Even the studies you linked to themselves have stated that there may be other factors causing the suicide rates (and some of those articles, such as the Straight Dope article, even mention outside factors such as poor living conditions and drug use, and that pre-op suicide rates are higher than those that were post-op). The article by Dr. Tepp concluded the same thing, as he stated that the depression of post-op transsexual individuals are caused by outside forces such as loss of jobs and rejection by family members, rather than the surgery itself.
Note that the fact that there might be other factors at work in regards to the suicide rates of transsexual people is even noted in the Swedish study itself: “It is therefore important to note that the current study is only informative with respect to transsexuals persons health after sex reassignment; no inferences can be drawn as to the effectiveness of sex reassignment as a treatment for transsexualism. In other words, the results should not be interpreted such as sex reassignment per se increases morbidity and mortality. Things might have been even worse without sex reassignment. As an analogy, similar studies have found increased somatic morbidity, suicide rate, and overall mortality for patients treated for bipolar disorder and schizophrenia. This is important information, but it does not follow that mood stabilizing treatment or antipsychotic treatment is the culprit.”
When you take away negative factors in the environment that cause the suicides, as the National Center for Biotechnology Information study shows, the rates do decrease, suggesting that the environment is what's causing the suicides rather than the surgeries themselves.
As for your other links, Paul McHugh ignores the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders guidelines in his articles by continuing to state that transsexualism is a mental disorder, when it was removed as such from the guidelines in DSM-5. It's actually quite concerning that a psychiatrist would ignore the DSM-5 because they go against his own views (and is similar to the episode of Scrubs where Dick Van Dyke's character continued doing dangerous surgery simply because he didn't want to spend the time to learn the new techniques at his age). Not only does ignoring modern medicine cause one's statements to not be taken as trustworthy, ignoring them in your practice is actually grounds for the revocation of a medical license.
And, The Guardian article is just straight bad science. It was created by looking at all of the studies of transsexuals that were conducted, but found that those studies were flawed. "Its review warns that the results of many gender reassignment studies are unsound because researchers lost track of more than half of the participants. For example, in a five-year study of 727 post-operative transsexuals published last year, 495 people dropped out for unknown reasons." The director of the facility in that article concluded that the results could mean dissatisfaction or suicide due to people dropping out, which is poor research on its own. You can't make a decision based on an assumption that the opposite must be true if you find the research to be lacking.
As for Walt Heyer, he is a sad, and uncommon case that is not representative of transsexuals. He was forced through gender reassignment surgery by his doctors when he shouldn't have had it in the first place. His surgery was done in a time when there was more prejudice (for instance, in an episode of the sitcom Soap that ran from the 1970's to the early 1980's, a character named Jodie was going to be allowed to have sexual reassignment surgery because he was a gay man and felt that he would be better accepted as a woman). Sadly the belief that male to female transsexuals were just gay men in denial was common back then, and in Walt's case, that thought pattern appears to have spread to his doctor as well. Science now has shown this to not be the case, so modern medicine wouldn't allow a case like Walt's to happen in today's world. There are now one year minimum real world tests that transsexuals must complete, by living a year as the gender to which they are transitioning to make sure that reassignment surgery isn't a mistake, and today's doctors would never force a patient to undergo the surgery if they aren't 100% certain they want it.
all of the sources, ALL OF THE SOURCES
http://www.theguardian… more.com/society/2004/jul/30/health.mentalhealth
http://drtepp.com/features/gender-re-assignment-surgery -psychological-issues/
and hey, my point isn't wether or not transexuals are mentally ill, just that the whole matter is way, WAY too complicated for elementary schools to teach kids
negative factors as in what? is the only reliable way to prevent post op suicide to reassure them abouit their choice or to take the subject away from anyone with a different opinion?
the fact that people can stir up this kind of conversation (especially in the science community, even with the whole transophobe/homophobe/xphobe witch hunt that gets people fired for far less) about it is my point: half the shit said about it is arguable at best, the swedish study itself is only a few years old, we're too far from certainity for either argument to start teaching kids about it and frankly, propaganda is right behind the corner for this kind of things and there's more useful stuff to teach kids (like to respect their future chinese overlords).
