About the traitor... It made perfect sense
I saw it coming, why? cause on my main playthrough i was basically putting Rodrik's pride ahead of the family's survival. And that's exactly what Duncan said in his defense, and that's not all, Ethan left his mark in the game by starting this process of the "not-sentinel" betraying us, not only gave the traitor reason, but also made him more interesting as a character. I imagine that if Ser Royland was the traitor on my save file, he would say something like "We should have fought, while the whitehills were destroying the house and you chickened in fear"
edit: it makes sense, even if you gave little reason for him to betray you, there is still sense and reason. If u think it was badwriting or you just didn't like it, then it's about opinion.
Yeah, I had a similar playthrough with Rodrick (he is still alive btw) and I punched Duncan in his stupid face before impaling him on my sword. He's lucky that his nephew is north of the wall or he would be dead too.
I agree that it made sense (with the way I played) and I saw it coming as well.
It made sense imo but I get why people are annoyed with the outcome. I do wish it was always the same person as traitor, imagine if your sentinel was the traitor it would've been insane.
The thing is it could have been a good effect, maybe good is the wrong word, regardless of choice its still really pretty stupid either would do it for the reason they give. The mother I've also found kind of daft to suspect too.
But anyway, if it has been a collection of your choices effecting the traitor, Sentinal choice, Gate or hall, Kiss the ring, Submit to Gyrff, wound gyff etc. Then maybe it would make more sense than just coming down to the sentinal thing.
Still for me the maestor makes sense none of the others really do to the point the twist is over the top
then it wouldn't make a lot of sense xD but yeah, it would be shocking.
Nah,it doesn't make sense afterall (I dunno how you,at my playthrough royland betrayed me) there were so many points why he shouldn't be the traitor,he would've killed them all (when he had the chance),he was defending you when gryff got you down,and so many other things that it doesn't make even sense... maester would be totally okay
I see, totally true. But the sentinel choice can resume all of those things in one choice, since players who want to fight (Royland) or use diplomacy (Duncan). U feel me? like, since i chose Roy, and did what he suggested most of time, it made perfect sense, because Duncs had a lot of reasons.
I doubt royland reason was to destroy house forrester if he betrayed you, so that's why he wouldn't have killed anyone and defended Rodrik. Btw, isn't the sentinel the one who defends Rodrik?
My game was like yours I did what Royland wanted every time so when Duncan was saying how violent and stupid Rodrik was it made sense to me. If you did not side with your Sentinel all the time is where the problem I think is. It makes no sense and you have to swallow a lot to believe it.
Yeah,but he would've killed any whitehill if you say so in ep 4,and the biggest nonsense is when you do EVERYTHING he would've wanted to,he will still betray you,like with duncan,you don't hurt anyone and stuff,you take him with you and he still does it so... nope
It makes perfect sense that Duncan would send his nephew to the Wall, and then convince him to desert the Night's Watch - to protect the Forresters mind you - and then after that turns his back on Gared and the Forresters, just because a teenager didn't pick him first for dodgeball?
Give me a break. This Traitor bullshit is literally the worst. Worse than Ramsay Snow. Most dissapointing reveal in Telltale history.
It was a good twist. I chose Royland in the beginning because he had the experience of battle and Ethan needed him more, IMO. But I did play Rodrik pridefully, waiting for him to return to what he once was and stand up to the Whitehills. It was fitting for Duncan to call Rodrik out for his violent behavior in my story and to reinforce his comment and keep playing the Rodrik I had, I punched Duncan and then executed him.
A traitor is a traitor, but what also made the decision easier for me to execute Duncan, was that I promised Talia I would do so. She has had it worst of all the Forrester characters, beside the ones who perished, IMO.
In the end, Rodrik did show a glimmer of his "old" self, but that was because I chose him to stay behind and let Asher live on.
It's his nephew, and Gared had nothing at all to do with any of it. He's the one who really got screwed if Duncan is your traitor.
His uncle, sent him to the watch for killing the men who killed his family. Then, when he was accepting his new place at the Wall, his uncle comes around and pretty much forces him into deserting the Watch, For the good of House Forrester. Then, after Gared does his duty to his uncle and House Forrester by deserting and going North of the Wall in search of the North Grove, his uncle changes his mind and joins up with the men/family who murdered his brother and niece. Great fucking reasoning there Telltale!
