Life Is Strange - True Colors Out Now, Bonus Episode "Wavelengths" September 30th



  • dojo32161dojo32161 Moderator
    edited July 2015

    I'm really glad I kept all guns away from Chloe for the entire series (until Frank gave her one), there was no option for Frank to die in that scenario. Although the long rewinding without being able to stop at a specific point in a conversation is still annoying.

    I thought it was either wounded or dead so I kept with wounded. I don't regret letting Warren to that, he needed it and Nathan needed his ass kicked. I was cheering for Warren the entire time.

  • Golden, do not ruin my hopes of a Chloe free Life is Strange with that.

  • At least they allowed a skip button, huh?

    dojo32161 posted: »

    I'm really glad I kept all guns away from Chloe for the entire series (until Frank gave her one), there was no option for Frank to die in th

  • You know, I didn't like Chloe anytime before this, I don't know why...But this episode made me care for Chloe. I don't love her but I like her a little bit.

    Golden, do not ruin my hopes of a Chloe free Life is Strange with that.

  • dojo32161dojo32161 Moderator

    Thank the Lord.

    At least they allowed a skip button, huh?

  • Ok then. Oh also glad to know you were cool with Victoria i feel preatty bad for someone who failed that.

    Kinda, I don't really care though, he needed it.

  • I guess she was somewhat better in this episode, but that doesn't make up for her overall attitude and behavior in the previous three episodes.

    You know, I didn't like Chloe anytime before this, I don't know why...But this episode made me care for Chloe. I don't love her but I like her a little bit.

  • The entire Vortex party part, I was yelling "Oh my fucking lord, stop acting like Nathan isn't a psycho rapist killer and like Victoria isn't in trouble. Holy shit, tell them Victoria is in trouble and get the fuck out."

    I cussed a lot this episode.

    Lord_EAA posted: »

    Ok then. Oh also glad to know you were cool with Victoria i feel preatty bad for someone who failed that.

  • I agree, the fact that she apologized and stopped acting like a bitch in every scene meant that I actually liked being around her this episode. Like I said, I don't love her but I like her a little bit which made the ending really hard because I used to not care if she died.

    I guess she was somewhat better in this episode, but that doesn't make up for her overall attitude and behavior in the previous three episodes.

  • I afraid to know what you said at the end the :l

    The entire Vortex party part, I was yelling "Oh my fucking lord, stop acting like Nathan isn't a psycho rapist killer and like Victoria isn'

  • I knew it was a trap. I knew that someone, I suspected Nathan, would either come get Victoria while we were away or he would ambush us. Hell, when they saw Rachel was still there and even all the way up to that point I was shaking and looking behind us. I was pissed that Max was just like "Let's back up into the forested area where someone can attack us."

    Lord_EAA posted: »

    I afraid to know what you said at the end the :l

  • edited July 2015

    I finished Episode 4.

    Talking with alternate Chloe was nice. She totally is different from the way she usually is. And I liked how she and Max easily bond very well. It all got pretty emotional pretty fast in that alternate reality. I even shed a tear. I read Max's journal there, and there was only, like, one page of what happened there. I also read all the text messages, (and even the ringtone was different there) Nice to know that William helped the two BFFs stay in touch. And when it came to the part where Chloe asked me to kill her because she was slowly dying, I did not know what to do. But then, I had to pause and leave with my sister to run an important errand. I told her what I was doing and asked if I should do it, and she told me that if that's what she wants, then yes. And she also made me realize how my own family has had thoughts of how they'd want that as well if they were like that.

    Upon returning to the original reality, I was expecting Max to wake up from being passed out in her dorm room, like no time passed at all, but it turns out, Max just kept going on with the investigation with Chloe, and she wasn't aware of it, which is weird. When I read all the text messages after talking with Chloe again, I caught how Chloe apologized for her outburst in the truck, which is good. And also how she texted Warren. I honestly thought she was bluffing about texting Warren after I kissed her, but I guess not. Seeing the look on David's face before he walked out, and seeing how hard Joyce was dealing with breaking up with him, I did actually feel remorse for the guy. But, it just didn't feel right for me to side with him in that argument.

