Hey everyone, I thought I'd let you know it's my third year anniversary to the date since I joined this community.
Thank you to everyone who took the time to listen to my thoughts, opinions and feelings.
Hey everyone, I thought I'd let you know it's my third year anniversary to the date since I joined this community.
Thank you to everyone who took the time to listen to my thoughts, opinions and feelings.
It is likely that all of this was merely for attention, but I can't say I'm so sure. I'm afraid it's more insidious than that. First and foremost, Trump cares about his business, whether a Democrat or a Republican wins will not affect how lucrative his company is. Him bragging about having Clinton in his back pocket is irksome, I believe he my have a lot more leeway with Clinton than he's letting on. He might even benefit more if Clinton were to win. Money comes first, not his country. Seeing as he has flip flopped so many times between parties, him not pledging not to run as a third party is a red flag for me. I think he's self centered and spiteful enough to run as a third party if he doesn't get the GOP nominee.
I thought about that, but I'm not really sure what he would for sure stand to gain from running as a third party candidate, unless he were to actually be delusional enough to think that he could possibly win. If he doesn't get the GOP nomination there is no way he is going to fare any better as a third party candidate, so I'm not really sure why he would pour so much money into an effort that would be pretty much doomed to fail.
I think the mods were partially to blame for that, a number of their questions were clearly tailored solely for Trump. And though I hate that he took up so much time, maybe there was a reason they were asking him so many questions. Maybe they wanted to expose him early on as the disingenuous fool he is to the public by putting him on the spot and making him talk about subjects he clearly doesn't know anything about. Get the loony out of the way so people will turn their attention to the real candidates who are taking this seriously. I'm not sure if that tactic backfired or not.
It's hard for me to say what it would take exactly in order for Trump to lose his supporters. I mean really.. if they're seriously supporting the guy at this point I don't really know if they're the type of people who would even care about some of the stupid things that he said last night lol. According to some articles that I have sort of skimmed through, his support is supposedly backing him even stronger because they feel that he was "attacked" at the debate, and that he was given unfair questions.
lol it has been quite a while, hasn't it? How have you been?:)
Pretty decent overall. Still living my somewhat boring, completely uneventful life lol. How about you?
Same, I really don't like this new layout at all..it's hard to see which is a quote in a post, and the color palette hurts my eyes tbh.:S
I actually kind of like the colors lol. But yeah, at a glance my first post just looks like a wall of text. Not really sure why it posted like that. Even in the case of your post and now this one, I'm not really a fan of the little white bar next to the quote as an indicator as it still doesn't separate things very well, but whatever I guess.
His strategy to win seems to be winning as a celebrity opposed to actually bringing good points to the table and holding his own as a candid… moreate in any political sense. Part of me wonders if that is at least partially why he wouldn't commit to supporting the GOP. Sort of seemed like just another grab for attention.
It is likely that all of this was merely for attention, but I can't say I'm so sure. I'm afraid it's more insidious than that. First and foremost, Trump cares about his business, whether a Democrat or a Republican wins will not affect how lucrative his company is. Him bragging about having Clinton in his back pocket is irksome, I believe he my have a lot more leeway with Clinton than he's letting on. He might even benefit more if Clinton were to win. Money comes first, not his country. Seeing as he has flip flopped so many times between parties, him not pledging not to run as a third party is a red flag for me. I think he's … [view original content]
I thought about that, but I'm not really sure what he would for sure stand to gain from running as a third party candidate, unless he were to actually be delusional enough to think that he could possibly win. If he doesn't get the GOP nomination there is no way he is going to fare any better as a third party candidate, so I'm not really sure why he would pour so much money into an effort that would be pretty much doomed to fail.
