FLOOR 21 Art

Some promo stuff I'm working on. Normally I ink scenes from my stories.

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  • It's pretty good. You said you're drawing this?

  • I draw scenes from my book. I'm a very visual thinker so sometimes in the middle of writing a manuscript, I need to draw out the scene because otherwise . . . well , otherwise I can't focus on the writing. So a while back I decided to just start releasing the drawings to my fandom and decided I'd share some of it here, too.

    It's pretty good. You said you're drawing this?

  • I write some stories myself and I prefer to think out the situation in my head visually (Mostly because I suck at drawing) and it's a very efficient way to see how your scene can go. You're a pretty talented artist, at least better than myself.

    DAISHI posted: »

    I draw scenes from my book. I'm a very visual thinker so sometimes in the middle of writing a manuscript, I need to draw out the scene becau

  • Thanks, it's not what I do primarily but I got decent at drawing as a coincidence of life :D

    I write some stories myself and I prefer to think out the situation in my head visually (Mostly because I suck at drawing) and it's a very efficient way to see how your scene can go. You're a pretty talented artist, at least better than myself.

  • I should really start trying to draw more to improve, showing others what I see in my head could allow others to enjoy my stories more.

    DAISHI posted: »

    Thanks, it's not what I do primarily but I got decent at drawing as a coincidence of life

  • Alt text

    Another promo piece I did.

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