Favorite Game of Thrones Scenes?

Obvious spoilers ahead for all things Game of Thrones.

I decided to make this thread because I wanted to see what everyone's favorite scenes are in Game of Thrones, from the show and/or the game, and why. For me, my all time favorite scene has got to be the season one finale. I mean... Daenerys gets fucking dragons. We're still crying over Ned Stark's death, the various houses of Westeros are all going to war, we just saw Robb Stark get declared King of the North, and f*** Joffrey on the throne, but then boom! Here comes this game changer... and it ends with the classic Game of Thrones music, followed by the credits. Best scene ever, and I don't even really like Daenerys, but I still get goosebumps every time.



  • edited July 2015

    Jaime Lannister is my favorite character (show and books), so obviously a scene with him. I always enjoyed these particular scenes so much because I was up to date on the books.

    Here we have pompous Ned talking on matters he knows nothing about. Oblivious to the fact that Jaime saved Kings Landing by himself.

    Here we have a similar case with Robert. Hearing Jaime say, "burn them all" is just chilling. Especially when you get the full story later.

  • I think Tyrion's speech during his trial, and Jaime's confession to Brienne in the Harrenhall bath's are among the most powerful scenes in the series, as well as my personal favourites.


    (ALL Oberyn scenes are also an honourable mention!)

  • The King in the North scene is soo awesome. It is one of the best crowning scene ever

  • Definitely the White Walker War!!

  • edited July 2015

    The King in the North scene is soo awesome. It is one of the best crowning scene ever

  • Shame he made one stupid decision after another. Stark's are such fools.

    Beautiful. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ff35SjsN7g0

  • It's a shame, because scenes like those don't get as much recognition as some of the others, like 'The King in the North' or when Dany gets the Unsullied, because they don't have any big woohoo moments! Even though when you look down they actually have a ton of meaning to them, a lot of people seem to just glance over it.

    Jaime Lannister is my favorite character (show and books), so obviously a scene with him. I always enjoyed these particular scenes so much b

  • The Red Wedding, in both the show and the game. Such an epic and devastating sequence.

  • edited July 2015

    there are so many in my opinion that i guess i'll have to do it by top 3 for each season:

    season 1 - tyrion's speech at his trial in the vale, robb stark calling his banners and again rising as the king in the north
    tyrion's speech
    call the banners
    king in the north

    season 2 - tyrion's first day in kings landing, tyrion exposing pycelle as a spy, robb stark confronting jamie as a prisoner
    jamie & robb
    tyrion in kings landing
    tyrion exposing pycelle

    season 3 - tywin & tyrion post-blackwater, jaime and brienne's convo in the hot tub, roose trolling jamie when he arrived at harrenhall
    tywin / tyrion
    jaime brienne bath
    roose is loose

    season 4 - oberyn's first day in kings landing, oberyn on the small council, tyrion's trial speech (i have no idea how i forgot this scene the first time i posted!)
    oberyn in kl
    oberyn on small council
    tyrion's epic speech

    season 5 - dinner with the boltons, tyrion advising dany (cheating with this one because it is a 2 parter - when he advises her to spare jorah's life and when they talk about their fathers), janos slynt being executed
    dinner with the boltons
    tyrion / dany part 1
    tyrion / dany part 2
    slynt's execution

    also anything with tywin, tyrion, oberyn, roose, & ramsay (minus the overly dramatic lion king-like mufasa and simba scene between roose and ramsay toward the end of season 4) is amazing and i thought it would be too much to include all of them because i think 3 per season is already pushing it on too much for what this forum is calling for haha (so anything from those seasons involving those 5 are also in my favorites regardless if they are on the list or not)

  • edited July 2015

    Bronn fighting dirty is always entertaining.


  • I loved this scene.

    Bronn fighting dirty is always entertaining. https://youtu.be/NN30YMzja6Y

  • The First ever Varys littlefinger scene I believe.

    Playing the game

  • Any scene with Roose Bolton in them. I really like the Boltons, characterwise.

  • Season 1 final scene and Tyrion's speech during his trial, both of them are so fucking epic.

  • From the show, I absolutely LOVED the opening to Season 4, where Tywin has Ice melted down and forges two swords, cementing his victory over the Starks. I'm such a huge fan of Tywin Lannister as a character and Charles Dance as an actor, and that scene was just chilling. Especially given how the music subtly shifts from the Stark theme to Rains of Castamere. And that scene was followed by the ever awesome show title sequence. Just made me so pumped for the new season.

    As for the game, Rodrik's standing up to Gryff has got to be my favorite moment. It reminded me a lot of the scene from the Last Samurai, one of my favorite movies, where the main character keeps rising similarly after a beatdown.

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