Well that's about as relevant as the temperature in Madagascar.
That girl in India wouldn't have gotten raped if she wouldn't have worn a short skirt. It's her fault.
You are victim blaming, no two ways about it.
Okay, ready to give my opinion on this after a lot of thought.
I think kids should be taught multiple sides of an issue so that when they're older, they can decide for themselves what to believe, so I think this is a good thing. However, they should be taught to think for themselves and not think something because the majority does.
I've been good thanks! Bit lacking in sleep due to having two 5 month old babies screaming in my ear every morning though!
Ayyyyyy Flog you're back! I missed you man.
Not bad. School's started up again, and its pissing rain every day. Did get a Playstation 1 though, so that's nice/
lol... I'm not going to even bother.
Do you deny that either case is victim blaming?
Okay, ready to give my opinion on this after a lot of thought.
I think kids should be taught multiple sides of an issue so that when they're older, they can decide for themselves what to believe, so I think this is a good thing. However, they should be taught to think for themselves and not think something because the majority does.