My suspicions more so arise from Trump's sketchy track record with political parties, as well as his friendship with the Clintons. I don't trust this guy as far as I can throw him (which isn't very far..he looks really heavy lol), and I just don't think that he's above running as a third party to help Clinton secure her Presidency if it will benefit his business, and nor do I think Clinton is above striking up such a proposition with Trump. Maybe I'm being a bit paranoid, because you're right, it doesn't make sense to pour so much money into a campaign if you don't plan on putting in any actual effort to win, but there's just something about Trump that seems really off.:/
It's hard for me to say what it would take exactly in order for Trump to lose his supporters. I mean really.. if they're seriously supporting the guy at this point I don't really know if they're the type of people who would even care about some of the stupid things that he said last night lol. According to some articles that I have sort of skimmed through, his support is supposedly backing him even stronger because they feel that he was "attacked" at the debate, and that he was given unfair questions.
It's just mind boggling tbh. I just cannot understand what people see in Trump that leads them to believe he'll be a good president. Ok, yeah, he speaks his mind. But what else? Given his massive ego and inability to see anything from anyone else's pov or admit he's wrong, he's more likely to become a tyrant if we were to elect him as President. (my mom has gone so to describe him as the potential Antichrist, but I think that's a little too far lol) I can't for the life of me see how he was "attacked" during the debate, if anything, he was attacking everyone else. I just..at this point, I would rather have that crazy dude who wears a shoe on his head than Donald Trump.
Look at him, spreading joy via glitter lol.
Pretty decent overall. Still living my somewhat boring, completely uneventful life lol. How about you?
Boring can be good lol. I'm kind of a lazy person though, so I rejoice when I can spend my free time holed up in my home not doing anything haha. Who knows, maybe it's just a really long calm before the storm for you, and something big will happen when you least expect it.:] I've actually been really busy lately, I recently got an internship at a law firm, it takes up a lot of my free time so that's partly why I haven't been as active on here as of late.
I actually kind of like the colors lol. But yeah, at a glance my first post just looks like a wall of text. Not really sure why it posted like that. Even in the case of your post and now this one, I'm not really a fan of the little white bar next to the quote as an indicator as it still doesn't separate things very well, but whatever I guess.
I just got so used to that tan color, so the bright white is hard on my eyes lol. Eh, I'll get used to it, but I still don't see why they updated. If it ain't broke don't fix it.;P
It is likely that all of this was merely for attention, but I can't say I'm so sure. I'm afraid it's more insidious than that. First and for… moreemost, Trump cares about his business, whether a Democrat or a Republican wins will not affect how lucrative his company is. Him bragging about having Clinton in his back pocket is irksome, I believe he my have a lot more leeway with Clinton than he's letting on. He might even benefit more if Clinton were to win. Money comes first, not his country. Seeing as he has flip flopped so many times between parties, him not pledging not to run as a third party is a red flag for me. I think he's self centered and spiteful enough to run as a third party if he doesn't get the GOP nominee.
I thought about that, but I'm not really sure what he would for sure stand to gain from running as a third party candidate, unless he were to actually be delusional enough to think that he could possibly win. If he doesn't … [view original content]
I remember hearing about the 10 dollar bill thing a while ago, and thought it's the stupidest fucking thing I heard that week. Maybe if this… more will come out of a woman's mouth, people will finally understand how stupid it is:
enter link description here
I remember hearing about the 10 dollar bill thing a while ago, and thought it's the stupidest fucking thing I heard that week. Maybe if this… more will come out of a woman's mouth, people will finally understand how stupid it is:
enter link description here
I remember hearing about the 10 dollar bill thing a while ago, and thought it's the stupidest fucking thing I heard that week. Maybe if this… more will come out of a woman's mouth, people will finally understand how stupid it is:
enter link description here
Currency shouldn't have old farts who gained their power through the right family, it should have people the world wouldn't have been the same without, whether it's a man or a woman. They should take that smug queen off :P
Wish Canada would have a woman who actually did something worthwhile on their currency, but instead we have her:
Like, sure she's our… more monarch and everything but did she free slaves? Did she fight for women's rights or peace in the Middle East? Nope.
No one should be on the piece of paper, EVIL...
The women are inferior to men, they are just a part of our body, one of our ribs! Just jo… moreking.
