On the night of playing a Tales episode I still just want to talk about Thrones. But I guess everyone is different.
Wow you must have a really shitty taste. No offense
To be completely honest if it was any character, plot armor or not, that choice would still be just for baiting you. Anyone with half a brain would be able to realize that they're not actually going to give you the option to just kill your enemy straight up.
And this is "Game Of Thrones Constructive criticism Thread turned into "Holy shit You're hating on GoT you faggot" thread by the Comments section" Number 1,013,543.
Whatever. I still love this game. Love Tales too, but you know why? Cause these are two, totally different games. When i want to laugh and relax i play Tales. When i want to have trully "emotional roller coaster" i choose GoT.
Why i love GoT so much? Well, i started my adventure without knowing the show, so it was kinda hard to understand everything what was going on. But i did in some point. And i started to love the story. And I was SO attached to all the characters, i cared about them and was so worried when someone died. Ending of the 5th episode? It was predictable, but after all, i cried like i never did during TWD. And moments, when your characters show their true strange and determination like Rodrik did few times? Man, that was trully amazing... It's like you're in this story together with them. There might be some weak points, weaker moments, but this is still a very good game. I guess the 6th episode can only proove it and then everybody will be like "weeeell, maybe i was wrong about this game...". At least i hope so.
No one said anything like that, all people did was point out that there are 1,013,543 threads about this already (sheesh thanks for counting them, someone had to)
And this is "Game Of Thrones Constructive criticism Thread turned into "Holy shit You're hating on GoT you faggot" thread by the Comments section" Number 1,013,543.
No one said anything like that, all people did was point out that there are 1,013,543 threads about this already (sheesh thanks for counting them, someone had to)
imo asher and beshka are the only characters i got attached to, and at the end of the game i wished for asher to die instead of fleeing a battle where you lost everything, i mean what's the point in surviving that... yet the game disappointed me once again.
i'll never understand why we got to play 2 characters that are pretty much useless, such as gared, that spoilers (travels around the whole game, to do nothing relative to the story) and mira that lives in her world, i mean what even is the whole point of their gameplay.. to imagine how cool it'd be if they were actually related to the story??
when i finished it, i tho it'd be funnier to play as the antagonists at least all your doing isn't wasted in 2-3 people running around, lost in a world that you don't care nothing about,,,,
overall pretty predictable game, even tho i must admit i feel like they improved giving more weight to choices and their cosequences, still didn't like the ending..
hope tales from the borderlands is better
This thread was actually made in September. Someone just necrombumped it. But I don't see the reason why to go all the way back to old discussions and necrobump threads!
This thread was actually made in September. Someone just necrombumped it. But I don't see the reason why to go all the way back to old discussions and necrobump threads!
Now I'm getting a lil annoyed by all these threads...
They are welcome on the forum of course, but shit go through the first page and most of the threads are the same
I disagree actually, mostly about getting attached characters. I've actually been very invested in them, since they actually have a certain amount of development. I actually think this might be their best in terms of characterization.
I love this game and I respect your opinion however, your comparing to different genres horror with a medieval fantasy. The Walking Dead by TellTale is one of my favorite games of all times and so is Game of Thrones by TellTale. However, you are saying that the characters in The Walking Dead are more relatable than Game of Thrones and I agree with that however, you claimed they are under developed and that is what I disagree with. Lee and Clem are more developed because the whole game since Episode 1 of Season 1 has been about Lee and Clem almost every scene they are together. In Game of Thrones many of the main characters are far apart and only give us interactions with supporting characters and villains.
Tales from the borderlands is a overated pile of mess that wasn't even that funny and the
humor made me cringe and the characters were lame . I mainly mean the two characters in particular that you have to play as Rhys a weak beta male who always got his ass kicked and Alpha bitch Fiona who don't need no man.But then again this just my opinion and you don't see me making a whole thread about it on the tales from borderland fourm.
Tales from the Borderlands is a good game, it was awesome and yes it was funny. I don't think for one second you can compare the serious tone of Game of Thrones to Tales From the Borderlands' funny tone. I think that maybe the user who created this forum hasn't seen the show or read the books so the story is very hard to follow. When I first started playing this game I had no idea what was going on because I didn't read the books or seen the show. Then I started watching the show and understood the game a lot better.
where's the freedom of speech and the person who tells the new person how to use a website? let the person post what they want, they're not hurting anyone. i'm not telling you to stop sharing your opinion, but try to suggest a way to communicate more peacefully instead of acting like you're gonna stab ethan forrester in the throat.
Thanks! :P
To be completely honest if it was any character, plot armor or not, that choice would still be just for baiting you. Anyone with half a brain would be able to realize that they're not actually going to give you the option to just kill your enemy straight up.
Stab Ramsey is not the same as Kill Ramsey. Yes they allow you to try and stab him but that was just to show him that you have balls.
