Ep 6 Release Date Discussion: Episode available November 17th, Trailer Out Now



  • Dec 30.

    Thread: Release Dates? Comment your release date predictions

  • tba

    Thread: Release Dates? Comment your release date predictions

  • Safest bet.

    enter image description here


  • edited September 2015

    Dec 31st 2016

    WalkerHH93 posted: »


  • Of course.

    Dec 31st 2016

  • We could use Gryff's head as the ball

    I hope it comes 22nd september along with Fifa 16

  • *2020 it will release the same day as the winds of winter

    Dec 31st 2016

  • February 1st, 2017 :P

    Thread: Release Dates? Comment your release date predictions

  • After looking so many times at the tweet about the "charming Lord Morgryn", I'm hoping for a ballroom scene. You know, a scene where Mira would go to a ball (I don't think one episode will have a large enough time skip to get to Tommen's wedding, but ehh...) and dance with some people. Dancing is a very good way to exchange secrets without letting other people hear it or question why you are so close to that person in particular, and I can totally see Morgryn using it to talk about... I don't know, whatever he is plotting.

    Yes this is a very random thought but I just wanted to say that to someone. Thank you for your time.

  • At least we get scenes with Morgryn. I missed him and Tom is ep five.

    Abeille posted: »

    After looking so many times at the tweet about the "charming Lord Morgryn", I'm hoping for a ballroom scene. You know, a scene where Mira wo

  • edited September 2015

    me right now since there hasnt been any news in a long time

    enter image description here

  • enter image description here

    me right now since there hasnt been any news in a long time

  • Yeah, me too. I wanted to talk to Tom about what happened during the coronation feast, since he was the one that told me I should go there on the first place. I was expecting Morgryn to avoid Mira after that scene with Andros turning into a tomato and such, though.

    ShampaFK posted: »

    At least we get scenes with Morgryn. I missed him and Tom is ep five.

  • Nah. Ludd's head is a better ball :D

    tyc1994 posted: »

    We could use Gryff's head as the ball

  • Well... I mean, in public sure but we could always run into him somehow. Or he could really have employed Tom to look out for her and send a message to her through Tom.

    Abeille posted: »

    Yeah, me too. I wanted to talk to Tom about what happened during the coronation feast, since he was the one that told me I should go there o

  • I don't feel dry as I usually do by the waiting.

    I feel cold. I feel the constant biting wind of winter hitting in my face as I keep my vigil. My muscles feels frozen as I sit on my chair and my fingers resting on my mouse, staring at the screen, waiting for the day that my salvation will come out....

    Snow and ice has covered my body. I can barely feel my heart beat anymore. The memory of being warm feels like a long forgotten dream. Then, it dawns to me, I have become an empty shell, not something among the living. Only a husk corpse, staring at the forever dark silent. Forever doomed to wait for something that will never come. Doomed to wait for a hopeless dream...

    Staring at oblivion with my icy blue eyes.

    Cold and forever....

  • Maybe we could run into him, yes. I imagine that if they meet and talk again, it would be on a situation like the one I described (I was thinking of a scene on Dragon Age: Inquisition base game while typing), which is pretty much hiding in plain sight, or somewhere away from prying eyes. I don't think anyone would want to be associated to Mira right now, and Andros already thinks they are friends so that might be a problem for Morgryn.

    I don't really think he is Tom's boss though, but that's because I'm convinced that Morgryn was the one that sent Damien to kill Mira (and then it wouldn't make sense to send Tom after her too). I think he wanted her dead for meddling with his plans of selling ironwood to the crown, but then when he saw that she survived he decided to try to make her an ally instead. He strikes me as the kind of manipulative person that would change his mind as quickly as the situation demanded.

    ShampaFK posted: »

    Well... I mean, in public sure but we could always run into him somehow. Or he could really have employed Tom to look out for her and send a message to her through Tom.

  • That would be glorious.

