Thanks for your patience. I, actually, expected to get hateful responses. Some people seem to disapprove of the idea of DLC because it isn't… more about Clementine, which is really irritating. What about MC - I myself think, that telltale should try out whatever ideas they get, because that is, like, the whole point of what they're doing - making creative and original content, different from what anybody else does. You might be right about TWAU - but I feel like whatever story they'll make won't be as intriguing and original as the first season. We already know which characters are alive in comics and there is not so much that can happen, that will have real impact on life at Fabletown. Maybe a DLC about characters, whose fate remains unknown, like Nerissa or Tweedles can be a good idea.
That article doesn't clear anything up. All the site does is post misleading titles and information so that they can trick people like you into going onto their shitty website.
Not this year for sure, maybe they might say something next E3 but i seriously doubt it. I'm sure they'll be promoting something stupid like Marvel. Like we need MORE MARVEL Exposure, when their coming out with Movies named Ant Man, you know they ran out of ideas... Fucking stupid.
Hopefully by then other games will be out, so we won't care as much.
Mate, I think you need to have some more hope. TellTale reps noted that they know of the want for a Season 2 at E3, but if we hear nothing by New Years, then I'm done hoping
I know that a lot of people here are still hopefull, I would personally kill to get a second season and I will never stop hoping for that, but I assure you that Telltale is not going to say anything about TWAU this year, and most likely next year. The reason is simple - at least for me as an indie developer, I think I can empathize and guess how it's like at TTG right now - they've got their hands more than full of work for at least next 2 years. GoT, TFTB, Minecraft, TWD S2 DLC, TWD S3, Marvel, Original IP, SuperShow and possibly many more we don't know about yet. They are simply not going to even think about making a Season Two, no matter how hard we beg them, it's not going to happen anytime soon. But a lot of people gotta understand: just because it's not going to happen right away, it does not mean it's not going to happen at all. Like you've said, Job admitted that he's getting a lot of mail and messages begging for Season Two, and it seems like demand for it is pretty high. But with all the projects they've got on their hands as of now, there is no chance they're going to even think about making a Second Season until they're done with at least GoT and TFTB. And even if they do, they're probably not going to reveal it until a good portion of game assets is done. Do you remember TFTB unveil? They've showcased only a teaser, but note that things like player models, textures, animations, music and such do not grow on trees. They need some time to make it happen, so just let them do their job. I'm going to stay hopefull for... forever actually.
Mate, I think you need to have some more hope. TellTale reps noted that they know of the want for a Season 2 at E3, but if we hear nothing by New Years, then I'm done hoping
Prepare for a wall of text:
I know that a lot of people here are still hopefull, I would personally kill to get a second season and I wil… morel never stop hoping for that, but I assure you that Telltale is not going to say anything about TWAU this year, and most likely next year. The reason is simple - at least for me as an indie developer, I think I can empathize and guess how it's like at TTG right now - they've got their hands more than full of work for at least next 2 years. GoT, TFTB, Minecraft, TWD S2 DLC, TWD S3, Marvel, Original IP, SuperShow and possibly many more we don't know about yet. They are simply not going to even think about making a Season Two, no matter how hard we beg them, it's not going to happen anytime soon. But a lot of people gotta understand: just because it's not going to happen right away, it does not mean it's not going to happen at all. Like you've said, Job admitted that he's getting a lot of mail and messages b… [view original content]
Comments like yours make me so mad since they literally make no sense whatsoever
stupid like Marvel
Stupid and Marvel should not exist in the same sentence
we need MORE MARVEL Exposure
It's not like its the same story being told over and over again
their coming out with Movies named Ant Man, you know they ran out of ideas..
Yeah, except Ant-Man has been a superhero for decades and he is an essential character in the next phase of the MCU. They're not running out of characters
Hopefully by then other games will be out, so we won't care as much.
Good luck with that
Just because the game you want isn't being made doesn't give you the right to trash on the thing that is being made. It's just immature. All the main hate towards Minecraft: Story Mode, Michonne DLC, and now the Marvel game is because of that and it's really stupid.