Even the studies you linked to themselves have stated that there may be other factors causing the suicide rates (and some of those articles,… more such as the Straight Dope article, even mention outside factors such as poor living conditions and drug use, and that pre-op suicide rates are higher than those that were post-op). The article by Dr. Tepp concluded the same thing, as he stated that the depression of post-op transsexual individuals are caused by outside forces such as loss of jobs and rejection by family members, rather than the surgery itself.
Note that the fact that there might be other factors at work in regards to the suicide rates of transsexual people is even noted in the Swedish study itself: “It is therefore important to note that the current study is only informative with respect to transsexuals persons health after sex reassignment; no inferences can be drawn as to the effectiveness of sex reassignment as a treatment for tran… [view original content]
The negative factors in the environment include people losing jobs, having families abandon them, or not having access to good health care simply because they are transsexual.
If you take those factors out of a transsexual person's environment, the National Center for Biotechnology Information study shows that the suicide rates go down dramatically. Which makes sense, since those factors are sadly common among transsexuals, and those types of things lead to depression and suicide in any group, transsexual or not.
Teaching kids about transsexual people will help to alleviate these factors from future transsexual people's lives, as the stigma won't be as severe if less people treat them like outcasts.
negative factors as in what? is the only reliable way to prevent post op suicide to reassure them abouit their choice or to take the subject… more away from anyone with a different opinion?
the fact that people can stir up this kind of conversation (especially in the science community, even with the whole transophobe/homophobe/xphobe witch hunt that gets people fired for far less) about it is my point: half the shit said about it is arguable at best, the swedish study itself is only a few years old, we're too far from certainity for either argument to start teaching kids about it and frankly, propaganda is right behind the corner for this kind of things and there's more useful stuff to teach kids (like to respect their future chinese overlords).
my point is, the United States is like last place in Math/Science because most kids in America are selfish entitled brats. They don't do their homework, they don't try, they end up another dumbass.
Catelyn is King Transgender. Everyone knows he is, he is pretty much the spokesperson for Transgenders. If you don't know who Kim Kardashian's father is, i don't know what to say.
We should fill our children's heads with stupid Liberal indoctrination, instead of teaching them things they could actually use in their Day to Day lives. Like Math, Language, Social Studies, Religion, Politics, Social Welfare, Hell even, learning about Domestic Violence/ Bullying would be a better/ more useful.
So after the Transgenders if get their class, when does it stop. Does that mean Crazy PTSD vets are going to get a class, OBVIOUSLY NOT, because that doesn't apply the the Liberal Indoctrination.
.... and apparently you are a Cat that mated with a wolf, See i can make baseless assumptions too.
It's not baseless since you talk … moreabout Caitlyn even when it has nothing to do with her. They want to teach about all transgenders, not about Caitlyn.
Instead of LEARNING basic Math, we should Learn about Transgenders. MAKES SENSE TO m3.
So you're saying that kids will no longer have basic math because of that? THAT is baseless assumption.
Education isn't stretched thin, it's not prioritized by the family unit like it should be. Kids can learn a hell of a lot more than people give then credit for, they just don't have incentive to do so. Go outside and play, go to your friends house, play video games, and kick a ball, or study, read, and learn. Wonder what a kid is likely to choose? Not to say a kid shouldn't be able to do those things, but you need to find a balance, something many households struggle with. And all of this has no reflection on adding a social topic class to the curriculum.
Teaching children about mental disorders helps alleviate the stigma that people have around them, as in today's society they're labeled as crazy and treated like it's something to hide and be ashamed of. They aren't crazy, and any disorder is treatable with medication and therapy. These people are just regular people like anyone else, so it's good that there's a class teaching people about them. Too many people with mental disorders become homeless and are shunned by friends and family members, either because they don't understand them or because the family members feel like they are a burden.
