How do feel about abortion, and planned parenthood?
Personally, I feel that abortion is wrong.
Often times, it is an easy answer for people to avoid taking responsibility.
Plus, why should the child have to pay for what the parents do?
It's not the child's fault that it was conceived.
So why are innocent unborn children having to bear the brunt of deadbeat parents?
And on a personal note, I have to wonder how anyone could support that?
Abortion is essentially murder.
And it's murder of the most defenseless type of person there is, that who is unborn.
And what is really disgusting, is that there many, especially those who work for planned parenthood, who take such a cavalier attitude about it.
Human life, and the left, in America
And something that find equally appalling, is that most news networks, and news journalists constantly perpetuate favorable viewpoints on abortion.
The very fact of the matter is, is that children are precious.
They're not something to be thrown away because it's convenient to do so.
But rather, they are human beings, even those that are unborn.
If people do not want a pregnancy on their hands, they need to do one of two things.
Either use a condom each and every time they engage in sexual activity.
Or, DO NOT have sex.
It's that simple!
If they don't want a child they can always put it up for adoption and a family who does will adopt it
I guess most of the time I would be against it but if it's a rape case or something like that then I think they have every right to get one.
I tenuously support choice. Morally neither option sits well with me. I know very little of planned parenthood. The only thing I've heard is the slogan "Planned parenthood sells baby parts," to which all I have to say is to look at the medical advancements happening through stem cell research.
Bruh it's like the third thread you made in this section today.
Anyway, I don't like it. But I'm not in a position to have to make the choice.
I wouldn't doubt selling baby parts. Scientists grew a freaking monkey arm not too long ago. Crazy shit.
Another one of these?
I don't doubt it either, I just find it negligible. What's done is done, might as well made strides forward with what's left when the smoke clears. Maybe they'll grown an entire monkey soon, or finally create artificial wombs so this whole "pro-choice or pro-life" debate can be a thing of history. (Though, as a side note, I'm sure the religious nuts will hold us back in that regard as well. I can imagine it now "This science is against God's will!" but I digress.)
Two things:
Nice avatar.
Entire monkeys = Planet of the Apes
Morally opposed, legally indifferent.
Thank you. I found the picture and it was just so well done i had to have it. The shirt falling over the left shoulder was the selling point. I've started reading the books recently.
Meet me by the Lady's arm. I'll be the dashing fellow on horseback.
It's a woman's right.
And don't post Fox News propaganda.
Oh, and Bill O'Reilly is still a shitty old raisin. All that Fox News will rot your brain.
You must know both sides of the conversation, right?
Mods you know what is coming, shut it down.
That requires intellectual honesty from both presenters.
Nothing has happened. And saying it will just instigates it.
Because the other side is honest?
What other side? The only presenter in this thread is Bill O'Reilly. No other source has been posted or quoted.
Also, you're currently being intellectually dishonest by using the intellectually dishonest argument of the "false equivalence." I don't think you can be trusted in a debate considering you have already committed two errors of argumentation.
The other side of the conversation. The left side, from more liberal outlets. It isn't in this thread, but that hardly means this is a one sided conversation, hence you said "both presenters". No outlet can be objective and give you all relevant information, because there would be far too much applicable information to sift through. Every outlet will give you the information that supports their stance, and even if they give you both sides they can't give you all relevant information. You must know both sides and formulate your own opinion.
How have I committed false equivalency? What were my two falsely equivalated statements?
Nothing has happened yet, but it doesn't take a rocket scientist to realize that eventually something will. Plus this topic has been done to death (I'm also fairly certain OP has done this thread already, not 100% sure though.) and every time it ends the same way. People should just find something else to talk about, this never ends well.
Both sides suck. Not sure why people waste their time with pundits. But Bill is a special kind of asshole.
It usually goes well for a very long time before degrading. No reason to jump start the land slide. New people join, even if he has opened it before there are new positions floating around.
It's easier to regurgitate than to think.
we nee abortions. they have to happen they shouldnt even be up to the women to decide if they want an abortion or not. We also need population control...
JK NO, NOT REALLY. I think it's really up to the women if they have the abortion or not. im not saying men have no say, of course they will but i think if ultimately if the women wants to abort or whatever well they should be allowed. now im not saying go ahead and have an abortion buffet, no i think it should only be allowed like 2 max aboirtions. i mean if you have to abort more than once really then youre just a piece of shit more likely. i mean take care of yourself, thats really whats more important. but i dont think people should tell people what to do with their bodies. its their bodies, they can choose to carry a baby if they want to, or if they dont then they shouldn't have to do it.
Well there isnt any brain activity to around a few months so no child is suffering. What if you get raped, what if the condom split. Some women might not want to endure the pain as its probably one of the worst (besides kidney stones). Its not murder if theyre not alive thats like saying stabbing someone whos already dead and back to the rape, lets say a 12 year old girl got raped, the pain is going to be much worse and much harder for her to raise a child. Another one is where a woman gets her tubes so she cant get pregnant, but theres around a 0.3 percent chance that she can and it can prove to be fatal. I sorta understand where your coming from but you need to consider all of these things that could happen.
So not having this discussion for the 80th time on this forum...