I vote for one is this girl
(I mean that I'll vote a girl from the list below)
* Taylor Swift
* Priyanka Chopra
* Emma Watson
* Angelina Jolie
* Carmen Electra
* Gal Gadot
* Chloë Grace Moretz
Hey everyone, I thought I'd let you know it's my third year anniversary to the date since I joined this community.
Thank you to everyone who took the time to listen to my thoughts, opinions and feelings.
It's rap battle Thursday, time to show and prove
My rhymes like a classic painting in the louvre.
Monet, cash and ho's, that's the way that I groove.
Step to me, if you're finna get abused
Well I'm back, busy days. I went to London (Canadian one) with my family for a day shopping (Thursday was house work). It was me, my brother and sister, my aunt and dad. Dad spent the whole time in the casino while the rest of us did some shopping. We went to the manga and comic stores (they're not far apart) and I managed to get 2 Naruto volumes, 1 Bleach volume, and 2 Batman Arkham Knight comics (was thinking of getting the New 52 Batgirl graphic novel but I only had so much). Around 32 bucks for the manga, 11 for the comics. We then went to Value Village (I guess it's a thrift shop), and I managed to get a 007 Goldeneye novel, a mystery novel, and a VHS of Scooby Doo. Tried to look for Bionicle novels but no luck. At the mall we first went to eat in the food court. My sister had KFC, my brother and aunt had pizza pizza, I had A&W. Although I asked for a Mozza burger, they misheard for a Momma burger. I didn't care since I was hungry. So meh. We then went to game and dvd stores. Got myself Season 1 Part 1 of Naruto (had to interact to get some other stuff, although I almost completely forgot my pin number. .-.), Walking Dead Season 2 game (I had to buy a disc copy since the download one doesn't work on my new PS3 and gets stuck), Son of Batman, and Batman Under The Red Hood. So in all I spent about 125 dollars. They all got plenty of stuff too they bought (well except dad who was in the casino, he's not the shopping type). However usually my dad calls when he's done, but he didn't this time. We headed there and ended up spending half an hour looking for him. We found him and we went home, and we were all so tired we didn't make dinner at all. lol So it was a good trip. Here's the photo of all the stuff I got.
I hope you haven't got any new stitches
Sorry I'm late for the party
London called for my popularity
Punches, slaps, kicks, whateve… morer ya like
I'm not quite so serious
I'm just delirious outta my mind
Don't get psyched now, I just planted under your chair a mine
I ditched your ride
now that I turned the tide
And all I hear is you screaming NOOOOOOO!!!!!
Hey I'm some random guy
who went on the forums last night
and greeted with a look so fly,
left my eyes so mesmerised,
could make… more a grown man sit and cry...
Oh wait - that's GAY!
Wasn't that a comment that made your day?
The rap battle is a battle of fate!
You wanna play this game, mate?
You may - if your insane...
You wanna know what I say?
Damn - that was a mouthful, ennit?
But it doesn't matter! I said it...
I'll give a translation
and you'll find this rap is a transformation.
You will, you'll see...
'cos I didn't choose the thug life, the thug life chose me...
(Drops microphone)
How dare ya interrupt my battle with the BigBlind from the casino
I should wrap you up in cookie dough
Just kidding
I'm sure I sent… more him squirming
Nice to spank you
I'm Tobi and I'm stuck in a wall full of blue
Although if I were to choose
I'd like to let loose
Take off my choker
And become a rapping Joker
Well I'm back, busy days. I went to London (Canadian one) with my family for a day shopping (Thursday was house work). It was me, my brother… more and sister, my aunt and dad. Dad spent the whole time in the casino while the rest of us did some shopping. We went to the manga and comic stores (they're not far apart) and I managed to get 2 Naruto volumes, 1 Bleach volume, and 2 Batman Arkham Knight comics (was thinking of getting the New 52 Batgirl graphic novel but I only had so much). Around 32 bucks for the manga, 11 for the comics. We then went to Value Village (I guess it's a thrift shop), and I managed to get a 007 Goldeneye novel, a mystery novel, and a VHS of Scooby Doo. Tried to look for Bionicle novels but no luck. At the mall we first went to eat in the food court. My sister had KFC, my brother and aunt had pizza pizza, I had A&W. Although I asked for a Mozza burger, they misheard for a Momma burger. I didn't care since I was hungry. S… [view original content]
Someone's making a big deal of stuff I like. And I think you need to read your definitions a bit more often.
