit down deep inside me, and Not release it, and That gives me some awesome Motivations for making art and shit. I'm fine.
They focused on her so much because they are HER emotions. That makes sense. I don't know how else to tell you this. They want to help Riley through her struggles, and without sadness and joy there, they can't do anything about it.
I understand that part at least. I just finished watching it again... It's not too bad the second time around, But I think it's more or less because you helped me out understanding things.
I would love to see Pixar make an overtly adult movie.
Okay, I will just be backing away slowly now.
Jurassic World review
Before I get into the Jurassic World review, I'll give you a brief summary on how I feel about the previous Jurassic Park films.
Jurassic Park: A groundbreaking film with beautiful practical and special effects that still live up to this day. An extremely intense film as well. Grade: A
The Lost World: Jurassic Park: Jeff Goldblum was really good, the story was ok, and I actually liked it once they transitioned to the city setting because I got to see people get shredded by the T-Rex.
Not as good as the first, but still serviceable. Grade: B
Jurassic Park III: Special effects that looked pretty bad, dumbass coincidental story full of annoying characters and cliches. Sam Neil was the only thing that helped me get through it. I was completely bored throughout the movie. Grade: D+
Onto Jurassic World.
Jurassic World is the 4th installment of the Jurassic Park franchise, and it stars Chris Pratt, Bryce Dallas Howard, etc. They're pretty much the only people that matter in this movie in my opinion. The movie follows two stories that eventually converge into one. It starts off with two sons on their way to Jurassic World to visit their aunt, while the other follows Chris Pratt, the badass velociraptor trainer. The location, Jurassic Park, has changed drastically ever since the first because now, it is a full fledged theme park where families can go out to see dinosaurs do insane shit. They've even managed to produce a hybrid of a dinosaur that is the coolest/scariest fucking thing I've ever seen! Now, the main reason why a lot of people love the Jurassic Park franchise is because it's just epic on a grand scale. Who the hell wouldn't want to see dinosaurs doing insane shit on the big screen? Does Jurassic World do the franchise justice? I think it does! I actually didn't think I would like this movie because a lot of the sequels to this franchise haven't been very good according to fans/critics alike. I like it when movies change my opinion for the better.
- The Positives:
For starters, Chris Pratt was definitely the one that drives this movie forward. He's charismatic, he's badass, he's intellectual, and just an overall likable character. I was practically rooting for him the whole way through. C'mon, he was able to tame velociraptors for Christ's sake! The idea of taming them may seem far-fetched, and I agree, but the movie was able to provide you with a small explanation that made it seem a bit more credible. Bryce Dallas Howard did pretty well too, but she was very "meh" for the most part. Special effects wise, the movie did look very good. It's nothing like the first movie, but looked good nonetheless. Some scenes looked pretty bad, but I'll get into that later. They did convince me with some of the dinosaur models. (the main ones at least) The Indominus Rex has to be the most terrifying thing I've seen in the Jurassic Park franchise. That, and the Mosasaur. Thank God the Mosasaur is extinct, otherwise we'd be screwed. When shit hits the fan in this movie, it really hits that fan hard. Whenever the Indominus Rex comes into the scene and lurks around for the main characters, my stomach clenches up. I haven't felt this way since that kitchen scene in the first Jurassic Park. Now that's some intense shit! This movie also seemed more violent than the previous films, so watch out for that if you can't handle it.
- The Negatives
One of the various negatives that I have with this film is it's relatively slow start. Things don't really pick up until Chris Pratt comes into the scene; but even after that they have a few more minutes of filler once we finally get to what we've been waiting for. Another was the forced in family side story. This isn't crucial to the plot in anyway, so I'm going to spoil it. Apparently, the two brothers in this movie have family problems. The aunt isn't very close to them, and their parents are apparently getting a divorce. Something that didn't even seem likely from the beginning. I feel like the only reason this was mentioned was so that the audience could actually care about them. They didn't need that honestly. The fact that these two kids could potentially die, and have the aunt feel accountable for their deaths, is enough to have me care for them a little bit. They didn't need this sob story. And yes, there are two scenes where they're actually crying because of that, and it was cringe worthy. I just kept thinking: "I don't care about your problems! Just show me the dinosaurs!" Another negative I have for this movie was that some of the CGI looked obviously fake. As a matter of fact, some of the dinosaur models looked really ugly. It was as if Zack Snyder decided to direct a segment or two in this film. The last negative I have for this movie is the villain. He's a pretty generic, "I'm gonna be an asshole and disagree with whatever the main characters are doing!" He was just nothing in my eyes.
