Your Perfect "Society"



  • One without twee bitches.

    is twee

  • "We're police officers... we're not trained to handle this kind of violence!"

    The only funny thing Rob Schneider ever said.

    And what ever happened to Wesley Snipes anyway? He hasn't had a theatrical release since Blade: Trinity... Wait, nevermind. I answered my own question...

    For all of you hipsters who complain about police brutality, this is what a world without armed police would look like. enter link description here

  • The feds Wesley Sniped his ass.

    Sarangholic posted: »

    "We're police officers... we're not trained to handle this kind of violence!" The only funny thing Rob Schneider ever said. And what e

  • Where there is no homophobia or racism, where gay marriage is legalized worldwide and everyone has the the right to travel anywhere they want by themselves.

  • Have you lived in America for the last ten years? Where do you think all the money goes? It goes into things like welfare, not defense. How much money do we spend on entitlements every year, the figure is staggering.

    BigBlindMax posted: »

    Money that you save by taking just a little sliver out of America's bloated defense budget.

  • You make it sound so easy to appropriate money, because Americans love paying more taxes.

    You know, tax money, same as military and infrastructure projects that can't be financed trough private means due to free ride problem.

  • they would execute all murderers.

    I would say, only if you know 100 percent sure he is guilty, like with physical evidence linking him to the crime. I would feel bad if some random dude got railroaded, because that would suck a lot.

    I would also include Child Molesters/Rapists, any other scum of society.

    I ask you to stop and think if it was someone in your family who got murdered. Would you not want justice to be done?

    What is justice? There is no justice in this country. Especially if you are white with money, or a celebrity. Prosecutors love making deals, to get criminals out of jail.

    Kenny/Lee posted: »

    As long as there are imperfect people, there will never be a perfect world. No matter what type of government people try, because every hum

  • Plus, not executing them is a huge travesty of justice. To allow them to continue living, after they've taken an innocent life, is basically telling the victim's family, and the rest of society, that the criminal's rights are more important than that of the victims.

    You're not calling for better Justice, but rather, better retribution. Life inprisonment tells the victim's family that society won't tolerate murder, but that it won't stoop to killing.

    And for those who disagree with me, I ask you to stop and think if it was someone in your family who got murdered. Would you not want justice to be done?

    Of course, I'd want justice to be done. Justice is taking away a man's family and rights and locking him away with his own kind. The outcome is the same, either way. The murderer will die behind bars. It's just that one solution is cheaper and isn't a judicial nightmare

    In fact, the problem is so bad that according to a news report I heard a few years ago stated that "If all the child molesters in prison were to be executed, the prison population here in America would drop by over half.

    Did you hear this on Fox News, because I'm almost certain it's pure misinformation. Find me a source and we can talk, but until then, I'll refer you to Hitchen's Razor : "that which is presented without evidence can be dismissed without evidence."

    Now if the law were to castrate these sick people, it would do two things. 1 - It would eliminate the risk of that man ever committing such a heinous crime again, therefore eliminating the risk he could pose to other children. 2 - It would send a very strong and clear message that this type of behavior is unacceptable, and will not be dealt with lightly. That if someone does this, there will be severe consequences to be paid.

    I'm of the mind that sex criminals get punished enough as is. After all, most states have sex offender registries that make it impossible for a sex offender to find housing or gainful employment ever again. Still I suppose one solution would be to make it voluntary. In exchange for losing the nuts, the offender doesn't have to be placed on the registry.

    Kenny/Lee posted: »

    As long as there are imperfect people, there will never be a perfect world. No matter what type of government people try, because every hum

  • Sex offenders are hated worse than murderers in this country. A guy killed a sex offender after abusing his son/daughter after he pled guilty, he was sentenced to probation and a thousand dollar fine. This happened in ohio. Then When they get in jail a lot don't make it out alive.

    BigBlindMax posted: »

    Plus, not executing them is a huge travesty of justice. To allow them to continue living, after they've taken an innocent life, is basically

  • Welfare and Social Security are a huge part of the budget, and it's only going to get worse when the baby boomer start collecting. But defense spending is still a colossal expense as bad as any entitlement. As our rivals (Russia, China, Pakistan and Iran) have show, this country doesn't need a huge military budget to project power worldwide and engage in gunboat diplomacy. Problem is, defense contractors and lobbyist have such sway in congress that the issue is rarely brought to the table, if ever.