Not this year for sure, maybe they might say something next E3 but i seriously doubt it. I'm sure they'll be promoting something stupid li… moreke Marvel. Like we need MORE MARVEL Exposure, when their coming out with Movies named Ant Man, you know they ran out of ideas... Fucking stupid.
Hopefully by then other games will be out, so we won't care as much.
I disagree with George that a Marvel game would necessarily be worse than TWAU, but he's spot on about the Marvel movies. There are too many of them, they're all the same, and they're terrible.
Stupid and Marvel should not exist in the same sentence
There's a movie about a guy who dresses up as an ant. That's almost objectively stupid.
It's not like its the same story being told over and over again
Yes, it is. Guy dresses up in a stupid costume, blows shit up, and beats the bad guy. Repeat 5 times a year and make billions. The only movie that was slightly different was Guardians of the Galaxy, and it was still fucking stupid.
Yeah, except Ant-Man has been a superhero for decades and he is an essential character in the next phase of the MCU. They're not running out of characters
Essential character? What the actual fuck. Last time I checked, the writers can do whatever the fuck they want. They can include however many or however few characters they want in their universe. This reminds of the George Lucas quote: "Jar Jar is the key to all of this".
Hopefully Telltale can elevate their Marvel game above their source material, like they did with The Walking Dead and Borderlands.
Comments like yours make me so mad since they literally make no sense whatsoever
stupid like Marvel
Stupid and Marvel should n… moreot exist in the same sentence
we need MORE MARVEL Exposure
It's not like its the same story being told over and over again
their coming out with Movies named Ant Man, you know they ran out of ideas..
Yeah, except Ant-Man has been a superhero for decades and he is an essential character in the next phase of the MCU. They're not running out of characters
Hopefully by then other games will be out, so we won't care as much.
Good luck with that
Just because the game you want isn't being made doesn't give you the right to trash on the thing that is being made. It's just immature. All the main hate towards Minecraft: Story Mode, Michonne DLC, and now the Marvel game is because of that and it's really stupid.
Prepare for a wall of text:
I know that a lot of people here are still hopefull, I would personally kill to get a second season and I wil… morel never stop hoping for that, but I assure you that Telltale is not going to say anything about TWAU this year, and most likely next year. The reason is simple - at least for me as an indie developer, I think I can empathize and guess how it's like at TTG right now - they've got their hands more than full of work for at least next 2 years. GoT, TFTB, Minecraft, TWD S2 DLC, TWD S3, Marvel, Original IP, SuperShow and possibly many more we don't know about yet. They are simply not going to even think about making a Season Two, no matter how hard we beg them, it's not going to happen anytime soon. But a lot of people gotta understand: just because it's not going to happen right away, it does not mean it's not going to happen at all. Like you've said, Job admitted that he's getting a lot of mail and messages b… [view original content]
Prepare for a wall of text:
I know that a lot of people here are still hopefull, I would personally kill to get a second season and I wil… morel never stop hoping for that, but I assure you that Telltale is not going to say anything about TWAU this year, and most likely next year. The reason is simple - at least for me as an indie developer, I think I can empathize and guess how it's like at TTG right now - they've got their hands more than full of work for at least next 2 years. GoT, TFTB, Minecraft, TWD S2 DLC, TWD S3, Marvel, Original IP, SuperShow and possibly many more we don't know about yet. They are simply not going to even think about making a Season Two, no matter how hard we beg them, it's not going to happen anytime soon. But a lot of people gotta understand: just because it's not going to happen right away, it does not mean it's not going to happen at all. Like you've said, Job admitted that he's getting a lot of mail and messages b… [view original content]
I would put the chances of a game announcement before the end of the year pretty high. Whether it's TWAU or something new is an open question. They'll be done with Borderlands and GoT by then, so it would seem like a good time. It's almost a certainty that something new will be announced next year. They also don't need to have any assets done. The GoT reveal was just the logo from the show, the Minecraft reveal was a flash game, and the Marvel announcement was actually nothing. It seems like the Borderlands reveal was the exception rather than the rule.
