Life Is Strange - True Colors Out Now, Bonus Episode "Wavelengths" September 30th



  • edited July 2015

    "Who's the bitch now?"

    Alt text

    Gorgeous, absolutely gorgeous.

  • I love Max's voice. It's Alyssa's I can't stand.

    torkahn808 posted: »

    I just cant enjoy her dialogue due to her voice Me to. Something in her voice just grates my ear.

  • "I think my face is broken." - Nathan

  • Lol I just noticed Warren's shirt. Totally appropriate.

  • Literally the easiest choice so far. Why wouldn't someone want to watch Nathan get twisted?

    Poogers555 posted: »

    "I think my face is broken." - Nathan

  • I stopped Warren because i thought if he hurts Nathan really badly then Nathan will be more likely to target him and warren could be at risk.

    Also, with regard to the meta, Warren thanks you for stopping him, saying that he didn't want to become like him

    Literally the easiest choice so far. Why wouldn't someone want to watch Nathan get twisted?

  • Oh yeah, what's funny is I really didnt like Warren that much till he gave Nathan that beat down

    Literally the easiest choice so far. Why wouldn't someone want to watch Nathan get twisted?

  • How?

    Gary-Oak posted: »


  • edited July 2015

    Okay.... where to start...

    So that episode was a complete 180 on the atmosphere. Emotionally draining, depressing, blissful, dark, creepy, disgusting, so many feelings in one episode. Dontnod really can pull your feel strings. The impact on my choices were very strong, at times I felt grateful and other times very regretful.


    Max became very protective and brave now, she really grown. And the alt universe she was gave her a lesson and clicked a very much stronger attachment to Chloe (did for me too, I felt so guilty for putting the whole family in that position.). Chloe shown growth as well; she complains a lot less, doesn't guilt trip ya, still tries to find Rachel after feeling betrayed back in Ep3, and she shows how much she is willing to risk to defend Max and find Rachel. She's shown a lot of care behind that tough exterior. And it's sad how much she lost, first William now Rachel. David showed his true colours to me when he left, it really made me regret my decision from before. Hopefully he can be brought back in the house... if there is gonna be one. Warren showed some real development too, he is very protective of Max like Chloe and is real party hard type of a guy. The beatdown he did reminded me of Kenny vs Carver, sorta. Nathan continues to show how much of a sick bastard he is (ironic coming from my comment earlier today, but I'll put it this way: When you deeply care for someone and you see them go through hell/get killed because of somebody, often your inner monster comes out for vengeance. And I sorta feel like, if Chloe was real, I'd propose to her. Don't judge though, okay?) and seeing the state he put Chloe in and much more just pisses me the fuck off. He and his family are just a bunch of rich pricks. Fuck 'em. Oh and you too Jefferson, your time will come. And it won't be pretty. Now Frank Bowers is a very interesting character, and his emotions works like an on and off switch. He's an okay guy deep down, just get on his nice side and he's cool. He just needs to stop pulling out that damn knife! And it was great to see Kate again, and I'm happy she's doing much better. Victoria showed some development and she obviously has her regrets. And it didn't hit me earlier until I was on Reddit where I learned Stella was shifty as fuck. The evidence makes sense, she's somehow involved with this shit going on.


    The beginning was very peaceful but I can't help but for awful for Chloe. And there was a feeling she was going to die soon.... The time with Chloe and her family in the Alt Universe, and looking through the house. I realize how much shit I put them through. And when Chloe asked me to... ya know, that just really killed me. I just couldn't do it. Because I knew there was still a chance and when the option showed, I quickly fixed time. But at a price yet again (no pun intended). I'm sorry William. When Max came to the original timeline and Chloe was back to normal, that scene had a vey bittersweet feeling. Seeing David go didn't feel right at all though. I don't think he'll be gone forever though. The Kate scene was very special and I loved every moment of it. I liked the detective stuff we had to do this episode, it was fun but difficult, especially the board. I also struggled for about 30 minutes trying to keep Frank alive! Frankly I just wanted him to spill the beans and get out of there, not to have Chloe kill/hurt Frank and his dog. That part was a pain in the arse. And the board where we put the pieces together was tough at first, seeing all those to go through fried my brain instantly. Now I know what detectives go through.... ugh. Going through the barn and Dark Room revealed a lot of the family, Nathan and Jefferson. Very dark history, and the atmosphere was unrelenting. Seeing those photos of Kate and Rachel bothered me a lot. And when we went to Rachel's resting place, it was awful and sad. To think she was there the whole time. And when I saw the deer, and it disappeared, I remembered back in Ep2 when I saw it and realized that was actually Rachel's spirit in the form of a deer. The Vortex Club party was so ominous and tense considering Chloe might shoot Nathan in the head at the pool and Victoria was gonna get attacked. It was nice to see the minors all around but I was too tense to enjoy the talk. And the ending where Jefferson just straight up killed Chloe was just so shocking for me, after a few moments I was both sad and pissed. I really hope I can save Chloe, I better be able to use Warren's selfie.