That's the same reason why schools want to teach kids about transgender people, as it is common for transsexual people to lose their jobs, have their families abandon them, and/or be denied access to good health care simply because they are transgender. It is also common for transgender people to be beaten and/or raped, and the rate of murder of transgender people is still awfully high.
Any school curriculum that causes children to understand more about any stigmatized group of people, causing less people to treat them like outcasts in the future, is a good thing.
Catelyn is King Transgender. Everyone knows he is, he is pretty much the spokesperson for Transgenders. If you don't know who Kim Kardashi… morean's father is, i don't know what to say.
We should fill our children's heads with stupid Liberal indoctrination, instead of teaching them things they could actually use in their Day to Day lives. Like Math, Language, Social Studies, Religion, Politics, Social Welfare, Hell even, learning about Domestic Violence/ Bullying would be a better/ more useful.
So after the Transgenders if get their class, when does it stop. Does that mean Crazy PTSD vets are going to get a class, OBVIOUSLY NOT, because that doesn't apply the the Liberal Indoctrination.
We should fill our children's heads with stupid Liberal indoctrination, instead of teaching them things they could actually use in their Day to Day lives. Like Math, Language, Social Studies, Religion, Politics, Social Welfare, Hell even, learning about Domestic Violence/ Bullying would be a better/ more useful.
You're STILL talking like kids wont have math/languages/etc anymore. It is about time to kids get sex education. This will have NO impact on the other areas. They will still focus on those areas.
And yes George, yes, I know who is Kim's father, I know who is Caitlyn and hER importance to the transgenders. But she's not the only transgender in the world, there are a lot of transgender people out there, and kids eventually will have to learn about that and how to respect them.
And no, respect is not only when you say ''good morning'', respect is when you know how to treat other people equally despite the differences. And I'm sorry if you don't agree with that, but kids will have contact to transgenders eventually, and it's about time for them to learn about it.
Catelyn is King Transgender. Everyone knows he is, he is pretty much the spokesperson for Transgenders. If you don't know who Kim Kardashi… morean's father is, i don't know what to say.
We should fill our children's heads with stupid Liberal indoctrination, instead of teaching them things they could actually use in their Day to Day lives. Like Math, Language, Social Studies, Religion, Politics, Social Welfare, Hell even, learning about Domestic Violence/ Bullying would be a better/ more useful.
So after the Transgenders if get their class, when does it stop. Does that mean Crazy PTSD vets are going to get a class, OBVIOUSLY NOT, because that doesn't apply the the Liberal Indoctrination.
I don't think you need a class to teach common sense, that is the parent's job.
I wouldn't pay for it. They just raised taxes AGAIN in two fucking weeks, now cigarettes in ohio are 6.10. You want my money to go to something that i don't approve of, No. NO NO NO. America is a shell of its former self, good luck getting a job in twenty years.
We should fill our children's heads with stupid Liberal indoctrination, instead of teaching them things they could actually use in their Day… more to Day lives. Like Math, Language, Social Studies, Religion, Politics, Social Welfare, Hell even, learning about Domestic Violence/ Bullying would be a better/ more useful.
You're STILL talking like kids wont have math/languages/etc anymore. It is about time to kids get sex education. This will have NO impact on the other areas. They will still focus on those areas.
And yes George, yes, I know who is Kim's father, I know who is Caitlyn and hER importance to the transgenders. But she's not the only transgender in the world, there are a lot of transgender people out there, and kids eventually will have to learn about that and how to respect them.
And no, respect is not only when you say ''good morning'', respect is when you know how to treat other people equally despite the differences. And I… [view original content]
Seems like that program isn't state funded by asking for donations of some sort.
