The Whatever's on Your Mind Megathread



  • That's my dad's favorite film of all time the hunt for red october and that scene is awesome :')

    enter image description here

    Seen it again last night this film is genius a must see GIVE DIS man an oscar already


    enter link description here

    I always find this inspiring

    Saltlick123 posted: »

    Salt123's Movie of the Day..........Today: The Hunt for Red October and i'll add a scene of the day enter link description here

  • Nice, Hunt for Red October is at #30 on my list which is a top 50 and that speech is inspiring :)

    Markd4547 posted: »

    That's my dad's favorite film of all time the hunt for red october and that scene is awesome :') Seen it again last night this film i


    Good choice of movie too.

    Saltlick123 posted: »

    Salt123's Movie of the Day..........Today: The Hunt for Red October and i'll add a scene of the day enter link description here

  • enter image description here


    Mr. Oak, I do sincerely believe you, a royal Australian douche, are the mother of all fuckups.

    You're dearest friend,

    Dawn (fuk u)

  • Aw, love you too. <3

    @1415205 Mr. Oak, I do sincerely believe you, a royal Australian douche, are the mother of all fuckups. You're dearest friend, Dawn (fuk u)

  • fUK U

    Gary-Oak posted: »

    Aw, love you too.

  • enter image description here

    fUK U

    edited August 2015

    I think life is meaningless, and the fact that this universe is finite, that it will one day end, is the reason for why we can give it any meaning at all. Love, for me, is the only thing worth living for. Finding a person to share it with. And music, I could sit around all day doing nothing but playing my guitar and singing.

  • Thank you. Trust me, there will be More in the near future. Sadly though, I'm not good at it, so It won't all be good. XD

    Markd4547 posted: »

    XD This made me laugh but also appreciate the awesomeness I can't wait to see more of your work

  • Ladies and Gentlemen, I present to you My next Photoshop. "Four Days at Jerry's 192: Get Shrekt Edition" Coming Next Year after I release the other 191 games. I'm a regular Scott Cawthon!

    @Markd4547 here you go, Check it out. XD

    enter image description here

  • Salt123's Movie of the Day........Previously: The Hunt For Red October Today: Jack Reacher

    enter image description here

    and a scene of the day

    enter link description here

  • edited August 2015

    @Markd4547 I heard about this before but the more and more I hear about it, the more it worries me...the theory is that in the DC Cinematic Universe, "the Joker" is not the actual Joker and he's actually Robin gone bad......If you're interested look at this stuff...

    “20 years in Gotham, how many good guys are left? How many stayed that way?”

    enter image description here

    And here's Suicide Squad: 6 Major Spoilers Jared Leto May Have Revealed About His Joker

  • You know nothing Jon Snow, but my god, who are you or what are you? All you say it's true, love is all we have and from what we're made, there are many things that are worth living for... I hope you'll find that you're looking, that person to share every piece of joy, sadness, hatred, love or whatever you like and it make you happy, this should be the first meaning of life.

    “True love is rare, and it's the only thing that gives life real meaning.” - Nicholas Sparks, Message in a Bottle

    Enjoy the simple things in life...

    @GoldenPaladin “Even in the mud and scum of things, something always, always sings.” - Ralph Waldo Emerson


    AWESOMEO posted: »

    I think life is meaningless, and the fact that this universe is finite, that it will one day end, is the reason for why we can give it any m

  • Why was I tagged? Was it for the "enjoy the little things in life" part?

    You know nothing Jon Snow, but my god, who are you or what are you? All you say it's true, love is all we have and from what we're made, the

  • XD nice

    Ladies and Gentlemen, I present to you My next Photoshop. "Four Days at Jerry's 192: Get Shrekt Edition" Coming Next Year after I release the other 191 games. I'm a regular Scott Cawthon! @Markd4547 here you go, Check it out. XD

  • Tom cruise is a legend and that scene is awesome when I first saw that film and them two together I was just in awe

    enter image description here

    Film Stepbrothers

    enter link description here

    another inspiring scene

    Saltlick123 posted: »

    Salt123's Movie of the Day........Previously: The Hunt For Red October Today: Jack Reacher and a scene of the day enter link description here

  • I hope that doesn't happen just stupid imo the Joker should be the Joker always this is really cringy and cheesy if Joker was Robin

  • It makes sense in the comic book series, or are you just a movie type of person.