A weeaboo is someone who thinks they're Japanese and is obsessed with it.
I do not think I'm Japanese I just like stuff like manga or anime. And if I was obsessed with Japanese stuff I wouldn't even get Batman or other stuff, heck even Walking Dead. I just happen to like the content like I have interests with western stuff. And besides, only immature people insult people for liking anime or other Japanese content.
EDIT: But if you weren't serious, and just trying to make a joke. I apologize then. I just don't like that weeaboo name calling shit. People often use that word to try and offend me.
I am not sure if others are experiencing this problem on mobile, or if it is even a problem at all. I just feel before the format change everything was perfectly fine and normal--now everything is cramped, lots of things overlap, the video player hardly even shows up.
Someone's making a big deal of stuff I like. And I think you need to read your definitions a bit more often.
A weeaboo is someone who thi… morenks they're Japanese and is obsessed with it.
I do not think I'm Japanese I just like stuff like manga or anime. And if I was obsessed with Japanese stuff I wouldn't even get Batman or other stuff, heck even Walking Dead. I just happen to like the content like I have interests with western stuff. And besides, only immature people insult people for liking anime or other Japanese content.
EDIT: But if you weren't serious, and just trying to make a joke. I apologize then. I just don't like that weeaboo name calling shit. People often use that word to try and offend me.
The format change added a new mobile version of the website and forum that can feel cramped compaired to the older version which gave mobile access to the desktop version of the forums, i found when using my phone that turning it to landscape mode can help a little bit.
With the overlapping issue are you still seeing some of the old forum colours? If so you will need to clear your phones cache as i had similar problems in my feed when the new site was first launched and doing that fixed it.
I am not sure if others are experiencing this problem on mobile, or if it is even a problem at all. I just feel before the format change eve… morerything was perfectly fine and normal--now everything is cramped, lots of things overlap, the video player hardly even shows up.
Well I'm back, busy days. I went to London (Canadian one) with my family for a day shopping (Thursday was house work). It was me, my brother… more and sister, my aunt and dad. Dad spent the whole time in the casino while the rest of us did some shopping. We went to the manga and comic stores (they're not far apart) and I managed to get 2 Naruto volumes, 1 Bleach volume, and 2 Batman Arkham Knight comics (was thinking of getting the New 52 Batgirl graphic novel but I only had so much). Around 32 bucks for the manga, 11 for the comics. We then went to Value Village (I guess it's a thrift shop), and I managed to get a 007 Goldeneye novel, a mystery novel, and a VHS of Scooby Doo. Tried to look for Bionicle novels but no luck. At the mall we first went to eat in the food court. My sister had KFC, my brother and aunt had pizza pizza, I had A&W. Although I asked for a Mozza burger, they misheard for a Momma burger. I didn't care since I was hungry. S… [view original content]
It's just mind boggling tbh. I just cannot understand what people see in Trump that leads them to believe he'll be a good president. Ok, yeah, he speaks his mind. But what else? Given his massive ego and inability to see anything from anyone else's pov or admit he's wrong, he's more likely to become a tyrant if we were to elect him as President. (my mom has gone so to describe him as the potential Antichrist, but I think that's a little too far lol) I can't for the life of me see how he was "attacked" during the debate, if anything, he was attacking everyone else.
And of course he should be called out on the stupid things he has said in the past. I don't understand why his supporters feel like that is an out of bounds thing to do. I mean really, the guy is only running to be the President of the United States.. no need to call him out for his past behavior.. right? Apparently that qualifies as "attacking". And yet Trump is still doing things like this. Definitely presidential material...
I just..at this point, I would rather have that crazy dude who wears a shoe on his head than Donald Trump. Look at him, spreading joy via glitter lol.
