I left Asher. It's really depressing as they are two of my favorite characters. I mainly did it because I want Rodrik to be the one to finally kill Ludd and Gryff, and I didn't want Gryff to have the satisfaction of killing Rodrik after I defied him time and time again (standing back up, not kissing Ludd's ring, beating the shit out of him, etc). Also, I didn't want to leave Elaena alone, and after seeing the romance between her and Rodrik, it also makes me confident that they could continue the Forrester heritage by having another child if something were to happen to House Forrester.
R.I.P Asher, you were a great man. I'll never forget the Asher grin.
I have to admit that it was a REALLY hard choice. I came to love both of those characters as if they were real people and having to choose one killed me. I loved Roderick. But I couldn't risk the pit fighters. There were no guarantees they'd follow Roderick, whereas Asher had already won their respect. And Roderick was wounded, badly so. He couldn't fight; not as well as Asher could.
Roderick was a more experienced Lord, and was great at it. But he was too weak for what's coming. Asher can be hot tempered, sure. I didn't like him at first. But he's more than proven he has what it takes to be a fantastic Lord, and I'm sure he'll do Roderick and Ethan justice.
I left Rodrik because Asher would be able to command his fighters and I'm sure Rodrik would like Asher to see him carry on and fight. Rodrik is too weak to fight.
You're not the only one. I saved Asher too, and after I finished the episode, I had to take a couple of minutes to just cry. It felt like a real human being had just died. I could not BELIEVE the game was making me choose between them; I had to pause it while I considered the decision.
Telltale, why do you DO this to me??
This choice was total bullshit but at the same time masterful. It was the first time I ever cried to a Telltale Game. I couldn't fight it, I… more was horrified I had to choose between Asher and Rodrick. I went with Asher because he needs to be there to lead the pit fighters and to save his house. But losing Rodrick is just...Horrible. I couldn't fight tears welling in my eyes as I watched Rodrick fight with every last bit of his breath as it took a whole troop of men to take him down. All those men against one, damn cowards. Please tell me I'm not the only one that cried to this choice. I fully agree with a previous poster that this is single-handedly the most heartfelt and depressing choice ever presented in a Telltale Game across all series.
In my case and my playthrough, RIP Rodrick. You will not be forgotten.
Hard to choose. I chose for Rodrick to live and Asher to die, but I plan on doing both ways eventually. Still, it was a very hard choice. It was mainly pros and a lot of cons.
If Rodrick lives:
Elaena Glenmore may or may not have a child and Rodrick should have an epilogue where he's a father.
After all the crap he's been through, he deserves to defeat the Whitehills, get revenge on Griff, and make his father proud.
Lady Forrester and Talia will not have to see another close family that nearly died, leave their lives again.
If Rodrick dies:
Sadness for everything you've built at Ironrath.
If Asher lives:
He can keep control of the pit fighters and they will be willing to fight in a losing situation.
He was injured in the leg, but he has more fighting ability than Rodrick which could turn the battle at a crucial moment. This is Game of Thrones after all.
Even if Asher succeeds, he's more of a violent leader, which is why the traitor betrays in the first place.
You open potential peaceful relations for those of the Whitehills left. Gwyn Whitehill for example. No guarantee that a romance can be made again, but its worth seeing.
If Asher dies:
Sadness for Beska.
The Forrester family won't be as sad because he had been removed from their lives for a long time anyway.
Depending on what's happened previously it could go either way. Plus if the House loses in a bad ending, then this should be a key decision. Although there is always the possibility of a good ending.
And that's my thoughts. Also I tried being honest with Tyrion, since I think Cersei will kill Mira either way, but that's just me.
I actually had to stop playing for a little because I was so upset I love them both. But I saved Asher 1) because he's my fav and my bae and 2) the way I've played the game so far it made more sense to keep Asher. But when I start a new game after ep6 I'll save rodrick. Hardest chose ever though I'm whrecked over it.