Prepare for a wall of text:
I know that a lot of people here are still hopefull, I would personally kill to get a second season and I wil… morel never stop hoping for that, but I assure you that Telltale is not going to say anything about TWAU this year, and most likely next year. The reason is simple - at least for me as an indie developer, I think I can empathize and guess how it's like at TTG right now - they've got their hands more than full of work for at least next 2 years. GoT, TFTB, Minecraft, TWD S2 DLC, TWD S3, Marvel, Original IP, SuperShow and possibly many more we don't know about yet. They are simply not going to even think about making a Season Two, no matter how hard we beg them, it's not going to happen anytime soon. But a lot of people gotta understand: just because it's not going to happen right away, it does not mean it's not going to happen at all. Like you've said, Job admitted that he's getting a lot of mail and messages b… [view original content]
Just because you don't like them doesn't mean that they are stupid or terrible.
There's a movie about a guy who dresses up as an ant. That's almost objectively stupid.
You're objectively stupid if you're gonna trash on it just because it's Ant-Man
Yes, it is. Guy dresses up in a stupid costume, blows shit up, and beats the bad guy. Repeat 5 times a year and make billions. The only movie that was slightly different was Guardians of the Galaxy, and it was still fucking stupid.
Then obviously you don't know how to watch superhero movies
Essential character? What the actual fuck. Last time I checked, the writers can do whatever the fuck they want.
They are. They're doing Ant-Man, who's been around for decades.
Hopefully Telltale can elevate their Marvel game above their source material,
Right. When Telltale is able to beat the Marvel comics and some of its movies will be the day
like they did with The Walking Dead and Borderlands.
Eh, Walking Dead show and comics as well as the original Borderlands games are still better than the Telltale adaptions
I disagree with George that a Marvel game would necessarily be worse than TWAU, but he's spot on about the Marvel movies. There are too many… more of them, they're all the same, and they're terrible.
Stupid and Marvel should not exist in the same sentence
There's a movie about a guy who dresses up as an ant. That's almost objectively stupid.
It's not like its the same story being told over and over again
Yes, it is. Guy dresses up in a stupid costume, blows shit up, and beats the bad guy. Repeat 5 times a year and make billions. The only movie that was slightly different was Guardians of the Galaxy, and it was still fucking stupid.
Yeah, except Ant-Man has been a superhero for decades and he is an essential character in the next phase of the MCU. They're not running out of characters
Essential character? What the actual fuck. Last time I checked, the writers can do whatever the fuck they want. They can incl… [view original content]
Just because you don't like them doesn't mean that they are stupid or terrible.
It's called an opinion. I don't have to preface "The Avengers was terrible" with "In my opinion" because it's obviously an opinion. A movie can't be objectively good or bad, so every time someone says a movie is good or bad, you can assume it's an opinion.
You're objectively stupid if you're gonna trash on it just because it's Ant-Man
Look, I get that goofy concepts can be played seriously. Batman is similarly stupid, but the Nolan movies were great. I'm not going to pretend that the concept of a man dressing up as a bat to fight crime isn't ridiculous though. Ant-Man might be good for all I know. I've been taken in by good reviews of MCU movies too many times, so I'm sure as hell not going to spend my money to find out.
Then obviously you don't know how to watch superhero movies
I liked Nolan's Batman, and the old Christopher Reeve Superman movies were classics. I even liked some Marvel movies before the whole MCU thing happened. Raimi's Spiderman movies were great (well, not Spiderman 3) and I liked X-Men. My point about the structure was a bit flippant, but I really do believe that the MCU movies are cookie-cutter movies with no soul compared to some other superhero movies. I think part of the problem is that they've flooded the market. In the days of my childhood, superhero movies came around once in a blue-moon, so they were something special. Since then, they've ramped up production to the point where there's one every couple of months.
They are. They're doing Ant-Man, who's been around for decades.
What's next: an Asbestos Man movie? No, I didn't make him up.
Right. When Telltale is able to beat the Marvel comics and some of its movies will be the day
I've enjoyed every Telltale game more than any MCU movie I've seen. I haven't read many of the comics, but I bet Telltale could beat those too.