It is also common for transgender people to be beaten and/or raped, and the rate of murder of transgender people is still awfully high.
It might have something to do with them pretending to be a member of the opposite sex and the fellow finds out, and over reacts . He freaks out he kissed a guy and kills him. It happens all the time, if transgender people would be more transparent with their lifestyle i 'm sure these statistics would go down.
There is a school curriculum for mental disorders, including post traumatic stress syndrome called Breaking the Silence.
Teaching childre… moren about mental disorders helps alleviate the stigma that people have around them, as in today's society they're labeled as crazy and treated like it's something to hide and be ashamed of. They aren't crazy, and any disorder is treatable with medication and therapy. These people are just regular people like anyone else, so it's good that there's a class teaching people about them. Too many people with mental disorders become homeless and are shunned by friends and family members, either because they don't understand them or because the family members feel like they are a burden.
That's the same reason why schools want to teach kids about transgender people, as it is common for transsexual people to lose their jobs, have their families abandon them, and/or be denied access to good health care simply b… [view original content]
Your generalization of the United States school system doesn't work in Virginia, as they have a high standard of education there. Since this curriculum is happening in Virginia, continuing to talk about supposed poor standards as an opposition to this curriculum makes no sense, since Virginia is known for high standards in their school system.
Well why can't they pass the twelfth grade proficiency test without cheating? Children now adays are getting a easier time in school,
My Grading school when i went to school was.
100-95 A
94-90 B
89-85 C
84- F
The Breaking the Silence curriculum can be ordered by individual school districts (so when the school districts order it, school funding does go towards it). It's been used in 43 states, as well as Japan, Australia, and the Virgin Islands.
@CrazyGeorge wrote:
It might have something to do with them pretending to be a member of the opposite sex and the fellow finds out, and over reacts . He freaks out he kissed a guy and kills him. It happens all the time, if transgender people would be more transparent with their lifestyle i 'm sure these statistics would go down.
That defense is used in court cases all the time, and the sad thing is people sometimes win their case because of it. Whether someone is transparent about themselves or not, saying that someone lied to you is not a justification for murder.
Even in the United States, murder of transexual people is often treated differently than murder of the rest of the population. Taking a human life should be considered the same regardless of the human in question.
Murder is murder, and this "trap" defense needs to stop. That kind of reasoning wouldn't work for any other group of people, as someone who claimed that they killed their girlfriend because she was Jewish but led him to believe that she was Christian wouldn't sway a jury to render a not guilty verdict.
In both cases, the guy freaked out, but in the latter you'd expect him to calm himself and leave the situation before he resorted to violence. If you feel you've been lied to, it's on you how you conduct yourself afterwards.
Seems like that program isn't state funded by asking for donations of some sort.
It is also common for transgender people to be beaten… more and/or raped, and the rate of murder of transgender people is still awfully high.
It might have something to do with them pretending to be a member of the opposite sex and the fellow finds out, and over reacts . He freaks out he kissed a guy and kills him. It happens all the time, if transgender people would be more transparent with their lifestyle i 'm sure these statistics would go down.
But if the parent refuses to teach common sense or teaches it the wrong way thus creating a racist, sexist, homophobe, etc...Then we should allow such acts without attempting to educate them?
I don't think you need a class to teach common sense, that is the parent's job.
I wouldn't pay for it. They just raised taxes AGAIN in … moretwo fucking weeks, now cigarettes in ohio are 6.10. You want my money to go to something that i don't approve of, No. NO NO NO. America is a shell of its former self, good luck getting a job in twenty years.
Well why can't they pass the twelfth grade proficiency test without cheating? Children now adays are getting a easier time in school,
My Grading school when i went to school was.
100-95 A
94-90 B
89-85 C
84- F
Threads like this are always fun. People post opinions on both sides, and the threads grow longer and longer and people make more and more points and at the end when it gets locked no one changed their mind about anything.