I panicked when the screen got red and made Asher stay even though I didn't mean to since I fkin love Asher. So I rewinded and made Rodrik stay behind. x_x
I Decided to save Rodrik, the Choice wasn't that hard to me in the end, but Still Hate the game to make me do it, all member of the family are so lovable.
Asher deserved to live after his long exile but when choosing I couldn't make Elaena a Widow when she and Rodrick have so much to live for.
After all even though rodrik survived the red wedding ı left him behind but they didnt kill him properly ı hope he will make through with this. Anyway ı ı needed those pit fighters ı didnt think rodrick would get well either fighters or beskha.Also rodrik was the firstborn.So he always protects his siblings even though he had had sex with eleana ((((
It was a very difficult choice, it took me 5 minutes of pausing to think. But a few things influenced my decision, first of all I have a younger brother myself who's close to my age, we're very different like Asher and Rodrik. But still, It reminded me that it's the elder brother's duty to do all he can to look out for his younger brother no matter what. Not to mention, the way Rodrick suggested it almost seemed like he knew it was his duty. I've played the episode twice, one where Rodrik stays, the other where Asher stays and it just feels a whole lot more right and emotional when it's Rodrick who stays behind. I imagine that anyone with a younger brother who they are close with in person would've have had Rodrik stayed behind. Asher's been on a journey and Malcolm even said to him: "You are your father's son"- I think this is confirmation that despite everything Asher's now ready to lead and become Lord of Ironrath.
It was a very hard choice. And by the way I pretty much did the exact opposite of all you said. Like tried to stab Ramsay, didn't kill bloodsong ect. But for this one I decided rodrik should stay behind. I showed mercy to gryff and didn't hurt him that bad and that hasn't really come into play. As I only saw rodriks vision blurring and not his actual death. I'm hoping because I showed gryff mercy he will also show rodrik mercy. And without Asher to lead the pit fighters they might act up.
I left Asher because I bloody love Rodrik.
But I'm thinking about going back and having a redo because I don't think there's any way Rodrik would leave Asher and I think Asher should be around to lead his pit fighters. But I don't know if I can let Rodrik die. And I can't effing stand to have Rodrik killed off by Griff of all people.
By the Gods I haven't commented in these forums for quite some time but I shall say here that I left Rodrik and I didn't even know why at first since it seemed rather random.I'm going to chalk it up as older brother instincts kicking in for me but I still stick by my decision anyway.
I have another save I copied over with Asher sacrificing his life if I feel like changing my mind anyway.
It was a tough call. Leave Asher and Beskha and the pit fighters may not have followed Rodrik into battle. Leave Rodrik and you may lose the alliance with the Glenmores. Both Rodrik and Asher were injured although Rodrik was on the mend and now Asher got an arrow to the meniscus so this was sort of moot. Overall, I think Asher has a better chance of winning by both fighting and use of diplomacy and charm, something Rodrik didn't have and Duncan pointed out. I spared Duncan so it will be interesting to see what Asher has the chance to do with/to him. He did release Gryff which ended up costing one Forrester Lord his life despite his belief it would end up saving House Forrester. With Asher and his pit fighters (didn't seem like there were that many to begin with and a fair amount took arrows in the ambush) we'll see what he can do. I suspect Mira will get some help somehow even if even just thwarting Andros from getting an army to help Whitehill. Ultimately, I just want to see Lord Whitehill and Gryff with their heads on a pike!
Had to go with asher, it'll be sad seeing elaena heartbroken but in my opinion it's slightly better than seeing beska lose her best friend and the merc's being leaderless.
What if they didn't die? Asher/Rodrik was alive when the screen went black. Although I strongly believe they are dead, they would need superpowers to survive getting stabbed multiple times and being shot by arrows
What if they didn't die? Asher/Rodrik was alive when the screen went black. Although I strongly believe they are dead, they would need superpowers to survive getting stabbed multiple times and being shot by arrows
I thought about this pretty deeply after making my choice and I think Asher is the right choice from most perspectives.
