Use of own skin in-game

why not? As said on the title


  • can't use skins in Telltale games...but model swapping.

  • Because this game focuses on a pre-made character. You can't change the skin, because that would be changing the character Telltale has created specifically for this game. It could also mess up writing, because I'm sure there are lines that comment on SOMETHING to do with how the character looks.

  • edited July 2015

    There's really no creative reason they couldn't allow skins in a game like Minecraft. Just don't put in lines about the character's appearance. Or have the game identify features about your skin and change the dialogue accordingly. The Mass Effect games let you customize your character's appearance, and it worked out fine.

    The reason it probably won't happen will be technical. Based on the trailer, it looks like they've been upgrading the Minecraft assets (particularly the faces), and it's probably not worth the effort to figure out a way for the game to do that on the fly.

    Lewsblake23 posted: »

    Because this game focuses on a pre-made character. You can't change the skin, because that would be changing the character Telltale has crea

  • Whilst I do agree that it would make sense for a Minecraft game to allow custom skins, I guess Telltale had a reason to keep that out. I mean, the game focuses on a male protagonist, so having a female skin would just be strange. It would take a lot of work, and seeing as Telltale don't have a huge budget, I guess that's what held them back.

    mosfet posted: »

    There's really no creative reason they couldn't allow skins in a game like Minecraft. Just don't put in lines about the character's appearan

  • It's really not that complicated. Hire a woman actress, replace dialogue as necessary, and keep the main character's actions as gender neutral as possible. I know that I played a game as far back as 2000 that did this. Telltale has enough money for this. If they don't they can take out a loan. They'll be rolling in money when Minecraft is released.

    Lewsblake23 posted: »

    Whilst I do agree that it would make sense for a Minecraft game to allow custom skins, I guess Telltale had a reason to keep that out. I mea

  • The characters a premade, everything about them is premade.

    mosfet posted: »

    There's really no creative reason they couldn't allow skins in a game like Minecraft. Just don't put in lines about the character's appearan

  • I hope so that would be awesome

  • OzzyUKOzzyUK Moderator

    It was confirmed at Minecon that there would be no custom skins in the game, this is most likely because Telltale wan't to keep all characters in the game original and there are also technical issues as the Telltale game will be using a different engine and models than regular minecraft so it would't be possible to import current skins into Story Mode.

  • ^^^^ This.

    The characters a premade, everything about them is premade.

  • Well in Tales you can change the clothing of your characters so I thought it could be possible but apparently @OzzyUK just crushed that thought

  • edited July 2015

    I thought this was going to be a dirty thread tbh

  • JenniferJennifer Moderator
    edited July 2015

    Having two genders available would be really great, but any scenario like that would likely just be choosing one character over the other (like a female versus male Shephard in the Mass Effect series for instance, and like that series, any customizable features would likely be in-game, which is a lot more labor intensive in terms of development time than you would think, which is contrary to Telltale's design process). Despite the seemingly simple nature of the character models, I don't think actually having user customizable characters as loadable skins would be as simple as it seems. I'm not sure that it would be possible to actually have user side loadable skins in this game, as there are usually several texture maps for each character, determined by the nature of the scene, and they're loaded within the Telltale Tool itself, which would require some significant changes to allow direct directory loading of images.

    There are fan tools out there that allow you to edit the resources in Telltale's games, so if you really wanted to change the main character yourself to a female character you can do it (it helps that the character's name is Jesse, which is gender neutral). Doing so is a lot more complicated than in Minecraft though, and there is a lot of dialog in Telltale's games that you'd have to re-record, not to mention going through the effort of syncing up the speech exactly to match the original, getting the speech in exactly the right format, and then the process of injecting each one back into the data files (you'd have to do the same with the textures too, but that wouldn't be quite as laborious as the speech).

    I was tempted to replace Biff's lines in Back to the Future: The Game with lines spliced together from Thomas Wilson from the films, but abandoned that idea due to the sheer amount of work involved to do so.

    mosfet posted: »

    It's really not that complicated. Hire a woman actress, replace dialogue as necessary, and keep the main character's actions as gender neutr

  • If texture modifications are able in latest Telltale games, then it is possible.

  • I think people are missing the point of this, this is not a story mode to minecraft. XD

  • I tried Texmod, it's not working.

    darkfoxTM posted: »


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