    I was so glad to talk with Kate again. It felt so refreshing to see her doing better than she was before. And I finally learned that the bunny's name is Alice. I'm glad she was able to help me against Nathan, and how Chloe also apologized for how she acted when Kate called. And I was hoping she could've joined me in the room with Kate.

    I liked how we really got to go all out detective with the clues we found. It was cool. But, the one part of it that annoyed me was figuring out the code to Nathan's phone. And then, exploring the old barn and finding the Dark Room really felt intense and the suspense was killing me for what was to be found. A superhero and her sidekick, stepping right into the gates of Hell. But finding Rachel... it was so sad. A small part of me is glad we finally found her, but a huge part of me was very upset for Chloe since she was dead. I was worried she was going to do something crazy at the party, and of course, Alyssa just needed to be saved from her bad luck for the fourth time in a row.

    And that ending? Chloe... No... Just, God no... I can't believe it was Jefferson the whole time. I trusted that guy, and now he killed Chloe!

    This can't be how it ends for Chloe. It just can't. I hope to God that we will bring her back to life with the rewind power somehow.


    -I accepted Chloe's request. Thank you, dear sister for helping me decide on this one.

    -I let Warren beat up Nathan. It's time that punk got what was coming to him. I hope Warren doesn't get in trouble for it.

    -Chloe wounded Frank. I didn't want anyone to die. I thought I could at least show him not to mess with Max or Chloe again.

    -I warned Victoria, and she believed me. All thanks to me not making fun of her. It felt like the right thing to do.

  • Good to know you were in the mood :)

    I knew it was a trap. I knew that someone, I suspected Nathan, would either come get Victoria while we were away or he would ambush us. Hell

  • This is bullshit, Max did everything you shouldn't do when something like this happens.

    Lord_EAA posted: »

    Good to know you were in the mood

  • I don't think Max is thinking straight after all that happened in the Ep.

    This is bullshit, Max did everything you shouldn't do when something like this happens.

  • Wait... what did you just say?

    Hopefully, Warren's pre-party photo will help in some way.

    That has to be it! That has to be how we can save Chloe from dying! Again!

  • I don't care, if I was in this situation I would be freaking the fuck out but I would know what to do and what I had to.

    Lord_EAA posted: »

    I don't think Max is thinking straight after all that happened in the Ep.

  • Yep I'm thinking the same thing I was like "OK this is way too random" I'm guessing Max will go to Warren ask for the photo (maybe reveals her powers to him) then she uses the photo goes back to that time and warns Chloe not to go to the graveyard and that it's a trap by telling Chloe that Jefferson is the killer.

  • The preview is what scares me. Was he giving he an overdose like he probably did with Rachel? Max knows WAY too much to keep her alive.

    Yep I'm thinking the same thing I was like "OK this is way too random" I'm guessing Max will go to Warren ask for the photo (maybe reveals h

  • So what do you guys think about Alternative Chloe?

  • I guess shes not like you bro (or is just not thinking straight)

    I don't care, if I was in this situation I would be freaking the fuck out but I would know what to do and what I had to.

  • I know this might sound strange, but what if..... And I know this sounds strange, but what if Nathan saves her? I know that sounds unlikely but I get the feeling he is being used and maybe forced into doing these things which is why he is crazy. After all if you go back to episode 3 I think it was he thought Max was Rachel which means he must think Rachel is still alive. Also it could be nothing, but remember episode one when he was pointing the gun at Chloe? He said "I'm sick of people trying to control me". Could be a reference to Jefferson or his dad or just him rambling I guess. Or heck maybe Warren saves her. We know he stalks her based on that one screenshot of him peeking through her window.

    The preview is what scares me. Was he giving he an overdose like he probably did with Rachel? Max knows WAY too much to keep her alive.

