How good is The Wolf Among Us compared to Game of Throwns?
Is it better or worse then Game of Throwns? I've been thinking of picking up The Wolf Among Us for the PS4. And I haven't been overly impressed with Game of Throwns. Game of Thrown is not a bad game, it's just not leaving a strong impression on me. Unlike Tales from the Borderlands witch I completely love. What do you guy think I should do?
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Well for a start they come from 2 different backgrounds:
GOT is based on the TV Series, which is based on the books written by George RR. Martin. He started those books in the 90's.
TWAU is based on a comic book series called Fables, written by Bill Willingham. Fables started in 2002 and only just finished with it's final issue (issue 150) last week. Fables does have a big universe though thanks to it's many spin-off comics, that also tie into the main story.
One advantage TWAU does have over GOT is that you do not need to read any of Fables to understand what is going on, as TWAU is set 20 years before issue 1 of Fables... Although reading Fables will allow you to familiarize yourself with some of the characters.
TWAU is a fantasy game involving the fairytale characters of our youths like The Big Bad Wolf (who is the main playable character) and Snow White etc. It is a gritty noir game in which you have to solve a murder.
I will advise you to get TWAU, I too avoided it when it first came out as I thought the premise of fairytale characters was stupid. But not even 10 minutes into Ep.1 and I was completely hooked! XD
I now own all of the Fables comic series as well
So yeah, get the game!! XD (And sorry for the long post)
I've never even herd of the Fables comic series before. I wouldn't even know were to start looking for them. For me when I here the word Fables, I instantly start thing of the Fable Xbox game franchise. Witch I can tell has nothing to do with this game. But has I said, I've never herd of the Fables comic series before.
I personally think Wolf Among Us is one of Telltale's strongest offerings in terms of their modern games. As HazzatheMan said, all of Telltale's games since Walking Dead play similarly but have a different feel in terms of story, presentation, etc. Game of Thrones is an outlier in that it expects you to have a strong familiarity with the source material to better enjoy the story, but most of Telltale's games including Wolf Among Us are beginner friendly and can very easily be enjoyed on their own without knowing the source material.
In my personal opinion, Wolf Among Us has a much better and atmospheric presentation than Game of Thrones does. Game of Thrones has Telltale trying out several new ideas such as multiple protagonists (in a modern, choice based game) as well as an oil painting art style, whereas Wolf Among Us is more of an evolution to ideas and concepts from Walking Dead and makes improvements in areas like using a much more comic-looking art style or a stronger focus on one single playable character. I still think Game of Thrones is really good, but I figure most people would enjoy Wolf Among Us more unless they are already Game of Thrones fans.
That's good to know. Thanks.
It is a somewhat obscure series... But definitely worth reading!
Edit: It's Game of THRONES btw not Throwns
Personally I like Wolf Among Us more, but GoT is far from a bad game, its still great
10x better than GOT.
I played a few episodes of Game of Thrones and had a few confusing moments. I'm assuming that's because I never watched the show (only heard of it) and never read the books. I started The Wolf Among Us knowing absolutely nothing about it, but completed the game with no trouble of understanding it. In fact, I now plan on buying the comics sometime soon. Great universe that deserves a Season Two.
TWAU is great if you love 'whodunnit' type games. I had never heard of the Fables universe until playing this game so I had an open mind about it and once that awesome title sequence started I knew I was going to love it. It's so worth playing if you want to play something a little different but still feels like a Telltale game.
TWAU is a great game that does an amazing job introducing new people to the world of "Fables"
I knew of the "Fables" comics but I have never read any of them before playing the game and thankfully I didn't need to since you don't have to know anything about the comics in order to enjoy the game. I loved the game so much that I am now currently reading the comics.
Game of thrones is also a good game but Its definitely seems aimed at fans who have already watched the TV show or read the books
both Games are great but The Wolf Among Us did a far better job appealing to people who never even heard of the comic books that it was based on
The fact that the forums have been crying out for a sequel to TWAU is a big enough reason to get this game. I've played a lot of Telltale's recent games, and TWAU is right up there with TFTB and TWD S1. I didn't know a lot about the Fables comics, but the game does a good job of giving you all the background info you need. Like GoT, it has a lot of emotional, tough moments, with you building relationships with a lot of characters.
It has good Quick Time Events, beautiful art-style if that appeals to you, solid soundtrack and some of the best cliffhangers you'll find in Telltale's history.
Basically, if you're looking for a high-quality story-driven game that does a lot of things well, go for it.
I see I'm late to the discussion, but w/e.
It depends on what you want. GoT is medieval drama, TWAU is noir detective. Both games seem to handle the illusion of choices not very good, however TWAU seems to handle it better.
I'd recomment TWAU personally.
I personally prefer Game of Thrones to Wolf Among Us though the majority feel different. I would still recommend Wolf Among Us though, it's a great game.
It's good to remember that with the Wolf Among Us, you are playing as someone who truly has ALOT of power. Bigby is a force of nature upon himself, which gives his actions different meaning, then say as a member of the Forresters who are coming from a weaker level. Also the Wolf Among Us is about rebuilding a community and solving a crime, well trying to change or not change the overall culture of Fabletown.
Game of Thrones is much more a game about survival.
Much, much, MUCH better if you ask me.
Game Of Crowns.