Boring can be good lol. I'm kind of a lazy person though, so I rejoice when I can spend my free time holed up in my home not doing anything haha. Who knows, maybe it's just a really long calm before the storm for you, and something big will happen when you least expect it.:] I've actually been really busy lately, I recently got an internship at a law firm, it takes up a lot of my free time so that's partly why I haven't been as active on here as of late.
I'm typically the same way actually, I'm just almost sort of starting to feel a little isolated at this point. It's to the point where I actually look forward to going into work, so I can go do something with myself. That's kind of pathetic, but this is what happens when you have no friends <_<
For supposedly being a lazy person it kind of seems like you at least know how to keep yourself busy lol. I'm assuming you also have less than a month left before school starts up again, so there's that to look forward to as well. Kind of a random thought here, but are you going into your final year?
I thought about that, but I'm not really sure what he would for sure stand to gain from running as a third party candidate, unless he were t… moreo actually be delusional enough to think that he could possibly win. If he doesn't get the GOP nomination there is no way he is going to fare any better as a third party candidate, so I'm not really sure why he would pour so much money into an effort that would be pretty much doomed to fail.
My suspicions more so arise from Trump's sketchy track record with political parties, as well as his friendship with the Clintons. I don't trust this guy as far as I can throw him (which isn't very far..he looks really heavy lol), and I just don't think that he's above running as a third party to help Clinton secure her Presidency if it will benefit his business, and nor do I think Clinton is above striking up such a proposition with Trump. Maybe I'm being a bit paranoid, because you're right, it doesn't make … [view original content]
And of course he should be called out on the stupid things he has said in the past. I don't understand why his supporters feel like that is an out of bounds thing to do. I mean really, the guy is only running to be the President of the United States.. no need to call him out for his past behavior.. right? Apparently that qualifies as "attacking". And yet Trump is still doing things like this. Definitely presidential material...
Exactly, I don't see why Trump should get any special treatment, all the other candidates have had questionable things they did in their past blasted in the media as well. I'm guessing it's because he's a celebrity, and for some reason people think that's a disadvantage here.:/ Sheesh, I know he was pissed off about what Kelly asked him during the debate, but that reaction is just uncalled for. What a jerk tbh. I hate to lump in his supporters with the uninformed vote, but that is seriously what they are making themselves look like, that all they see is a celebrity who thinks he's God's gift to humanity and then they go "omg so cool let's elect him". That's how Arnold Schwarzenegger was elected as the "Governator" of California a few years ago.:P
still a better candidate than Trump.. maybe?
pfft, hell yes he is. He wants to give us all ponies, he cares about our dental health, and his take on using zombies as a power resource is absolutely genius, what's not to like??
I'm typically the same way actually, I'm just almost sort of starting to feel a little isolated at this point. It's to the point where I actually look forward to going into work, so I can go do something with myself. That's kind of pathetic, but this is what happens when you have no friends.
I don't think there's anything pathetic about looking forward to going into work, I actually look forward to it as well, most of the time heh. I either don't have time or I'm too tired after hours, so I get most of my socializing in at work lol. Being a sort of introverted person, I do value my alone time, but I know what you mean, sometimes it gets to be too much. I think a lot of people end up unintentionally staying home a lot during the summer (I know I do), less responsibilities mean less incentive to go out, this is especially so when you're naturally a more quiet/introverted person to begin with. I think things will start looking up when school starts again, because your schedule will be a lot busier. Hey, man, it might not count for much since it's online, but I'm your friend.
For supposedly being a lazy person it kind of seems like you at least know how to keep yourself busy lol. I'm assuming you also have less than a month left before school starts up again, so there's that to look forward to as well. Kind of a random thought here, but are you going into your final year?
Haha, even though I am naturally lazy, I'm pretty sure if I stopped working or keeping myself busy I wouldn't know what to do with myself. Just about, I start up again beginning of September. Technically it's my final year, but I'm planning on a couple more years to work on my Masters, and if things go the way I want, I plan to go to law school after that. lol, so I probably won't be officially done with school for a very long time.
