The first episode of any new Telltale series is usually rated months before it comes out, so yes the Australian Classification Ratings do mean something.
It still means something, but I have notice that GoT seems to come out faster than tales after it starts getting updated in the steam data base, it could be added later, but still come out first
Thread: The steam database and alstrualing rating means nothing!!!!!!
Telltale has now been teasing the got and tftb finales for quite … moresome time now and I just want to say that these things mean nothing. Remember when we saw mine craft story mode rated Lego 12 in August and we found out the game will be released almost two months after that. Steam base means nothing, some episodes are not even shown updated.
Have a great day and let me know what you think in the comments below
Thread: The steam database and alstrualing rating means nothing!!!!!!
Telltale has now been teasing the got and tftb finales for quite … moresome time now and I just want to say that these things mean nothing. Remember when we saw mine craft story mode rated Lego 12 in August and we found out the game will be released almost two months after that. Steam base means nothing, some episodes are not even shown updated.
Have a great day and let me know what you think in the comments below
What the hell is wrong with you? This is, what, the hundredth time you've lied about the release date of either GOT or TFTBL, despite the fact that people either call you out on your lies or tell you that you're wrong, and yet you still do it?
yeah no. If they wouldn't announce anything today, they wouldn't just up and announce they day before. I don't think it'll be very long from now, but definitely not "2 more days".
Holy shit, I just looked at the comments on this guy's profile, he's so full of shit. Do you think he can get banned by doing this over and over again?
What the hell is wrong with you? This is, what, the hundredth time you've lied about the release date of either GOT or TFTBL, despite the fact that people either call you out on your lies or tell you that you're wrong, and yet you still do it?
Cross posting this across all the relevant threads:
An interesting update from Job:
* Tweet from Job: Have questions for the cast of… more @.Minecraft: Story Mode, Tales from the @.Borderlands, or @.GameOfThrones? We're sitting with them this week!
...this must be a part of the "fan shows" they mentioned a while back.
Someone asked his if there would be video and he said this
I believe the plans are to put the video footage out there as sort of a 'get ready for the awesome finale' type thing, but I don't have all the logistics just yet. We'll definitely keep you posted as things solidify! : )
Cross posting this across all the relevant threads:
An interesting update from Job:
* Tweet from Job: Have questions for the cast of… more @.Minecraft: Story Mode, Tales from the @.Borderlands, or @.GameOfThrones? We're sitting with them this week!
...this must be a part of the "fan shows" they mentioned a while back.
Emily survived a situation that most characters wouldn't survived, except maybe Sam and Mike. Jessica is OK, and Ashley just need to undestand Emily's palm. And i would love to see Emily kicking Jess' ass.
Emily survived a situation that most characters wouldn't survived, except maybe Sam and Mike. Jessica is OK, and Ashley just need to undestand Emily's palm. And i would love to see Emily kicking Jess' ass.
Thread: The steam database and alstrualing rating means nothing!!!!!!
Telltale has now been teasing the got and tftb finales for quite … moresome time now and I just want to say that these things mean nothing. Remember when we saw mine craft story mode rated Lego 12 in August and we found out the game will be released almost two months after that. Steam base means nothing, some episodes are not even shown updated.
Have a great day and let me know what you think in the comments below
Ashley just need to undestand Emily's palm.
She really deserved it. Even Ashley saying sorry won't make things better because Emily was almost close to her death.
LiS will probably be released in the end of September or somewhere in Octomber.
And about Tales and GoT, they will surely be released after Minecraft: Story Mode: Episode one ;p
Didn't you mean Australia? xD
lol, it's "Australia" m8.
The first episode of any new Telltale series is usually rated months before it comes out, so yes the Australian Classification Ratings do mean something.
It still means something, but I have notice that GoT seems to come out faster than tales after it starts getting updated in the steam data base, it could be added later, but still come out first
It's only the first episode where it means nothing.
I think the wait has made you crack.
Bruh I shot her in the head.
I let her get killed by the wendigo
What the hell is wrong with you? This is, what, the hundredth time you've lied about the release date of either GOT or TFTBL, despite the fact that people either call you out on your lies or tell you that you're wrong, and yet you still do it?
yeah no. If they wouldn't announce anything today, they wouldn't just up and announce they day before. I don't think it'll be very long from now, but definitely not "2 more days".
well, at least the odds don't seem too bad for a second season, although if there was one, I'd prefer a new family in a different kingdom.
I think you should put a spoiler warning for those who haven't played the game yet.
Holy shit, I just looked at the comments on this guy's profile, he's so full of shit. Do you think he can get banned by doing this over and over again?
At least we can have some bacon while waiting.
I kept her alive. The rest of you all got no love for alpha bitches, I see.
She was trying too hard to be alpha bitch but the top bitch was jess
Maybe it's a joke, with all this set up I hope the punch line pays off when the "promised" day arrives.
Guys I hate to break it you you.. the Wendigo was the top bitch. 10\10
Cross posting this across all the relevant threads:
An interesting update from Job:
...this must be a part of the "fan shows" they mentioned a while back.
Edit: I'd rather not know.
I got no love for unlikeable characters.
Does anybody know or have a prediction when this week they will be doing this?
Yes, new news!! Maybe they might announce some news for episode 6 and its this week!!
Forget it...
Nathan ( @kenjisalk ) created a thread so people could ask the GoT cast questions, he also created one for Tales from the Borderlands.
Someone asked his if there would be video and he said this
"Understand the palm of my hand, bitch!"
Literally my favourite scene in the entire game tbh.
Emily survived a situation that most characters wouldn't survived, except maybe Sam and Mike. Jessica is OK, and Ashley just need to undestand Emily's palm. And i would love to see Emily kicking Jess' ass.
She really deserved it. Even Ashley saying sorry won't make things better because Emily was almost close to her death.
This is the best spelling of Australia I have ever seen.
I like em. And kept her alive so matt can fuck her
My boy
No episode for Tales, GoT or LiS in September... Why? Where? When?
LiS will probably be released in the end of September or somewhere in Octomber.
And about Tales and GoT, they will surely be released after Minecraft: Story Mode: Episode one ;p
September sucks... I hope we'll get something at least... At least 1 game T-T