    A lot of the choices I made in earlier episodes showed how truly important they were. Kate's scene was a big one. And the gun that Chloe uses seems to be a big difference maker.

    Thoughts for next episode: How are they gonna tell the rest of the plot, can Chloe be revived, who's gonna die, multiple endings?

    Rate: 10/10

  • Please. Hipster drama is like 'omg her clothing choice is so bad' or 'hmm omg should i take a pic of the sun or the moon :O' not 'we've just dug up a dead body' and getting injected with date rape drugs.

    Well the hipster teacher did kill the hipster teen so I think it counts as hipster drama :P. Not that I'm complaining I loved the episode and Life Is Strange is one of the best games I've ever played.

  • The dialogue's really improved over the episodes, found it barely noticeably annoying in episode 4. They even make fun of the way they talk in it.

    ranger563 posted: »

    I follow Life is Strange via Youtube Let's Plays and my feelings on it are mixed. The story itself is generally pretty good, but the cringey

  • Yes.

    Flog61 posted: »


  • I'm a firm believer that if someone pulls a gun on you, it's life or death at that point. Nathan acts all big and bad but watching Warren kick that gun from his hand and continue to beat his face like a teenager does a sock full of Vaseline was something that Sir Dickwad had coming his way for a long time and I had no intention of pulling off a bullied kid with a serious boost of adrenalin coursing through his body just because he will come back.

    Don't get me wrong, I'm sure Nathan will target Warren. But he has nothing to threaten anyone with what with the gun being jacked from his person.

    ...And besides, fuck Nathan.

    Flog61 posted: »

    I stopped Warren because i thought if he hurts Nathan really badly then Nathan will be more likely to target him and warren could be at risk

  • You're preaching to the choir right now.

    He got so much points for that display.

    Poogers555 posted: »

    Oh yeah, what's funny is I really didnt like Warren that much till he gave Nathan that beat down

  • edited July 2015

    Somehow that depiction sounds a bit like Tom Gould's version. xD

    Well, I'll be honest, I try to keep Max nice, brave, heroic and protective. I dunno. I do that a lot with games where I mold the character. I confuse myself often. I think what best describes me is that I'm like the wind. One current flow of air that can be very calm to very intense, change directions, and spins wildly at times." Those thoughts of mine are just imagination, heat of the moment thing, probably would then but now I probably would just give him the Nathan treatment. But man do those bastards really get under your skin to make you get those thoughts. And yeah, Arcadia needs its toilet cleaned.

    My exact reaction to when Chloe was shot was "let me see their face... let me see. Jefferson, huh? You fucked up." Now I got him in my si

  • edited July 2015

    Personally I like it more than any telltale game except maybe Tales From The Borderlands and Wolf Among Us and maybe it's just me and I don't see what's wrong with the dialogue

    ranger563 posted: »

    I follow Life is Strange via Youtube Let's Plays and my feelings on it are mixed. The story itself is generally pretty good, but the cringey

  • Was that a spoiler?

    Well the hipster teacher did kill the hipster teen so I think it counts as hipster drama :P. Not that I'm complaining I loved the episode and Life Is Strange is one of the best games I've ever played.

  • edited July 2015

    dead bodies? Hipster drama.

    weird rape fetishes? Hipster drama.

    tackling of mental illness? Hipster drama.

    I actually feel bad for you, that's not how things work. Sorry.

    Schwarzblut posted: »

    This is GOT forum,not hipster drama

  • Some forshadowing:

    Alt text

    David was on to him:

    Alt text

  • I have absolutely no problem with Max's voice. I find her voice endearing

    torkahn808 posted: »

    I just cant enjoy her dialogue due to her voice Me to. Something in her voice just grates my ear.

  • I've always found that expression funny since my tutor at university pointed out to me how language can be used to justify anything in Cicero's speeches.

    This was used in the example. You can say 'Too many cooks spoil the broth' to say not many people should work on something, but you could also say 'many hands make light work' to say many people should work on something.

  • True, the story was all over the place and the characters completley changed their personalities between Episodes. TWD S2 was shit in that perspective (which is the most important selling point for Telltale). It just lived off the success of the first Season.

    Clemenem posted: »

    whereas Telltale cycle lead writers, leading to a more disjointed plot. This ruined TWD S2 for me

  • It was in a comment thread marked with life is strange spoilers, so you shouldn't be surprised to come across them.

    Hunted35 posted: »

    Was that a spoiler?

