Why do you act so weird when it comes to PS Vita releases?
Telltale have made a habit of not even including Vita in the platform parts of their press release, despite the games actually coming to the handheld? Tales from the Borderlands was announced for Vita during E3 2014 and was then never mentioned in your promotional push for the game. It's not like you guys cancelled it either, since it, Game of Thrones and Minecraft: Story Mode all appeared in a Sony E3 2015 Vita sizzle reel. Minecraft was then reconfirmed earlier this week in a Sony blog post for a new Vita colour. (Who knows what's up with TWD: Michonne)
I thought Telltale were rationalizing the snubs because the Vita versions weren't going to launch simultaneously (would be insulting if Minecraft: SM launches on Wii U before Vita), but I don't think that's a good idea. It just gives the impression that you're not releasing the games on the platform and leaves your comments section littered with people confused about what you're doing.
I think they might just be saving the Vita versions of their games for when the full Season comes out. I mean, I'm still a little confused as you are, but it would make some sense if they aren't immediately including the Vita in all of their advertising for episode releases since they might want to wait until the Season ends.
I think its because no one cares about the vita, and it will be dead like the Wi/ Wi U and every other console that never has the correct specs to develop games on. Why would you play TWDG on the VITA when you can play it on a phone, whatever. It seems extremely pointless.
Your response is extremely pointless. If Telltale felt the same way, they wouldn't be releasing games on Vita and Wii U. It costs nothing to add a platform to a press release if you're intending to actually develop it.
Thank you for your opinion, i will file it with all other opinions. If you actually knew anything about game development you would know why 3rd party developers won't put out games for the Wii U, or the vita, because the development cost never meets projected sales.
Seems they heard me. Vita and Wii U are in the Minecraft: Story Mode post: https://www.telltalegames.com/blog/99936/premiere-dates-revealed-for-minecraft-story-mode
And of course that's exactly what happens ... Announce Vita version before Wii U, but Wii U version launches first. Ugh.