Is Telltale's Game of Thrones better then season 5 of the TV show?
I say this because everywhere I go people seem to hate season 5 a lot. I understand why, but I can't say I hated it, it may have been my least favorite scene, but it had great episodes. Same here, a lot of people didn't like episode 5 for obvious reasons, and the attitude has become more negative in the past month. So I am mighty curious, at the moment, what was better? I myself will say the game because of how likable they made the characters in such a short period of time, and it wasn't painfully slow at times.
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I actually liked season 5 a lot , especially Ep.8 and hardhome battle .
The only thing I hated about it that they ended it on a bunch of cliffhangers
Na, it was a good season, just not as good compared to the others. This game is ok, it's just as good as the others Telltale have made personally, I think I enjoyed TWD S2 more.
I agree with everyone here. I don't get why people were so up in arms about season 5 - I personally enjoyed it (with the exception of Dorne). Is it the best season of them all? No. But it is still amazing (which is just a testament to how the show is)
I agree, it was a bit slow at the start, but I feel the last three episodes more them made up for it, Hardhome is one of the best episode's of the entire series, and I did enjoy the finale. Oh, and episode 6 didn't piss me off, it made me sick, but it didn't anger me unlike 75% of the internet apparently.
No, while season 5 did have me rolling my eyes the most throughout the season, I'll much sooner watch the season again than play this game again.
I think both of them are just as good.
I can completely agree on that!
While, I agree that Season 5 wasn't the best season, it was still a good season in my opinion and it produced Hardhome episode which is my favorite episode of the whole series.
When comparing it to the game, I have a much more easier time caring about the Forresters than the Starks, because you are playing that family and thus it is more personal.
i agree the first couple of episodes (especially with arya's storyline, sansa before she went to winterfell, brienne and pod, the on and off focus on dorne, and even some of the tyrion and varys scenes) were slow but i still enjoyed them because i knew they were all setting up something big at the end and i wasn't disappointed at all by that
and i agree episode 6 didn't piss me off either and honestly i was expecting it - ramsay treating his new bride in any other way would be off character (and it was so awkward & creepy that he made theon watch) & sansa: everyone was saying she was weak and victimized by letting this scene happen but i would say the opposite (she knew what the wrong result of dealing with an asshole is from her abuse and torture from cersei and joffrey and she knew what she was walking into by marrying a bolton *before littlefinger leaves winterfell she says she'll be a married woman by the time he comes back and at first she threatens to harm herself by the thought of marrying roose)
Season 5 didn't have a great start but I think it redeemed itself with the last few episodes.
I know right? People were saying for days afterward that it was cheap and for shock value and that there was no reason. No reason? Did they ever take one long look at Ramsay Snow? There is nothing he won't do, so acting like he would never rape someone is insanity! Not to mention it happened to Dany in episode 1 with Kahl Drogo, and the Jamie/Cersei scene in season 4, did people just forget those ever happened? Just saying, its so strange to give up on the series because of that scene after watching everything else!
Season 5 was an abominable piece of fucking trash. D&D took George R.R Martin's beautifully crafted world of ASOIAF and turned it into bad acting and writing in Season 5. I'll say I like the first four episodes more but the fifth one is side by side with season 5
Don't worry Stannis you're in a better place now (the books) D&D can't hurt you any more ;_;
i honestly think this was stephen dillane's best season and im glad with how his character ended up (and according to d&d and grrm he is going to burn shireen in the books so that isn't character assassination but more like stannis just being a cold religious fanatic - which was shown when he killed his own brother with his demon baby and burned several other members of his family alive other than shireen)
No they said Shireen will be burned. Stannis is hundreds of miles away. Unless GRRM is going to introduce teleportation then it's practically impossible for him to do so. Selyse on the other hand.....It's perfectly believable that she would do it. Perhaps on hearing of Stannis' death.
And nothing against Dillane's portrayal. Only the writing and direction he's been given.
Also this "being a cold religious fanatic" is exactly why people say that his character has been handled so badly.
Season 5 was brilliant.
To start with I Had high expectations for both, GOT last season was good a solid 7, but the GOT game really let me down so far, literally no choice has mattered it's like hey guys just let this game so the work and go where we make you go and watch thanks; it kills me, but I will buy the last episode and give it a fair shot, telltales great work in the past deserves this much IMO. But honestly whether there signed on for another season or not if episode 6 doesn't redeem this game for me I can't bother with a season 2. Everyone who feels the same should follow suit make them put effort like they did with Tales and TWD.