Haven't played GOT series yet, still waiting for final episode to be released so I can breeze through all episodes without having the wait.
Episode 5 was recently released, and since episode 6 is the final episode, I guess it's not too long to wait now!!
the wolf among us is is my fav game by telltale. even more so than the walking dead. yes, i loved it that much. i loved the art direction, the whole plot and i can go on and on... its dark, and i gotta say that the comics are even better. its the only telltale game that i played the longest + completed 100% and then some.. i'm not forcing my opinion n you, but you can always search a non-spoilery review if you still dont know
I'm enjoying game of thrones more but wolf is by no means a bad game. It's really enjoyable.
Quite ironically The Wolf Among Us has more sexually explicit content than Game of Thrones.
This is very true!
Personally I haven't been enjoying GOT very much so I'd say TWAU is definitely better.
I'm curious, why don't you like it?
Mostly the story and characters for me. I haven't been invested in them, I only really like two of the PCs and a handful of NPCs (most of whom come from Gared's story) I don't hate the other NPCs but they don't really interest me. I'm not too interested in the Whitehills vs. Forresters conflict and I have unfortunately predicted some of the twists during episodes so it kind of dampens them a bit. Without the very interesting characters I'm not really interested in the story. It also probably doesn't help that TFTB is running alongside GOT and I'm heavily invested in its characters and story. I still sort of like Game of Thrones, but as a Telltale game it's disappointed me.
Do you watch the Game of Thrones TV series? Or read The Song Of Ice And Fire books?
I guarantee that if you did then you would be more invested...
I haven't read The Song Of Ice And Fire books, but I am a big fan of the TV series (pretty much up to date on that one).
Plus, I'm a big sucker medieval fantasy films/tv shows, so I think GOT Telltale games is right up my alley (probably moreso than TFTB, which I'm not too familiar with, and the game looks just so-so to me).
How it compares with TWAU though, is another story (until I've actually played GOT series).
Comparing them is easy for me, TWAU still wins hands down!
I couldn't get the butterfly feeling out of my stomach when I had to wait for Episodes 4 and then 5... No other TellTale game has done that to me, TWD Season 2 came close, but didn't quite hit the mark.
I will say that GOT is very tense on the first playthrough. Just be prepared for anything. Literally anything.
I love how they decided to enlist the TV series actors to voice the same characters in the game (though it's probably part of their HBO contract).
I think the thing about GOT though, is that its expiry date (i.e. when the last season of GOT Telltale game will be) would be when the final season (Season 7, I heard) of TV series finishes airing.
I mean after the conclusion (of TV series), would there even be point in making further seasons (despite how many seasons contract Telltale may have with HBO)?
I'd probably say that you should check out TFTB at some point. Definitely my personal favorite Telltale game.
I liked that as well!
I think TellTale being able to make more Seasons of GOT after the GOT TV series ends will be up to George R.R. Martin. Unlike a comic series where it is fairly easy to add onto it with more, GOT is a series of novels, and the story is quite 'linear' that way
But I heard that the end of the TV series will pretty much be the same as the Martin's final book (hence, the Producers' words saying "While our path is different from the books from when we catch up [to the books], the destination [the ending] will be the same.".........and the whole word going around the ending of the TV series will pretty much spoil the ending for the book).
I think I remember Martin saying once he's finished with the final book (A Dream of Spring), he will not be going back to Song of Ice and Fire universe again, in terms of sequels (though I guess he can change his mind).
And when someone finally sits on the Iron Throne eventually at the end, would the Game series even matter anymore?
With that information, I think the chance of more GOT is unlikely...
TTG could make a 3 Season series of GOT, 1 Season for each new Season of the TV series
id sayGoT is a better game in my personal opinion
i liked the wolf among us tho it was fun solving the crime and all but it's not too muter for me i like games that are far more complex and touches the adult side (i don't mean sex lol) i mean something serious and that involve history and family
and i was kinda bored in the first episode unlike the first episode of Got i was all in from the start but maybe cos i also love the show idk ;p
but that's just me you might hate GoT and love TWAU
Game of thrones, especially episode 1 isn't very good if you're not familiar with the TV show or the book, It may depend on how this season ends, but for right now I have to say The Wolf Among Us.
As someone who has never read the Fables comics, and would consider Game of Thrones TV/Books amongst the best I've watched/read, and has seen/read every episode of The Walking Dead show/comics....
The Wolf Among Us is the best TTG. I would rank The Walking Dead next, followed by Tales from the Borderland, followed by Game of Thrones.
If you like TTG at all, you really should play The Wolf Among Us.
Read the comics!!! They're so much better than the game! XD
If you're a fan of the show, get it. Be warned: The events of the first episode start at a spoiler during season 3 so at least be that far into the show before delving in. They dont mention it much, but it's much more impactful if you know what happened. I love Wolf Among Us very much, and although it's my favorite of the Telltale Games, GoT is much more suspenseful and heart-wrenching.
Personally I prefer The Wolf
Even though I'm familiar with GoT universe I can't enjoy it as much as TWAU (and I had absolutely no clue about Fables when I played the game).
I second what Hazza said. The game only gives you a (tiny bit of) taste of the Fables' grand and rich universe and mythology, that you can experience in whole package through the comics (I would know, because I have the whole collection)
And it is a must if you're a Bigby Wolf and Snow White fan (and ship their romance all the way) like me.