    Markd4547 posted: »

    I hope that doesn't happen just stupid imo the Joker should be the Joker always this is really cringy and cheesy if Joker was Robin

  • it sound cool to me

    My new profile pic doesn't look as good as I had hoped.

  • i agree

    Waiting is always the hardest. Don't you think?

  • who is waiting for this :)
    2016 though
    enter image description here

  • enter image description here

    Hopefully it gets an Irish cinema release though for me :/

    ihatemycat posted: »

    who is waiting for this 2016 though

  • These past two days have been absolute hell for me.

  • How so?

    J-Master posted: »

    These past two days have been absolute hell for me.

  • Don't worry, we're getting Tales tomorrow.

    J-Master posted: »

    These past two days have been absolute hell for me.

  • Thanks. I actually think I'm gonna make this game. XD

    Markd4547 posted: »

    XD nice

  • Had to take care of a fake baby for school. It was miserable for me.

    How so?

  • Did the baby get a mother?

    J-Master posted: »

    Had to take care of a fake baby for school. It was miserable for me.

  • No, it was just me. Two full days of paranoia, backaches, not a lot of sleep, and stress.

    Did the baby get a mother?

  • Fuck.That.

    You have my sympathies.

    J-Master posted: »

    Had to take care of a fake baby for school. It was miserable for me.

  • That sucks....the thing with me is that I have people willing to give me a massage to help with the back pain :)

    J-Master posted: »

    No, it was just me. Two full days of paranoia, backaches, not a lot of sleep, and stress.

  • Well, not hot girl = no redemption.

    J-Master posted: »

    No, it was just me. Two full days of paranoia, backaches, not a lot of sleep, and stress.

  • Yeah, hopefully that puts me in a good mood, I'm sure it will.

    Don't worry, we're getting Tales tomorrow.

  • I yelled at someone, told them to fuck themselves and that they shouldn't piss me off since they didn't know what I'm capable of and then left work early, what the fuck am I doing?

  • edited August 2015

    What did they do to you?

    I guess you're either being a moody teenager to your co-workers or you're becoming a pissed off Liam Neeson.....

    kaleion posted: »

    I yelled at someone, told them to fuck themselves and that they shouldn't piss me off since they didn't know what I'm capable of and then left work early, what the fuck am I doing?

  • I'm not a teenager and I'm notoriously hard to get riled up to that point even if I'm easily annoyed I normally don't get that mad, but the thing is that I don't remember why I was so angry, must be all the stress is finally getting to me, but damn why did I say that? I know what I'm capable of and I know I wouldn't really do anything to him precisely because what I've done in the past and I can't allow myself to do that again.

    I do remember warning him that he shouldn't piss me off because I would get angry and leave a couple of hours prior so...

    I mean I'm notoriously hard to get riled up because I'm really transparent and direct, so if I'm angry it's usually very easy to tell why so you can easily avoid doing that, the person must have been trying to piss me off, it's the only logical answer.

    Saltlick123 posted: »

    What did they do to you? I guess you're either being a moody teenager to your co-workers or you're becoming a pissed off Liam Neeson.....

  • Finally launched my blog today. Room for improvement, but it's a start.

  • Hmmmm maybe You should maybe apologise to him or just tell him you've been stressed out, or if you think the person was being an ass then ask someone else what happened

    kaleion posted: »

    I'm not a teenager and I'm notoriously hard to get riled up to that point even if I'm easily annoyed I normally don't get that mad, but the

  • You were tagged because you're my friend, at least is what I was thinking, I was wrong and I'm still wrong, I barely meet you, I don't know you and you don't know me... anyway it was for the comment post above and it has for the quote “Even in the mud and scum of things, something always, always sings.” even if you see our ending insignificant which won't matter for us, you see that for everyone else is important, we can make a difference that can change the world, which take me to the conclusion that you're a positive guy who always see the good things in everythings. I'm thinking it may work better for BigBlindMax.

    PS: I really have no idea for what I tagged you. PREPARE TO GET TAGGED...
    PSS: You should enjoy the little things in life, like a tag from a friend 8-|

    Why was I tagged? Was it for the "enjoy the little things in life" part?

  • edited August 2015

    whoops almost fell asleep on my it course did not sleep well last night and bored cos have to do math bit enter image description here

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