From the perspective of the two brothers as it is happening and their overall story arcs, I think Rodrick would be fastest to sacrifice himself in that situation. Like many have said, Rodrik is the older brother here, and there's an instinct to protect his sibling. Especially since he could not protect Ethan or Ryon. I think him throwing his cane into the fire is a final statement that he's reached the end of his rope. He's tired of feeling helpless and broken. He's not about to let any more Forresters die under his protection. Asher, on the other hand, has more to live for. He's young, healthy and returning home. Not to say that he wouldn't sacrifice himself, but I think Rodrik is more ready to die and would have no hesitation at all. Plus, Asher dying in this way is so anti-climactic. It pretty much would make his role in the story entirely pointless.
In terms of what's best for House Forrester, Asher is still the clear choice. Rodrik fought with the Young Wolf against House Lannister, but only for a short time. Compared to Asher's experience in Essos, he's as green as grass as a warrior. Asher is a hardened killer who is not above playing dirty and has thrived on the battlefield, even when the odds are against him. I mean, did you SEE what he did in Mereen? He'll do what he has to in order to survive, and that's what House Forrester needs. Not just with the Whitehills, but with the state of Westeros in general. It's in absolute chaos right now and their leader needs to be someone who is feared as much as he is loved.
The same attitude that earned Asher the allegiance of the pit fighters will not only help House Forrester smash the Whitehills to bits or bring them to heel, it will make Roose Bolton think twice about unleashing his hound on them with Stannis Baratheon knocking on his door. Sure, Twenty Goodmen has ninja powers, but Asher is going to be less vulnerable (or polite) than his siblings. Like he told the beast, he’s not one to be fucked with. Further he’s unmarried, charming and good looking. He’ll have an easier time securing alliances than Rodrik through diplomacy or potential marriage. Plus, he’s on personal good terms with Dany (unless you blew it earlier) and we as players know how important that is.
But more important than any of that, you’ll get to play a sweet comeback song as Asher kicks ass and takes names in the next episode.
Replaying episode 1 again, I am reminded by this quote from Lady Forrester to Ethan.
Asher doesn't hesitate, he acts. You were in danger and there was nothing else that Asher needed to know.
This just made me feel more sure about making Asher stay felt more conclusive for me. His elder brother was in danger and there was nothing else that Asher needed to know.
I left Rodrik because Asher is the one who has the respect from the Pit figthers, these army would never have listened to Rodrik, who also was not in a good phisical condition, in contrast to Asher. In addition, Rodrik was my favorite character, but I decided to make the smart desition, against my feelings, he did not have any back up, but Asher did have an army.
They killed the sh*t out of Rodrick on my playthrough. He was FULL of arrows, one comming out of his neck etc. This isn't a John Snow cliffhanger, Rodrick is done (and I still hate myself for having made the decision)
What if they didn't die? Asher/Rodrik was alive when the screen went black. Although I strongly believe they are dead, they would need superpowers to survive getting stabbed multiple times and being shot by arrows
Yeah, about those sellswords, many seem to be forgetting that they were pretty much forced to watch their friends be butchered by the Whitehills. Considering that when The Beast raised the gate a little one or two of the sellswords didnt even hesitate to crawl under the gate to help the people trapped inside shows how commited they are to each other, they died the instant they crawled under but that only reinforces their bond. Im pretty certain they have every motive to join the remaining Forrestors in vengeance.
So all this talk of "With Asher gone the sellswords will run off" is absurd. At most it would be 'The sellswords are less likely to follow Rodricks orders when they attack the Whitehills, which could jeopardise the attack strategy"
I mean yeah sure they technically joined with Asher as a result of him killing one of theirs (potentially), but that was in fair combat
I left Asher behind. While I did want him to reunite with all the Forresters, Rodrick's journey was just way too hard-fought for it to end there. He climbs off a corpse cart, half-dead and then his adventure begins full of hardships and risks. I chose to follow Duncan's advice so I was pushed around, being forced to submit all the time for the good of the house. Seeing him finally recover after killing Royland, I just want him to have his vengeance against the Whitehills more than anything.