Overall: Does Jurassic World still have the same magic as the first Jurassic Park? No, not really. But Christ Pratt and Bryce Howard deliver solid performances, and the film certainly has some intense and entertaining moments. The visual effects, while looking choppy at times, did impress me for the most part. But the film's various plot points were extremely weak
Grade: B
I loved the first , liked the second ,and disliked the third and I actually never saw any of them in theaters so I got to have that experience this time.
At the beginning I hated Bryce Dallas Howard's character way more than I thought I would but as the movie progressed she grew on me. Speaking of this one being more violent- A WOMAN FINALLY DIED!!! HALLELUJAH! this might sound harsh but since only adult men were killed in the first 3, I've been waiting for a woman and/or child to die, kind of messed up but I'm a Saltlick so I guess it's fine.
Chris Pratt wasn't in it for what, the first 20, maybe 25 minutes? But I didn't hate the start like some other people have and Bryce Dallas Howard did a good job. The family story was probably just a way the filmmakers thought they could connect with the kids but it was unnecessary. The effects were not as good as the first two but they were better than the third so I was okay with that.
Overall, great actors, intense moments and if you love the series, you'll love this.
Because of the action-filled climax and just the nostalgia it gets an A from me for the hell of it.
Ohh man. When that one lady died, I thought: "Damn how long is this gonna - Mosasour comes - oh shit!" I was laughing and feeling uncomfortable at the same time.
The family story was just so forced it ain't even funny. I'm starting to question, why didn't the parents go with them to Jurassic World? Did I miss something or what?
In my opinion it lacked two element that were important features of the first:
The great characters.
Chris Pratt's character had NO personality at all, and his acting was barely-there. He had one face all the time. Pretty thrilling scenes, like the one, when he hid under the car, where ruined by his blank face. If he isn't afraid, why should I be? Then the lady. Laura Dern/Ellie Sattler was soo great in Jurassic Park, you'd believe in an instant she was a scientist, but she played it so down-to-earth and warmhearted and also a little cheeky. The red-haired lady of World was too stereotypical for me - ice queen who defrosts in the course of the movie. Yawn. And the family story was indeed forced and a waste of time. Also the military dude ... please just go away.
And the great animatronic and CGI - blend of the first one.
The dinos looked too ... clean and sleek sometimes, and a little blurred. I sat there and was aware that those things aren't really there. I didn't think that in the first movie for a second.
Some minor things...
I didn't like the Mosasaur-ex-machina at all. It was ridiculous. I didn't like the fourth-wall (or whatever you call it) humour in the scene between Jake M. Johnson and Lauren Lapkus. I didn't like the movie kiss, you couldn't pick a worse moment for this, really. Outrun a T-Rex on your high-heels? Sure why not. Hunting down the huge ass mutation dinosaur with velociraptors? Didn't know he trained them to be suicidal.
All in all, I missed the sense of wonder. It was okay though, I was not disappointed, as I didn't expect too much once I saw the trailer and heard about the casting. And it was a more enjoyable sequel than Jurassic Park 3.
Really? I thought Chris Pratt was awesome. I guess it's cause I'm still thinking about Star Lord, but still, the dudes got a promising career ahead of him. If he plays Indiana Jones, I think he'd be great as him. I agree, Laura Dern was definitely a better heroine than Bryce Dallas Howard. I didn't necessarily have a big problem with Howard though.
I saw the Mosasaur part coming once they got near the water. It came out of nowhere, but I thought it was pretty funny. I remember seeing a review from JeremyJahns where it mentioned that this is pretty much a monster movie like Pacific Rim or Godzilla. I could understand that. You're right, about the part with the velociraptors. I was thinking, why would you send 4 dinky ass dinosaurs against that humongous mofo? They're gonna get shredded.
I thought Jurassic World was okay at best. The good things were the special effects, action, and performances. But I found the characters and storyline to be incredibly boring and/or illogical.
Updated what i have seen list as of july 10th 2015
Inside out A+

Jurassic world A
Sponge out of water A+
Want to see list as of july 10th 2015
Goosebumps the movie
The peanuts movie
Nice! Inside Out for the fucking win!
Wait, Spongebob Out of Water gets an A+? Not judging but it aint perfect lol.
Its just my opinion on it since i liked it that much
Ok then
I saw the Goosebumps movie trailer and I am... I don't know what I am.
It seems like it's being marketed as a comedy but with Goosebumps sprinkled on top. I mean, it's cool for nostalgia purposes because I get all the references to the books. But shiiit is this really necessary? Jack Black as R.L. Stine? Hell naw bruh. This movie feels like those god awful Scooby Doo live adaptation movies.