Eh, Walking Dead show and comics as well as the original Borderlands games are still better than the Telltale adaptions
We're going to have to disagree here. Borderlands 1 basically had no story and Borderlands 2 was trying way too hard to be funny. I would put Telltale's Walking Dead Season Two below parts of the show/comics, but nothing in the show or comics comes close to Telltale's Season One.
Just because you don't like them doesn't mean that they are stupid or terrible.
There's a movie about a guy who dresses up as an ant. … moreThat's almost objectively stupid.
You're objectively stupid if you're gonna trash on it just because it's Ant-Man
Yes, it is. Guy dresses up in a stupid costume, blows shit up, and beats the bad guy. Repeat 5 times a year and make billions. The only movie that was slightly different was Guardians of the Galaxy, and it was still fucking stupid.
Then obviously you don't know how to watch superhero movies
Essential character? What the actual fuck. Last time I checked, the writers can do whatever the fuck they want.
They are. They're doing Ant-Man, who's been around for decades.
Hopefully Telltale can elevate their Marvel game above their source material,
Right. When Telltale is able to beat the Marvel comics and some of its movies will be the day
like t… [view original content]
I'm not involving myself in an argument here, but I agree with Borderlands 1 - I finished it yesterday and story-wise, it was pretty horrible. I won't name the reasons here, but, just dropping my 2 cents.
However, I think BO2 was really good, even if it tried too hard sometimes.
Just because you don't like them doesn't mean that they are stupid or terrible.
It's called an opinion. I don't have to preface "The… more Avengers was terrible" with "In my opinion" because it's obviously an opinion. A movie can't be objectively good or bad, so every time someone says a movie is good or bad, you can assume it's an opinion.
You're objectively stupid if you're gonna trash on it just because it's Ant-Man
Look, I get that goofy concepts can be played seriously. Batman is similarly stupid, but the Nolan movies were great. I'm not going to pretend that the concept of a man dressing up as a bat to fight crime isn't ridiculous though. Ant-Man might be good for all I know. I've been taken in by good reviews of MCU movies too many times, so I'm sure as hell not going to spend my money to find out.
Then obviously you don't know how to watch superhero movies
I liked Nolan's Batman, and the old Christopher R… [view original content]
Comments like yours make me so mad since they literally make no sense whatsoever
stupid like Marvel
Stupid and Marvel should n… moreot exist in the same sentence
we need MORE MARVEL Exposure
It's not like its the same story being told over and over again
their coming out with Movies named Ant Man, you know they ran out of ideas..
Yeah, except Ant-Man has been a superhero for decades and he is an essential character in the next phase of the MCU. They're not running out of characters
Hopefully by then other games will be out, so we won't care as much.
Good luck with that
Just because the game you want isn't being made doesn't give you the right to trash on the thing that is being made. It's just immature. All the main hate towards Minecraft: Story Mode, Michonne DLC, and now the Marvel game is because of that and it's really stupid.
I'm not involving myself in an argument here, but I agree with Borderlands 1 - I finished it yesterday and story-wise, it was pretty horribl… moree. I won't name the reasons here, but, just dropping my 2 cents.
However, I think BO2 was really good, even if it tried too hard sometimes.
You guys are trashing on a franchise that has been around for decades for no good reason other than you're upset that it's taking the place of Wolf Among Us S2, so I will defend it. Doesn't make a fanboy.
not going to pretend that the concept of a man dressing up as a bat to fight crime isn't ridiculous though.
But that's the thing, it's never about just dressing up as bat and fighting crime. They explain this in the movies too, it's about a symbol of justice in Gotham, something to put fear in the "bad guys". Superhero's have been made more childish than they really are tbh, a lot of them have serious themes and origins.
My point about the structure was a bit flippant, but I really do believe that the MCU movies are cookie-cutter movies with no soul compared to some other superhero movies.
Ok this point I can agree with you. Man of Steel (which is like my favorite superhero movie since Supes is like my favorite superhero) and the Dark Knight trilogy are better than any MCU movie and from the looks of it DCCU will definitely surpass MCU in the coming years.