His army of a total of 6 pit fighters? 7 if you didn't kill that dude in the pit? This really irks me for some reason, I don't understand why there's so few of them.
I have thought exactly like you, my favorite character was rodrick, but i don't think he would ler his little brother sacrifice himself for him, and i don't know how rodrick would control the pit fighters or beskha.
I knew right away who to choose, but it took me forever to actually go through with since I really friggin' liked Rodrik and thought he was a great guy.
But in the end it just felt like something he would do (sacrifice himself for his bro) and it did feel like a good ending to his story.
In my opinion if almost felt canon since I feel like it did make more sense for him to stay behind then Asher.
So yeah, I basically just sat there and stared at the screen and then bawled my eyes out as I had to watch Rodrik die.
It's tough for me and I'm certainly going to try both paths, but I'll be having Rodrik survive first. Thematically, I think it makes more sense for Asher to survive. He's the prodigal son and it just feels wrong having his journey end there. There's only one reason why I had Asher stay behind, and it's because I didn't want to give the Whitehills the satisfaction of killing Rodrik after everything that has happened. I really, really hope the survivor of episode 5 wreaks havoc on the Whitehills in the final episode because it'll be way more satisfying to me to carry it out as Rodrik.
Asher survived for me,i thought House Forrester needs a fresh warrior and not a cripple,but i am really tempted to save rodrik to make him Kill gryff and ludd
I left Asher even though I love both of them I felt Rodrik was more responsible and would serve as a better lord and part of me genuinely hoped Asher's fighting ability would preserve his life against all of those guards. Oh and I really love Rodriks romance will Elana Glenmlre and want to see their wedding.
I left Asher. It's really depressing as they are two of my favorite characters. I mainly did it because I want Rodrik to be the one to finally kill Ludd and Gryff, and I didn't want Gryff to have the satisfaction of killing Rodrik after I defied him time and time again (standing back up, not kissing Ludd's ring, beating the shit out of him, etc). Also, I didn't want to leave Elaena alone, and after seeing the romance between her and Rodrik, it also makes me confident that they could continue the Forrester heritage by having another child if something were to happen to House Forrester.
R.I.P Asher, you were a great man. I'll never forget the Asher grin.
I have to admit that it was a REALLY hard choice. I came to love both of those characters as if they were real people and having to choose one killed me. I loved Roderick. But I couldn't risk the pit fighters. There were no guarantees they'd follow Roderick, whereas Asher had already won their respect. And Roderick was wounded, badly so. He couldn't fight; not as well as Asher could.
Roderick was a more experienced Lord, and was great at it. But he was too weak for what's coming. Asher can be hot tempered, sure. I didn't like him at first. But he's more than proven he has what it takes to be a fantastic Lord, and I'm sure he'll do Roderick and Ethan justice.
I left Rodrik because Asher would be able to command his fighters and I'm sure Rodrik would like Asher to see him carry on and fight. Rodrik is too weak to fight.
You're not the only one. I saved Asher too, and after I finished the episode, I had to take a couple of minutes to just cry. It felt like a real human being had just died. I could not BELIEVE the game was making me choose between them; I had to pause it while I considered the decision.
Telltale, why do you DO this to me??
I saved Rodrik also because the marriage to Elaena Glenmore.
Hard to choose. I chose for Rodrick to live and Asher to die, but I plan on doing both ways eventually. Still, it was a very hard choice. It was mainly pros and a lot of cons.
If Rodrick lives:
Elaena Glenmore may or may not have a child and Rodrick should have an epilogue where he's a father.
After all the crap he's been through, he deserves to defeat the Whitehills, get revenge on Griff, and make his father proud.