  • edited July 2015

    Agreed. I absolutely loved episode 4, but up until this one the episodes have been pretty mediocre for me. The dialogue can be really cringeworthy at times (not talking about the slangs they use), and I understand it's an issue with the lip syncing, but even when that gets fixed, I think they need to work on improving the dialogues between characters. In fact, I think they understand human behavior really well, it's just that it doesn't translate well on the screen when they make characters interact. I applaud them for exploring subjects such as suicide, bullying, mental issues, drugs, and for creating a female character like Max. In conclusion, both games have their advantages and disadvantages and I throughly enjoy playing both for different reasons.

    On a side note, I've come across this annoying bug in Life is Strange multiple times where when I go back in time and then press space to fast forward the dialogue - the characters freeze and I can't do anything (but exit the game). I don't know if it's happening to anybody else, or if it's just my bad luck.

    ranger563 posted: »

    I follow Life is Strange via Youtube Let's Plays and my feelings on it are mixed. The story itself is generally pretty good, but the cringey

  • Oh my bad, Well, I guess I now know not to trust the teacher, or maybe I should, maybe the hipster was a bad guy and teach just helped. Wait, is the hipster student bad or good?

    Flog61 posted: »

    It was in a comment thread marked with life is strange spoilers, so you shouldn't be surprised to come across them.

  • Oh wait, never mind, I think your description up there classifies him as a villain, sorry,

    Flog61 posted: »

    It was in a comment thread marked with life is strange spoilers, so you shouldn't be surprised to come across them.

  • edited July 2015

    Glad to know I'm not the only one who ran into a problem there. I must admit I ran into another part later on, which I thought might have been buggy. But on that occasion, it was a clear case of user error. ;) Though in my defense, I didn't realise a certain thing became clickable based on how another object was manipulated in a specific room. (A slice of my pizza that is currently cooking if you manage to guess the part without specifics.)

    In fact, there were a few times I had look up let's plays on Youtube for the answers to certain problems. So, it shows the game does feature harder puzzles than TTG's stuff if that's important (or should that be it 'it features puzzles which TTG's stuff doesn't'?). Only for episode 4 though really. Myself, I prefer there to not be much wandering etc. and for the plot to move on without stalling if you get stuck, as I play mostly for the story anyway.

    dojo32161 posted: »

    I had the same problem with the refuse option, I exited out of the game for a second and came back and now there was an option as if I was going to a new locations (you know, click to go to "...")

  • What does Max being female have to do with anything?

    sabinas posted: »

    Agreed. I absolutely loved episode 4, but up until this one the episodes have been pretty mediocre for me. The dialogue can be really cringe

  • edited July 2015

    Me emphasizing her being a female comes from the creators story of when they first tried pitching the game, multiple companies wanted them to change her into a male character.

    AgentZ46 posted: »

    What does Max being female have to do with anything?

  • I guess just bravery and plot consistency considering they were advised not to make Max female.

    AgentZ46 posted: »

    What does Max being female have to do with anything?

  • Prominent female characters in games are often stigmatized. Might not seem like a big deal to you and me, but people go literally crazy over this kinda thing, they've accused the game of being "Tumblr Lesbian SJW Feminazi propaganda" just because of its choice of protagonist.

    AgentZ46 posted: »

    What does Max being female have to do with anything?

  • Right, I feel the gender wouldn't have changed much though, other than the fact Max wouldn't be in the girls dorm.

    sabinas posted: »

    Me emphasizing her being a female comes from the creators story of when they first tried pitching the game, multiple companies wanted them to change her into a male character.

  • I understand now, thanks for the input.

    ranger563 posted: »

    Prominent female characters in games are often stigmatized. Might not seem like a big deal to you and me, but people go literally crazy over

  • edited July 2015

    She probably wouldn't have been friends with Chloe, nor with Kate, wouldn't have gone into the girls bathroom in the first episode so wouldn't have saved Chloe's life, meaning she wouldn't have figured out the disappearance of rachel amber etc.

    AgentZ46 posted: »

    Right, I feel the gender wouldn't have changed much though, other than the fact Max wouldn't be in the girls dorm.

  • Very good point, I wonder how they would've handled that if they had made Max a male character.

  • They're not that different you know? Both episodic games, both games with choices... you can't compare things like a cat with a ventilator but you can if there are two videogames, expecially with some features in common.

    And I'm not complaining, I'm a huge TT fan who really enjoys Life is Strange.

  • Call of Duty and Resident Evil 1 are both shooters, they both feature white men as their main advertised protagonists, they both have zombies...

    Miklaus posted: »

    They're not that different you know? Both episodic games, both games with choices... you can't compare things like a cat with a ventilator b

  • dojo32161dojo32161 Moderator

    To be fair, David doesn't trust anyone.

  • edited July 2015

    Chloe would've been a guy most likely, and there wouldn't be a romance because you can't have two guys in love in a video game.

    AgentZ46 posted: »

    Very good point, I wonder how they would've handled that if they had made Max a male character.

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