What's next: an Asbestos Man movie? No, I didn't make him up
What is that supposed to mean? Ant-Man has been around for decades, the first issue came out in 1962 and he's a part of the Civil War story arc in the comics which is the next adaption in the MCU.
I haven't read many of the comics, but I bet Telltale could beat those too.
Ok here I have to disagree with you 1250%. It would take a lot, and I mean A LOT, for any superhero or otherwise adaption to surpass the original comics, whether Marvel or DC or any other company.
We're going to have to disagree here. Borderlands 1 basically had no story and Borderlands 2 was trying way too hard to be funny. I would put Telltale's Walking Dead Season Two below parts of the show/comics, but nothing in the show or comics comes close to Telltale's Season One
Again I personally disagree. I like Borderlands 2 much more than Tales and I prefer the comics and show to the Walking Dead game though Walking Dead Season 1 is a close contender.
Due to the maturity of CrazyGeorge's comment I felt like I should include that I'm not fanboying over Marvel. I will be the first to admit MCU in general has so many flaws. Iron Man movies and second Avengers are trash, second Thor was not done well, Guardians of the Galaxy tried way too hard at being funny, etc.
But the thing is whenever a new Telltale franchise is announced, people get butthurt and just complain and complain because they believe it's taking the place of what they want. So as a fan of the Marvel franchise at whole and as someone tired of seeing complaining, it's why I made my comment.
Edit: if you have Netflix watch the new Daredevil show. It's set in MCU but it's nothing like the other movies, it's a lot darker and more mature
Just because you don't like them doesn't mean that they are stupid or terrible.
It's called an opinion. I don't have to preface "The… more Avengers was terrible" with "In my opinion" because it's obviously an opinion. A movie can't be objectively good or bad, so every time someone says a movie is good or bad, you can assume it's an opinion.
You're objectively stupid if you're gonna trash on it just because it's Ant-Man
Look, I get that goofy concepts can be played seriously. Batman is similarly stupid, but the Nolan movies were great. I'm not going to pretend that the concept of a man dressing up as a bat to fight crime isn't ridiculous though. Ant-Man might be good for all I know. I've been taken in by good reviews of MCU movies too many times, so I'm sure as hell not going to spend my money to find out.
Then obviously you don't know how to watch superhero movies
I liked Nolan's Batman, and the old Christopher R… [view original content]
Just because you don't like them doesn't mean that they are stupid or terrible.
There's a movie about a guy who dresses up as an ant. … moreThat's almost objectively stupid.
You're objectively stupid if you're gonna trash on it just because it's Ant-Man
Yes, it is. Guy dresses up in a stupid costume, blows shit up, and beats the bad guy. Repeat 5 times a year and make billions. The only movie that was slightly different was Guardians of the Galaxy, and it was still fucking stupid.
Then obviously you don't know how to watch superhero movies
Essential character? What the actual fuck. Last time I checked, the writers can do whatever the fuck they want.
They are. They're doing Ant-Man, who's been around for decades.
Hopefully Telltale can elevate their Marvel game above their source material,
Right. When Telltale is able to beat the Marvel comics and some of its movies will be the day
like t… [view original content]
But when did I do anything wrong? I may have been a bit hostile at first but it's not like I was being a complete dick or anything. Neither was @mosfet
If there will be a season 2 "IF" then I wouldnt expect information about it sooner than after Fables 150 comes out.
I'm sorry for my ignorance.
Not soon enough.....
Not this year for sure, maybe they might say something next E3 but i seriously doubt it. I'm sure they'll be promoting something stupid like Marvel. Like we need MORE MARVEL Exposure, when their coming out with Movies named Ant Man, you know they ran out of ideas... Fucking stupid.
Hopefully by then other games will be out, so we won't care as much.
I'm starting wondering the same thing. But most possible choice here, instead waiting for the eternity is:
[Remove the ribbon]
If we get nothing by New Years then I'm done hoping.