But if the parent refuses to teach common sense or teaches it the wrong way thus creating a racist, sexist, homophobe, etc...Then we should allow such acts without attempting to educate them?
That defense is used in court cases all the time, and the sad thing is people sometimes win their case because of it. Whether someone is transparent about themselves or not, saying that someone lied to you is not a justification for murder.
I never said it was, however i have watched enough Springer to know what a Faux Pas is . If they were honest about their sexuality/gender from the beginning i doubt these people would react in that manner.
The Breaking the Silence curriculum can be ordered by individual school districts (so when the school districts order it, school funding doe… mores go towards it). It's been used in 43 states, as well as Japan, Australia, and the Virgin Islands.
@CrazyGeorge wrote:
It might have something to do with them pretending to be a member of the opposite sex and the fellow finds out, and over reacts . He freaks out he kissed a guy and kills him. It happens all the time, if transgender people would be more transparent with their lifestyle i 'm sure these statistics would go down.
That defense is used in court cases all the time, and the sad thing is people sometimes win their case because of it. Whether someone is transparent about themselves or not, saying that someone lied to you is not a justification for murder.
Even in the United States, murder of transexual people is often treated differently than murder of the rest of the populat… [view original content]
That defense is used in court cases all the time, and the sad thing is people sometimes win their case because of it. Whether someone is tra… morensparent about themselves or not, saying that someone lied to you is not a justification for murder.
I never said it was, however i have watched enough Springer to know what a Faux Pas is . If they were honest about their sexuality/gender from the beginning i doubt these people would react in that manner.
Threads like this are always fun. People post opinions on both sides, and the threads grow longer and longer and people make more and more points and at the end when it gets locked no one changed their mind about anything.
Jerry Springer is a bad way to learn about transgender people (or anyone, if you only knew about people from the southern United States from the Jerry Springer show, your opinion on them would be really low as well), as everyone on that show is from the bottom of the social barrel. Most transgender people (or any group of people for that matter) are nothing like the people on that show.
Not every person who is transgender is killed because of an angry boyfriend. A lot of times it's just because of who they are. The man who pushed the transgender woman off of the platform on to the subway tracks in New York City didn't even know her. He only did so because of how she looked. That's not her fault in the slightest.
These types of classes will stop that kind of attitude from happening in the future. Children need to learn to be respectful of people, no matter who they are. If people don't like the way someone acts or looks, they need to learn to look the other way and focus on their own life, and not treat those people like they are subhuman.
There are a lot of people that I think look ridiculous (like all of the people on the People of Walmart website), but I'm not going to say that I understand why someone would want to hurt or kill them (because I don't understand why anyone would want to hurt anyone just because of who they are). If you're that much of a twisted person to try to kill someone because of who they are, you're the one with the problem, not them.
That defense is used in court cases all the time, and the sad thing is people sometimes win their case because of it. Whether someone is tra… morensparent about themselves or not, saying that someone lied to you is not a justification for murder.
I never said it was, however i have watched enough Springer to know what a Faux Pas is . If they were honest about their sexuality/gender from the beginning i doubt these people would react in that manner.
I guess this isn't that bad, but lets face it, most transgenders are either extremely insecure or have suffered severe anxiety/ emotional trauma in their lives.. Then they go transform themselves into monstrosities.. its rather embarrassing.. take Bruce for an example...they should be taught to respect them.. but the core details may be a little too much do we really want kids learning about that.. maybe when they are a little older.
That's good, because more things like it are going to keep happening as time goes on, as is the nature with progressive attitudes. Just as there is now more education about black rights.
That's good, because more things like it are going to keep happening as time goes on, as is the nature with progressive attitudes. Just as there is now more education about black rights.
Even the studies you linked to themselves have stated that there may be other factors causing the suicide rates (and some of those articles, such as the Straight Dope article, even mention outside factors such as poor living conditions and drug use, and that pre-op suicide rates are higher than those that were post-op). The article by Dr. Tepp concluded the same thing, as he stated that the depression of post-op transsexual individuals are caused by outside forces such as loss of jobs and rejection by family members, rather than the surgery itself.