Though I will say about Planned Parenthood - even if your against abortion you shouldn't defund Planned Parenthood, not unless you're willing to replace it with another organization that offers breast/prostate cancer screenings, STD screenings, birth control and family planning assistance to the poor (you know, the vast majority of what Planned Parenthood does).
Over time I've thought about this a bit, and I have to say I still support the right to an abortion mainly for three reasons:
I don't believe that the right to life should include dependence on someone else's body, even if it's the natural way of reproducing. Now one could say that we need humans to reproduce, which is true. But where are the indicators that too many people will be aborting?
The work is overpopulated as it is, and more people giving birth doesn't help that. Since teaching abstinence isn't really working as far as I know, then what should we do?
Many children who are born with parents who don't want them are at risk of being put into abusive homes, suffering from depression and either committing suicide, turning to drugs and alcohol or turning to crime, in which they can alternate between prison and the streets. If we are to have a woman give birth and give up the child, we should ensure that the child goes into a home where they will be loved and cared for.
Women go through absolute hell to give birth, and it's even worse for teenage girl who are still in school. That's why I think that women who do go through with that hardship deserve a ton of respect, especially if it poses a risk to her.
One problem, raising the child isn't always the problem. Childbirth is a difficult thing for women, even more so for teenage mothers who will have to give up on school to give birth.
I support Child Abortion, it is the choice of the mother if she wants to keep it or not.
I hate babies.
Anyhow, I feel that as long as it's done early enough it's fine. The one requirement for personhood is sentience which fetuses don't have until later. We have seven billion people on this planet, we can afford to prevent some births. Plus, I hate babies.
Did you know that evil people like Hitler, Stalin, Kim Jong-un, and such were at one point babies?
EDIT: Yes, I know I was at one point a baby. That is the joke. Anyhow, my other points (sentience, large population already) still stand.
It's up to the pregnant woman 100%. If she wants to abort, that's her decision.
Not very surprising considering I generally lean so far left that there aren't any politicians that match my political inclinations but I don't mind abortion.
I grew up on a 3rd world country and still live there, I've seen bad shit happen and I know how bad things can get, people say it's just so simple, just leave the baby up for adoption and that's it but that is not it, let's say the person in the scenario does not care at all, what if they do hard drugs and liquor while pregnant and the baby is born with some awful disease because of it? What if the person is pressured by family members or whoever to keep the baby and it grows up in an awful environment where nobody cares about it? What if the people taking care of the baby don't care about it and don't mind exploiting it for their own gain? Several awful things could be done including selling the kid, what if it's prostitution?
I don't know, it's not like I claim it's better to be dead than to live through that or that it's unbearable but there's a high chance that they'll have to go through that with nobody to support them and going through shit like that alone is awful, it's not like I don't know about hardships and pain, hell I remember how my father hit me for crying when I got scared because I was on fire and how I fucking stopped crying after that but as a trade-off my rage became uncontrollable and then I eventually went insane and had a nervous breakdown in which I beat the shit out of a classmate for absolutely no reason while crying and laughing at the same time and how all of my family thought it was hilarious and I know I didn't have it even close to as bad as it gets and it was just so hard and when you have no one to turn to you do fucking stupid shit, like try to murder someone because your sister's missing or tell the local gang they can go fuck themselves while they harass a woman and fight them bare handed while they use knives, pipes and sticks, or just deciding you're going to be a fucking vigilante and spend nights outside looking for trouble.
On the topic of child prostitution, an uncle of mine once had a neighbour that did it to his kid, he found out eventually and did nothing, to this day he's still traumatized over that and blames himself over that, just hearing him tell me kind off broke me, and if it's just that hard to know about it can you even imagine how it must be like going through it? Because I can't and it's not like I'm unfamiliar with the horrors of child abuse, and even I find that too hard to imagine, life is shit sometimes and too hard to deal with and most people don't have the strength or willpower that people like me have, much less the confidence and ego, how could they possibly go through all that? Perhaps sometimes it's better not to be born at all.
But anyway, that's how I see it, maybe I'm just too cynical and jaded though, but people are awful, the world is awful and life is awful, I'm just lucky that my opinion of myself is so high that just thinking about who I am can pull me through, most people need someone else to drag them out of the mud though and sometimes there isn't anyone else.
Btw, on the topic of the attitude by the workers - that's how doctors are. Maybe not in front of the patient, but certainly in front of each other. They deal with the facts and have to have a distant attitude towards their work. Can you imagine if doctors got emotionally attatched to each of their patients? Same with abortion doctors and fetuses. And it isn't even a cavelier attitude. They aren't going to weep by the tableside and hold funerals for every abortion that takes place, and when they don't let's not pretend like they're out their juggling petri dishes.
Besides, Planned Parenthood was pretty respectful, but hospitals can have a pretty sick sense of gallows humor. You need it for the things you'll be seeing. When you see somebdy with 3rd degree burns, tell me how it feels, and maybe you'll understand when hospital staff - who see these things every day - refer to them as 'crispy critters' to relieve stress.
When Sarah Silverman said she popped into PP for a 'quick aborsh,' you know she wasn't being serious, right?
Absolutely, people forget about tubs all the time. I don't think the government even funds PP abortion services.
Stops idiotic people to reproduce idiotic offsprings.
Have you ever considered the term PMS? That is very common on young adults who can't keep their penis inside their pants.
The world is overpppulated, so I don't know why people would even want to stop abortion.