I'm gonna have to see this one...
cries inside
-Good production design
-Creepy atmosphere
-A few decent performances
-Had the potential to be scary
-Illogical storyline
-Heavy reliance on jumpscares. And about 85% of those jump scares were fake outs. (Like a door opening or someone pulling a prank.)
-One of the characters is one of the most insufferable douchebags ever.
-The other characters are pretty bland and forgettable and their only real purpose is to die.
-Dumbass ending
-Every time it had a good scene, they always fucked it up somehow.
-Like usual, the found footage style is given a lazy explanation and is only there to make the movie seem more edgy than it really is.
Did not like this movie 3/10.
....We totally didn't see the same film.
Nice review. Now I know which movie not to see.
Thank you, but I would hardly call this a review. It's more like an outline for a review.
Still, you delivered your main points.
That's true. This is the closest thing to a review I could write,
Nah man. It's easy to write them. Try to form it like you would an essay. Or maybe read some of Ebert's reviews to get an idea.
Ant-Man movie review
At first, I was interested in Ant-Man because it was supposed to be directed by Edgar Wright. If you don't know who he is, he is the man that directed Scott Pilgrim vs. The World and The Cornetto Trilogy. I love his style of directing because it's incredibly fast paced and energetic. After it turns out he wasn't directing it, I kinda lost interest. Even more so when I found out Paul Rudd was going to be Ant-Man. Enough with that, let's get on with the review.
Ant-Man is the newest Marvel Movie, and it stars Paul Rudd, Michael Douglas, Michael Pena, and Evangeline Lilly. It follows a man named Scott Lang (Paul Rudd), who is imprisoned for 3 years for burglary. He may be a nice guy, but he is nonetheless a criminal. Along the way he also has - surprise surprise - family issues. Looking for a way to redeem himself, Michael Douglas chooses him to become the one and only, Ant-Man! Despite my little quip in the intro, Ant-Man is surprisingly a solid film. Like I've said before, I didn't think it would be all that good because of Paul Rudd. He's type-casted as that dumb comedy film dude. While he may be comical in this movie, I don't see the lame Paul Rudd from before.
The Positives
The film was friggin hilarious. I laughed more here than I did Guardians of the Galaxy, and I really liked that movie. I still think Guardians of the Galaxy is the better movie though. The film perfectly establishes the comedic timing for all these characters. Throughout the movie, they make small little remarks about The Avengers, and there is an incredible scene that makes a full on Avengers: Age of Ultron easter egg that I was just freaking out. Paul Rudd was hilarious, Michael Douglas had some funny moments, but most of all, Michael Pena was absolutely ecstatic. I looked forward to every scene he was in because he's such great comic relief. There are these great flashback scenes that appear in the movie, and I just have to say that the whole theater was laughing when they happened. Seriously, Pena was awesome. Most of the characters in this movie were really well written. I said most, but I'll get to that later. Paul Rudd was surprisingly extremely good as Scott Lang. He's smart, he's funny, and just overall charismatic. I'm actually pretty glad that Paul Rudd is part of the Marvel Movie scene now because it's nice to finally see a fresh new face. It was great to see Michael Douglas back in a good movie because the dude is just a good actor. See a movie called Falling Down, and you'll see how good he really is. Like I said before, Michael Pena was absolutely great in this movie. He's practically my favorite part. Another really great thing this movie does is the way the handled the camera work for the scenes where Scott Lang becomes the minuscule Ant-Man. Those scenes looked extremely well shot, and were actually pretty convincing. Some scenes looked like they were fake, but those scenes were far in between. The action sequences and the training montages with the ants looked incredible because they genuinely looked legit. The movie is in 3D, but I don't know how well the 3D looks like, so you're going to have to consult another opinion about that.
The Negatives
Remember how I said that most of the characters were really cool? Well not all of them as you could tell. The main villain of this movie was really generic. As a matter of fact, I was wondering who the main villain of the movie was gonna be. Then I remembered it was that guy. He didn't seem like a threat at all, until he put on his suit. He wasn't necessarily bad, but he was just lame. I was hoping for a villain along the lines of Ultron or Loki, but they didn't deliver here. He was just extremely forgettable. One small problem I had with the movie was it's pacing. While I did have an extremely fun time with this movie, somewhere in the middle I got really underwhelmed because there weren't a lot of scenes with good build up. Like one of his training montages. They looked good visually, but it felt like it came out of nowhere.
