I'm curious what Telltale Consumers thought of Until Dawn.
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I'm curious what Telltale Consumers thought of Until Dawn.
So many player choices! With just one minor slip-up, you could end up making or breaking one of the 8 protagonists.
The elements of horror were top notch, with an eerie atmosphere and plenty of jumpscares to go around.
Brilliant storyline, great voice acting and plenty of replay value with plenty of twists and turns around every corner. Cannot recommend it enough.
It's irritating. The reviews have both said 'choices matter' and 'they don't'. I assume the butterfly effect and choice system is good? Because it's one of those rare times I believe it'll deliver and I'm waiting on my copy in the UK here. Should get here tomorrow.
I assume reviewers are saying 'choices don't matter' because there aren't totally unique stories, as it still progresses down the same overall path, which is . . . uh, the only way to do it if you want a good, coherent story that's of a decent length with maybe the odd rare exception. So, it's frustrating really as the devs have said they estimate that people will see less than 50% of the content the first time they play, which I can see being the case though I knew the endings part shouldn't be believed. Anyhow, all this to say that it's irritating when the devs make the choices matter, but then people still say they don't because they're not getting totally unique stories. They kind of matter as much as they can in a game with graphics etc. and it's one of the best out there from what I can make out in terms of making them matter.
I assume I'm right anyways. What will be interesting to find out though is how many unique scenes there are. (One thing I am bit disappointed about though, from the looks of it, is the butterfly effect menu. I was kind of expecting it to have a visual chart of your path like in the trailers, but that's an insignificant, minor gripe.)
Anyhow, good to see you're giving it good review scores! And uh, I hope many people don't spoil themselves by watching videos online and such, like I did. I'm stupid. Though thankfully I only really saw content up to chapter 6. So, I still have a fair bit left to discover, I hope, of the overall plot . . .
Holy SHIT that was good.
My money is gonna get Game of the Year.
Watch your choices, because they do matter.
(EDIT) Here's the intro song.
Thanks to ArcadeRoot for posting this.
Oh, you're in for a ride my friend.
Oh- And by the way, reviewers are wrong, because choices do matter.
(Also, if you mess up a choice, it'll do a flashback so you can fix it on your second run.)
I'm so mad, this game looks pretty awesome but I don't have a PS so I can't play it. What a bummer... I only saw 1 hour of gameplay but I already fell in love with it. How long is this game btw?
Nine hours.
Though there is multiple endings.
Helpful Tip (if you don't know already): turn off vibrations on controller, so it won't interfere with the "don't move" QTE. I realized I failed a lot when I was suppose to sit still, and noticed controller vibration was the cause.
Downloaded this this evening, gonna play it with my husband tomorrow eve, so pumped.
Question: Is the group of protagonists mainly male or well balanced?
That would actually be a spoiler if I told you.
Hmm, interesting. Hoping for more than 2/8 being female, at any rate, haha.
Definitely more than 2. Just be warned every character is a horror movie stereotype though.
As long as that doesn't extend into purposeless nudity I'm fine with that :P
It was pretty good. I enjoyed it as much as Game of Thrones and way more than Life is Strange. I'm on my second playthrough now.
Great game, but now im not touching it til midnight October 31
Not a single titty makes it into the game nor a single stoner. Only area they failed in being as this a is cliché teen horny slasher flick game.
Balanced i felt
It's half and half, though some get a lot more playtime than others from what I can gather.
Sounds nice.
It's...not as good as I had hoped. Roughly a 6 or a 7/10 for me.
While the game is gorgeous, has good acting from the characters, and has an intriguing gameplay feature with the 'butterfly effect', it has its fair share of problems that holds the game back when it could have been something more.
The main problem with the game is the length, it's way too short. This means that only a few characters will get the most out of the story and gameplay while the others are left in the dust. Mike and Sam are the worst offenders of being blessed with plot armour, regardless of our decision they are forced on us throughout the entire game right until the end, while Chris, Ashley, and Emily are the only characters that have any real danger of being killed off while still being able to retain their importance in the story should they remain alive.
For a story that states that any character can die at any moment, why can't Mike and Sam get killed off anytime until right at the very end? Would the plot really have stopped right there if, say, Mike died during his heroic rescue of Jessica, or if the Psycho accidentally kills Sam during her chase events?