Books fanboys hate any alterations, I dont get hating the whole season
i also haven't read the book so i've only gotten to know show stannis - so that could be another factor in my judgment of the character
I can attest to that, I have a controversial opinion when it comes to changes from the books, but I don't care. I'm okay with no Coldhands and no Lady Stoneheart, there I said it! Coldhands is cool, but his role was more or less filled up by the Reeds, so I don't feel like we missed much. Lady Stoneheart, I admit if I had a choice I would have wanted her in, because frankly I do love the idea of the character. But the problem is, and this really killed book 4 for me, is that I was so hyped for that final twist in book 3, loved it, and then GRRM never did anything with it. She just hangs a couple Frey's and Bolton's, it's not even the big level bastards, just soldiers. She only shows up one more time in book 4 and that's it! She is waaay to underutilized for a twist of that scale. Not to mention far to many people come back from the dead in book 5, it kinda the reason nobody thinks you know who is dead. Besides, if she really mattered, then she would probably be here by now, I don't think she will amount to much in the book series, and that breaks my heart. So I am fine with those changes in the series.
I don't care if they change things up as long as it fits with the story like Tywin and Arya. I do however hate it when it reinvents poor storylines such as Sansa going to the Dreadfort and being a victim once again instead of staying in the vale and becoming a darker schemer as hinted on Season 4.
They gave no screen time or even mention of Bran Stark, Gendry, The Brotherhood, Walder Frey, The Tully's or The Greyjoys all for the sake of a stupid Dorne plot that more people hate than like
But she is about to meet Jamie!![:D :D](
I dont get the complaints about season 5 sansa.... like at all. Non of the arguments I've seen seem like a legtimate complaint aside from the fact they personally didnt like the direction they took
It's because we've seen her be pushed around all through the other seasons
1-3 by Joffrey and Season 4 by Lysa Arryn. We caught a glimpse of a darker character change Sansa and sawher fall under the influence of Baelish. They just haven't done anything new with her and it's getting stale
For me they always compare her to arya and for me this season was a bit about both of them overestimating themselves , both go into a situation and think they can control and handle it and they both end up over their heads in horrible situations.
They did show how both differed from the beginning though
Okay, clearly you haven't even watched it, Sansa went to Winterfell not Dreadfort.
They said before the season even started that it won't have Bran, but he comes back in s6. What do people want to see of Gendry? How could he be important to the story anymore? Greyjoys, Freys and possibly Tullys and maybe even the Brotherhood will have screentime in s6, you just can't put everything in 10 hour season. Dorne was bad, but that isn't a valid reason to hate the whole season - the screentime it got was very small. And AFfC and ADwD really aren't that good source material for a tv show, so they did pretty good considering that. Ugh, of course you are just a book purist so why the fuck should I even talk to you, nevermind...
Yeah, no.
Pretty much, its just such a shame to waste such a fantastic idea for a character. That and if it doesn't matter, then it somewhat cheapens death, so I get it.
Yes! YES! I didn't love AFfC, it was incredibly slow, not much of note happened, and the stories we all wanted to know about were in the next book. That book was better, but it wasn't perfect. I blame the source material for season 5 not being the best, its the books! It's not D&D as people so often love to blame, its GRRM! He isn't a god, he does make mistakes, still love the books but those last two were not the greatest. Also really, you would have preferred Sansa staying with Robin Arryn for an entire season? Really? I prefer what we got, those chapters bored me senseless until the last couple chapters, and then it was over. Also I didn't think highly of Dorne in the books either, they didn't get a ton of screentime either, so while Dorne wasn't great in the show, I wasn't in shock about it.
It doesnt make sense for Littlefinger to simply hand out the rightfull heir to the North (he thinks Bran and Rickon are dead) to a bunch of psychos known for torture and turncloaking.
Also not to mention he handed over Robin to Lord Royce leaving the Vale without a ruler.
What was the point of him winning the temporary governance in season 4 then?
They cant put everything in a 10 hour season but they can put Arya sweeping floors and washing people for 10 minutes or Missandei and Greyworms pointless romance...