Note that the fact that there might be other factors at work in regards to the suicide rates of transsexual people is even noted in the Swedish study itself: “It is therefore important to note that the current study is only informative with respect to transsexuals persons health after sex reassignment; no inferences can be drawn as to the effectiveness of sex reassignment as a treatment for transsexualism. In other words, the results should not be interpreted such as sex reassignment per se increases morbidity and mortality. Things might have been even worse without sex reassignment. As an analogy, similar studies have found increased somatic morbidity, suicide rate, and overall mortality for patients treated for bipolar disorder and schizophrenia. This is important information, but it does not follow that mood stabilizing treatment or antipsychotic treatment is the culprit.”
When you take away negative factors in the environment that cause the suicides, as the National Center for Biotechnology Information study shows, the rates do decrease, suggesting that the environment is what's causing the suicides rather than the surgeries themselves.
As for your other links, Paul McHugh ignores the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders guidelines in his articles by continuing to state that transsexualism is a mental disorder, when it was removed as such from the guidelines in DSM-5. It's actually quite concerning that a psychiatrist would ignore the DSM-5 because they go against his own views (and is similar to the episode of Scrubs where Dick Van Dyke's character continued doing dangerous surgery simply because he didn't want to spend the time to learn the new techniques at his age). Not only does ignoring modern medicine cause one's statements to not be taken as trustworthy, ignoring them in your practice is actually grounds for the revocation of a medical license.
And, The Guardian article is just straight bad science. It was created by looking at all of the studies of transsexuals that were conducted, but found that those studies were flawed. "Its review warns that the results of many gender reassignment studies are unsound because researchers lost track of more than half of the participants. For example, in a five-year study of 727 post-operative transsexuals published last year, 495 people dropped out for unknown reasons." The director of the facility in that article concluded that the results could mean dissatisfaction or suicide due to people dropping out, which is poor research on its own. You can't make a decision based on an assumption that the opposite must be true if you find the research to be lacking.
As for Walt Heyer, he is a sad, and uncommon case that is not representative of transsexuals. He was forced through gender reassignment surgery by his doctors when he shouldn't have had it in the first place. His surgery was done in a time when there was more prejudice (for instance, in an episode of the sitcom Soap that ran from the 1970's to the early 1980's, a character named Jodie was going to be allowed to have sexual reassignment surgery because he was a gay man and felt that he would be better accepted as a woman). Sadly the belief that male to female transsexuals were just gay men in denial was common back then, and in Walt's case, that thought pattern appears to have spread to his doctor as well. Science now has shown this to not be the case, so modern medicine wouldn't allow a case like Walt's to happen in today's world. There are now one year minimum real world tests that transsexuals must complete, by living a year as the gender to which they are transitioning to make sure that reassignment surgery isn't a mistake, and today's doctors would never force a patient to undergo the surgery if they aren't 100% certain they want it.
negative factors as in what? is the only reliable way to prevent post op suicide to reassure them abouit their choice or to take the subject away from anyone with a different opinion?
the fact that people can stir up this kind of conversation (especially in the science community, even with the whole transophobe/homophobe/xphobe witch hunt that gets people fired for far less) about it is my point: half the shit said about it is arguable at best, the swedish study itself is only a few years old, we're too far from certainity for either argument to start teaching kids about it and frankly, propaganda is right behind the corner for this kind of things and there's more useful stuff to teach kids (like to respect their future chinese overlords).
The negative factors in the environment include people losing jobs, having families abandon them, or not having access to good health care simply because they are transsexual.
If you take those factors out of a transsexual person's environment, the National Center for Biotechnology Information study shows that the suicide rates go down dramatically. Which makes sense, since those factors are sadly common among transsexuals, and those types of things lead to depression and suicide in any group, transsexual or not.
