Zero in Grand Theft Auto; San Andreas. Fuck every fiber of his being.
This motherfuckers "Nooooooooooo!" will live forever in my brai… moren as the worst sound ever created by manking. Fuck his stupid toy-based missions, fuck his stupid voice, fuck his stupid glasses, fuck his stupid store, and fuck his stupid-god damned-motherfuckin' toy planes.
Just...fuck him.
He built an empire on slavery, war, and general human suffering. He orders atrocities to be committed on a whim and wiped out the New Canaanites, an entire culture dedicated to faith and helping/enlightening others, simply because someone who displeased him was formerly a part of them. Anyone who gets in his way is crucified, enslaved, beheaded, or worse. He is the largest hypocrite in the Wasteland, railing on about the evils of advanced technology and medicine even though he uses those in secret to keep his health from failing. He's an immoral, murdering, arrogant, snobby, hypocritical monster with a God complex who tries to bring his "Culture" of misery to everyone he can find. Every time I start a new playthrough I always pay a visit to his Fort and let my .44 Magnum explain to him just what I think of him.
Caesar from Fallout: New Vegas.
He built an empire on slavery, war, and general human suffering. He orders atrocities to be committed on … morea whim and wiped out the New Canaanites, an entire culture dedicated to faith and helping/enlightening others, simply because someone who displeased him was formerly a part of them. Anyone who gets in his way is crucified, enslaved, beheaded, or worse. He is the largest hypocrite in the Wasteland, railing on about the evils of advanced technology and medicine even though he uses those in secret to keep his health from failing. He's an immoral, murdering, arrogant, snobby, hypocritical monster with a God complex who tries to bring his "Culture" of misery to everyone he can find. Every time I start a new playthrough I always pay a visit to his Fort and let my .44 Magnum explain to him just what I think of him.
tl;dr he's a bag of dicks
GTA VC: Lance Vance, Ricardo Diaz, Sonny
Skyrim: Mercer
Mass Effect series: Udina, Illusive man, Stupid reporter and Jacob
Fallout … more3: Amata (You save the vault and she kicks you out), Tunnel snakes
Dragon Age Origins: Loghain, Zevran, Sten.
I tend to just blow up the vault any time I play now, Amata finds you at the exit once again moping around for some help, unfortunately you cant tell her off or anything; bit of a shame.
That said you can run into her later being interrogated by the enclave, she screeches like a harpy for assistance before she gets gun downed. I found it funny. You can save her but she just yells at you to leave her alone
GTA VC: Lance Vance, Ricardo Diaz, Sonny
Skyrim: Mercer
Mass Effect series: Udina, Illusive man, Stupid reporter and Jacob
Fallout … more3: Amata (You save the vault and she kicks you out), Tunnel snakes
Dragon Age Origins: Loghain, Zevran, Sten.
Caesar from Fallout: New Vegas.
He built an empire on slavery, war, and general human suffering. He orders atrocities to be committed on … morea whim and wiped out the New Canaanites, an entire culture dedicated to faith and helping/enlightening others, simply because someone who displeased him was formerly a part of them. Anyone who gets in his way is crucified, enslaved, beheaded, or worse. He is the largest hypocrite in the Wasteland, railing on about the evils of advanced technology and medicine even though he uses those in secret to keep his health from failing. He's an immoral, murdering, arrogant, snobby, hypocritical monster with a God complex who tries to bring his "Culture" of misery to everyone he can find. Every time I start a new playthrough I always pay a visit to his Fort and let my .44 Magnum explain to him just what I think of him.
tl;dr he's a bag of dicks
Dead Rising 2: Leon Bell
The Walking Dead: The Stranger
Borderlands The Pre Sequel: Mr. Tassiter
GTA V : Lazlow Jones
Fallout 3: Butch DeLoria
Battlefield Hardline: Julian Dawes
I usually roll in there late in the game with Boone and one or two modded companions and we don't have too much trouble. It's just so satisfying to hear Boone say "Thumbs down you son of a bitch."
I actually liked her at first and was willing to help her out when i heard the vault's distress signal, after all my effort she just kicked me out, so i just blew up the entire vault on the way back outside.
Fallout 3: Amata
Oh god YES
I tend to just blow up the vault any time I play now, Amata finds you at the exit once again moping a… moreround for some help, unfortunately you cant tell her off or anything; bit of a shame.