I hate to break it to you mate but... we won't get anything this year for sure (and most likely next year aswell)
Mate, I think you need to have some more hope. TellTale reps noted that they know of the want for a Season 2 at E3, but if we hear nothing by New Years, then I'm done hoping
Prepare for a wall of text:
I know that a lot of people here are still hopefull, I would personally kill to get a second season and I will never stop hoping for that, but I assure you that Telltale is not going to say anything about TWAU this year, and most likely next year. The reason is simple - at least for me as an indie developer, I think I can empathize and guess how it's like at TTG right now - they've got their hands more than full of work for at least next 2 years. GoT, TFTB, Minecraft, TWD S2 DLC, TWD S3, Marvel, Original IP, SuperShow and possibly many more we don't know about yet. They are simply not going to even think about making a Season Two, no matter how hard we beg them, it's not going to happen anytime soon. But a lot of people gotta understand: just because it's not going to happen right away, it does not mean it's not going to happen at all. Like you've said, Job admitted that he's getting a lot of mail and messages begging for Season Two, and it seems like demand for it is pretty high. But with all the projects they've got on their hands as of now, there is no chance they're going to even think about making a Second Season until they're done with at least GoT and TFTB. And even if they do, they're probably not going to reveal it until a good portion of game assets is done. Do you remember TFTB unveil? They've showcased only a teaser, but note that things like player models, textures, animations, music and such do not grow on trees. They need some time to make it happen, so just let them do their job. I'm going to stay hopefull for... forever actually.
#HuffAndPuff #ForFreakingEver
And to all brothers on the TWAU train
@HazzatheMan @Poogers555 @armis37 @MetallicaRules @DragonButter @LukaszB @JJwolf @pudding_pie @BlindSniper
Tbh, I think Marvel is being done to death already by the movie industry, and TWD S3 isn't something I would ever beg for...
But, I guess you're right
Comments like yours make me so mad since they literally make no sense whatsoever
Stupid and Marvel should not exist in the same sentence
It's not like its the same story being told over and over again
Yeah, except Ant-Man has been a superhero for decades and he is an essential character in the next phase of the MCU. They're not running out of characters
Good luck with that
Just because the game you want isn't being made doesn't give you the right to trash on the thing that is being made. It's just immature. All the main hate towards Minecraft: Story Mode, Michonne DLC, and now the Marvel game is because of that and it's really stupid.
I disagree with George that a Marvel game would necessarily be worse than TWAU, but he's spot on about the Marvel movies. There are too many of them, they're all the same, and they're terrible.
There's a movie about a guy who dresses up as an ant. That's almost objectively stupid.
Yes, it is. Guy dresses up in a stupid costume, blows shit up, and beats the bad guy. Repeat 5 times a year and make billions. The only movie that was slightly different was Guardians of the Galaxy, and it was still fucking stupid.
Essential character? What the actual fuck. Last time I checked, the writers can do whatever the fuck they want. They can include however many or however few characters they want in their universe. This reminds of the George Lucas quote: "Jar Jar is the key to all of this".
Hopefully Telltale can elevate their Marvel game above their source material, like they did with The Walking Dead and Borderlands.
That does make a lot of sense. And from what we know TWAU took the longest time to start.
It makes me sad, but you're probably right.
It will be a long wait until TWAU S2.
I would put the chances of a game announcement before the end of the year pretty high. Whether it's TWAU or something new is an open question. They'll be done with Borderlands and GoT by then, so it would seem like a good time. It's almost a certainty that something new will be announced next year. They also don't need to have any assets done. The GoT reveal was just the logo from the show, the Minecraft reveal was a flash game, and the Marvel announcement was actually nothing. It seems like the Borderlands reveal was the exception rather than the rule.
A 10 episode Season 2 for making us wait so long, anybody? Who knows how long we'd have to wait for Season 3. Lol
I'd be dead before S3 got made!! XP
Sounds about right :P
Just because you don't like them doesn't mean that they are stupid or terrible.
You're objectively stupid if you're gonna trash on it just because it's Ant-Man
Then obviously you don't know how to watch superhero movies
They are. They're doing Ant-Man, who's been around for decades.
