Do you think it is possible to regain someone's respect, after having lost it?
Even after you've acted like a complete A-hole, in that you haven't shown respect for others, and shown yourself to care only about yourself.
Provided that you're committed to changing your behavior, do you think it is possible?
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Yes. I have done it.
Well, people can change opinions on characters who do horrific stuff, I'm sure it's possible.
Yes, of course it's possible. Just become a nicer, respecting person.
Yeah sure.
It depends on the person, but I think it's possible to regain lost respect. At least to a certain degree.
In my experience, it's a rather arduous task.
Depends on the person judging you.
Done it.
There are some people who will always see you in a negative way, but I've been able to gain some respect from people who clearly had no respect from me at all. Back when I was a big Minecraft fan, I joined a server that was very popular at the time. I was 12 at the time, and prone to throwing tantrums and not being able to take criticism (I still struggle with it, as I've demonstrated here before, but I've improved). I got in a bunch of fights, said some really stupid things, and got myself banned numerous times. When I was certain my time on the server was done, there was a ton of drama over how the server was being run, which resulted in the server getting reset and built from scratch, as well as wiping all previous bans. I rejoined, and made peace with a lot of people and was accepted into the community again.
It really just depends on whether the person is willing to forgive you or not. The key to it is to be sincere. Most people can probably tell if you're trying to be someone you're not. At the end of the day, though, there are billions of people on this planet, and what one person thinks of you means jack shit.
It depends on the person and whether or not they have a forgiving nature or are prone to holding grudges. It also depends on the cause for the relationship going sour and how seriously the other person takes the issue that caused the break, and whether or not the effort to apologize is sincere.
It is possible but there are a lot factors that come into play on whether a person is willing to forgive and forget past slights.
I believe that it is within all mankind to forgive. It is only a matter of if they recognize that or not. Some people tend to hold grudges against you, while others just forgive and move on.
First you have to ask why are they acting that way what's the motive behind their actions, Was it bad parenting made them develop bad habits, Is it an isolated incident. Did something tragic happen to them which is making them act so difficult, Are they just acting this way towards you because they don't respect you, Have you done something they perceive is wrong to them so they have a perception you owe them and they can act whatever way they want towards you without consequence, Do they have a mistrust and bad social skills with people from a bad experience in their past which makes them distant.
Get an answer sometimes people act this way because they can, you teach people how to treat you through reactions to situations, People can know it's wrong but still do to look to have dominance or power over people to feel important or better try to teach you to feel like them on issues/opinions or be rejected. Behave the way they want or they reject you. Do as they want or face their anger. Be their puppet or everything about you is dirt
It's narcissism
Of course it's possible but if you did something bad you must face the consequences of your actions and this will help stop you ever being like that again.
Some people don't change they get a buzz from your forgiveness each time to manipulate you and get worse to see how much you can take
That's why it's essential they face consequences for their actions and must prove themselves again so they know every action has a reaction and their bad behavior will not be tolerated
Forgiveness must be earned imo
But then you have people who hold grudges for weeks and get offended over nothing ffs I could rant for ages on that
But in conclusion
Depends on the person some act like that because they are douches while others might just be having a bad day it really depends how important a person is to you and how much bs you can tolerate in terms of forgiveness it's up to the person if they want to forgive
Nope. Persosnally
This is entirely dependent on the person.
I'm a pretty slack guy. I've had people do stupid shit but, having done similar myself, I find it easy to forgive and move on. Not everyone's like that. I give in accordance to what I've been given, and I've been given a lot of forgiveness.
I'm the same I find it hard to hold grudges for long if I have an issue with someone I try sort it out straight away
Or, you know, defriend them from Steam and not try to solve the issue you have with them.
that works to
lmao, hypocrite.
Definitely, I changed and people saw how I changed and in turn changed their views and opinions of me, however not everybody is going to forgive you and some people will never stop hating you.
.............I believe that it depends onnthe individual(s) concerned.