To those who prefer GoT to TFTB
I saw this opposite thread in the Tales From the Borderlands section, and decided us GoT fans should have our own version.
So, for you, why do you think Telltale's GoT is better than Tales?
For me personally its because of:
--More interesting setting, and more investing plot
--Far more serious, adult storyline and tone (though don't get me wrong I do enjoy Tales' humour)
--Cooler characters (I like Rhys and Fiona... but comparing them to the likes of Rodrik and Asher is, in my eyes, like comparing plain ol' singular mozzarella to an actual pizza)
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I thought this too, for exactly the same reasons. But after this Ep, I've lost a lot of hope in GoT, I hope ID can salvage it, but as of right now, I like TFTB better.
I respect that choice but to be honest, can't understand it. Tales' is funny, and certainly enjoyable, but I don't see in what world it can rival the Forrester-Whitehill conflict in GoT. Far more engaging, interesting, and epic, at least for me...
OK after rereading my comment I dont know why I said that. I meant to say that GoT has dropped a few points in my book, but I still enjoy it more than TFTB. I might be kind of biased as I am reallly in the ASOIAF universe right now, but I think GoT still is better.
I'm a fan of ASOIAF
I'm not a fan of Borderlands.
And that's about it.
I feel more connected to the characters in GoT than in TFTB. If Rhys or Fiona jumped off a cliff I wouldn't care less but if a minor character dies in GoT (eg. if Gwyn or the Maester died) then I would be really upset
Tales from the borderlands is very funny and fun indeed but I prefer GoT too. It's the same reason that I prefer DC over Marvel. Im a big fan of the dramatic/dark approach of the series.Being a huge fan of the show, I always thought how it would be like to interact with all these characters and live in westeros.The conflict between House Forrester and House Whitehill is epic,exciting and unpredictable. IRON FROM ICE!
Take that back, I command it! You heartless individual...![:( :(](
Yeah. Tales are good, really goog, but i prefer GoT. It just have something... dunno... something more special. Our House, it story, characters...
If the Maester...The Maester, the character we know almost nothing about other than he exists...You would be upset? I'm calling bullshit.
Game of Thrones has an epic set of characters, the whole family of Forresters is great (though someone will say to this that they are Stark 2.0) and many other characters as well. Some say that Whitehills are generic and 2D, but I personally see much potential especially in Gryff. However, speaking of potential, I think GoT doesn't fully make use of this potential, and this is especially the case with Royland/Duncan. Instead of giving them great individual stories they are both packed in the same "determinant traitor" pack, which takes away from their characters and gives a huge OOC moment (along with all the plotholes). Sorry, this isn't meant to be rant about the traitor thing - it just happens to be the perfect example for what I'm saying.
I have enjoyed the game though, even being in Westeros (or Essos) with these great characters is always fun, but it could've been much better. Hopefully episode 6 is epic.
I don't really see why there has to be a rivalry between the games. I enjoy the hell out of both games, that is until today when i played got ep5.
I am bored carelessly about TftB but I play it cause it is Telltale.
You didn't like Episode 5?
Yayy mah thread got a mention hue hue hue. Thank ya
Any way I prefer GOT because it has a more darker, somber and desperate tone to it which I like. I can take the series more seriously due to the seriousness of the story (never been into comedy games). It also feels more closer to Telltale than Tales does.
Can't we all just admire and love both? :[ hell, i liked jurassic park, so what do i know?
Many didn't
I have always enjoyed more serious things like GoT/ASOIAF but with the games I enjoy both quite a lot and find myself excited for both,however I am leaning more to GoT really.Tales is closer to older Telltale games like Sam and Max for example which I had a chance to play before TWD S1 was released.Sam and Max and Tales are of course much different especially considering that Borderlands is a different kind of comedy but my point is I enjoy both Tales and TTGoT quite a lot.
No, i did not like how the whole traitor thing played out and i don't like the direction Tell Tale is taking on the game because no matter what you do you will get screwed over. There is no winning this one. I don't mind the feeling of despair but it is just designed in a way that makes you feel like the game is cheating, like old games that had worthless A.I so they had to program the NPC to cheat just to make the game harder.
Choice does not matter in this game because it will always play out the same it seems.
I love both. It's saddening to see Telltale fans going against each other over TELLTALE games.
I love tales, but i'm more involved in got. It's darker, story is more interesting to me and i'm more attached to the characters. And i'm a game of thrones fan in general.
I prefer Game of Thrones because I am more immersed in the setting and the ongoing conflict with the Forresters. Also the writing for the most part is top notch.
Yes, I would be, believe or not. I can get upset at any death as long as it is set in a "dark" universe eg. TWD or GoT. FFS I cried my eyes out when Sarita died, and she wasn't even the "main" death of the episode
I just connnect with the characters and setting more in GOT than TFTB but don't get me wrong I love TFTB as well but not on the same level as GOT it's easily my favourite Telltale series so far.
I've come around on GOT(hated first 3 episodes loved the last 2.), but I still vastly prefer TFTB. Just because IMO it has better characters and a more interesting plot. Both games are pretty good though.
