As you may have guessed, this thread is to talk about pets.
Do you have or have you had pets? If so, tell us their name, species and/or whatever comes into your mind.
What do you think about those animals people keep in their houses for company?
Well, since we're on the topic: I have a pet. I saved a seven week old stray kitten's life, since she was abandoned.
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I have a fish still, it outlived a dog and several rabbits
I have two cats and a turtle. I rescued both cats, one from being put to sleep, and he's fat and happy now.
My family has a few pets. After I moved out I only accept one as my pet anymore. My cat is awesome.
I have 2 dogs and I like them more than any person I know
I've never owned any pets, though I'd like to get a kitty sometime
I had a border collie mix named, Max. But he passed away from spleen cancer when I was 15. About six months later, we got a heeler mix puppy named Lucy. Still have her to this day.
My family has three pets.
Tweak - Old ass deer chihuahua. Adorable but whiny and neurotic as fuck. She was my mom's idea.
JJ - American Staffordshire Terrier (a bigger variety of Pit Bull). Looks really dangerous, but the gentlest, most wimpy dog you'll ever meet. He was trained by inmates at the county jail and is extremely obedient.
Java - A pudgy cat, she's sweet but struggling lately. Has trouble walking and keeping her balance.
I used to have two giant Madagascar Millipedes, Milli and Kilo.
I have 3 dogs and a cat. They're both pretty neat I guess.
I have an American Rottweiler. She's an angel. This is not her name, but I call her the GOAT (greatest of all time)
I have 3 cats at the moment, and in total have had 6 cats in my lifetime. My parents bottle-fed a kitten they found in alleyway back when they lived in an apartment in NYC. They named him Louis. Louis was brought to NJ when I was born and lived in the house I'm currently in. He passed away sometime in my toddler years at the age of 12 from cancer. When I was about 4 or 5 we adopted two young cats. My brother and I picked out a multi-colored cat and named her Rainbow, while my dad picked out a black cat that my parents named Pywacket after a witch's cat in the movie Bell, Book and Candle. Rainbow was killed by a car when I was 8, making her around 6-7 years old when she died. Shortly after, we adopted Leia (who was from a litter of Star Wars theme-named kittens and whose name we decided to keep) who was 9 months old. Pywacket was put to sleep from kidney complications and thyroid problems my freshman year of high school at the age of 14-15 years old, having lived a nice long life.
After Pywacket passed, we adopted a 2 year-old tuxedo cat we named Sylvester. Fast forward to about a month ago (summer of going into my senior year) and my family broke the only 2 pets at a time rule when my mom found a starving young kitty at her work. We cleaned her up, fed her, got her vaccinated, microchipped, and spayed and added her to the family since she is incredibly sweet. She is about 8 months old now and named Tali.
There's my way-too-detailed pets story. They mean so much to me though, and I feel like animals are a big part of my life since I want to be a veterinarian. I also love dogs and will probably adopt one when I'm older, but I didn't have any growing up since my parents prefer cats.
I had a golden fish when I was 4-5, I brought him home on Saturday... when I woke up on Sunday, he was dead.
I had two turtles once, they also died.
Also a quaker parrot (is that how you call them?). Guess what happened ? ;_;
Buuut to be fair, I used to have a dog, he's pretty alive, but he doesn't live with me anymore since I live in an apartment.
So yeah, I'm kinda traumatized.
I have 2 Yorkshire dogs, and the female gave birth to 5 pups. And i am gonna sell the pups.
The male demands attention and is a lover, every night he comes and sleeps with me. (sometimes sleeps somewhere else)
And the female likes to eat a lot. i have to always make sure she has food in her dish or she goes into the bathroom and gets used toilet paper and........ya i know
And the pups are ugly as crap......just kidding, they are cute.
And finally: I did have another Yorkshire dog that was my first one. But something happened while i was away. He was at a friends house, and he had this massive dog that hated my dog. And one day they let my dog outside and did not know their dog was out and he grabbed my dog and bit a hole in his lung. They tried taking him to a vet, but they did not make it in time, and he passed away in the car. They felt so bad that they went and bought another yorkshire. (The current one) and then i bought the female dog one year later.
And thats it. Thanks for wasting time reading this crap! :P
I got cats. Lots of cats. Unknown people drop off wild cats near my house at night. And the cats come to my house looking for food. Over the years, I've probably had nearly 100 cats. And recently, 4 cats gave birth to kittens who are already running around everywhere. So my property is like a cat city. I used to have a Rottweiler dog named, Simba, but she passed away a few years ago. My aunt has a Chihuahua named, Max.
I have one pug, he's my best friend.
One dog, Cinco. I'm his 4 owner I believe. I don't know for sure his breed(s), but from pictures he looks most similarly to a Staffordshire bull terrier.
I have two cats at the moment. Both are super fat.
How did the female die so young?
I've had lots of cats, a few dogs, some mice, hamsters, and fish. The first pet I ever had was a cat named Charm, and he was my baby. He lived for a long time (I think I was 2 when he was born and he died when I was 12 so he lived for 10 years). He was always an outdoor cat and I like to think he was the big boss around town because he was giant and fluffy with big paws and he looked like a lion. Although he was a solitary cat and didn't like many people, he was very protective of me. I remember one time on Halloween when I was trick or treating, he stalked me at a distance the entire night as if he were guarding me.
