Ep 6 Release Date Discussion: Episode available November 17th, Trailer Out Now

OzzyUKOzzyUK Moderator
edited September 2016 in Game Of Thrones

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Release Dates

  • PC/Mac - November 17th
  • Playstation Network (PS4/PS3) - November 17th
  • Xbox Live (Xbox One/Xbox 360) - November 17th
  • iOS - November 17th
  • Amazon App Store - November 17th
  • Google Play Store - November 17th

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  • To discuss story spoilers, please create new threads with censored spoilers in the topic title instead of discussing the story here. This thread is meant to be a spoiler free discussion for people who have not yet played the episode to find out news about when the episode will release. Spoiler free and vague impressions of what you thought about the episode are OK.

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    • If you sign up just to use this thread or any other thread to promote your stream, your posts will be removed.


November 16th

November 11th

November 10th

November 9th

  • Episode 6 activity on the Steam database.

November 2nd

October 21st

October 15th

October 1st

  • Small update on Minecraft: Story Mode World's Largest Let's Play event Blog post: With all that said, it's not ALL about Minecraft behind the scenes here... those eagerly awaiting the season finales for Tales from the Borderlands and Game of Thrones can expect some big news drops hot on the heels of the Minecraft: Story Mode premiere. The next few weeks mark an incredibly busy time for Telltale!

September 27th

September 20th:

September 16th:

September 11th:

July 27th

July 24th

July 23rd

July 22nd

July 21st

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  • Oh man here we go into the pits of hell! I'm not ready after what happened...

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  • I don't think I'll be able to wait for the next one. I haven't felt like this since the ending of Episode 1.

  • Okay, let's start the guessing game. I say September 8th.

  • Oh man, i still remember my reaction! It was nothing compared to now...

    I don't think I'll be able to wait for the next one. I haven't felt like this since the ending of Episode 1.

  • edited July 2015

    Ethan made me cover my mouth in shock. Choosing between Asher and Rodrick and seeing Rodrick fight to the very end made me burst into fucking tears! I'm not ready for Talia's reaction to his death in the next episode.

    I don't think I'll be able to wait for the next one. I haven't felt like this since the ending of Episode 1.

  • edited July 2015

    Yeah It was sad. :( but I want Revenge against The Whitehills and I can't wait for this episode

    Oh man here we go into the pits of hell! I'm not ready after what happened...

  • That's early. S22 maybe?

    Abeille posted: »

    Okay, let's start the guessing game. I say September 8th.

  • Gonna guess 1st of September.

  • My guess is for September 15th

  • I'm going to guess its going to be the most disappointing release date: 28th September.

    How do we kill time for Episode 6? Is it possible to finish all the books before then? Because I'll do it... I'll binge read all the books released so far in hopes that by the time I'm finished Episode 6 has come out.

  • I'll finally start watching the show.

    Harian96 posted: »

    I'm going to guess its going to be the most disappointing release date: 28th September. How do we kill time for Episode 6? Is it possible

  • I'll be even more depressing, October 6th. There's a lot to wrap up, like animating Rodrick/Asher slowly flaying Lard Whitehill and his warty spawn.

  • That's 2 entire months. The last episode usually comes out sooner than the other episodes on TellTale's games.

    brbsmoking posted: »

    That's early. S22 maybe?

  • good because the show is awesome!

    brbsmoking posted: »

    I'll finally start watching the show.

  • I really do hope I get to flay them - both Ludd and his fully healthy non-blind son Gryff - I must avenge the fallen brother I chose to sacrifice at the end.

    I'll be even more depressing, October 6th. There's a lot to wrap up, like animating Rodrick/Asher slowly flaying Lard Whitehill and his warty spawn.

  • that's what everybody keeps telling me :D

    sbk12345 posted: »

    good because the show is awesome!

  • Au18 ~ Se22

    Most likely Se8

  • This finale is certainly going to be an interesting one. Super hyped to see how it all plays out!

  • Yay, new waiting thread! Can I spam gifs again now?

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  • How do you see the determinant playable character playing out in episode 6 and in season 2 if they continue with the Forresters? I feel that with their determinant status they will be lucky to survive the finale but I doubt they will live very long in season 2. Which kind of sucks since one brother sacrificed himself for the other and the surviving brother dying anyway would take away from it.

    This finale is certainly going to be an interesting one. Super hyped to see how it all plays out!

  • Blind SniperBlind Sniper Moderator
    edited July 2015

    It's quite possible that if Telltale does a second Season, then they will just focus on a different house. That being said, I'm still not holding high hopes for any of the determinant characters to make it out of this Season in good shape in my opinion.

    How do you see the determinant playable character playing out in episode 6 and in season 2 if they continue with the Forresters? I feel that

  • Eee yeah, I feel like they'll focus on a different house. It'd definitely be interesting to see a band of new characters. Although, Clem has followed through in the TWD thus far despite having an array of horrific things happen. Although, it's a completely different game and so forth and so I probably shouldn't compare the two!

    It's quite possible that if Telltale does a second Season, then they will just focus on a different house. That being said, I'm still not ho

  • Same here mate. And i'd like them to suffer. Quick death will be too merciful for those pigs.

    strwar3 posted: »

    Yeah It was sad. but I want Revenge against The Whitehills and I can't wait for this episode

  • Alt text be prepared..
    Well, now I have some time to think and cry myself to sleep and ask myself if I did the right thing at the end of episode 5. Probably not.

  • Can't believe that it's already time to wait for the finale. It feels like episode 3 just came out. It went by so fast

  • I don't mind them focusing on a different house next season since it could mean the survival of either Rodrik or Asher. But it will kind of suck to leave behind all the great characters we have bonded with already, and I feel they did set up Malcolm to be a playable character in season 2.

    bexbee94 posted: »

    Eee yeah, I feel like they'll focus on a different house. It'd definitely be interesting to see a band of new characters. Although, Clem has

  • I like the wait! Makes it all the more exciting when it arrives.

  • Yeah I completely get the Malcolm thing. That'd be good to see.

    I don't mind them focusing on a different house next season since it could mean the survival of either Rodrik or Asher. But it will kind of

  • This still applies

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  • Here we go...

  • Brace yourselves episode 6 is coming

  • Thread: Game of Thrones Countdown day 0 hour minus two

    Okay yall it's 7:17 pm in Nashville,Tennessee ready to get this game started,Rumor has it at under two hours my time. Can anyone verify that,thank you...

  • I hope House Forrester story will end in Season One. I just don't want the remaining brother to die...

  • I know that feel bro,so i guess... Yeah I'm with you B-)

  • The time on this board says I posted at 5:19 have I still got a four hour wait our a two hour wait, dazed and confused damn the medical marijuana. Game Mode bitches...

  • What in the blue hell?

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  • Okay let's try this slowly 21 July 2015 The Game of Thrones was set to be released today I'm on a Mac iPad what time will the game be available to play...

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