Lady Forrester and Talia will not have to see another close family that nearly died, leave their lives again.
If Rodrick dies:
Sadness for everything you've built at Ironrath.
If Asher lives:
He can keep control of the pit fighters and they will be willing to fight in a losing situation.
He was injured in the leg, but he has more fighting ability than Rodrick which could turn the battle at a crucial moment. This is Game of Thrones after all.
Even if Asher succeeds, he's more of a violent leader, which is why the traitor betrays in the first place.
You open potential peaceful relations for those of the Whitehills left. Gwyn Whitehill for example. No guarantee that a romance can be made again, but its worth seeing.
If Asher dies:
Sadness for Beska.
The Forrester family won't be as sad because he had been removed from their lives for a long time anyway.
Depending on what's happened previously it could go either way. Plus if the House loses in a bad ending, then this should be a key decision. Although there is always the possibility of a good ending.
And that's my thoughts. Also I tried being honest with Tyrion, since I think Cersei will kill Mira either way, but that's just me.
"Game: "Who Stays Behind?"
I actually had to stop playing for a little because I was so upset
I love them both. But I saved Asher 1) because he's my fav and my bae and 2) the way I've played the game so far it made more sense to keep Asher. But when I start a new game after ep6 I'll save rodrick. Hardest chose ever though
I'm whrecked over it.
Because it isn't a spoiler
Rodrik xD
Me 2 xD
I decided to leave Rodrik behind.
I like Rodrik more than Asher, but Rodrik stayed behind for :
1- Older brother should protect the young, and he did go there to protect Asher.
2- I think with Asher is back, we can have an insider in Whithills walls, if Gwyn is still in love with Asher. Asher can use her to get intel :P
I panicked when the screen got red and made Asher stay even though I didn't mean to since I fkin love Asher. So I rewinded and made Rodrik stay behind. x_x
I Decided to save Rodrik, the Choice wasn't that hard to me in the end, but Still Hate the game to make me do it, all member of the family are so lovable.
Asher deserved to live after his long exile but when choosing I couldn't make Elaena a Widow when she and Rodrick have so much to live for.
After all even though rodrik survived the red wedding ı left him behind but they didnt kill him properly ı hope he will make through with this. Anyway ı ı needed those pit fighters ı didnt think rodrick would get well either fighters or beskha.Also rodrik was the firstborn.So he always protects his siblings even though he had had sex with eleana
It was a very difficult choice, it took me 5 minutes of pausing to think. But a few things influenced my decision, first of all I have a younger brother myself who's close to my age, we're very different like Asher and Rodrik. But still, It reminded me that it's the elder brother's duty to do all he can to look out for his younger brother no matter what. Not to mention, the way Rodrick suggested it almost seemed like he knew it was his duty. I've played the episode twice, one where Rodrik stays, the other where Asher stays and it just feels a whole lot more right and emotional when it's Rodrick who stays behind. I imagine that anyone with a younger brother who they are close with in person would've have had Rodrik stayed behind. Asher's been on a journey and Malcolm even said to him: "You are your father's son"- I think this is confirmation that despite everything Asher's now ready to lead and become Lord of Ironrath.
It was a very hard choice. And by the way I pretty much did the exact opposite of all you said. Like tried to stab Ramsay, didn't kill bloodsong ect. But for this one I decided rodrik should stay behind. I showed mercy to gryff and didn't hurt him that bad and that hasn't really come into play. As I only saw rodriks vision blurring and not his actual death. I'm hoping because I showed gryff mercy he will also show rodrik mercy. And without Asher to lead the pit fighters they might act up.
I left Asher because I bloody love Rodrik.
But I'm thinking about going back and having a redo because I don't think there's any way Rodrik would leave Asher and I think Asher should be around to lead his pit fighters. But I don't know if I can let Rodrik die. And I can't effing stand to have Rodrik killed off by Griff of all people.