Teaching kids about transsexual people will help to alleviate these factors from future transsexual people's lives, as the stigma won't be as severe if less people treat them like outcasts.
So teaching diverse subjects is the problem there? Or just the classes about social issues?
Our education is already stretched enough, you know in America kids don't go to school for the whole summer. They just forget everything they learned.
Catelyn is King Transgender. Everyone knows he is, he is pretty much the spokesperson for Transgenders. If you don't know who Kim Kardashian's father is, i don't know what to say.
We should fill our children's heads with stupid Liberal indoctrination, instead of teaching them things they could actually use in their Day to Day lives. Like Math, Language, Social Studies, Religion, Politics, Social Welfare, Hell even, learning about Domestic Violence/ Bullying would be a better/ more useful.
So after the Transgenders if get their class, when does it stop. Does that mean Crazy PTSD vets are going to get a class, OBVIOUSLY NOT, because that doesn't apply the the Liberal Indoctrination.
Education isn't stretched thin, it's not prioritized by the family unit like it should be. Kids can learn a hell of a lot more than people give then credit for, they just don't have incentive to do so. Go outside and play, go to your friends house, play video games, and kick a ball, or study, read, and learn. Wonder what a kid is likely to choose? Not to say a kid shouldn't be able to do those things, but you need to find a balance, something many households struggle with. And all of this has no reflection on adding a social topic class to the curriculum.
There is a school curriculum for mental disorders, including post traumatic stress syndrome called Breaking the Silence.
Teaching children about mental disorders helps alleviate the stigma that people have around them, as in today's society they're labeled as crazy and treated like it's something to hide and be ashamed of. They aren't crazy, and any disorder is treatable with medication and therapy. These people are just regular people like anyone else, so it's good that there's a class teaching people about them. Too many people with mental disorders become homeless and are shunned by friends and family members, either because they don't understand them or because the family members feel like they are a burden.
That's the same reason why schools want to teach kids about transgender people, as it is common for transsexual people to lose their jobs, have their families abandon them, and/or be denied access to good health care simply because they are transgender. It is also common for transgender people to be beaten and/or raped, and the rate of murder of transgender people is still awfully high.
Any school curriculum that causes children to understand more about any stigmatized group of people, causing less people to treat them like outcasts in the future, is a good thing.
You're STILL talking like kids wont have math/languages/etc anymore. It is about time to kids get sex education. This will have NO impact on the other areas. They will still focus on those areas.
And yes George, yes, I know who is Kim's father, I know who is Caitlyn and hER importance to the transgenders. But she's not the only transgender in the world, there are a lot of transgender people out there, and kids eventually will have to learn about that and how to respect them.
And no, respect is not only when you say ''good morning'', respect is when you know how to treat other people equally despite the differences. And I'm sorry if you don't agree with that, but kids will have contact to transgenders eventually, and it's about time for them to learn about it.
I don't think you need a class to teach common sense, that is the parent's job.
I wouldn't pay for it. They just raised taxes AGAIN in two fucking weeks, now cigarettes in ohio are 6.10. You want my money to go to something that i don't approve of, No. NO NO NO. America is a shell of its former self, good luck getting a job in twenty years.
Well why can't they pass the twelfth grade proficiency test without cheating? Children now adays are getting a easier time in school,
My Grading school when i went to school was.
100-95 A
94-90 B
89-85 C
84- F
Seems like that program isn't state funded by asking for donations of some sort.
It might have something to do with them pretending to be a member of the opposite sex and the fellow finds out, and over reacts . He freaks out he kissed a guy and kills him. It happens all the time, if transgender people would be more transparent with their lifestyle i 'm sure these statistics would go down.
Your generalization of the United States school system doesn't work in Virginia, as they have a high standard of education there. Since this curriculum is happening in Virginia, continuing to talk about supposed poor standards as an opposition to this curriculum makes no sense, since Virginia is known for high standards in their school system.