    Abeille posted: »

    After looking so many times at the tweet about the "charming Lord Morgryn", I'm hoping for a ballroom scene. You know, a scene where Mira wo

  • can there still be any hope that september 15th will be a thing? i really like the idea of episode 6 coming out on september 1+5...

  • No chance I'm afraid, it would have already been classified by the Aussie and Kiwi classification boards. At this point I think even Sept 22 would be optimistic.

    sbk12345 posted: »

    can there still be any hope that september 15th will be a thing? i really like the idea of episode 6 coming out on september 1+5...

  • enter image description here

    I don't feel dry as I usually do by the waiting. I feel cold. I feel the constant biting wind of winter hitting in my face as I keep my v

  • Im losing my mind with all this waiting :'-(

  • 13 OCT - I BELIEVE

  • enter image description here


  • I've seen this before, what's it from?

    brbsmoking posted: »


  • Zelda. But with a picture there was a link to this forum, so someone propably posted it earlier.

    I've seen this before, what's it from?

  • Telltale, please..

    enter image description here

  • I guess Link being in the picture should've given that away, but I only just now noticed him.

    brbsmoking posted: »

    Zelda. But with a picture there was a link to this forum, so someone propably posted it earlier.

  • edited June 2017


    Abeille posted: »

    Maybe we could run into him, yes. I imagine that if they meet and talk again, it would be on a situation like the one I described (I was thi

  • That's what I thought too. It was just too convenient. And even if it was Andros who actually sent Damien, they were partners back then so Morgryn would probably be part of it too.

    Jovoltrot posted: »


  • Most likely Telltale's shifting their resources to other shit projects.

  • I think the episode is taking more time because TT is doing major rewrites. after the major hate on E5 (an episode that I thought was actually really good) TT ight be changing the writing so that certain choices that you made I the past matter more. Because people have been complaining that the choices don't really matter. Or it is taking an extra long time because they are spending a lot of time on the battle scene between the Forrester and the Whitehills. But all of this is just my theory.

  • Well I did see the post the other day on episode 5 being good for the people that played the game how telltale thought they would (I played this way) but the people that didn't play it the way telltale meant had a bad time

    soysauce posted: »

    I think the episode is taking more time because TT is doing major rewrites. after the major hate on E5 (an episode that I thought was actual

  • I like to think they're going to give us a really long episode, thus the long wait for news.

  • The reason why this is taking so long is because they have so many big relactionships and events to develop, and they are determinant. They are delaying it so when it comes out, you will replay it multiple times due to the choices. Usually, episodes that are faster to develop are shorter and game of thorones needs a satisfying, considerably long finale.

  • edited September 2015

    but the people that didn't play it the way telltale meant had a bad time

    Yeah, we that picked one guy for sentinel and then did everything the non-sentinel said got a bunch of plot holes, nonsensical accusations and awkward cuts :/

    Well I did see the post the other day on episode 5 being good for the people that played the game how telltale thought they would (I played this way) but the people that didn't play it the way telltale meant had a bad time

  • imageimage" alt="enter image description here" />

    Abeille posted: »

    but the people that didn't play it the way telltale meant had a bad time Yeah, we that picked one guy for sentinel and then did everything the non-sentinel said got a bunch of plot holes, nonsensical accusations and awkward cuts

  • I think the episode is taking more time because TT is doing major rewrites. after the major hate on E5 (an episode that I thought was actually really good) TT ight be changing the writing so that certain choices that you made I the past matter more.

    I doubt it. If that were the case, no one would be complaining about how your choices don't matter if Telltale paid close attention to the opinions of the forums in the first place and listened to feeback from the forums. I also doubt that everyone's bitching about episode 5 has affected the writing and development of episode 6.

    soysauce posted: »

    I think the episode is taking more time because TT is doing major rewrites. after the major hate on E5 (an episode that I thought was actual

  • OK?

    brbsmoking posted: »


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