I had a dream... It seems to be a recurring thing in this community. XD
Anyway, in the dream Rodrik and Asher were walking down some stairs (I don't know how they were both alive XD) and Rodrik said "This house is already destroyed." they had both reached the bottom of the stairs at this point and Asher placed his hand on Rodrik's shoulder and said "If you mean that, then you're no brother of mine." then Rodrik just looked away from Asher and walked towards Duncan to talk some more while Asher walked off with Royland to talk about the 'army'. I don't know why Duncan and Royland were both there either. XD
The more we wait , the more leonidas will eat bananas . and when he's out of bananas , you better pray for all of our souls to not be thrown into a giant well .
I had a dream... It seems to be a recurring thing in this community. XD
Anyway, in the dream Rodrik and Asher were walking down some stai… morers (I don't know how they were both alive XD) and Rodrik said "This house is already destroyed." they had both reached the bottom of the stairs at this point and Asher placed his hand on Rodrik's shoulder and said "If you mean that, then you're no brother of mine." then Rodrik just looked away from Asher and walked towards Duncan to talk some more while Asher walked off with Royland to talk about the 'army'. I don't know why Duncan and Royland were both there either. XD
I can
"Major announcement in the morning for 'Game of Thrones' on its way. Season finale is closer than you think!"
I don't think anything went wrong man, just that they are putting their heart in soul into this final episode is what I like to think We could be in for one of telltales greatest finales yet.
need... more...
I had a dream... It seems to be a recurring thing in this community. XD
Anyway, in the dream Rodrik and Asher were walking down some stairs (I don't know how they were both alive XD) and Rodrik said "This house is already destroyed." they had both reached the bottom of the stairs at this point and Asher placed his hand on Rodrik's shoulder and said "If you mean that, then you're no brother of mine." then Rodrik just looked away from Asher and walked towards Duncan to talk some more while Asher walked off with Royland to talk about the 'army'. I don't know why Duncan and Royland were both there either. XD
Maybe they're planning to do a crossover and the first episode of Minecraft is the last episode of GoT as well.
The more we wait , the more leonidas will eat bananas . and when he's out of bananas , you better pray for all of our souls to not be thrown into a giant well .
This sounds like a spinoff drama series. XD
I officially give up. The next episode is never coming out and we will never find out what was suppose to happen.
News tommorow everyone.
Have faith in me.
And now your watch has ended...
Noo just noo it'll be a situation where in 2020 telltale will be like.
Haha all our episodes are up to 5 u really think it was gonna be 6.
i think 28S year 2024
Don't be ridiculous...
I bet it will come out in 2023.
What if we put our faith in you and you're wrong? What happens then? :P
We flay him alive xD
I wouldn't lie to a brother thats against the nights watch
Telltale ain't that savage
Come on man, give them a chance! 2021 ftw!
Well... I don't think we should go that far, maybe we can just call him out for it, with gifs. :P
We need to calm down.Modern times. But just I case u try something. Your heart will meet the end of my sword
Arthur being killed by Ramsay will be turned into a gif ~-^
Kk I'll give them a chance but
remember the north episode can never be lost.
In 2020
If I am wrong you can all kick me not once, but twice in the shin.
If you're lying, then Ludd's death will be the last thing you'll see ~-^
Lol, I'm just joking. I can't hurt you anyways xD
Ouch, that's a painful punishment, there's a lot of us. It's ok, if you're wrong it's all good. ^.^ :P
Why must you hurt me like this Wolfenus? My brain cannot take such thoughts.
Well, I'm a huge fan of Game of Thrones so expect thoughts like these from me in the future
Ino a bit of banter is good for the heart (certainly not a sword)
Well, its not like anything will happen to me, I will be correct, as usual!
The Others take you if you're wrong. ;_;
My prediction: Realese date of GoT 6th episode: October 29th 2015
I cant even think of a trolly comment right now...
I can
"Major announcement in the morning for 'Game of Thrones' on its way. Season finale is closer than you think!"
I was expecting a rick roll, and then when I hovered over the link it was Twitter, so I was like 'Hey, this might be legit'.
To be fair, I did disclose that it was a trolly comment.
Nothing...? Okay back tomorrow.
I'm gonna go play some other games to pass the time.
This is ridiculous. Fess up TT. Something happened during development and we're getting into refund territory.
It's been 9 weeks now
I don't think anything went wrong man, just that they are putting their heart in soul into this final episode is what I like to think
We could be in for one of telltales greatest finales yet.
Our wait is now a 4th grader. It grew so slow!