Overall: I honestly think Ant-Man was better than Avengers: Age of Ultron because I just had an insane amount of fun with this movie. The action sequences looked stunning, and the comedic timing was spot on. Literally spot on. Paul Rudd was extremely good as Ant-Man, and I am really looking forward to more of him in the future because he is just so damn likeable! I mean, this is a superhero movie, and all we're looking for is a good time. The final verdict for Ant-Man is...
Grade: A-
-Good performances by the main cast
-Unique and original concept
-Badass score
-Scenes with the entity were genuinely unsettling
-Doesn't rely on cheap jump scares most of the time
-Characters could've been a lot more interesting
-Pacing was awkward at times
-The film doesn't end. It just sort of stops.
Final Verdict
Not as great as the critics are making it out to be, but I'd say it's worth watching at least once.
Ant-Man is amazing, everyone should go see it. Not only is the story and characters itself amazing but it ties into MCU so well with the events of Age of Ultron as a backdrop, tiny hints toward Spider-Man, Falcon cameo which is gonna end up leading to Scott's role in Civil War. Man, it's a great movie. Definitely my favorite one in the universe other than Winter Soldier.
Movies of 2015 i seen so far:
The Avengers: Age Of Ultron (was pretty good)
Jurassic World (LOVE IT)
And the movies i am planning on watching:
The new mission impossible (ill have to watch the previous movies first lol)
Ant-Man (Not that interested but will watch it since is marvel)
Star Wars: The Force Awakens (the classic sci-fi series returns)
Ill update this if i decide to see something or end up watching something.
Movies I saw...
Taken 3 (...)
Run All Night (okay)
Furious 7 (pretty good but it was also a great way to end things BUT they're making another...)
Spy (pretty good)
Jurassic World (LOVED IT)
Terminator: Genisys (not as bad as I was expecting so pleasantly surprised)
Movies I WILL see
Mission Impossible: Rogue Nation
007 Spectre
Creed (Part Rocky 7, Part spin-off)
And I might see Star Wars: The Force Awakens.
Im guessing Taken 3 was horrible :P
Have you seen the first?
Well...The third wasn't "Horrible" but the trailer looked good (when will I learn...) and just compared to the first, it's nowhere near it so I was a little disappointed.
Never heard of the series period.
Have you heard of Liam Neeson?
Damn that's surprising.
Pixels looks like a clusterf$#k, but I'd consider watching it if it was not a Sandler flick.
Kevin James and Sandler are in it, and I really dislike Kevin James. I'm probably just going to watch it for the fun video game stuff and maybe Peter Dinklage.
I might be in the minority here, but I really enjoyed this movie.
If you watch Chris Stuckmann's review of it, it might not be worth watching for even those elements.
Yup I just saw his review. Now I'm having second thoughts lol.
Could be good.
I'm gonna see Mission Impossible Rogue Nation this Friday and in August I'm thinking about The Man from U.N.C.L.E, here's some other stuff I will/might see
12 Rounds 3: Lockdown...Straight to DVD popcorn movie (might get)- WWE Superstar Dean Ambrose plays Shaw, a detective who returns to active duty after the death of his partner. When he uncovers evidence linking his fellow officers to the murder, they frame him for a homicide he didn't commit. Trapped in his own prescient, Shaw will do whatever it takes to expose the dirty cops and clear his name. With twelve rounds in the clip and one shot at redemption, nothing will stand in Shaw's way in this action-packed thriller.
Spectre 007....Theaters (will see) Looks better than rumors made it seem but we'll see.- A cryptic message from Bond's past sends him on a trail to uncover a sinister organization. While M battles political forces to keep the secret service alive, Bond peels back the layers of deceit to reveal the terrible truth behind SPECTRE.
Creed (Part Rocky 7 Part Spinoff)...Theaters (will see)- The former World Heavyweight Champion Rocky Balboa serves as a trainer and mentor to Adonis Creed, the son of his late friend and former rival Apollo Creed.
I Saw the Light....Theater (might see only because I'm a fan of Tom Hiddleston ( @Markd4547 ) and Elizabeth Olsen but the plot isn't that interesting, guess I'll wait for more info...)- The film revolves around country music singer Hank Williams rise to fame and sudden death at the age of 29
Star Wars: The Force Awakens.....Theater (might see... first trailer sucked in my opinion but second was awesome, I'm not as excited as everyone else seems to be for this but the second trailer did get me hyped then)- The Force Awakens is set approximately 30 years after the events of Return of the Jedi and features new leads, Finn, Rey, and Poe Dameron alongside characters returning from the previous Star Wars films.