    CrazyGeorge posted: »

    Have you lived in America for the last ten years? Where do you think all the money goes? It goes into things like welfare, not defense. How much money do we spend on entitlements every year, the figure is staggering.

  • Exactly, the punishment more than fits the crime in my opinion.

    That Ohio case is crazy. 2nd Degree Murder is still 2nd Degree Murder, whether or not the victim is a piece of shit is irrelevant.

    CrazyGeorge posted: »

    Sex offenders are hated worse than murderers in this country. A guy killed a sex offender after abusing his son/daughter after he pled guilt

  • edited August 2015

    Russia spends around 4 - 5% of GDP on defense, pretty much the same as USA. Its just that its a poor and undeveloped place so their army in nominal gets a lot less. Kinda like a person earning 500USD would spend 30% on food but would get less compared to someone with a salary of 10 000. Also if you look at Russia and whats it doing in Ukraine and the rise of IS you gotta be batshit insane to not spent on defense.

    BigBlindMax posted: »

    Welfare and Social Security are a huge part of the budget, and it's only going to get worse when the baby boomer start collecting. But defe

  • What type of mental disorder do you have? Seems like its cool nowdays to have some issue, like the people who pretend they have Coeliac disease. If you have a mental disorder you go to a psychiatrist and he prescribes you a drug like antidepressant or antipsychotic. Psychiatrist are for lounly people who have no friends to have someone to talk to. Same as with healing chrystals the burden of proof is on your side to show that they can treat a true mental disorder because if its a true disorder (even depression) its caused by a chemical imbalance in your brain and you need medicine for that. Also Im entitled for a pink pony, now pay your taxes well to get one for me.

    Coming from someone who is mentally ill and struggles to pay for therapy because I don't happen to come from a wealthy family, it's hard. Yo

  • Will you allow ISIS to travel to your country?

    elmox01 posted: »

    Where there is no homophobia or racism, where gay marriage is legalized worldwide and everyone has the the right to travel anywhere they want by themselves.

  • Cope49Cope49 Banned
    edited August 2015

    Your Perfect "Society"

    No Racism.

    No Crime

    People accept the way they were born.

    Your sexuality or preferences remained a private matter . Don't ask don't tell . Don't wanna know.

    Less government control .

  • How is being on the registry any different than having sex offences on your criminal record, exactly? I'm not familiar with a lot of your laws

    BigBlindMax posted: »

    Plus, not executing them is a huge travesty of justice. To allow them to continue living, after they've taken an innocent life, is basically

  • My "Perfect" Society:

    No one's perfect, but...

    • More people developed minds of their own
    • Stopped accepting truth without seeking it themselves
    • Trends are gone. There are better things to do than worry about the newest look, and what someone else is doing
    • Goodbye dumbed-down society
    • Stand up for what you believe in even if other people will attack you for it
    • Goodbye big government. People need more control again. Not interested in the left, middle, right. Just people who try to do good. Don't care what color you are, if you're gay or straight. We are all people with differences, but bleed the same.
  • 1.) You must notify the people of any community that you live in/move to that you are a sexual predator.

    2.) Many places (at least in Florida) have laws prohibiting registered sex offenders from living in certain places where kids might be. It's a great idea on paper, but in reality, the language of those laws make it nigh impossible for sex offenders to find affordable housing anywhere. This has led to a homeless epidemic among sex offenders and, surprise surprise, a recidivism problem.

    How is being on the registry any different than having sex offences on your criminal record, exactly? I'm not familiar with a lot of your laws

  • This is why I think that rehabilitation should be the first priority of the justice system. If you make returning to society next to impossible, then what do you expect criminals to do? Just sit in a hole and die? This is one of the many reasons America gets so much hate from other countries. We hear some absolute horror stories about the United States.

    BigBlindMax posted: »

    1.) You must notify the people of any community that you live in/move to that you are a sexual predator. 2.) Many places (at least in Flo

  • I honestly feel that society is becoming obsessed with objectivity and the idea that only one way of thinking is the right way and that anyone who doesn't think this way is either messed up in the head or a bigot. Your opinion will get shot down if it doesn't conform to what the mjority believe.

