I meant 2 weeks or something around that. Approximately every episode of GoT was released in 2 months gaps. So I hope they will maintain it. Anyway Whitehill will pay for their crimes, North remembers and I need some time to grind my sword
I meant 2 weeks or something around that. Approximately every episode of GoT was released in 2 months gaps. So I hope they will maintain it. Anyway Whitehill will pay for their crimes, North remembers and I need some time to grind my sword
Hate how they say "Oh the return of the walking dead is this falll". Fall: September 23-December 21. If you ask me, were not getting the walking dead until December
Hate how they say "Oh the return of the walking dead is this falll". Fall: September 23-December 21. If you ask me, were not getting the walking dead until December
I know they just should have said early winter and released it late fall. In November people are going to be wondering where Michonne is. haha plus i'm from Canada so it's pretty much winter in november
I don't see how. They have a lot of work to do. They've posted pictures of the cast sitting down, eating and having fun. I doubt they'd be having that much fun if something had went wrong in development.
well they would probably want TWD to coincide somewhat with the new season of the show to some degree, one is publicity for the other (even though I know it takes place in the comic world in the miniseries).
Hate how they say "Oh the return of the walking dead is this falll". Fall: September 23-December 21. If you ask me, were not getting the walking dead until December
Are you insinuating that the cast doesn't sit down, eat, or have fun during development or if something goes wrong?
(to the moderators: this is a joke)
Yes I think definitely late this coming week or next. They've been very steady about GoT releases, definitely not Borderlands, which I assume might be due to something contractual.
I meant 2 weeks or something around that. Approximately every episode of GoT was released in 2 months gaps. So I hope they will maintain it. Anyway Whitehill will pay for their crimes, North remembers and I need some time to grind my sword
Are you insinuating that the cast doesn't sit down, eat, or have fun during development or if something goes wrong?
(to the moderators: this is a joke)
How could I have been so blind?
I wanna kill more whitehills. Cmon Telltale
"Knowledge is power". I wanna know release date so badly ;-). But something tells me it'll be soon. We need to be patient.
Soon? Soon?
I meant 2 weeks or something around that. Approximately every episode of GoT was released in 2 months gaps. So I hope they will maintain it. Anyway Whitehill will pay for their crimes, North remembers and I need some time to grind my sword
Next week will be 2 months.
Hate how they say "Oh the return of the walking dead is this falll". Fall: September 23-December 21. If you ask me, were not getting the walking dead until December
They did say late fall :P
Yeah, but Telltale soon.
I know they just should have said early winter and released it late fall. In November people are going to be wondering where Michonne is. haha plus i'm from Canada so it's pretty much winter in november
I still believe Sept 15.
Probably S29
I couldn't care less which month between September to November it's released but I just want the release date
Are you insinuating that the cast doesn't sit down, eat, or have fun during development or if something goes wrong?
(to the moderators: this is a joke)
well they would probably want TWD to coincide somewhat with the new season of the show to some degree, one is publicity for the other (even though I know it takes place in the comic world in the miniseries).
Yes. They're tied to their seats until they've done EVERY. SINGLE. PIECE of work. That's how business works.
Yes I think definitely late this coming week or next. They've been very steady about GoT releases, definitely not Borderlands, which I assume might be due to something contractual.
Telltale soon.
We must avenge our fallen brother.
Karakikoss, COME ON! Don't you dare leave me Karakikoss, I've come all this way with you.. YOU CAN'T GIVE UP NOW!
Just watching the hours tick by...
And now his watch has ended
You bastard wtf am I suppose to do now were suppose to fight together always die together.. What Beskha would have said
Its time to light the ironwood torches m'lord
enter link description here
For fuck's sake, it's mid-september already...
All delay and no news makes Jack reach for the noose
That's 2 days from now wtf
Sorry, can't hear you over the sound of me clicking on the "Ban" button for your account. :P
I am Jack's Raging Bile Duct.
I am Jack's Cold Sweat.
I Am Jack's Complete Lack of Surprise
I Am Jack's Smirking Revenge.
I Am Jack's Broken Heart
How about a nice couple of YTP's to cheer everyone up?
ayy lmao is it here yet?
Just waiting..

I actually thought there would be some news today
WHY DID YOU QUOTE THAT, i think i'm gonna shed a tear again...