All moments compiled supporting Jon Snow's return (**SPOILER ALERT**)
Why Jon Snow is not gone for good?
Ned and Robb seemed like heroes, but they were killed.
Mostly, their storyline has ended at this point. But Jon's arc hasn't ended. He is centered to some mysteries and Prophecies
Jon is an outsider
(Foreshadowed in a typical way.)
Just like his Direwolf Ghost.
With White fur, (Silver hair) and Red eyes.
(Sigil of Targaryens, Red Dragon.)
From the very beginning, Jon's parentage is still unconfirmed and hyped very much.
And it is also expected to be a major plot change. Jon will mostly return..
Now that Melisandre is back at the Wall there is hope for resurrection. She mentions that her powers grow stronger at the Wall.
Resurrection is not something new in the Show, it has been used many times in the Show.
Jon still wants to take part in Westeros politics but he is stuck in the Night's Watch.
Only death can relieve him from his Vows.
He could be the legendary Azor Ahai.
The Night's King is intrigued by Jon and it could be possible that he might've seen something special in Jon Snow.
This is definitely a tease for an epic battle.
When Melisandre prays for a glimpse of Azor Ahai. - Book ADWD
And R'hllor (The lord of light) shows her only Snow.
"Power to make Life, Power to make Light."
Melisandre even realizes that Stannis is not Azor Ahai. (The chosen one)
Jon might wake the dragon from the Stone egg after discovering his Targaryen parentage.
In the Winterfell crypts.
Bran's Vision - Book ACOK
"In the sky he saw a great winged snake whose roar was a river of Flame."
(rising from winterfell.)
The 'Winged Snake' could be Jon Snow's dragon whose flames covered Winterfell with smoke and ash.
Winterfell burning in the opening credits
"A Dragon must have Three heads."
But this is a really crazy foreshadowing moment.
The first flower, Dusk rose - Jon Snow (Rhaegal.)
named after Rhaegar.
Lady's Lace - Daenarys Targaryen (Drogon)
Biggest among the three.
And the red Rose, Harpy's Gold - Tyrion Lannister. (Viserion)
Creamy Gold with white markings.
Three Heads of the Dragon - Jon Snow, Daenerys, Tyrion.
And so Jon's rebirth is foreshadowed.
Now, here is the nail in the Coffin.
at 2:51 notice how the music fades away?
And then exactly at 3:04 the music starts to change in an unusual tone.
enter link description here
And Azor Ahai must be reborn amidst smoke and salt.
You know nothing, Jon Snow..
How does the music have any relevance?
I don't know, I just felt like the music was changing in a strange way as if something was gonna happen.
Yea that music is literally just the House Stark theme.
Unless the lyrics have a deep meaning I wouldn't use music as a basis for my theorys.
You wanna go?
I am among those who believe that Jon will return. Only in death does his vow to the Night's Watch end.
Judging by the news and castings the next season seems to be heavy on flashbacks (well heavier than usually) - Young Ned Stark (the actor was 13) has been cast, I wouldn't be surprised if his scene will be with young Lyanna. And Tower of Joy flashback has also been confirmed (go to Watchers on the Wall -site and find the news there if you don't believe) - why have flashbacks of Ned and Lyanna if Jon wouldn't come back?
I'd guess we'll be teased with these flashbacks - which are probably Bran's sights - through the season (2 or 3 flashbacks) and on the last episodes we'll see Jon alive again, resurrected by Mel.
I'm pretty sure that Jon Snow's return is common knowledge to anyone with a working brain. We all know he's returning, those that don't know or don't agree probably can't read this anyways.
I fucking love watching show watchers freak out over something we've known for years. I knew their reaction would be great. Kinda annoyed they don't have to wait anywhere near as long as us for Jon's return.
In Film music is used to manipulate mood and to get the audience to feel a certain way. It can also be used to foreshadow as well. I think when the music changes it could very well symbolize Jon snow changing as well (warging into ghost)
Tyrion? Do you actually believe the theory that he is Targaryen???
And what, so Bran's vision isn't going to mean anything? All of his hints that allude to him becoming a dragon rider aren't existent, or since Jon is hatching the dragon in the Winterfell crypts do you expect that he's going to fly Rhaegal, perhaps? Also, the Winterfell with black smoke in the GOT intro is because Winterfell was... I dunno... burned down? Still, it's an amazing theory that's been around for a long time and you were awesome to put all of the show pieces together, it's just that you kind of lost me when you included Tyrion in the three-headed dragon prophecy...
Edit: reading back over this I sound like a sarcastic ass, and that wasn't my intention. I'm nice I swear
I'm just trying to have a discussion with you and want your opinions on the questions I asked you above.
There's a theory that tyrion is the Mad Kings son and not tywin's. you should look it up on youtube it is actually pretty good and makes sense.
I know the theory, that's why I asked him if he actually believed it in my first sentence. I think it's a load of bargus. There are no signs of it in the show, unlike the important theories which even the television series drops hints towards. In my opinion, the only relevance of the Mad King messing with Joanna was to fuel Tywin's hate for him further, causing the sack of King's Landing to be that much more important to Tywin.
I understand, no hard feelings. But I do believe that Tyrion is one of the three heads. Alt shift x makes an amazing theory about how Tyrion could be the Mad King's son. I feel like it is an interesting theory that I needed to bring up.
But remember, the Winterfell burning in the opening credits had no sigil. At this point the Boltons should've had Winterfell by now. But maybe I am just overthinking too much and this was during Bran and the gang leaving Winterfell.
Yeah, I get it! Just because I don't believe in it doesn't mean I think other people can't. It sure is an interesting theory, and does have some good evidence, I just don't think it has enough evidence, you know?
Yeah, I guess I can kinda see your logic. But then again, I enjoy theories every now and then.
WalkerHunterMark makes theories but..his theories are just awful. NO offense if he is reading this comment.
Yea i know what you mean. the TV show really doesn't give no evidence to him being the mad kings son, i personally think tywin's hatred is more deeper than tyrion being a dwarf and i would love for that deeper reason to be because he is truly not his son. I do think in the books tyrion's description in the books is a dead give away to him being half targaryen.
What makes this theory more believable , that all three last surviving Targaryns ( Dany, Tyrion, and Jon ) lost their mothers at birth .
Who cares what you think? You know nothing.
The hair has always felt like a bit of a getaway, sounding distinctly more Targy over Lannister. It could be a red herring but seems to be heading in that direction.
No offense but... no shit? It's too obvious that he's going to return, shouldn't we talk about more complicated theories like the Pink Letter or the Valonqar?
They don't have the balls to kill him off. Plus doesn't Bran's vision say that The Hound and Jaime will kill Gregor
I don't think Jon is Azor Ahai.But yes, he will be saved somehow. After all, this is not a book of George R.R. Martin, it's a show, and the show needs an audience to watch it. Like they said upwards: They don't have the balls to kill him off.
I am not saying that he is gonna return.
I am just compiling all of the moments that support Jon's theory that he isn't dead. Make sure you have a working brain and a smart pair of eyes before you storm into any thread like this..
Uh... I do? You clearly support his return, not because you want it, but because you took the time to compile the evidence that gives us a reason to believe he will return. I'm just saying that there are more complicated and more interesting theories to discuss, and a thread about him returning was already made.
Just a little confused about the bit where you say
Does that mean there is a dragon egg in Winterfell?
Imagine if there is and Ramsay finds it...
If you read the books of Bran's vision you'd know that there is definitely a Stone egg underneath Winterfell.
Exactly, I am just rounding up all of the things we currently know about Jon's return.