    Take, for example, Anita Sarkeesian. Now don't get me wrong, I condemn anyone that would send ANYONE death or rape threats, but a lot of people hate her for very valid reason. What I hate about her most is that she take it farther than just opinions. She goes out of her way to portray everything she says as factual, without any concrete evidence, and constantly tries to avoid having to answer to criticism or questioning of her. She's disabled Youtube comments and ratings, she'll block people on Twitter if she doesn't agree with them, and she'll demonize anyone who dares to criticize her baseless politically correct nonsense.

    It shows that people won't accept any opinion which challenges the majority view, because society is preaching that there's only one right way to think.

    My "Perfect" Society: No one's perfect, but... * More people developed minds of their own * Stopped accepting truth without seeking

  • I won't share personal information about myself, but I do take medications to help me. What I can't afford is psychotherapy, something that should be free for everyone because most often that is what people with mental illnesses need - someone to talk to who is trained in handling mental illness.

    I don't think having a mental illness is "cool". It's scary, and you're quite ignorant if you think it (and by extension, self harm and suicide) is. Not everyone is lonely because they don't have friends, they simply can't help that they are. Maybe making friends is difficult due to their illness? Your logic is very flawed.

    What type of mental disorder do you have? Seems like its cool nowdays to have some issue, like the people who pretend they have Coeliac dise

  • Russia and da'esh aren't automatically America's problem. It's time for the Arabs and Europeans to learn how to fight there own battles.

    Everyone is so quick to label Americans as backwards warmongers and menaces to peace...right up until a Putin or a da'esh shows up. Then they come asking for weapons or a military intervention. They can't have it both ways.

    Russia spends around 4 - 5% of GDP on defense, pretty much the same as USA. Its just that its a poor and undeveloped place so their army in

  • Some people only want "yes, men" in their lives. To tell them what they wanna hear, and anyone with a differing view to stay far away. No one can possibly grow as a person living that way. We all learn from each other. Those people, I refuse to give them my time and attention. Otherwise, it's wasted energy. Same thing with one way thinking. You don't learn and grow that way. People have differing ideas, methods, and what may work for one person doesn't mean it'll work for the next person. One way thinking is dumbing down society and setting people up for failure.

    I honestly feel that society is becoming obsessed with objectivity and the idea that only one way of thinking is the right way and that anyo

  • You are breathtakingly ignorant.

    What type of mental disorder do you have? Seems like its cool nowdays to have some issue, like the people who pretend they have Coeliac dise

  • Nobody want to attack Ireland so yea why not

    Will you allow ISIS to travel to your country?

  • I bet nobody wanted to hurt UK too but 7/7 still happened.

    elmox01 posted: »

    Nobody want to attack Ireland so yea why not

  • Lets put it like this, Russia and ISIS are not US problem because US has a strong military and multiple bases around globe, not to mention it militarily supports other nations. This kinda keeps US in a buffer zone. What you are saying is equal to someone in Wyoming to say - hey man US borders are not our issue so why should we pay for them.

    BigBlindMax posted: »

    Russia and da'esh aren't automatically America's problem. It's time for the Arabs and Europeans to learn how to fight there own battles.

  • BigBlindMaxBigBlindMax Banned
    edited August 2015

    The UK was part of the coalition in the "global war on terorism." Ireland is non-aligned (I think).

    I bet nobody wanted to hurt UK too but 7/7 still happened.

  • Well France was against war in Iraq (remember freedom fries) and now it probably get the most terrorist attacks in Europe. Those people don't care about that, if you're not a sunni radical like they are then they will hurt you. The whole idea of IS is to build a worldwide caliphate, basically to enslave everyone.

    BigBlindMax posted: »

    The UK was part of the coalition in the "global war on terorism." Ireland is non-aligned (I think).

  • Well, I for one wouldn't care about illegal immigrants if I lived in Wyoming. I'd be focused on the pressing questions, such as : "why am I living in this shithole?"

    Lets put it like this, Russia and ISIS are not US problem because US has a strong military and multiple bases around globe, not to mention i

  • BigBlindMaxBigBlindMax Banned
    edited August 2015

    Well France was against war in Iraq (remember freedom fries) and now it probably get the most terrorist attacks in Europe.

    This has less to do with French diplomacy and more to do with their extremely strict secularism laws and isolation / disenfranchisement of Muslim immigrants.

    Those people don't care about that, if you're not a sunni radical like they are then they will hurt you.