It's just mind boggling tbh. I just cannot understand what people see in Trump that leads them to believe he'll be a good president. Ok, yea… moreh, he speaks his mind. But what else? Given his massive ego and inability to see anything from anyone else's pov or admit he's wrong, he's more likely to become a tyrant if we were to elect him as President. (my mom has gone so to describe him as the potential Antichrist, but I think that's a little too far lol) I can't for the life of me see how he was "attacked" during the debate, if anything, he was attacking everyone else.
And of course he should be called out on the stupid things he has said in the past. I don't understand why his supporters feel like that is an out of bounds thing to do. I mean really, the guy is only running to be the President of the United States.. no need to call him out for his past behavior.. right? Apparently that qualifies as "attacking". And yet Trump is still doing… [view original content]
Cool! I've only been here for one year, but this place is great so far.
Celebrate good times.
I thought about that, but I'm not really sure what he would for sure stand to gain from running as a third party candidate, unless he were to actually be delusional enough to think that he could possibly win. If he doesn't get the GOP nomination there is no way he is going to fare any better as a third party candidate, so I'm not really sure why he would pour so much money into an effort that would be pretty much doomed to fail.
It's hard for me to say what it would take exactly in order for Trump to lose his supporters. I mean really.. if they're seriously supporting the guy at this point I don't really know if they're the type of people who would even care about some of the stupid things that he said last night lol. According to some articles that I have sort of skimmed through, his support is supposedly backing him even stronger because they feel that he was "attacked" at the debate, and that he was given unfair questions.
Pretty decent overall. Still living my somewhat boring, completely uneventful life lol. How about you?
I actually kind of like the colors lol. But yeah, at a glance my first post just looks like a wall of text. Not really sure why it posted like that. Even in the case of your post and now this one, I'm not really a fan of the little white bar next to the quote as an indicator as it still doesn't separate things very well, but whatever I guess.
What problems are you having?
My suspicions more so arise from Trump's sketchy track record with political parties, as well as his friendship with the Clintons. I don't trust this guy as far as I can throw him (which isn't very far..he looks really heavy lol), and I just don't think that he's above running as a third party to help Clinton secure her Presidency if it will benefit his business, and nor do I think Clinton is above striking up such a proposition with Trump. Maybe I'm being a bit paranoid, because you're right, it doesn't make sense to pour so much money into a campaign if you don't plan on putting in any actual effort to win, but there's just something about Trump that seems really off.:/
It's just mind boggling tbh. I just cannot understand what people see in Trump that leads them to believe he'll be a good president. Ok, yeah, he speaks his mind. But what else? Given his massive ego and inability to see anything from anyone else's pov or admit he's wrong, he's more likely to become a tyrant if we were to elect him as President. (my mom has gone so to describe him as the potential Antichrist, but I think that's a little too far lol) I can't for the life of me see how he was "attacked" during the debate, if anything, he was attacking everyone else. I just..at this point, I would rather have that crazy dude who wears a shoe on his head than Donald Trump.
Look at him, spreading joy via glitter lol.
Boring can be good lol. I'm kind of a lazy person though, so I rejoice when I can spend my free time holed up in my home not doing anything haha. Who knows, maybe it's just a really long calm before the storm for you, and something big will happen when you least expect it.:] I've actually been really busy lately, I recently got an internship at a law firm, it takes up a lot of my free time so that's partly why I haven't been as active on here as of late.
I just got so used to that tan color, so the bright white is hard on my eyes lol. Eh, I'll get used to it, but I still don't see why they updated. If it ain't broke don't fix it.;P
Wish Canada would have a woman who actually did something worthwhile on their currency, but instead we have her:
Like, sure she's our monarch and everything but did she free slaves? Did she fight for women's rights or peace in the Middle East? Nope.
2 edgy here I'm staying away before I get a papercut a strangers opinion of me on a forum is none of my business as well
enter link description here
The reviews for this so bad I was hoping for a good film
No one should be on the piece of paper, EVIL...