That said you can run into her later being interrogated by the enclave, she screeches like a harpy for assistance before she gets gun downed. I found it funny. You can save her but she just yells at you to leave her alone
Season 2 ruined her character, and not like she's a horrible person or anything, it's just the writing and what she went through wrecked her as a person and is too sad for me to try and play the games anymore. If she is Protagonist in Season 3 I'm done with the games.
Right now I'm huge into Fire Emblem, and it's about the only thing I'm playing, but not that anyone would know her unless they play the game... lol I just need to rant about this character because I despise her. And anyone who watches anime will better understand WHY I hate her so much because of all the cliches and stereotypes she hits.
Sumia from Fire Emblem Awakening. I don't care about spoilers since the game has been out for so long and it might help other people realize the shitty job that the game writers did with her. First of all, the game is all about choice and about making your own personal story. Before you even start up the game, in the opening movie she is set up to be the main characters love interest. (like she and the main character are MARRIED and have a baby)... In a game about choice, having that sort of blatant cut scene showing you that "Dur this character and this character are cannon in our universe so fuck off if you want to see them end up with someone else"...
Sumia is a character introduced early and COMPLETELY plays off of the whole, adorable clutz, natural with animals anime stereotype. I can handle the adorable clutz bull crap and the whole natural with animal bull crap, but when you make a game about choice and then deliberately make her set up to influence a decision you make about her and another character it's not choice, and an agenda the game developers made. -__- It would be like playing Mass Effect, and having Ashley set up as the cannon love interest for a Male Shepard, or Kaidan set up as the cannon love interest as a female Sherard. So, maybe these characters themselves aren't bad characters, but when you set up a game about choice but then shit on the choices everyone who's about to play the game will make in the future, it really ruins the whole experience for me.
Keep games about Choice up to the player to make all the decisions, and DON'T add in a agenda or try to influence the player to choose a particular choice or path over another. So yeah, I am ranting about a character but also about making choice based games but them adding in blatant examples of the game developers MAKING those choices for you.
Caesar from Fallout: New Vegas.
He built an empire on slavery, war, and general human suffering. He orders atrocities to be committed on … morea whim and wiped out the New Canaanites, an entire culture dedicated to faith and helping/enlightening others, simply because someone who displeased him was formerly a part of them. Anyone who gets in his way is crucified, enslaved, beheaded, or worse. He is the largest hypocrite in the Wasteland, railing on about the evils of advanced technology and medicine even though he uses those in secret to keep his health from failing. He's an immoral, murdering, arrogant, snobby, hypocritical monster with a God complex who tries to bring his "Culture" of misery to everyone he can find. Every time I start a new playthrough I always pay a visit to his Fort and let my .44 Magnum explain to him just what I think of him.
tl;dr he's a bag of dicks
Traitor! Did you stand against the Orlesian emperor when his troops flattened your fields and raped your wives? You fought with us once, Podrick_The_Pimp. You cared for this land once, until you got old and fat, and content to even see what you risk! You do not deserve a say in what happens here! You haven't spilled blood for this land the way I have! HOW DARE YOU JUDGE ME!
GTA VC: Lance Vance, Ricardo Diaz, Sonny
Skyrim: Mercer
Mass Effect series: Udina, Illusive man, Stupid reporter and Jacob
Fallout … more3: Amata (You save the vault and she kicks you out), Tunnel snakes
Dragon Age Origins: Loghain, Zevran, Sten.
Right now I'm huge into Fire Emblem, and it's about the only thing I'm playing, but not that anyone would know her unless they play the game… more... lol I just need to rant about this character because I despise her. And anyone who watches anime will better understand WHY I hate her so much because of all the cliches and stereotypes she hits.
Sumia from Fire Emblem Awakening. I don't care about spoilers since the game has been out for so long and it might help other people realize the shitty job that the game writers did with her. First of all, the game is all about choice and about making your own personal story. Before you even start up the game, in the opening movie she is set up to be the main characters love interest. (like she and the main character are MARRIED and have a baby)... In a game about choice, having that sort of blatant cut scene showing you that "Dur this character and this character are cannon in our universe so fuck off i… [view original content]
Tell me who so I know so steer clear then! lol I kinda guess that Male Kamui is more than likely being set up to be with Aqua, or Felicia is really set up to be with male Kamui.