  • Obviously not like me. lmao

    Lord_EAA posted: »

    I guess shes not like you bro (or is just not thinking straight)

  • To be honest i felt bad for Nathan since even his psychologist says that his familly dosent give him the support he needs and Jeffersson or His father made him take part in this because he either 'Had to follow the familly buisness' or followed his teacher into this while having mental issues due to his parents. Either way hes being manipulated.

  • I liked her more than the other Chloe. I really felt sad for her.

    So what do you guys think about Alternative Chloe?

  • I honestly think Nathan or Warren will save her. Honestly, Nathan has something to do with it, it's obvious. He knew Rachel was in the Dark Room and he's with her in a photo...Something that makes me doubt that, is that in the AU if you check your texts...Max texts with Nathan and she says "I'm in the Dark room" and something about developing photos and Nathan is fine with that.

    I know this might sound strange, but what if..... And I know this sounds strange, but what if Nathan saves her? I know that sounds unlikely

  • Imao godnight bro :)

    Obviously not like me. lmao

  • Godnight bro.

    Lord_EAA posted: »

    Imao godnight bro

  • Even though she was paralyzed, she's still hella cool to be around. Ironically, she hates that word. XD

    So what do you guys think about Alternative Chloe?

  • OzzyUKOzzyUK Moderator

    Ironically, she hates that word. XD

    I thought it was funny when she said she hated "hella", they probably added that for a joke as there are mixed feeling about Chloe using that word on Reddit and the Steam forums.

  • Am i the only person who didn't warn Victoria?

  • DeltinoDeltino Moderator
    edited July 2015

    I'm going to give Dontnod credit for one thing in particular with this series so far. While they may not have made major leaps and strides from Telltale's formula in terms of choice and consequence, they have definitely refined and helped improve upon some of the mechanics and tactics that Telltale have been using. Then again, due to the nature and setting of their story, they have a lot more outlets to allow for consequences to appear in comparison to Telltale's stories (texts, newspapers, letters, objects in the world, centering mostly on a singular location in the form of Blackwell and Arcadia Bay, etc). Even then however, I still give them credit for getting quite creative at times for how to work in consequences/ripples to a scene(s) in subtle but meaningful ways, arguably doing it better than Telltale has at times.

    I like to remain optimistic in that the competition from Life is Strange can help make the stories/games from both companies keep improving on future projects. Friendly competition, with each side trying to raise the bar ever so higher than the other, is a good thing.

    I call out Telltale on their flaws on their games, whether it's TWD, TFTBL, TWAU, or GOT, but in those games, I find that the good far outweighs the bad, and in my opinion, the same cannot be said for Life is Strange.

  • Does anyone know what song is playing when Max & Chloe find Rachel's dead body? I really want to listen to the full version.

  • Did anyone else notice that Daniel was wearing a shirt with the fat guy in a fedora tipping it with "M'Lady" on it. I busted out laughing when I say that. I took a picture of it on my PS4 but I already turned it off.

  • I was glad when Max ditched the alternate timeline. The first chapter of that episode was soul-crushingly sad.

    So what do you guys think about Alternative Chloe?

  • I think it might be "Message To Bears - Mountains"

  • I'm not sure if it's just me getting older or something, but I really couldn't get less what reviewers say. Most of the time, the reviews are damn right terrible and inconsistent from one game to the next. I much prefer just checking a forum out to gauge people's general impressions over the terrible bias gaming press we currently have. In fact, I'd go so far as to say after pre order/awful DLC, microtransactions, the press is right up there for my hates in gaming.

  • That's it! Thanks

    I think it might be "Message To Bears - Mountains"

  • edited July 2015

    No, I meant to say I wonder if we'll be able to save her.

  • I didn't have him as a friend, I just had Chloe shoot him in the leg...Apparently you can somehow have the whole conversation go I really don't care, I like him but I'm surprised he can be nice...not to me...but in general.

    So anybody else really love Frank now? Yeah he's a grouchy drug dealer, but he's a grouchy drug dealer with a heart of gold :')

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