Stannises campaign in the North was just pathetic and ridicoulus for the best commander in Westeros.No Deepwood Motte,no northern houses,no battle plan,nothing just Stannises men crying over snow falling and 20 good men simultaneously setting fire to all of Stannises food supply to make him burn Shireen so he is hated enough so they can kill him off in a really lame battle.
So the best commander of Westeros doesnt post scouts on high ground and doesnt command a few archer volleys while the cavalry is charging him or doesnt even go into formation?
Then Brienne a 6ft 3 woman manages to sneak trough a battlefield to find the 1 man she was looking for and kill him?
WOOOW.EVERYTHING seems to go into Briennes favor
She set out to find 3 people in Westeros and she managed to find them all.
WOOOOOOOOW.That is so not convenient or anything...
Yes it is.
i completely agree with you wildlingking & bioshock - people should watch the show and give it an open chance and realize that while d&d have changed stuff from the books grrm has discussed with them the general direction he wants the series to go and how it should end. there were a couple of moments that were slow (i.e. arya in bravos pre-trant) and some areas that did not live up to expectations (like the dorne scenes) but the show overall did a good job of furthering the characters for next year - similar to season 2 a lot of the show this year was to set up large events to come (shown by the large amount of cliffhangers from this year's season finale) & i am definitely excited for walder to get what's coming to him next season
and as far as sansa goes, i feel like a broken record because all the people pissed off at her going to winterfell (not the dreadfort lol) and the ramsay rape scene are making the same arguments and all it is is just annoying complaining. sansa was purely victimized in seasons 1-3 with joffrey but in season 4 she was trying to learn to play the game and even though lysa is a psycho she is still family which sansa was feeling very alone in kings landing so she was learning to walk that fine line & at the end of s4 she took lf's pointers. in season 5 she knew what she was walking into by marrying a bolton (she was threatening to harm herself at the thought of marrying one of them and she still married him after seeing how he handled theon, she's had to seen the flayed bodies hanging up as decorations in winterfell, and after all the stories myranda told her). pre-late season 4 / season 5 sansa would have been just bratty and pouty the entire time, but since the s4 transformation she knows how to handle a psycho like ramsay and that pissing him off would be so much worse for her. i hate people saying she was victimized because of the situation meanwhile she's probably the smartest she's been the entire time and playing the best game she could in the situation she's in.
as far as stannis' march on winterfell goes, he was trying to fulfill the prophecy of azor ahai meanwhile he was just a stupid cold hearted religious fanatic so he deserved to die like that (and im glad brienne got to him because that demon shadow baby was screwed up) and we see stannis kill other family members of his so shireen is no different and im glad the boltons completely wrecked stannis and his fanatic army
moral of the story (because that was a super long post): book purists, sjws, and other butthurt people about game of thrones the tv show: please stop complaining about the show because not everything was exactly as the book said / the way you want it to go and going up in arms by saying "this was the worst thing ever" and "im never watching again" because we all know thats not true and youre just going to continue watching just so you can complain some more with the same tired arguments that a lot of us are tired of hearing
You do realize that it's a different thing to give minutes to the characters who have/are part of a storyline that has been going since season 1 than introduce/re-introduce a new storyline with new characters or characters that have been gone for several seasons? Arya "sweeping floors" is one of the most annoying exaggerations from the haters of the show/season... It was part of her development in the HoBaW to rise from doing simple works to learn more about the Faceless Men, and seriously there really wasn't that much of it. You think they should have skipped that and then just bring her back in the last episode to kill Meryn?
And what comes to Grey Worm and Missandei, someone should seriously count the minutes of their story, because it really isn't that much, just stupid another exaggeration from the haters. And you know they pay for the actors of those characters, they can't just have them as extras, and it's only respectful towards the actors as well to give them some few moments, and they really weren't even that bad in this season.
And I can see you are angry with Stannis storyline - I like him too, especially in the books. However, we have no idea of what happens to him in the TWoW so all I can say is that what D&D did with him this season was probably just to streamline his way to death that is also coming in the books. And yeah, it can be said that the battle was "lame", but even GoT has limits to their budget - I mean there had already been Hardhome and Daznak, which obviously were the two things they dropped the most budget this season.
Brienne isn't my favorite character, but I don't like how he gets hated for killing some characters. I mean especially with the Hound (who I love as a character), I could smell the misogyny in the the hateful comments about Brienne beating him. And there are always some "convenient" things in fiction, get over it.
In what way?