Well, I wouldn't have disliked Sumia as Chrom's defualt 'wife' as much as I do if it hadn't have been for how Mary Sue, cliche anime clutz and naturally great with animal tropes they put on her.
I usually roll in there late in the game with Boone and one or two modded companions and we don't have too much trouble. It's just so satisfying to hear Boone say "Thumbs down you son of a bitch."
Actually you guessed, it's Aqua (or Azura in the localized version). Though, I've read that it isn't implied all that much in the Hoshido and Nohr routes. In the Invisible Kingdom route though.... Aqua is also the only one to have 3 differnt sets of support conversations with male Kamui. I've read them, and they're not that bad actually, well at least imo. Certainly a lot better than Chrom and Sumia's support conversations.
Tell me who so I know so steer clear then! lol I kinda guess that Male Kamui is more than likely being set up to be with Aqua, or Felicia is… more really set up to be with male Kamui.
Well, I wouldn't have disliked Sumia as Chrom's defualt 'wife' as much as I do if it hadn't have been for how Mary Sue, cliche anime clutz and naturally great with animal tropes they put on her.
Overpowered, bitchy, disgusting, ugly etc.
Most of the cast from MKX is pretty terrible too, but D'vorah takes the top IMO. Killed Baraka, Mileena and almost Johnny Cage, not to mention she made Tanya look good since she betrayed Mileena and Kotal Khan.
Supply Lines flashback
Yea I agree. She can be cool sometimes to me, but can come off as a little shit.
I despised Uberto! Gutting his fat ass was immensely satisfying,
Roy, even though an asshole, still made LA Noire interesting
Blake can go fuck himself. God I wish he was the Origami Killer, so I could've thrown his ass off a conveyor belt!
Mark Jefferson from Life Is Strange
Gary Smith from Bully
Pssh I loved Gary. He was an asshole it he was still funny
You know what we do to liars? WE KICK THEM IN THE BALLS!
He had his moments. But he still got Cole demoted.
Caesar from Fallout: New Vegas.
He built an empire on slavery, war, and general human suffering. He orders atrocities to be committed on a whim and wiped out the New Canaanites, an entire culture dedicated to faith and helping/enlightening others, simply because someone who displeased him was formerly a part of them. Anyone who gets in his way is crucified, enslaved, beheaded, or worse. He is the largest hypocrite in the Wasteland, railing on about the evils of advanced technology and medicine even though he uses those in secret to keep his health from failing. He's an immoral, murdering, arrogant, snobby, hypocritical monster with a God complex who tries to bring his "Culture" of misery to everyone he can find. Every time I start a new playthrough I always pay a visit to his Fort and let my .44 Magnum explain to him just what I think of him.
tl;dr he's a bag of dicks
Killing that motherfucker was a real pain even with Boone.
Fuck yeah, fuck him!
This piece of shit. One of the only Renegade Interruptions I took.
Dead Rising 2: Leon Bell
The Walking Dead: The Stranger
Borderlands The Pre Sequel: Mr. Tassiter
GTA V : Lazlow Jones
Fallout 3: Butch DeLoria
Battlefield Hardline: Julian Dawes
GTA VC: Lance Vance, Ricardo Diaz, Sonny
Skyrim: Mercer
Mass Effect series: Udina, Illusive man, Stupid reporter and Jacob
Fallout 3: Amata (You save the vault and she kicks you out), Tunnel snakes
Dragon Age Origins: Loghain, Zevran, Sten.
"Tunnel Snakes RULE!"
Oh god YES
I tend to just blow up the vault any time I play now, Amata finds you at the exit once again moping around for some help, unfortunately you cant tell her off or anything; bit of a shame.
That said you can run into her later being interrogated by the enclave, she screeches like a harpy for assistance before she gets gun downed. I found it funny. You can save her but she just yells at you to leave her alone
I've not got round to playing New Vegas yet but this is how I plan to kill Caesar when I get the chance.
enter link description here
Huh I just killed her and never left the vault. Ever.
Kaepora Gaebora
I usually roll in there late in the game with Boone and one or two modded companions and we don't have too much trouble. It's just so satisfying to hear Boone say "Thumbs down you son of a bitch."
That may be the greatest video I have ever seen in my entire life.