Okay nephew, fixed.
I don't care how innocent he is, Rodrik is a Lord. In my opinion when you screw your Lord over like that, no one in your family is safe. I would have every Tuttle murdered. (seriously what pathetic last name is that?)
that's my point, if u choose duncan as sentinel and keep siding with Royland, it really won't make sense, and it's not telltale's fault.
Nope, did u even hear what he said in his defense?
Wow. You would murder yourself for something you know, for a fact, that you had nothing to do with? That's hardcore Prince_Charming.
lmao, I like the way you put that. For me this is Rodrik's story, so I play the game around him. I don't care at all about Gered. That dope is lucky to be alive with his lack of intelligence and skills.
Anyone let the traitor live? It effect the end at all? BTW...anyone get a next time on GoT preview at the end like normal? I did not
Words are wind. He screwed his nephew beyond belief, and that is what i'm pissed about - because it makes no sense.
A lot of characters throw logic to the wind in game of thrones. Too many idealists.
i don't think he sent Gared to the wall to punish him. If u pay attention u'll see that if Gared stayed, he would have to deal with Ludd and/or Ramsay (as Duncan knew) and the watch was a chance for him to survive and/or search for the north grove. And Duncan will only join Ludd if u give him reason to (and will do it to try to save the house). I'm not saying Duncan was right in doing it, i'm just saying it's not black and white, and that he believed he was doing the right thing for the good of the forresters.
I let Duncan live, he warned Rodrick of a planned ambush against Asher. Nothing else is different.
Damn man that's hard...
I don't think it was that big of a shock factor. If it were somebody like Talia, that WOULD be a shocker! Ser Royland was my traitor and with the way he had a hissy fit when he didn't get chosen and the fact that I never did as he said, I wasn't really surprised. I just found them such stupid reasons to go against a house you've been loyal to for most of your life, to then work with your enemies?! So yeah, I killed that son of a bitch.
I am exaggerating a bit. I actually do enjoy the Gared storyline. Rodrick is just what Jaime Lannister is for me in the books/show, my favorite character. Mira is....meh. Agreed, to each their own. It's fun seeing which characters people gravitate towards.
I let him live, so he told me that Asher was going to be ambushed and i went to the coast. I didn't get a preview
The Traitor made literally no sense and was done terribly. They threw away lots of character building for cheap shock value.
Duncan said I was violent so I punched him in the face to teach him not to tell lies.
Jaime is a great character. So, complicated. And i love how he is changing, cannot wait to see where he ends up.
Telltale doesn't usually show previews for the final episode.
Off course it don't, if u don't know why he did it, it won't make sense, what did u expect? lol
but if u really don't care about what he said, don't blame telltale, he had a perfectly acceptable reason to do it, he wouldn't even do it depending on Rodrik and Ethan's choices. And he didn't screw his nephew, u think that if he stayed Ramsay and Ludd wouldn't have done anything to him?
I agree that Gared wasn't sent to punish him. I just don't think the option to have Duncan as the Traitor makes any sense at all. Just my opinion, but i am still pretty salty about it.
The problem with it is just that it doesn't make sense in every playthrough. For example: If Ethan chooses Duncan, but Rodrik follows Royland at everything then why does Royland betray Rodrik? Because his younger brother didn't give him that damned badge and we weren't given a chance to choose the sentinel again with Rodrik? And in this scenario why doesn't Duncan betray Rodrik for being a violent man? Because he has a fancy badge? Too many plotholes.
give him a chance to speak at least before impaling the poor guy
Ooh, thanks. I bet this episode will be big
Next time i guess i'll have to try...
It's not about the badge, it's true that it doesn't make sense in some playthroughs, but many playthroughs also don't make sense, for example: u can reveal Sera's secret when u have an option to lie, the player could be on the same shoes of the traitor.
You clearly don't get it... I mean when you choose royland as sentinel,then you are peaceful,like I said (you do everything duncan likes) but he still calls you a madman who uses only violence which is bullsh*t... got it now?
Well change the word 'badge' to word 'title' if you prefer because that literally is the only thing that affects on who the traitor is.
And I really wouldn't compare telling the truth about Sera to what Duncan/Royland did.