Right. When Telltale is able to beat the Marvel comics and some of its movies will be the day
Eh, Walking Dead show and comics as well as the original Borderlands games are still better than the Telltale adaptions
I wish they'd make a season 2.... but seems unlikely now. :-(
It's called an opinion. I don't have to preface "The Avengers was terrible" with "In my opinion" because it's obviously an opinion. A movie can't be objectively good or bad, so every time someone says a movie is good or bad, you can assume it's an opinion.
Look, I get that goofy concepts can be played seriously. Batman is similarly stupid, but the Nolan movies were great. I'm not going to pretend that the concept of a man dressing up as a bat to fight crime isn't ridiculous though. Ant-Man might be good for all I know. I've been taken in by good reviews of MCU movies too many times, so I'm sure as hell not going to spend my money to find out.
I liked Nolan's Batman, and the old Christopher Reeve Superman movies were classics. I even liked some Marvel movies before the whole MCU thing happened. Raimi's Spiderman movies were great (well, not Spiderman 3) and I liked X-Men. My point about the structure was a bit flippant, but I really do believe that the MCU movies are cookie-cutter movies with no soul compared to some other superhero movies. I think part of the problem is that they've flooded the market. In the days of my childhood, superhero movies came around once in a blue-moon, so they were something special. Since then, they've ramped up production to the point where there's one every couple of months.
What's next: an Asbestos Man movie? No, I didn't make him up.
I've enjoyed every Telltale game more than any MCU movie I've seen. I haven't read many of the comics, but I bet Telltale could beat those too.
We're going to have to disagree here. Borderlands 1 basically had no story and Borderlands 2 was trying way too hard to be funny. I would put Telltale's Walking Dead Season Two below parts of the show/comics, but nothing in the show or comics comes close to Telltale's Season One.
I'm not involving myself in an argument here, but I agree with Borderlands 1 - I finished it yesterday and story-wise, it was pretty horrible. I won't name the reasons here, but, just dropping my 2 cents.
However, I think BO2 was really good, even if it tried too hard sometimes.
For the record, I overall enjoyed Borderland 2. It's just that the jokes fell flat way more often than TftB.
You guys are trashing on a franchise that has been around for decades for no good reason other than you're upset that it's taking the place of Wolf Among Us S2, so I will defend it. Doesn't make a fanboy.
But that's the thing, it's never about just dressing up as bat and fighting crime. They explain this in the movies too, it's about a symbol of justice in Gotham, something to put fear in the "bad guys". Superhero's have been made more childish than they really are tbh, a lot of them have serious themes and origins.
Ok this point I can agree with you. Man of Steel (which is like my favorite superhero movie since Supes is like my favorite superhero) and the Dark Knight trilogy are better than any MCU movie and from the looks of it DCCU will definitely surpass MCU in the coming years.
What is that supposed to mean? Ant-Man has been around for decades, the first issue came out in 1962 and he's a part of the Civil War story arc in the comics which is the next adaption in the MCU.
Ok here I have to disagree with you 1250%. It would take a lot, and I mean A LOT, for any superhero or otherwise adaption to surpass the original comics, whether Marvel or DC or any other company.
Again I personally disagree. I like Borderlands 2 much more than Tales and I prefer the comics and show to the Walking Dead game though Walking Dead Season 1 is a close contender.
Due to the maturity of CrazyGeorge's comment I felt like I should include that I'm not fanboying over Marvel. I will be the first to admit MCU in general has so many flaws. Iron Man movies and second Avengers are trash, second Thor was not done well, Guardians of the Galaxy tried way too hard at being funny, etc.
But the thing is whenever a new Telltale franchise is announced, people get butthurt and just complain and complain because they believe it's taking the place of what they want. So as a fan of the Marvel franchise at whole and as someone tired of seeing complaining, it's why I made my comment.
Edit: if you have Netflix watch the new Daredevil show. It's set in MCU but it's nothing like the other movies, it's a lot darker and more mature
Guys, please try to stay civil. Thanks.
But when did I do anything wrong? I may have been a bit hostile at first but it's not like I was being a complete dick or anything. Neither was @mosfet
Never thanks for playin lolz
Saison 2 is coming, it's like the winter on game of throne...
Which has been coming for years now XP
You guys should really give up, it's not coming
I mean... as sad as it is, he has a point