I edited it because I realized that was pretty rude. Immature? Sure, Why not. 4 Episodes being pretty decent but Episode 5 being the worst thing ever and ruining the entire storyline? Maybe wait till Episode 6 comes out before you decide to call the game quits.
Sorry for having an opinion, I understand a lot of immature users on this forum such as you don't understand what that is. The traitor plot… moreline ruined one of the major interesting points of the story, Mira and Gared were simply pushed to the side, and now two of the most interesting characters are both determinant. It's too late for the story to be saved, there wont be enough time in episode 6.
also. nice edit. i appreciate you further proving my point.
I edited it because I realized that was pretty rude. Immature? Sure, Why not. 4 Episodes being pretty decent but Episode 5 being the worst t… morehing ever and ruining the entire storyline? Maybe wait till Episode 6 comes out before you decide to call the game quits.
I haven't stopped playing the game, I just genuinely don't see a way for them to recover the story after that.
i'd also like to apologize for calling you immature
She is potentially Bi-Sexual.
She might be aromantic (though I doubt it, but she tends to be so clueless around Warren and Chloe when they do their moves.)
Plus the fact that the protagonist is female makes me feel more connected to the character.
That timer counts down to midnight on tuesday in Dontnod's timezone.
I looked at it, it said 11 PM on Monday UTC, which I'm guessing is Dontnod's timezone
UTC is france time....last time was 12 am UTC,but this is the spectaculation.
I edited it because I realized that was pretty rude. Immature? Sure, Why not. 4 Episodes being pretty decent but Episode 5 being the worst thing ever and ruining the entire storyline? Maybe wait till Episode 6 comes out before you decide to call the game quits.
If this was Max's personality in the game. I would love it 10 times more.
I haven't stopped playing the game, I just genuinely don't see a way for them to recover the story after that.
i'd also like to apologize for calling you immature
It's fine. No point in me arguing about junk. Stuff happens and people can get upset and lose their cool.
The game usually comes out at like Monday 6:30 PDT (Not accurate, but it was something like that).
I can relate to Max somewhat.
She is potentially Bi-Sexual.
She might be aromantic (though I doubt it, but she tends to be so clueless around Warren and Chloe when they do their moves.)
Plus the fact that the protagonist is female makes me feel more connected to the character.
We have to wait and see.They're coming today the times!
less than 24 hours for episode 4
Less than 16 hours dun dun.***
Dat booty tho.
Around 15 hours till episode 4 is out
(well assuming it's the same as the first 3 episodes which released around 8 or 9 pm on Monday nights)
12-15 Around there hehe.
Chloe ftw.
Why did you change the GIF to THAT...
Is there a link to where all these tom gould things are? There often pretty good
and what's the problem??? :P
He posts them on his DeviantArt account.
Now, for absolutely no reason, Max riding a Chocobo
Nothing. It's just such a drastic change from your other GIF XD
Max upgraded her spirit animal,haha a good best 3d art from a few days back ;D
1 hour of the Main Menu theme just because. Honestly, this is the chillest thing ever.
Damn, this Max has a bloodlust, shooting Chloe 97 times, cutting Chooe's skin off, and now murdering Victoria, I love it.
She's like 13 in that picture :P
Did I make the right Decision?
Is that last quote referring to staying in alternate timeline or going back to the original or some kind of decision regarding a death of a character.
theres a guy doing a livestream and discussing theories if anyone wants to join, no spoilers though..
It kinda makes me angry that a lot of people think Warren is creepy. He's just an awkward nerd that has a crush on someone. What's creepy about that?
Most of the people I know hate his squeaky voice
There's a screenshot, where Warren is spying on Max.
P.S. But I still like Warren.
Is that a bad thing!?