^ Finally someone who agrees with me.
nuuuuuuuu carebear ;_;
Welp it's a good thing GOT dosn't cost so much. Oh well, can't impress everyone.
Now I'm getting a lil annoyed by all these threads...
They are welcome on the forum of course, but shit go through the first page and most of the threads are the same
Holy shit, enough of these fucking threads already!
And this is "Game Of Thrones Constructive criticism Thread turned into "Holy shit You're hating on GoT you faggot" thread by the Comments section" Number 1,013,543.
Whatever. I still love this game. Love Tales too, but you know why? Cause these are two, totally different games. When i want to laugh and relax i play Tales. When i want to have trully "emotional roller coaster" i choose GoT.
Why i love GoT so much? Well, i started my adventure without knowing the show, so it was kinda hard to understand everything what was going on. But i did in some point. And i started to love the story. And I was SO attached to all the characters, i cared about them and was so worried when someone died. Ending of the 5th episode? It was predictable, but after all, i cried like i never did during TWD. And moments, when your characters show their true strange and determination like Rodrik did few times? Man, that was trully amazing... It's like you're in this story together with them. There might be some weak points, weaker moments, but this is still a very good game. I guess the 6th episode can only proove it and then everybody will be like "weeeell, maybe i was wrong about this game...". At least i hope so.
No one said anything like that, all people did was point out that there are 1,013,543 threads about this already (sheesh thanks for counting them, someone had to)
Fair enough. And you're welcome!
imo asher and beshka are the only characters i got attached to, and at the end of the game i wished for asher to die instead of fleeing a battle where you lost everything, i mean what's the point in surviving that... yet the game disappointed me once again.
i'll never understand why we got to play 2 characters that are pretty much useless, such as gared, that spoilers (travels around the whole game, to do nothing relative to the story) and mira that lives in her world, i mean what even is the whole point of their gameplay.. to imagine how cool it'd be if they were actually related to the story??
when i finished it, i tho it'd be funnier to play as the antagonists at least all your doing isn't wasted in 2-3 people running around, lost in a world that you don't care nothing about,,,,
overall pretty predictable game, even tho i must admit i feel like they improved giving more weight to choices and their cosequences, still didn't like the ending..
hope tales from the borderlands is better
Have fun with Tales from the Borderlands.
Episode 5 was the best episode of the series. Episode 6 was the only let down
Really? Another bloody necrobump... like we didn't have enough negative threads, we also need the old ones to return back to the top.
Yeah, the reference was intended.
Complete opposite imo
I'm tired of this threads. I made my rant and now I am fine. I don't see why the same members need to continously making hate threads.
This thread was actually made in September. Someone just necrombumped it. But I don't see the reason why to go all the way back to old discussions and necrobump threads!
To annoy people.....
Then that's literally the most stupid thing a person to do.
already had.
Both was shit memo.
to get rekt.
darkfox pls
then i must be the only one that didnt like to play with clementine.. i mean i tried to play season 2 but got bored of it
Repetitive repetition is repeatedly feeling repetitive. It's the same old story...
shooot op m8 shooot op
I love TFTB too!!
I disagree actually, mostly about getting attached characters. I've actually been very invested in them, since they actually have a certain amount of development. I actually think this might be their best in terms of characterization.
Here some healthy criticism on the Show,Watch enjoy and comment I guess:
I love this game and I respect your opinion however, your comparing to different genres horror with a medieval fantasy. The Walking Dead by TellTale is one of my favorite games of all times and so is Game of Thrones by TellTale. However, you are saying that the characters in The Walking Dead are more relatable than Game of Thrones and I agree with that however, you claimed they are under developed and that is what I disagree with. Lee and Clem are more developed because the whole game since Episode 1 of Season 1 has been about Lee and Clem almost every scene they are together. In Game of Thrones many of the main characters are far apart and only give us interactions with supporting characters and villains.
Tales from the borderlands is a overated pile of mess that wasn't even that funny and the
humor made me cringe and the characters were lame . I mainly mean the two characters in particular that you have to play as Rhys a weak beta male who always got his ass kicked and Alpha bitch Fiona who don't need no man.But then again this just my opinion and you don't see me making a whole thread about it on the tales from borderland fourm.
Tales from the Borderlands is a good game, it was awesome and yes it was funny. I don't think for one second you can compare the serious tone of Game of Thrones to Tales From the Borderlands' funny tone. I think that maybe the user who created this forum hasn't seen the show or read the books so the story is very hard to follow. When I first started playing this game I had no idea what was going on because I didn't read the books or seen the show. Then I started watching the show and understood the game a lot better.
where's the freedom of speech and the person who tells the new person how to use a website? let the person post what they want, they're not hurting anyone. i'm not telling you to stop sharing your opinion, but try to suggest a way to communicate more peacefully instead of acting like you're gonna stab ethan forrester in the throat.