cultural appropriation
I'm not here to start any wars I just want to know your opinion on cultural appropriation. Thoughts?
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I'm not here to start any wars I just want to know your opinion on cultural appropriation. Thoughts?
It's bad and should not be mixed up with cultural appreciation.
I don't care, I think it's stupid.
Stupid that people do it or stupid that people care about appropriation?
Eh, somewhere in the middle there. To be honest, I don't care if you take things from different cultures or whatever, just as long as you understand the meaning behind it or respect it. However, if you flip out at someone for wearing their hair a certain way or wearing something as a costume then you're just acting ridiculous.
My two cents.
Yeah, that's what I think too
Cultural appropriation is specifically when you DON'T understand the cultural significance. If you do then it's appreciation.
I don't think complaining about someone wearing something with no understanding about significance is unfair though. I don't think it's unfair that my Japanese friend was mildly irritated about a couple of white girls wearing kimonos to her school ball who didn't know anything about their significance for her culture.
But if your hair doesn't do that naturally just don't do it. Wearing costumes can reinforce stereotypes.
You should at least try to understand something if your going to wear it, I can make exceptions though. For example, if some girls pick out a certain type of clothing because they just think it's cute and don't know that it's special to a certain culture, I'm fine with that as long as when someone tells them then they understand.
I don't care though. If someone wants to put their hair a certain way, who are you to tell them no. Just as long as they respect the cultural heritage of it, who are you to care?
Well it's like this. A lot of people got made fun for their hair or dress growing up. Then when get someone comes and takes it and they get praise for it. Kinda fucked up right?
It's fuckin bullshit.
OK strong opinion.
No. Like I said dude, I don't care, if you care that much then you wouldn't just be freaking out about other races and groups using your culture but you would also kinda enforce your own race/group to only use your culture. I just say let people do what they want to do as long as they respect it. Here's an example, I'll let you in my house and do stuff in it but you start messing it up and disrespecting it then I'll be angry. People who respect your culture are the respectful house guests and the people who don't are the people you kick out of your house.
OK I respect your opinion.
This is from the opinion of someone who listens to a lot of rap.
I'm generally inclined to give supposed cultural appropriators the benefit of the doubt. Many are just enthusiastic about the culture, even if they're ignorant of the cultural context.
The problem lies with people who appropriate the culture while degrading it or using it to reinforce negative cultural stereotypes. (read : Riff Raff). Of course, people from the original culture are just as capable of doing the same. (Boddy Smurda).
Good points. I actually was gonna write something on this. I'll post it later. Maybe.
Yeah thanks. I generally feel as though culture is meant to be shared, but carefully.
Yeah like with Keith ape ripping of og maco and u guessed it. Keith ape( and I see this a lot in asian countries) loves the culture but because he didn't grow up with it and was more less outside looking in he doesn't know the do's and don'ts.
If you look at mac's video he and friends were in normal clothes but in Keith ape's video he and his friends were wearing all this shit they think is hip hop or black culture of lean, grills, the clothes and shit. This is just a image the media sells them and think it's real because they just don't know. They mean no malice it's just ignorance.
To be fair, I don't think O.G Maco is exactly a great representative of African American culture to begin with. If you want a great example of cultural degradation, look at some of the rap on mainstream radio. Some of today's acts just scream "minstrel show".
I'm black and I think he's fine. He's actually way smarter than he looks or sounds. Look at some of his interviews or listen to his stuff that's not trap.
Wow, that's even more depressing. It kinda implies that he has to intentionally dumb his stuff down for mainstream airplay
Nah that's his trap shit. He made u guessed it on purpose. He said he knew if made the dumbest song with the most bass it would blow and it did.
Exactly. Dumb trap shit is what people want, apparently.
I love u guessed it personally. I listen to all rap it's all good to me.
I'll admit, part of my dislike stems from the fact that I find trap droll and uninspired in general. It's like they replaced rap's soul with lame cliches, gibberish and cookie-cutter beats. Pass.
People should be able to be whoever they want to be without being labeled. If anyone has a problem with that, tough noogies.
Ha noogies
It's annoying as fuck
Why'd you change your comment?
might want to define the term, according to wikipedia, if you're not a Croatian mercenary and yet wear a necktie, you're guilty of cultural appropriation.
Depends, I think. People should definitely show appreciation towards different cultures, but I don't think they should be restricted or told what they can and cannot do/wear simply because it isn't a part of their culture. For example, I like saris. I think they're beautiful. But because I'm not Indian, some people say I shouldn't wear one. But I'm not pretending to be Indian - I just think they're pretty and I'm showing appreciation toward Indian culture by wearing one.
Ultimately, I believe that as long as you're not making fun of a certain culture (e.g. wearing a sombrero just so you can walk around and make fun of Mexicans), it's fine.
You gotta be very careful with the appreciation.
It all boils down to one single thing: Respect
If you respect the culture that originated it, you can do and wear whatever you want.
I live in a pretty diverse country (Brazil), where a number of cultures and heritages are all mixed up in a big bowl of fun and noise. It is quite a mess, but a pretty enjoyable one for people that are not bigots (yay!). I don't think many people here think twice before wearing or doing something that would usually be associated to another culture, because so many cultures are so close to us. We have so many different colonies from so many different countries! I live in a city that was originally a Swiss colony, but a few decades ago a Japanese colony was established in the city, and every year they throw a big party during the flowering of the cherry trees, as it is their tradition, and everybody is welcome to join! It is beautiful and really fun.
Brasil has the highest population of Japanese outside of Japan so that makes sense.
It's easy to say that when the only idea about white Americans is that they can look like everything from Sylvestere Stallone to Michael Cera, but the only stereotype of Mexican Americans is that they look like this
Fucking white Americans. They can rap, wear dreadlocks, and wear baggy pants, and still get mislabeled as growing up or just troubled. Black Americans that do the same get labelled as thugs and criminals. So if you can't see why using style typified by other cultures - AND BEING ACCEPTED FOR IT- while other cultures get labelled as outsiders and not real Americans, then sod off.
I like your points.
Cause I read what you said wrong, so I said something else :P
i for one think pineapple on pizza is disgusting cultural misappropriation and should be illegal.
Yeah, they were actually the ones that brought the cherry trees to my city to begin with
I guess my point is, it is okay when the other culture actually invites you to partake on their traditions.
Some people have points about them (people being disrespectful about a culture), and some people are just looking for something to complain about.
My mom used to have a friend who was the second one. She criticized my mom for speaking Japanese and me for having owning a wagasa, a type of paper umbrella that is common in several Asian countries. We used to live in Okinawa (a small, Japanese city/island). We're white. Those two don't go hand-in-hand.
However, if you're doing something like dressing up like a stereotypical Mexican or something to be racist (or even if you're just trying to be "funny" or whatever), that's completely disrespectful and disgusting, and you deserve to be made fun of (in my opinion).