The women are inferior to men, they are just a part of our body, one of our ribs! Just joking.
I vote for one is this girl
(I mean that I'll vote a girl from the list below)
This trivial bullshit gets more attention than actual issues women face do. Putting a woman on the 10 dollar bill is not going to do anything.
For fuck's sake. It pains me to see people eating up this politically correct bullshit.
EDIT: For any non-Australians, Adam Goodes is more or less the Anita Sarkeesian of Australian football.
If you're using your phone, try using a different browser.
I didn't even know who it was until I heard he did some messed up shit.
Currency shouldn't have old farts who gained their power through the right family, it should have people the world wouldn't have been the same without, whether it's a man or a woman. They should take that smug queen off :P
What the fuck.
Here's for another 3+
So fucking true.
I hope you haven't got any new stitches
Sorry I'm late for the party
London called for my popularity
Punches, slaps, kicks, whatever ya like
I'm not quite so serious
I'm just delirious outta my mind
Don't get psyched now, I just planted under your chair a mine
I ditched your ride
now that I turned the tide
And all I hear is you screaming NOOOOOOO!!!!!
Well I'm back, busy days. I went to London (Canadian one) with my family for a day shopping (Thursday was house work). It was me, my brother and sister, my aunt and dad. Dad spent the whole time in the casino while the rest of us did some shopping. We went to the manga and comic stores (they're not far apart) and I managed to get 2 Naruto volumes, 1 Bleach volume, and 2 Batman Arkham Knight comics (was thinking of getting the New 52 Batgirl graphic novel but I only had so much). Around 32 bucks for the manga, 11 for the comics. We then went to Value Village (I guess it's a thrift shop), and I managed to get a 007 Goldeneye novel, a mystery novel, and a VHS of Scooby Doo. Tried to look for Bionicle novels but no luck. At the mall we first went to eat in the food court. My sister had KFC, my brother and aunt had pizza pizza, I had A&W. Although I asked for a Mozza burger, they misheard for a Momma burger. I didn't care since I was hungry. So meh. We then went to game and dvd stores. Got myself Season 1 Part 1 of Naruto (had to interact to get some other stuff, although I almost completely forgot my pin number. .-.), Walking Dead Season 2 game (I had to buy a disc copy since the download one doesn't work on my new PS3 and gets stuck), Son of Batman, and Batman Under The Red Hood. So in all I spent about 125 dollars. They all got plenty of stuff too they bought (well except dad who was in the casino, he's not the shopping type). However usually my dad calls when he's done, but he didn't this time. We headed there and ended up spending half an hour looking for him. We found him and we went home, and we were all so tired we didn't make dinner at all. lol So it was a good trip. Here's the photo of all the stuff I got.
Hey I'm some random guy
who went on the forums last night
and greeted with a look so fly,
left my eyes so mesmerised,
could make a grown man sit and cry...
Oh wait - that's GAY!
Wasn't that a comment that made your day?
The rap battle is a battle of fate!
You wanna play this game, mate?
You may - if your insane...
You wanna know what I say?
Damn - that was a mouthful, ennit?
But it doesn't matter! I said it...
I'll give a translation
and you'll find this rap is a transformation.
You will, you'll see...
'cos I didn't choose the thug life, the thug life chose me...
(Drops microphone)
How dare ya interrupt my battle with the BigBlind from the casino
I should wrap you up in cookie dough
Just kidding
I'm sure I sent him squirming
Nice to spank you
I'm Tobi and I'm stuck in a wall full of blue
Although if I were to choose
I'd like to let loose
Take off my choker
And become a rapping Joker
I... I'm not sure how respond to that... you win :[
(And also that last comment had me pooped)
I'm just too random for this fandom
I'm came in like a delirious phantom
(I really just winged the whole thing since I never rapped before. xD)
Flagged for being weird.
Someone's making a big deal of stuff I like. And I think you need to read your definitions a bit more often.
A weeaboo is someone who thinks they're Japanese and is obsessed with it.