You know what good games are.
Jurassic Park was awesome, mainly because the movie is the best movie ever made. Soooo...The Game could not have been a disappointment for me.
While i absolutely love TFTB, I prefer GoT. The characters, plot, and setting are just more interesting to me more than TFTB.
TFTB suffers from very clumsy and immature humour. I can almost always guess the punchline of their gags - yawn. I'm glad about GoT's serious tone, with occasional grim humour or witty line of dialogue.
And GoT just tells a better story, despite some flaws. It is at least potentially complex and has the basic structure of a multilayered plot. The stakes are higher and the characters actually have something to lose/win whereas Tales' characters just stumble from location to location without real plot development.
What do you mean by clumsy humor?
Idk if clumsy is the correct term. Awkward? It makes me roll my eyes.
EDIT: Ok, I try with an example: How often are they going to make the same "Oh, c'mon. That's not how it happened"-joke? Do people still laugh about these? To milk the same joke idea again and again is clumsy, like not subtle at all. Not my type of humour.
I guess thats personal taste. I personally love the humor. Its meant to be silly and I appreciate it for what it is. Its definitely the gsme that makes me laugh the most.
Yo I'm just going to play every TTG game and enjoy it 'cause I'm a sheep and sheep are cool.
I still find that crying at any death with a character like the Maester is a bit...unnecessary. You must have been balling your eyes out at the first episodes start. :P
Still, I doubt you would but whatever.
I wish there wasn't a huge rivalry between the two games, but I dunno what I prefer. They are two very opposite games, in terms of quality I guess I'd say they both are equal to me. I DID like GOT better because I wasn't too fond of TFTBL Episode 2 but then Episode 3 blew it out of the water.
So yeah GOT and TFTBL are equal in terms of quality atm
Choices don't change plot. They just have consequences on characterization and theme.
How could you not love this beautiful man
Imo Tales is a wasted opportunity. The Borderlands universe has set an opportunity for rich storytelling, and while the original games do it well for a shooter, it obviously gets overshadowed by the actual gameplay part. Telltale had a chance to just cut out the gameplay and make a full story-based Borderlands game and they didn't do a very good job with it imo.
In Tales, I couldn't care less about the plot or the characters (except for maybe Gortys, and that's just because I find her adorable). The "humor" in it is a big hit or miss, even more so than the original Borderlands games. Except for some of Handsome Jack's and Gortys' dialogues I don't think I've laughed at all during the game.
But I don't feel at all the same way about Game of Thrones. In a world where so much of it is already covered in the source material, I think Telltale did a great job of picking a location and a plot that was able to convey a great story. I also actually care about what is going on and what happens to all the characters, which like I said before I don't feel that way in Tales.
So long story short, I think Game of Thrones took better advantage of the universe than Tales did and I also think the story and characters are much better.
Thank god I'm not the only one who feels this way...
I'll copy and paste what I said on another, similiar thread:
It never ends does it, the constant parade of people having their heads up Tales' ass. I fell in love with GoT from day one. I found it's characters interesting, it's plot interesting, and the decisions you make within the world interesting.
I actually found Tales to be dry, and one-note, and deffinitely predictable. I knew that Vault Key was fake from the get-go. And oh look, the whole of Episode 2 is a search for the Atlas place, then they get captured. And oh look, the whole of episode 3 is a search for another facility, and then they get captured. Hell, the only reason they're telling the whole story to begin with, IS BECAUSE THEY'VE BEEN CAPTURED! Plus, all anyone can talk about on its forum is "shipping". Shows the level of it's story, and by extensions, most of its fan...
But GoT is predicatble? Lol give me a fucking break. The Wolf Among Us was excellent, even if it's later episodes never matched it's first one. The Walking Dead Season 1, a classic everyone knows that. But Game of Thrones? Depending on how good the finale is, I can easily see it outranking The Wolf Among Us and even being close to WD Season 1. But Tales? It's simply alright. It's funny and enjoyable enough, but it neither has the compelling characters, fascinating plot that the aforementioend games do. And I can't say, I'm that excited for Episode 4 of it. Whereas for all the others, I literally couldn't wait.
People who actually think Game of Thrones is poor, and Tales is great, are people I'm getting bored of seeing. It just seems, GoT can do no right in the eyes of most people here--but Tales, it's the opposite, it can do no wrong. Boo hoo, episode 5 of GoT was dissapointing, therefore the entire game sucks, and that predicatcble, haven't-I-done-this-ten-times-already, ship-fest Tales is the bestest thing evarrrrr. Rhysa! Rhyiona! Rhysa! Rhysa! Bro, bro, thats bro, broooo.
Like I said, give me a fucking break lol.
I read ASOIAF.
I don't play Borderlands.
It is that simple :V
GUESS WHAT FOLKS? I like both!
HOLY SHIT! CRAZY RIGHT?! YOURE ALLOWED TO LIKE BOTH INSTEAD of having a pissing match about how which game is "superior"