What Really Pisses You Off?

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What Really Pisses You Off? :U
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What Really Pisses You Off? :U
* Life is Strange Fanbase
* People thinking Lee and Luke are actually alive
* People wanting Reuben to come back
* People denying
* Youtube comment sections
* Hearing a lot of TWAU fans wishing a Season 2 somewhere where it's about something else
* People complaining about games for no reasons. For example, TWD Season 3
* People thinking Javier is AJ.
* Javier x Clementine
* Cluke shippers
* Minecraft Fanbase
* FNAF Fanbase
* People thinking Life is Strange should have won GOTY 2015. I don't consider TFTBL a GOTY 2015 anymore
* The hate on Star Wars Prequels, especially Revenge of the Sith
* Jane and Luke from TWD Season 2
* People thinking Life is Strange choices mattered
* Staying with your daughters or leaving them in TWD Michonne. My most hated choice of Telltale's history
* IGN. Yes, I said it and I don't regret it.
* IGN's game ratings. Who takes them seriously, really?
* Michael Munroe from Until Dawn
* The Console Wars.
* Unnecesary sequels for Call of Duty (After Black Ops 1) and Assassin's Creed (After Black Flag)
* Unnecesary console exclusives (For example, the new Spider-Man game which comes out this year, revealed at E3 2016)
* Being around a bunch of crying children
* People telling people who saved Rodrik over Asher that saving Asher si the right choice. Am I a bad person for choosing Rodrik over Asher?
* Unnecesary cliffhangers
* People complaining that the original games and the remastered ones have no difference.
* Terrorists attacks. They kill innocent people for no reason, how is this a job?
* Unnecesary hate on Sarah from TWD S2
- Fanbases
- Ship wars
- Hillary Clinton
- People that hate Sarah from TWD S2
- Cluke shippers
- Cluke in general
- The ending of Half-Life 2: Episode 2
- Ferris Boyle from Batman: TAS
- My brother's death
- PewDiePie
- Farfromsubtle
- My father
- Clavier shippers
- Clavier in general
croatian politicians
These threads.
Trolls (for those of you who were around this morning, you know what I mean)
Unpopped corn kernels.
Injustice, apathy, coconut.
Almond joy?
Tumblr Feminazi's(not to be mixed with feminists or true feminism btw)
WE fight racism, Sexism and oppression BY being racist, sexist and dismissive of other people YEE and disagee with any of our beliefs or opinions your a sexist who hates woman not join us even if your a woman we attack you everyone wins except you
Don't judge me by my sex, race or gender You white cis male scum
Know lets us censor free- speech, games and movies etc to play to our wants and needs complete control no more creativity that is offensive :P
We all knew what would happen they would not add expansions but end up cutting the game itself to use as DLC and that happened know we spend 80 euro on a game and it's only a couple hours of campaign because all other missions are used for DLC, exclusives pre-order bonuses and system bonuses now we even have micro transactions. The Games became the DLC
I seen one game recently selling a higher difficulty as DLC WTF STOP
The know it alls
Seen few on the forum before my opinions and beliefs are always fact anyone have a different one will get attacked by me for blatant disrespect to my opinions and beliefs I see them as a direct threat to my shallow ego :P
FU Konami
Realtiy TV
Goddam watching other people live their life's I was pressing channels yesterday and the KIm kardasian show came on for a few seconds she was sitting watching Tv. There are people out there watching other people watch TV a new low just really dumb imo
I hate people who spot someone who is struggling and decide to hate on them and make it harder for them to impress others so sad how common this is
Fake friends
Who will only want to talk to you when it entertains them, only there for you when you serve a purpose to them, Always lie to you and will turn on you in a drop of a penny always seem to have a low opinion of you and dismissive nature
Game sales
My favourite games not getting sequels because of sales while COD copy and paste every game is the same 2 hour campaigns for their 80 euro games break records for sales leading to endless sequels
I need the darkness 3
I'll do more later
1: People mouthing off about a subject they clearly have no experience in.
2: People talking during a movie.
3: When people misuse the words, "literally" or "ignorant."
4: Reality TV
5: Child beauty pageants. (Seriously, why do we need to judge the appearances of girls who haven't even developed breasts yet)
6: Racism
7: Sexism
8: Homophobia
9: When people interrupt my sentences.
10: The recent incident in which a Muslim kid was arrested just because he built a clock.
11: Over passionate fangirls
12: When people judge their opinion on a movie or TV show just based on reviews instead of actually experiencing it for themselves.
Almond Disdain is more like it.
There is a special level of hell for you. One normally reserved for child molesters and people that speak in the theater.
Oh fuck no! Can I take a plea deal and languish with the murderers and racketeers instead?
Haha please. I pretty much hate everything.
1: The Zelda fanbase
2: Feminazi's
3: Racism, Sexism, Homophobia and every other offensive way to see people who aren't Straight White Males.
4: The Kardashians.
5: Emily from Until Dawn.
6: Betrayal.
Political correctness and over-sensitive pansies who need shit sugar coated for them
People walking in front of me so slowly
People who judge movies without seeing them
People who don't give a shit about you but come crawling to you when they need something
People who praise actors/actresses who in my opinion, are completely over-rated.(I'm open-minded but some people like the dumbest shit and just jump on the bandwagon)
Animal Abuse
People who think they're better" than others for some dumbass reason that has nothing to do with character
(Might post more later...)
More later please I agree with all of these bro
Kewl, but if I remember correctly you like quite a few of those actors/actresses I think are definitely over-rated...Guess I'll add more after I play TFTBL Episode 3
Name your top 5 overrated actors/actresses? :P
My Top 5 Over Rated
Jennifer Lawrence (Not bad but definitely doesn't deserve the hype she gets...)
Channing Tatum (Like some of his movies but he isn't that good of an actor and is basically just an underwear model)
Emma Watson (Did anyone care about her when she was younger? Not Really....I don't get why guys say she's "the hawtest woman alive", don't think she deserves the hype she gets and just because you're British doesn't make you a "goddess"....
Kristen Stewart (Yeah..Okay, use your mono-tone voice and get fucked by another terrible actor and horny teenagers will go and see it...right.....)
George Clooney (Okay...Okay...I wasn't sure who to put here but I went with the guy who eye-fucks the camera every 5 God damn seconds and somehow turns women on....)
Hopefully I don't sound like one of those asshole critics....
In the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit, Amen.
People who believe that they are better than everybody else and/or think they are funny yet simply display themselves for the utter knaves they really are.
Idiot drivers. Take the bus you shitlords!
You and my mother should exchange notes over a cuppa.
Fifa Bullshit
Didn't Last of Us do that?
Things that I've seen/experienced in real life that piss me off
Things that piss me off in general:
Edit: Oopsies
Here's a gif of a pug
''Emily from Until Dawn''
lmao, makes sense xD
As an extrovert and having about 40% of my friends introverted, I definitely don't have a clue ¯_(ツ)_/¯.
Ur mum when she doesn't let join her in bed.
People who can never admit they're wrong about anything.
You're wrong
People who are unfriendly, rude, disrespectful, hostile, violent, bigoted, exploitative, and prejudice.
Slaughterhouses. People who harm animals.
Slow internet
You would 100% hate me irl