I do not think I'm Japanese I just like stuff like manga or anime. And if I was obsessed with Japanese stuff I wouldn't even get Batman or other stuff, heck even Walking Dead. I just happen to like the content like I have interests with western stuff. And besides, only immature people insult people for liking anime or other Japanese content.
EDIT: But if you weren't serious, and just trying to make a joke. I apologize then. I just don't like that weeaboo name calling shit. People often use that word to try and offend me.
Triggered and not giving a shit.
I am not sure if others are experiencing this problem on mobile, or if it is even a problem at all. I just feel before the format change everything was perfectly fine and normal--now everything is cramped, lots of things overlap, the video player hardly even shows up.
I didn't need rewind powers to see this coming.
The format change added a new mobile version of the website and forum that can feel cramped compaired to the older version which gave mobile access to the desktop version of the forums, i found when using my phone that turning it to landscape mode can help a little bit.
With the overlapping issue are you still seeing some of the old forum colours? If so you will need to clear your phones cache as i had similar problems in my feed when the new site was first launched and doing that fixed it.
I don't get it, is that a joke from Scooby Dooby?
OMG!! Do you like anime and japanese stuff??!! Because it's like!! My favorite thing!!
And of course he should be called out on the stupid things he has said in the past. I don't understand why his supporters feel like that is an out of bounds thing to do. I mean really, the guy is only running to be the President of the United States.. no need to call him out for his past behavior.. right? Apparently that qualifies as "attacking". And yet Trump is still doing things like this. Definitely presidential material...
^.. still a better candidate than Trump.. maybe?
I'm typically the same way actually, I'm just almost sort of starting to feel a little isolated at this point. It's to the point where I actually look forward to going into work, so I can go do something with myself. That's kind of pathetic, but this is what happens when you have no friends <_<
For supposedly being a lazy person it kind of seems like you at least know how to keep yourself busy lol. I'm assuming you also have less than a month left before school starts up again, so there's that to look forward to as well. Kind of a random thought here, but are you going into your final year?
I know that feeling two friends of my are always hitting on that subject and other people do the same thing when I or somebody mention it.
It's stupid and nobody watch it and-
They never listen to me because I totally own them. In Lee style
Please try to stick to posting memes/funny pictures/etc in the Whatever Makes You Laugh thread. Thanks.
Exactly, I don't see why Trump should get any special treatment, all the other candidates have had questionable things they did in their past blasted in the media as well. I'm guessing it's because he's a celebrity, and for some reason people think that's a disadvantage here.:/ Sheesh, I know he was pissed off about what Kelly asked him during the debate, but that reaction is just uncalled for. What a jerk tbh. I hate to lump in his supporters with the uninformed vote, but that is seriously what they are making themselves look like, that all they see is a celebrity who thinks he's God's gift to humanity and then they go "omg so cool let's elect him". That's how Arnold Schwarzenegger was elected as the "Governator" of California a few years ago.:P
pfft, hell yes he is. He wants to give us all ponies, he cares about our dental health, and his take on using zombies as a power resource is absolutely genius, what's not to like??
I don't think there's anything pathetic about looking forward to going into work, I actually look forward to it as well, most of the time heh. I either don't have time or I'm too tired after hours, so I get most of my socializing in at work lol. Being a sort of introverted person, I do value my alone time, but I know what you mean, sometimes it gets to be too much. I think a lot of people end up unintentionally staying home a lot during the summer (I know I do), less responsibilities mean less incentive to go out, this is especially so when you're naturally a more quiet/introverted person to begin with. I think things will start looking up when school starts again, because your schedule will be a lot busier. Hey, man, it might not count for much since it's online, but I'm your friend.
Haha, even though I am naturally lazy, I'm pretty sure if I stopped working or keeping myself busy I wouldn't know what to do with myself. Just about, I start up again beginning of September. Technically it's my final year, but I'm planning on a couple more years to work on my Masters, and if things go the way I want, I plan to go to law school after that. lol, so I probably won't be officially done with school for a very long time.