Unfortunately, he got into a scrabble with my neighbour's terrier and the dog bit him in the rear. The infection spread very quickly because he was really good at hiding pain. Then one day he wouldn't go outside, wouldn't eat or drink, and the wound began to smell. Eventually, we had to put him down because the infection had spread to the inside. I still miss him everyday. A few months later my parents adopted another kitten to keep me company, named Salem, after the talking cat on Sabrina the Teenage Witch. He was small and pure black, and very shy. He didn't live very long. Like Charm, he was an outside cat, and one day he didn't come back home. About a week after he went missing, we found him under the porch, limping. It turned out that he was hit by a car and his entire hip was shattered. We put him down, too.
We got yet another cat, named Maybelle. We had her for a few years before she lost her eye in a cat fight. Finally, we started getting the point that maybe we should stop letting our cats outside. So, we got another cat named Midnight and, a few years later, a chubby orange baby of a kitty, Milo. Because of past experiences, I won't let my cats outside unless they are supervised.
At the moment, I have 5 Dogs and 3 Horses.
Dogs (4 'Boxers' and one that I don't know its breed)
Horses (Just horses... Although they won a few races in Australia about 10 years ago)
The animals I currently have are:
Four Dogs who I love more than anything in the world. (Two golden retrievers, a Pitbull, and a Hound/Pitbull mix)
2 Guinea pigs
Several Fishes
I always wanted a pet, the most my parents gave me was a fish that lasted half a year
I have 1 pet, a dachshund and shitzu mix; named Sophie. She was my first pet that I have ever had, all I have to say is a dog is a lot harder to take care of then I thought.
You're a better fish owner than me, at least. Mine only managed to stay alive for a week.
I knew they don't last long that long, it's weird that mine lasted so long. Seeing all the pets people have here makes me want one myself, I wish I could have one.
I have about ~18 dogs and 4 cats.
Thanks for the forgotten memory. You sound like me before i met my wife.
are you serious?
Well animals can die at a young age. I gave a pup to a friend as a gift that died from an infection and he was still young. I can't remember how old he was but he was young enough.
Yikes!!! My mom would leave the house if i had that many Animals.
Oh, gosh, I've had so many pets over the years, especially when I was a kid. Let's see:
My favorite pet when I was a kid was a guinea pig called Beeb. My sister and I always had at least one guinea pig when we were growing up. Our other guinea pigs names were Pixie and Dixie, Ginger, White Bomb (the grossest guinea pig ever), B B Gun (also gross, but cute), AJ and CJ, and Little Guy, a female guinea pig with a stump leg that always had a case of bumblefoot.
Then later, my sister got a guinea pig named Oreo and I took care of her when my sister moved in with us (she was the greatest guinea pig ever, as she was very clean. She'd squirm to let you know when she had to pee or poop when she was on your lap, and she'd only poop in a corner of her cage that she dug a hole out of the woodchips, and she'd squeal whenever her cage got too dirty, but she was a quiet piggy otherwise).
We had rabbits: Fuzzy, Sheila (who had a ton of baby bunnies and then ran away with her babies to our backyard under our shed), and Smokey.
We had a gerbil that was given to us by a friend and was very bitey. I don't remember his name, as we gave him back pretty quickly.
We had a teddy bear hamster named peanut butter who escaped and must have gotten in a fight with another rodent, as he came back without an eye.
We had rats that were really adorable (they'd escape from their cages at night and come in to sleep in bed with us). They attacked our bird though, so we had to give them away.
Our bird was a cockatiel named Nippy, who would snuggle with my dad but would nip at everyone else.
We had dogs: beagles named Butch and Buffy, a boxer named Mini, and later a puppy that was too rambunctious for my dad when he had cancer, as he constantly jumped on him and hurt him unintentionally, so we had to give him up. Later, when my friend moved to Florida he gave us his dog named Max, who was raised with cats so he would clean himself like a cat.
When my grandparents got too sick to take care of their dog, we were given their chihuahua Cricket. She was raised in a puppy farm, so she was really aggressive when it came to eating, but was really affectionate otherwise (she'd howl whenever anyone got hurt). When my sister lived with us, she got two other dogs, a terrier named Ozzy and a mastiff named Mia (she got huge, as she's 170 pounds now).
And cats: my sister's friend had a cat named Precious (who was anything but, as she was a vicious cat) that had kittens. We kept two: fluffy and kitten. Fluffy ran away and Kitten had to be euthanized because he got feline AIDS. When my sister lived with us, she also had a cat named Chloe (who is funny, as she tries to bark like a dog and sits on dirt piles when you sweep). Then my mother got two cats, Baby and Kiki. Kiki now lives with my sister with Chloe, Mia, and Ozzy. Baby still lives with my mom and I (although I'm moving out in a few days, so I'll be petless for a while for the first time in a long time).
I love pugs, I would have one if I could. Heard they're very affectionate.
Mine is, when he's not sleeping...because he's lazy as hell...he's looking for affection. Sometimes he comes into my room just to lay with me.
I have a 160 lb Newfoundland dog.
He must be very cute. How could someone not love them? :P
My pug is 9 years old and when he dies, it will break me. I love him so much, he's fat and adorable.
Dogs are tough, I'm sure you will still have him around for a while. And they're the best friends we could have.
I sure hope so, he is WAY too important to me right now.
We usually buy 2 sacks of dog food whenever we can, sometimes we feed them rice with chicken liver.
I "own" 1 while my mom owns the rest.
With the cats—I brought home a kitten from school because the other students were messing around with it, my mom didn't like the idea at first but we ended taking care of it.
Oh yeah, I forgot to mention that my grandfather's parrot lives with my family now too.
I've got two dogs (lab and a terrier) two cats and a fish