What are your greatest gaming memories?
Hello all, I recently found some of the old games that I played when I was younger, and it made remember all those great memories I had while playing them. So I ask you, what are your greatest gaming memories?
Mine: Playing Zelda: Ocarina of time for the first time, stepping out into Hyrule field, and realizing that I could explore this wide open space, most games I've played until then were just 2D/3D platformers, so this completely blew me away.
Beating Kingdom Hearts 2: Kingdom Hearts 2's final boss for me, was extremely hard, I probably died over 100 times. When I finally defeated him, the satisfaction I felt was unlike anything else.
Playing Halo 3 multiplayer with my friends: I remember, every weekend, I would gather some of my friends, turn on my xbox 360, and mess around in the Halo 3 multiplayer with them. No game has ever had a multiplayer mode as great as Halo 3.
My favorite gaming memories tend to revolve around people who sadly have passed away. My dad being so excited to take us to Sodus Point in New York, which, other than playing on the rocks at the beach, I remember playing the arcade version of Super Mario Bros., going to Massachusetts with my dad to help him plant trees (since he was a landscaper at the time), and stopping at the arcade to play Donkey Kong Jr. and Super Pac-Man, and showing him the Dreamcast shortly before he died and him being in awe of the whale knocking down the planks of the boardwalk in Sonic Adventure.
And, my most recent fondest memory is playing Kinect Party with my sister, her fiance, and my nephew. My sister's fiance Matt died shortly after that, and it is the last time that I saw him (but it is really nice that my last memory of him was a happy one).
My greatest memory...Playing Cod: Black Ops 2 with my friends. It felt like the first time I actually...had a group. It was a great feeling. We also played GTA 4 multiplayer all the time and just had fun, I remember being the Red Baron in the game, always suicide bombing everyone and miraculously surviving then their goal was to survive and take me down...each game usually turned into that. There was this time my friend drove into a tunnel to escape me and I flew into it and killed them and came out on the other side and then my other friend came with an attack helicopter and I just had a news copter, I still took him down with a damaged news copter.
Finally getting the annual achievement in Halo 3 after a million tries.
Destroying everybody at Grifball.
Playing Cops & Robbers in CoD : World at War
Playing through Borderlands with a friend.
Heists and other GTA hijinks.
Declaring war on the rest of my server in Minecraft and living in the jungle as a mad bomber. I almost got banned, but it was completely worth it,
In Fallout 3, exploring the Nuka Cola a Plant with my dad.
Hey @jennifer i just got sonic adventure on gamecube what a coincidence cant wait to play it i have heard many good things about it
It's a little uneven, but I still like it a lot. The Knuckles stages aren't too much fun, but the Sonic stages are a blast. The Tails stages are pretty fun too. There's camera issues (you'll sometimes die because of the camera angle shifting, especially in the later levels on Eggman's ship), but that's pretty common in 3D platformers of the time (and it didn't happen too often, so it wasn't too bad).
Playing GTA Heists with my boys.
All of Fallout 3 and GTA: San Andreas
Playing MW3 Gun Game at my friends house with the rest of the gang, and being the asshole who demotes them.
My fondest memory is watching my elder brother playing Final Fantasy 7 and watched him finally beat the game.
It was awesome...
It's got to be when I first got Halo 2 I was absolutely in love with the first game I played it a lot with my cousin on split-screen so when I got Halo 2 I couldn't contain my excitement and I immediately called my cousin and got him to play split-screen with me.
The very first time I played a DS. I was four and it belonged to a kid at the after school program... We played Spider-Man while my now boyfriend (then best friend) nagged us about how Dr. Octopus was coming to kill us. Ahhhh, the innocent days. Then, I begged my parents for a DS for the next year. They, instead, got me a GameBoy Micro.
Not my greatest in the jovial sense, but certainly one that sticks with me (probably cause I was a kid, but la).
Learning all the words to the theme song of 'Sonic Heroes'.
Gosh, that was a great day.
Sonic Heroes Theme Song
that one time parents were away on holiday and i decided to check out silent hill 3
ended up marathoning it without sleeping for 2 days or something
Playing Super Smash Bros. 64, Melee, and Brawl with my sister and my cousins. These are gaming memories I will always cherish.
Playing Fallout 3; beating the crap out of the various bosses of the God Of War series; admiring Rapture for the first time, playing Ratchet & Clank when I still was a kid. that's what I can think of right now.