    A fair point, though ironically, it would seem Sunni extremists aren't entirely safe either. Da'esh are currently at war with Jabhat Al-Nusra, an Al-Qaeda backed Islamist group.

    The whole idea of IS is to build a worldwide caliphate, basically to enslave everyone.

    I'm going kinda off topic here, but this is a hollow threat. To build a caliphate, they need to be able to govern, build and earn the devotion of their people. All da'esh knows how to is kill, steal and destroy. Even the most radical Sunni tribes chafe under their rule.

    Well France was against war in Iraq (remember freedom fries) and now it probably get the most terrorist attacks in Europe. Those people don'

  • This has less to do with French diplomacy and more to do with their extremely strict secularism laws and isolation / disenfranchisement of Muslim immigrants.

    Well if they don't won't to live in a secular country then nobody is forcing them. Or are you saying that somehow that legitimizes their actions? If they want sharia then there are quit a lot of shitholes to pick from.

    I'm going kinda off topic here, but this is a hollow threat. To build a caliphate, they need to be able to govern, build and earn the devotion of their people. All da'esh knows how to is kill, steal and destroy. Even the most radical Sunni tribes chafe under their rule.

    They surely will fail but most of their attempts will involve some type of terrorist activity within the west so to root this evil out at its root is a lot better option than to allow it to thrive and expand.

    BigBlindMax posted: »

    Well France was against war in Iraq (remember freedom fries) and now it probably get the most terrorist attacks in Europe. This has

  • My point still stands, US is relatively safe at home due to its military abroad.

    BigBlindMax posted: »

    Well, I for one wouldn't care about illegal immigrants if I lived in Wyoming. I'd be focused on the pressing questions, such as : "why am I living in this shithole?"

  • enter image description here This is my perfect society

    jk but in all seriousness I would be happy with what communism is suppose to be not what it has been in real life.

  • Well if they don't won't to live in a secular country then nobody is forcing them. Or are you saying that somehow that legitimizes their actions? If they want sharia then there are quit a lot of shitholes to pick from.

    Watch yourself. I don't legitimize the actions of terrorist scum, but the French government is far from blameless in the matter. You clearly no nothing of Islamic customs if you think this has anything to do with Sharia law. It's a matter of personal freedom and religious expression. Anti-religious laws such as refusing Muslim women the right to wear a Hijab or Niqab in public have caused a great of resentment, and that combined with a very lax immigrant policy created a hotbed for discontent and violence. The far from stellar economy and (admittedly voluntary) ghettoization of the North African community didn't help either.

    Also, don't talk shit on the Middle East if you've never been there. At least I visited Wyoming before calling it a shithole.

    This has less to do with French diplomacy and more to do with their extremely strict secularism laws and isolation / disenfranchisement of M

  • First of all, Im European and I've never been in US, let alone Wyoming. Lets just say I don't regard any religion very high (as an atheist) but out of all of them I find islamic customs the most revolting and I don't believe they have any place in Europe or France, that is the only real issue France ever had was to allow them in in the first place. Balaclavas are also not allowed in public spaces. Don't like it then don't come to Europe I'm not complaining that western women can't walk around scantly clad in Saudi Arabia or I can't travel to Mecca as a non muslim. Their country, their rules. As long as they don't attack us and in that case, like Mr McCain said, "Bomb it!"

    BigBlindMax posted: »

    Well if they don't won't to live in a secular country then nobody is forcing them. Or are you saying that somehow that legitimizes their act

  • Okay then, I'll leave you to your arrogance and close-mindedness.

    First of all, Im European and I've never been in US, let alone Wyoming. Lets just say I don't regard any religion very high (as an atheist)

  • Living by rules laid out by desert madmen of the past is close-mindedness. Your moral relativism is close-mindedness. Standing up for freedom and truth is not a close minded position.

    BigBlindMax posted: »

    Okay then, I'll leave you to your arrogance and close-mindedness.

  • edited August 2015

    A society where peolpe dont say racism is bad but then go be homophobic, you know who you are. Its a sad day when minorities cant support other minorities in achieving equality.

  • edited August 2015

    So your "perfect society" allows crime?

    Cope49 posted: »

    Your Perfect "Society" No Racism. No Crime People accept the way they were born. Your sexuality or preferences remained a private matter . Don't ask don't tell . Don't wanna know. Less government control .

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