By the Gods I haven't commented in these forums for quite some time but I shall say here that I left Rodrik and I didn't even know why at first since it seemed rather random.I'm going to chalk it up as older brother instincts kicking in for me but I still stick by my decision anyway.
I have another save I copied over with Asher sacrificing his life if I feel like changing my mind anyway.
It was a tough call. Leave Asher and Beskha and the pit fighters may not have followed Rodrik into battle. Leave Rodrik and you may lose the alliance with the Glenmores. Both Rodrik and Asher were injured although Rodrik was on the mend and now Asher got an arrow to the meniscus so this was sort of moot. Overall, I think Asher has a better chance of winning by both fighting and use of diplomacy and charm, something Rodrik didn't have and Duncan pointed out. I spared Duncan so it will be interesting to see what Asher has the chance to do with/to him. He did release Gryff which ended up costing one Forrester Lord his life despite his belief it would end up saving House Forrester. With Asher and his pit fighters (didn't seem like there were that many to begin with and a fair amount took arrows in the ambush) we'll see what he can do. I suspect Mira will get some help somehow even if even just thwarting Andros from getting an army to help Whitehill. Ultimately, I just want to see Lord Whitehill and Gryff with their heads on a pike!
Had to go with asher, it'll be sad seeing elaena heartbroken but in my opinion it's slightly better than seeing beska lose her best friend and the merc's being leaderless.
What if they didn't die? Asher/Rodrik was alive when the screen went black. Although I strongly believe they are dead, they would need superpowers to survive getting stabbed multiple times and being shot by arrows
They're gonna get lucky,real lucky.
I thought about this pretty deeply after making my choice and I think Asher is the right choice from most perspectives.
From the perspective of the two brothers as it is happening and their overall story arcs, I think Rodrick would be fastest to sacrifice himself in that situation. Like many have said, Rodrik is the older brother here, and there's an instinct to protect his sibling. Especially since he could not protect Ethan or Ryon. I think him throwing his cane into the fire is a final statement that he's reached the end of his rope. He's tired of feeling helpless and broken. He's not about to let any more Forresters die under his protection. Asher, on the other hand, has more to live for. He's young, healthy and returning home. Not to say that he wouldn't sacrifice himself, but I think Rodrik is more ready to die and would have no hesitation at all. Plus, Asher dying in this way is so anti-climactic. It pretty much would make his role in the story entirely pointless.
In terms of what's best for House Forrester, Asher is still the clear choice. Rodrik fought with the Young Wolf against House Lannister, but only for a short time. Compared to Asher's experience in Essos, he's as green as grass as a warrior. Asher is a hardened killer who is not above playing dirty and has thrived on the battlefield, even when the odds are against him. I mean, did you SEE what he did in Mereen? He'll do what he has to in order to survive, and that's what House Forrester needs. Not just with the Whitehills, but with the state of Westeros in general. It's in absolute chaos right now and their leader needs to be someone who is feared as much as he is loved.
The same attitude that earned Asher the allegiance of the pit fighters will not only help House Forrester smash the Whitehills to bits or bring them to heel, it will make Roose Bolton think twice about unleashing his hound on them with Stannis Baratheon knocking on his door. Sure, Twenty Goodmen has ninja powers, but Asher is going to be less vulnerable (or polite) than his siblings. Like he told the beast, he’s not one to be fucked with. Further he’s unmarried, charming and good looking. He’ll have an easier time securing alliances than Rodrik through diplomacy or potential marriage. Plus, he’s on personal good terms with Dany (unless you blew it earlier) and we as players know how important that is.
But more important than any of that, you’ll get to play a sweet comeback song as Asher kicks ass and takes names in the next episode.
Replaying episode 1 again, I am reminded by this quote from Lady Forrester to Ethan.
Asher doesn't hesitate, he acts. You were in danger and there was nothing else that Asher needed to know.
This just made me feel more sure about making Asher stay felt more conclusive for me. His elder brother was in danger and there was nothing else that Asher needed to know.