The Breaking the Silence curriculum can be ordered by individual school districts (so when the school districts order it, school funding does go towards it). It's been used in 43 states, as well as Japan, Australia, and the Virgin Islands.
That defense is used in court cases all the time, and the sad thing is people sometimes win their case because of it. Whether someone is transparent about themselves or not, saying that someone lied to you is not a justification for murder.
Even in the United States, murder of transexual people is often treated differently than murder of the rest of the population. Taking a human life should be considered the same regardless of the human in question.
Murder is murder, and this "trap" defense needs to stop. That kind of reasoning wouldn't work for any other group of people, as someone who claimed that they killed their girlfriend because she was Jewish but led him to believe that she was Christian wouldn't sway a jury to render a not guilty verdict.
In both cases, the guy freaked out, but in the latter you'd expect him to calm himself and leave the situation before he resorted to violence. If you feel you've been lied to, it's on you how you conduct yourself afterwards.
But if the parent refuses to teach common sense or teaches it the wrong way thus creating a racist, sexist, homophobe, etc...Then we should allow such acts without attempting to educate them?
What is that horrible grading system?
Oh, nice job attempting to stereotype the entire younger generation, too bad you're completely wrong.
Threads like this are always fun. People post opinions on both sides, and the threads grow longer and longer and people make more and more points and at the end when it gets locked no one changed their mind about anything.
that's awfully close to saying that the burden/right to educate kids should not be left to their parents.
When we have free education in America, it really shouldn't be forced or obligated to the parents to teach discrimination to their children.
Does it really need to be taught in the first place?
I never said it was, however i have watched enough Springer to know what a Faux Pas is . If they were honest about their sexuality/gender from the beginning i doubt these people would react in that manner.
LOL free...
Nothing is free in this world. You parents pay property taxes every year.
Never mentioned property taxes or property of any kind.
Epitome of victim blaming.
But as you said, they're always fun!
This country will be the laughing stock of the world in a couple of years.
Jerry Springer is a bad way to learn about transgender people (or anyone, if you only knew about people from the southern United States from the Jerry Springer show, your opinion on them would be really low as well), as everyone on that show is from the bottom of the social barrel. Most transgender people (or any group of people for that matter) are nothing like the people on that show.
Not every person who is transgender is killed because of an angry boyfriend. A lot of times it's just because of who they are. The man who pushed the transgender woman off of the platform on to the subway tracks in New York City didn't even know her. He only did so because of how she looked. That's not her fault in the slightest.
These types of classes will stop that kind of attitude from happening in the future. Children need to learn to be respectful of people, no matter who they are. If people don't like the way someone acts or looks, they need to learn to look the other way and focus on their own life, and not treat those people like they are subhuman.
There are a lot of people that I think look ridiculous (like all of the people on the People of Walmart website), but I'm not going to say that I understand why someone would want to hurt or kill them (because I don't understand why anyone would want to hurt anyone just because of who they are). If you're that much of a twisted person to try to kill someone because of who they are, you're the one with the problem, not them.
It already is.
I guess this isn't that bad, but lets face it, most transgenders are either extremely insecure or have suffered severe anxiety/ emotional trauma in their lives.. Then they go transform themselves into monstrosities.. its rather embarrassing.. take Bruce for an example...they should be taught to respect them.. but the core details may be a little too much do we really want kids learning about that.. maybe when they are a little older.
Jeez, educating children about real world issues, hope you feminazis are happy.
Good to have you back, Flog.
Aww you missed all the fun. There was a massive gay marriage flame war and everything!
Hey, welcome back.
You know what? This doesn't even surprise me anymore.
That's good, because more things like it are going to keep happening as time goes on, as is the nature with progressive attitudes. Just as there is now more education about black rights.
i am back
Oh I saw all of it, trust me
just had to sit on the sidelines haha
Cheers man