Life Is Strange - True Colors Out Now, Bonus Episode "Wavelengths" September 30th



  • Warren was an absolute boss when he beat the shit out of Nathan. It was like I was watching that scene from A Christmas Story where the kid beats the shit out of the bully. I didn't rewind because Nathan pulled a fucking gun out, he deserved what he got.

  • I use to be able to empathize with the little twat now I hope he dies slow like she did

  • DeltinoDeltino Moderator
    edited July 2015

    I really have to hand to to Dontnod for managing to make this story pretty much take a full 180: it managed to go from a high-school drama all the way to a horror thriller. And the fact that they somehow made that actually work

  • Prescott's send their regards.

  • That's a relief

    Ok, I think they are adding it now because I went to try and download it again and "the service is temporarily unavailable" usually when that happens its because they are adding the episode to the server :-).

  • edited July 2015

    It just keeps getting worse... The dialogue after the choice screen just makes me shudder.

    I'm not sure if I can play episode 5. :(

  • Thats, um... Thats quite a twist, and uhh... This story got really dark...

    I dont really have any words right now...

  • You know, I've really wanted to play this game. Or at least watch it. I bought it on Steam to play it, and something about it gave me some kind of motion sickness. I bought it again on Playstation in case it was just something wrong with my PC, and it had the same result. Tried to YouTube it, same thing. I don't know if it's the movement, art-style, lighting, or a combination of any of those. All I know is that it's a shame that I'd have to suffer my way through it to be able to experience an apparently awesome game.

    This is the only game that's ever done something like that to me too.

  • I swear to god Chloe better not stay dead :( she was awesome in this episode. Though I have a feeling she is gonna stay dead.

  • Warren has a picture before they went to the party, so if she doesn't lost her power Chloe will be alive

  • Damn that is a great point. I totally forgot that. Kind of thought it was weird taking a picture there randomly.

  • You just saved my night. Thanks babe.

  • How long is it guys?

  • Around 4 hours for me.

    MosesARose posted: »

    How long is it guys?

  • 3 hours and 40 minutes for me and I looked at almost everything. I was too caught up in the story to spend time screwing around looking at junk during the last section of the episode.

    MosesARose posted: »

    How long is it guys?

  • What!! That's nice.

    Around 4 hours for me.


  • OzzyUKOzzyUK Moderator

    That was a pretty decent episode but i felt there was a bit too much filler with the "investigation" part in the middle, the puzzle itself wasn't bad but i felt it had too many stages which got a bit boring.

    The start was pretty good (and sad) but it was fairly short and it didn't add much to the overall story, the twist at the end was also shocking as i expected Nathan to be the one to meet us at the junkyard, i guess more crazy twists will happen in episode 5.

    Overall i rate it 8/10

    My Choices

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    Alt text

  • Thread: Life is strange episode 4.

    The ending for episode 4 really made me go OMG out loud. First telltale game that got me with a mind fucked plot twist like that. My brains all over the place, that was literally one of the last things I thought was not going to happen lol. Oh and hell nice job telltale that's longest game of telltale I've ever played, about 5hours for just one episode.

  • How could you be happy that Chloe is kill? ;-;

    I can't believe Chloe died ;-; Wait, is this true, please God let it be true, is Chloe really dead? EDIT: Damn it, not that Chloe, the other, blue haired Chloe.

  • This should probably be in the Life is Strange thread, also Life is Strange isnt a Telltale game ;3

  • I




  • Fucking hell that ending was worse then episode 3's cliffhangher..

  • The beta at episode 3 though. I called it!

    Click here

    Legendary12 posted: »

    Fucking hell that ending was worse then episode 3's cliffhangher..

  • It's really not surprising. Jefferson was acting strange and he did talk about this chiaroscuro and wanted the proof about Kate being harrassed back at episode 2. Kate always helped him so he and Nathan obviously set up a scheme.

  • edited July 2015

    Nooooo!! Why him?! It's always the sexy hipster

  • Omg I feel so bad for you. Im a woman too :-). Nice to meet a fellow lady here (I'm assuming you're a woman, sorry if you aren't and please correct me if I'm wrong).

    I hate the dentist and I would be so upset if my husband did that too haha. On the plus side this is what I do when I have a drs appt and there is something fun waiting for me at home. I read about it on my phone and stuff and get all hypes up, telling myself "when I get home I will get to just relax and play my game" :-).

    Flog61 posted: »


  • edited July 2015

    Fantastic episode.

    Damn you Jefferson. Didn't trust him from day 1 and I'm glad I blamed him. Hopefully, Warren's pre-party photo will help in some way.

  • Everyone here knows its not a Telltale game obviously. It is a sub forum that is titles Life is Strange....

    Poogers555 posted: »

    This should probably be in the Life is Strange thread, also Life is Strange isnt a Telltale game ;3


  • We differed quite a lot, although I'm glad i'm not alone in Victoria not believing me.

  • This is all so crazy. So Jefferson and Nathan are kidnapping girls together...? What the hell is happening??


  • People seem to forget that travelling through photos only has a limited boundary, so, if Mad rewinds through a photo in the Dark Room, then she would jusy go back to the present.

    I assume the 5th episode releases late Sept. some work is already done since Episode 3, so the wait time should be shorter.

  • Some people get motion sickness commonly when expreincing 3D environment.

    Your body cannot tell the difference between virtual environments and reality environments etc. etc., so your body gets confused.

    Forsoothe posted: »

    You know, I've really wanted to play this game. Or at least watch it. I bought it on Steam to play it, and something about it gave me some k

  • edited July 2015

    I don't really know but I think Jefferson got to Nathan as well.. If he had Nathan's phone that means he might of already captured him.. or Nathan was told by jeff to message them to lure them there and they are working together. Jefferson has a dangerously bad photo fetish with girls.. its dark.

    Max may use the photo warren took when he was drunk to travel to before the party and stop Jeffy.

  • edited July 2015

    I am Jealous of you guys, ep 4 on ps4 still isn't out. I wish sony would update the store.

  • edited July 2015

    I would have liked a lot more time in the alternate universe. If you think about it, what did going there actually add to the story arc? It was good for character development and I really liked it, but it didn't actually move the story forward at all. You could've skipped from Chloe and Max leaving Frank's RV in episode 3 to them sleuthing in Chloe's room in episode 4 and that omission wouldn't change anything about the narrative. It was just there to make us 'feel the feels' about Chloe. Now if, as well as bonding with Chloe, Max had gone looking for Kate or Rachel in the alternate universe or used the opportunity as Victoria and Nathan's 'friend' to find out more about them for future reference, before jumping back, that would have been good, but as it was, the alternate universe was really just there to service the emotional, issues-based portion of the game as a sort of 'brief, living hypothetical'.

  • Meh, it was... okay. First 30 minutes was so boring: taking care of Chloe and this "dramatic choice" to let her live or kill her. I suppose it had to make players cry, but i didn't feel anything. Cheap trick. Happily later it's getting a little more interesting.
    But it makes me certain that i prefer TT's games than any other which try to copy their style.

  • edited July 2015

    WOAHHH, this is a spoiler, please if you are going to give things away then put the spoiler like everyone else. I had no idea that Max could do that much less in the dark room? Please be careful what you post. Mod if I were you I would put that comment as a spoiler so others like me don't come on here and end up having something ruined.....please use common sense before writing stuff, especially since so many other people have put the spoiler protection on their comments.

  • It kinda depends on where you live I guess. I live in Europe and played it like 12 hours ago on my ps4

    -Bigby- posted: »

    I am Jealous of you guys, ep 4 on ps4 still isn't out. I wish sony would update the store.

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