I left Rodrik because Asher is the one who has the respect from the Pit figthers, these army would never have listened to Rodrik, who also was not in a good phisical condition, in contrast to Asher. In addition, Rodrik was my favorite character, but I decided to make the smart desition, against my feelings, he did not have any back up, but Asher did have an army.
They killed the sh*t out of Rodrick on my playthrough. He was FULL of arrows, one comming out of his neck etc. This isn't a John Snow cliffhanger, Rodrick is done (and I still hate myself for having made the decision)
Yeah, about those sellswords, many seem to be forgetting that they were pretty much forced to watch their friends be butchered by the Whitehills. Considering that when The Beast raised the gate a little one or two of the sellswords didnt even hesitate to crawl under the gate to help the people trapped inside shows how commited they are to each other, they died the instant they crawled under but that only reinforces their bond. Im pretty certain they have every motive to join the remaining Forrestors in vengeance.
So all this talk of "With Asher gone the sellswords will run off" is absurd. At most it would be 'The sellswords are less likely to follow Rodricks orders when they attack the Whitehills, which could jeopardise the attack strategy"
I mean yeah sure they technically joined with Asher as a result of him killing one of theirs (potentially), but that was in fair combat
I left Asher behind. While I did want him to reunite with all the Forresters, Rodrick's journey was just way too hard-fought for it to end there. He climbs off a corpse cart, half-dead and then his adventure begins full of hardships and risks. I chose to follow Duncan's advice so I was pushed around, being forced to submit all the time for the good of the house. Seeing him finally recover after killing Royland, I just want him to have his vengeance against the Whitehills more than anything.
His army of a total of 6 pit fighters? 7 if you didn't kill that dude in the pit? This really irks me for some reason, I don't understand why there's so few of them.
I have thought exactly like you, my favorite character was rodrick, but i don't think he would ler his little brother sacrifice himself for him, and i don't know how rodrick would control the pit fighters or beskha.
I left Rodrik but I don't know why i did this. I like Asher , I like Rodrik too. Rodrik went docks to save Asher and he died as Hero
I knew right away who to choose, but it took me forever to actually go through with since I really friggin' liked Rodrik and thought he was a great guy.
But in the end it just felt like something he would do (sacrifice himself for his bro) and it did feel like a good ending to his story.
In my opinion if almost felt canon since I feel like it did make more sense for him to stay behind then Asher.
So yeah, I basically just sat there and stared at the screen and then bawled my eyes out as I had to watch Rodrik die.
Fuck the Whitehills.
Went with Asher. Rodrick was cool, but I think Asher is a badass. Also, I didn't think the pit fighters or Beshka would listen to Rodrick.
I'm just glad they didn't kill Gared or Cottor the Potato Fucker.
It's tough for me and I'm certainly going to try both paths, but I'll be having Rodrik survive first. Thematically, I think it makes more sense for Asher to survive. He's the prodigal son and it just feels wrong having his journey end there. There's only one reason why I had Asher stay behind, and it's because I didn't want to give the Whitehills the satisfaction of killing Rodrik after everything that has happened. I really, really hope the survivor of episode 5 wreaks havoc on the Whitehills in the final episode because it'll be way more satisfying to me to carry it out as Rodrik.
Rodrik was cool but I thought that gathering that army of sellswords was kinda pointless if I left Asher, so I left Rodrik.
Asher survived for me,i thought House Forrester needs a fresh warrior and not a cripple,but i am really tempted to save rodrik to make him Kill gryff and ludd
I couldn't take Rodrik away from Talia. Sorry, Asher. ;_;
Also I did every single thing I could to piss Gryff off. No way was I going to give him the satisfaction of killing Rodrik.
I left Asher even though I love both of them I felt Rodrik was more responsible and would serve as a better lord and part of me genuinely hoped Asher's fighting ability would preserve his life against all of those guards. Oh and I really love Rodriks romance will Elana Glenmlre and want to see their wedding.