It's coming! (tantalizing hint)
No solid 'confirmation', but Job J Stauffer tweeted in response to a fan's question -
A full 3rd Season of TWD won't debut until sometime after our TWD Michonne MiniSeries concludes. Wolf? These lips are sealed.
If it wasn't even on the cards they would've said so. The fact that he didn't say no.....
I am psyched.
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Well, as much as I want a S2, this just confirms that they might have some plans for TWAU in the future, I don't believe they're already working on it or anything like that. But it's something I guess :P
I imagine there talking about possibly doing something for the Wolf among us but nothings set in stone.
Well this is SOMETHING at least
Like I said billion times, I don't believe we're going to see more Wolf anytime soon but this just confirms that it is not definetely abandoned for good. They still mention it from time to time, and they wouldn't usually do that I think. They might have something in plans but probably nothing solid yet
Better this than nothing, I'll hold onto those "teasers"
After a 12 hour shift, this is indeed something to smile about. It's something and I'd like to hold on to the thought of a season 2.
Especially if Telltale can put in the amount of time that they have been putting into GoT and Tales from the Borderlands. Not that I think those two games are better at all really, but it would be really nice to have more content in a second season of TWAU.
Guys, you do realise it has ONLY been a little over a year since Cry Wolf?
I don't think this means they are working on season 2 or have it planned, i get the feeling they don't have anything planned at this time but don't want to rule it out completely as they might want to go back to it in the future.
They have lots of other stuff planned like TWD season 3, their own IP/super show, a possible future game with a Lionsgate IP and possibly other unannounced projects that go to 2017 and beyond so i don't expect to see another Wolf Among Us game any time soon.
That's just their way of saying "it isn't happening and we have nothing to say about it but we don't want to make people mad"
XD I thought you said "they might want to go back to the future"
Dlc people dlc.
But it's just Telltale teasing us again! :(
No, please. Don't hurt Bigby with a sequel. Try something new, there are many others, more interesting, game ideas. Give them a chance.
Meh, I don't really wanna put a damper in anybody's mood (I do apologize in advance, if that is the case though), but is this really news to everyone? They've been either saying something like this (something really ambiguous) or nothing at all for the past year.
Nothing's really changed for me (regarding Wolf Season 2). While I'm still curiously waiting for any official announcements, if they don't announce Season 2 before the last day of 2015, I'll officially be giving up on this (though it would be a real nice surprise if they announce it afterwards, but I wouldn't be holding my breath).
I have better ways to spend my time than linger over something that even Telltale themselves aren't certain to announce.
If they finally make a season 2, I would like that we could play as other characters from the Fables universe, not just Bigby. I believe that Prince Charming, Jack, Cinderella or Beast would be great protagonists for a new season.
Don't get me wrong, I love Bigby, but there are many other characters who are as interesting as he is.
I think Cinderella would be another interesting character to play as in the Fables universe, with her being an international spy.
That doesn't mean shit. I think that just means that they're not ruling it out.
Tantalizing was just the right word.
As much as I'd love to see a sequel, I don't think it is ever happening.
I prefer to not hold my breath, but rather keep it in the back of my mind now
Stop teasing us Telltale, just give it to us straight: are you or are you not going to develop a continuation to TWAU?
The game is better than the comics.....
My Reaction To This Thread
To all the naysayers, they've kept it on the QT since forever. But this time they made the effort to actually use a very 'pointed' bit of dialogue from the game. Maybe I'm reading too much into this, but Nerissa and Faith say this every time Bigby asks a question which if answered can solve a lot of stuff but they can't answer because of the ribbon.
So maybe they've decided what they want to do (ie, season 2), but Stauffer can't say it, because hey, his lips are sealed.
So fucking perfect. I need to use this. Every chance I get.
It's Faith
No offense mate, but I think you're reading too much into this.
Thanks, fixed it. I was very sleepy.
I think TTG knows that the series is over they just wanna tease fans.
this gunna be gud
By now, hope is all we have.