I actually liked her at first and was willing to help her out when i heard the vault's distress signal, after all my effort she just kicked me out, so i just blew up the entire vault on the way back outside.
I'd say Victoria from Life is Strange. I cannot stand that bitch!
Season 2 ruined her character, and not like she's a horrible person or anything, it's just the writing and what she went through wrecked her as a person and is too sad for me to try and play the games anymore. If she is Protagonist in Season 3 I'm done with the games.
Right now I'm huge into Fire Emblem, and it's about the only thing I'm playing, but not that anyone would know her unless they play the game... lol I just need to rant about this character because I despise her. And anyone who watches anime will better understand WHY I hate her so much because of all the cliches and stereotypes she hits.
Sumia from Fire Emblem Awakening. I don't care about spoilers since the game has been out for so long and it might help other people realize the shitty job that the game writers did with her. First of all, the game is all about choice and about making your own personal story. Before you even start up the game, in the opening movie she is set up to be the main characters love interest. (like she and the main character are MARRIED and have a baby)... In a game about choice, having that sort of blatant cut scene showing you that "Dur this character and this character are cannon in our universe so fuck off if you want to see them end up with someone else"...
Sumia is a character introduced early and COMPLETELY plays off of the whole, adorable clutz, natural with animals anime stereotype. I can handle the adorable clutz bull crap and the whole natural with animal bull crap, but when you make a game about choice and then deliberately make her set up to influence a decision you make about her and another character it's not choice, and an agenda the game developers made. -__- It would be like playing Mass Effect, and having Ashley set up as the cannon love interest for a Male Shepard, or Kaidan set up as the cannon love interest as a female Sherard. So, maybe these characters themselves aren't bad characters, but when you set up a game about choice but then shit on the choices everyone who's about to play the game will make in the future, it really ruins the whole experience for me.
Keep games about Choice up to the player to make all the decisions, and DON'T add in a agenda or try to influence the player to choose a particular choice or path over another. So yeah, I am ranting about a character but also about making choice based games but them adding in blatant examples of the game developers MAKING those choices for you.
The GLORY!!!
Gat:I just walked in and killed every motherf*cker standing in my way
Traitor! Did you stand against the Orlesian emperor when his troops flattened your fields and raped your wives? You fought with us once, Podrick_The_Pimp. You cared for this land once, until you got old and fat, and content to even see what you risk! You do not deserve a say in what happens here! You haven't spilled blood for this land the way I have! HOW DARE YOU JUDGE ME!
Dom Beasly from GTA V.
I fucking HATE, LOATHE and ABHOR dude bros.
You might not like one character in FE Fates. >_>
Edgar Ross- Red Dead Redemption
Tweedledee and Tweedledum - the wolf among us
Riddler - Arkham series
At least he dies in the end.
At the hand of his own douchebag-ness (I know that is not a word, but I don't care).
Tell me who so I know so steer clear then! lol I kinda guess that Male Kamui is more than likely being set up to be with Aqua, or Felicia is really set up to be with male Kamui.
Well, I wouldn't have disliked Sumia as Chrom's defualt 'wife' as much as I do if it hadn't have been for how Mary Sue, cliche anime clutz and naturally great with animal tropes they put on her.
(Caesar flys into the air from Boone's sniper rifle ) Boone: you've just been turned into Caesar's salad...
Devin Weston- GTA 5
The Stranger- Walking Dead
Tweedles- Wolf Among Us
Ludd Whitehill- Game of Thrones
Larry- Walking Dead
Talbot- Uncharted 3
Rais- Dying Light
Maven Black-Briar- Skyrim
Victoria- Life is Strange
Actually you guessed, it's Aqua (or Azura in the localized version). Though, I've read that it isn't implied all that much in the Hoshido and Nohr routes. In the Invisible Kingdom route though.... Aqua is also the only one to have 3 differnt sets of support conversations with male Kamui. I've read them, and they're not that bad actually, well at least imo. Certainly a lot better than Chrom and Sumia's support conversations.
Most overrated video game character ever
This one!

Overpowered, bitchy, disgusting, ugly etc.
Most of the cast from MKX is pretty terrible too, but D'vorah takes the top IMO. Killed Baraka, Mileena and almost Johnny Cage, not to mention she made Tanya look good since she betrayed Mileena and Kotal Khan.