As for the other irrelevant characters, Jessica purely exists to either be killed off before the mid-way point or vanish from the story until right at the very end if she is rescued in time, where she'll finally get a playable section of her own. Matt lacks any relevance to the story after the tower fall and the Wendigo encounter until near the end of the game, and there doesn't seem to be any justification since Emily gains a lengthy gameplay section of her own not long after the fall, and yet the story seems to have briefly forgotten about Matt. And Josh, being the villain, gets no gameplay segment of his own until right at the end, and it's horrendously brief, seeing as how the player is quickly switched to another character before we even spend five minutes as Josh for the first time.
The other problem for me was the story, while it's a good satire of the B-listed horror film, it is diminished just as soon as the big twist is revealed mid-way the story, and quickly gets overtaken by the supernatural genre, which doesn't quite hold as much tension or enjoyment as the 'serial killer is on the loose' plot does.
It's a good game, but it won't be making its way on my top 10 2015 games.
I haven't played the game yet, though I do have my copy. I'm really glad to see everyone is loving the game, especially with Telltale fans! It makes me want to play it right now, but I'm holding it off to play with my friend at MAGFest in February... :')
You're gonna wait 3 months? While you have a copy?
You have a will of steel. You're missing out on a lot though, definetely not worth waiting that long for any friend.
8 playable characters, with 4 males and 4 females. Each character is playable, and two characters in particular get more play time, but they are a male and a female. Very fair in making sure each character gets their screen time.
Since I don't own a PS4, and don't intend to buy one just for this game, I watched someone do a play through. And It was amazing. o
For a game that is supposed to be like a cliche horror movie we can play, the story was great, very interesting and new! I loved it, and all the characters were likable and felt real. There was only one character I hated at the end of the game, and that was kinda like the point of her character though. All in all, I would give this game a 10/10. I hope that they would more games this like, particularly horror themed ones.
Are you sure about that?
Might wanna spoiler tag that
It is spoiler tagged.
Although I do own a PS4, I was to eager to see the game so I didn't buy it... I did watch a bunch of videos in junk with a walk through and all that jazz. Game seems really awesome to play blindly, but once you know pretty much everything that happens in the story, I don't see myself playing it. I really liked it though while it lasted, I have 1 or 2 gripes that I had with the story though, but they are to spoilerly to say here. Past that however, I will say it helps the game very much that every single character IS determinant, so that makes it possible for the story choices to matter. The story also makes an interesting twist along the way, so that was fun. Oh and Chris is the best character
It wasn't before
i'm saying that you're gay, you like playing as a female in video games, just like me.
That makes someone gay? Um okay.
nope, but i know a lot like me
It was, it was spoiler tagged several hours before you posted. If you check the edit time you can see it was edited before you replied.
Interesting, because it wasn't spoiler tagged when I was scrolling down. Doesn't matter now though, my bad I guess
It's well worth the wait. Definitely one the best games/playable movie type thing I've ever watched! XD I think y'all will enjoy it
You, my friend, are right.
Yes to all of this.
I love it when a different type of game comes out.
So I loved it and it's another interesting take on the interactive story genre. I hate horror and have never played a horror game in my life but this was fine if that's what you're worried about you soon get used to the pacing of jump scares which is my big weakness. Overall a very good game, the characters were cliché but were still written well for the most part and the game is beautiful. 9/10!
5-6/10 at best. But personally - horrible. The only real choice that we have in this game is to kill or not to kill off any of the characters. Which in fact is great or would've been great, but as usual the devs made it sound like it will make a real difference. Like, so many choices, such consequences, wow. But again it changes basically nothing in the plot itself. I felt like our "choices" had more impact in Heavy rain and Fahrenheit than here, so basically this game has nothing to impress with because overall it just feels stupid and flat. The characters are also horrible. Which again, is not that bad because they've portraid a real teenagers instead of what mass media usually does (like depicting teenagers being acted by 25 year olds) but all other things considering it made them so unlikable that many people don't even care if they die. Which kinda defeats the purpose of the game and roleplaying and kills the mood. Even the screamers and all that are awful. I wouldn't even call it a horror, it's a freaking joke - even Evil within was a little better and that says a lot. Basically, only the graphics are good, especially for a console game.
Pretty much disappointment of the year for me. At least for now.