Am I the only one here who loved this episode?
Reviews liked it for the most part but I'm kinda surprised to see how many people here on the forums don't like it. Which is weird for me, despite that I came to terms a while back nobody here can be perfectly happy with anything in this game for some reason since like 70% of the mention of this game on these forums is just unnecessary bitching.
I'd honestly give this episode a 10/10 and might even say it's my favorite Telltale episode to date. Mira and Gared's parts were exciting and setting up for the season finale, Asher's scenes are one of the highlights of this whole season imo, and Rodrik's scenes were also really well done showing how not everything can go your way in Westeros.
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I dont dislike it its more just
Mira scenes were pretty boring and pointless, Cersei could easily pull you in for messing up something else and sera was already trying to avoid you anyway.
It was more that Mira seems to becomes useless in the scene with tyrion, everything is either telling him the truth or a really poor lie/stumbling around an answer. Tyrion knowing why shes there is fine but having mira be such a dud was a bit of a change. The guard being in the room while they discussed strategies about cersei was also strange
Gared was good for me but I get what people are saying about finn and there really only being an action scene, his story doesnt progress.
Asher was good for me on all accounts really.
Rodrik was fine however the initial scenes were infuriating for again his limited responses, there were several dialogues where you should have been able to at least refer to something but all rodrik can do is act meek (kind of weird for him)
Ramsey: You went against my orders!
Rodrik ( But the whitehills did too!, they took all the ironwood)
"but no I I"
Eleana: You caused this, if we wernt your allies
{"...What do you mean, you came here to stop your marrige?}
"Sorries my fault
Some characters also felt a big odd this episode. Many characters were absent completley. There was also maybe meant to be some emotional payoff via Arthur, Pit fighter and Malcolm but they were all very minor to be honest. Talia in the scene with rodrik about he traitor was a bit odd she was so secretive to the point of ludicrous. Ramsey is ramsey however he kills another major lord for no reason? Just to then say do what you want any whoever wins wins?
Add onto that the real issue for me was the traitor, i couldnt be mad or shocked because it made little sense.... in the fact both guys make zero sense, especially for the reason they give and actually apparently being against rodrik despite showing no signs to the contrary before this, the fact it hinges on your sentinel choice doesnt help either as its random to stake everything back when ethan was in charge
I liked the ending and choice, if again the forresters apparently have zero ability to notice several soldiers (who have been sharing their quarters for some time)
I loved this episode. Everything made sense in my playthrough. Shame it turn out that way for everyone.
Loved it too. Even if it ripped my heart out.
I liked the episode as well, it was great. But they could have handled the traitor part better. It should have been based off who you sided with most, not who you picked as sentinel. I also wish Gared had more scenes. But overall, great episode.
I'd probably say it's my least favorite episode, still enjoyable but a lot of stuff just didn't do it for me.
Can't say I LOVED it, but it's still a really well done episode. It's just that the determinant traitor thing is really disappointing, and the fact that Gared's scene's made absolutely no progress. 8.5/10
I thought it was good and it got me excited for the next episode the way my game played was not upsetting at all. The only problem I had was how Ramsay got Arthur. I am just going with Arthur and his men must have rode ahead of Rodriks group to get to Ironrath (I took them to Highpoint) and were ambushed but a little explaining in game would be better.
Well, you know the forums... It seems like the majority always hates the episodes.
But I loved this episode, it may have destroyed me and left me emotionally drained but it was still a great episode!
I loved this episode,and being a great got fan,it's one of the best episodes of all telltale's games
Guess it depends how you view 6s or 7s. I disliked it for a multitude of reasons
Most of the reviews I saw are 8 or 9, and one gave it a 10. I don't see 7 as a bad score either tbh
IGN rated a 6.5 and I've mostly been running into 6s or 7s
One of the best episodes ever, I mean we had the whitewalkers, Mira talking to Tyrion and Cersei, The reunion of the brothers, finding out the traitor, Geeting to the fighting pits and that ending, evne though it's heartbreaking it's just freaking awesome!!
The logic in the episode ruined it for me
They were wights
8.5/10. I really liked it, but I didn't love it, and that's because there were very few scenes with Gared and Mira.
Gamespot gave it a 9.
I loved it, too. And the final scene was just pure Epic with this Music. Maybe i Even teared up a Little. Iron from ice!
It had alot of stupid scenes. But it was still good.
God, the traitor thing is the biggest crybaby shit I've ever seen. What a fucking joke.
Definetly not the only one. I thought it was the best episode yet even better than episode 4 in my opinion which I loved as well. I'd give the episode like a 9.25/10 amazing episode. The series has really started to turn around after a rocky start of the first 3 episodes (in my opinion I didn't like the first 3 episodes very much.) Yes I know I say I like Tales more and while that is still true I have to admit the final scene of this episode was the best ending to an episode telltale has done. (OK maybe best isn't the right word, but you know what I'm saying lol.)
Gameinformer gave it a 6 as well.
Everything was great, expect of the traitor part...
I mean, seriously, mine way Royland- he was loyal, zealous against the Whitehills, he even kills Ludd if you choose to order him in a previous episode! But then, a traitor?! It's completly out of character.
I also understand that for those who choose him and not Duncan as sentinel Duncan is the traitor. It makes even less sense- the guy was the best friend of Lord Gregor, he seemed to be doing everything possible to save house Forrester by telling Gared to desert.
It just seemed like this part was made by someone who knows nothing of the previous episodes. Making the mother (though it would seem a bit too much Catelyn Stark) or the Maester (who was absent -_-) the traitors seemed much more logical.
i don't why people dislike it, if they really cared about the characters, they would be much more involved in it instead of looking for flaws
...just wish it had been longer, I was surprised how fast it was to play the episode
You're the first person in this forum that knows the difference between white walkers and wights
Yeah. As soon as I checked my time on Steam I was surprised to see only 84 Minutes, and I looked at EVERYTHING.
I would give it an 8/10 for the Rodrick and Asher portions of the episode. I felt that Mira and Gared's segments brought the episode down. Their stories just kind of cut off rather than concluding or even ending on a cliffhanger. Kinda dissatisfying.
Other than the traitor part I loved it. Mira's scenes seemed like major setup for next episode, which I'm alright with. Cotter and Sylvi got a ton of development and of course the ending was absolutely fantastic.
well i liked everything except that there are no things to say to ramsay in the beginning and the traitor thing and miras scenes because they were really pointless
Only 84?! Wow I thought it was the same length as Episode 4
I have a very great time with the episode. A lot of the scenes just hit me in the right way. For me it was the best episode of the Game so far.