The Whatever's on Your Mind Megathread



  • Salt123's Movie of the Day.......Today: Red 2

    enter image description here

    and a scene of the day

    enter link description here

  • ~sees feels~

    1 2 3 no feels for me

    enter image description here

    Saltlick123 posted: »

    Salt123's Movie of the Day.......Today: Red 2 and a scene of the day enter link description here

  • Has some footage from SPECTRE in it...

    enter link description here

    What do you guys think of "Writing's On The Wall" by Sam Smith? Personally, I just don't see it as a Bond song but I'm still excited for the movie though.

  • Yikes! I'd be terrified to have been in your shoes.

    Fucking dog tried to attack me while I was walking. People need to keep better track of their animals.

  • "Building stuff to kill other stuff".

    She just has a way with words, you know?

  • I was.

    I was finishing my walk, literally right down the street and I see this huge black dog in a driveway with no one around it. So, I did the logical thing was slowly walked across the street away from it but it followed me. I was prepared to jump a fence to get away if it was going to attack me. It was following me so I thought maybe it was friendly because I commonly ran into friendly dogs, most of which I helped home. However as soon as I saw it growling and showing teeth I had nothing else to do except run....Bad idea but...Only option. I ran up to this house and screamed stop at it while putting my hand up, ready to block it but the neighbors came out and stopped it.


    Sadly, I wasn't able to think the kind people who helped because the dog was still there and I feared if I stopped walking away to thank them that it would charge again.

    Yikes! I'd be terrified to have been in your shoes.

  • Why did you do this to me?

    Saltlick123 posted: »

    Salt123's Movie of the Day.......Today: Red 2 and a scene of the day enter link description here

  • lmfao omg what just happened?

    ~sees feels~ 1 2 3 no feels for me

  • What can I say? People oft times hate confronting what they did.

    BigBlindMax posted: »

    Some fucking country. Remind me again why it's considered a beacon of progress and democracy.. Turkish journalist beaten for acknowledging Armenian Genocide

  • Fall Out Boy, anyone?

  • At least when Germany lost WWII, they were made to confront the horror they had wrought in Europe. In my opinion, the allies should've put the Ottoman Empire down a lot harder than they did after WWI.

    What can I say? People oft times hate confronting what they did.

  • edited October 2015

    He humps, he scores!

    ~sees feels~ 1 2 3 no feels for me

  • It's ok. Not really in my preference for an opening song, but 007 movies had songs in the past I didn't care for, however I do hear some Bond-like tunes. The song however sounds too depressing for a Bond film, unless we're getting another sad moment...

    Saltlick123 posted: »

    Has some footage from SPECTRE in it... enter link description here What do you guys think of "Writing's On The Wall" by Sam Smith? Personally, I just don't see it as a Bond song but I'm still excited for the movie though.

  • edited October 2015

    Heard at least one of their songs back when I watched WWE Extreme Rules 2015 Edition, Irresistible.

    enter link description here

    Another track I heard from them was The Phoenix. They're pretty good.

    Fall Out Boy, anyone?

  • Eh, I could go without Mr. Easy Listening Blandy McBlandpants

    Saltlick123 posted: »

    Has some footage from SPECTRE in it... enter link description here What do you guys think of "Writing's On The Wall" by Sam Smith? Personally, I just don't see it as a Bond song but I'm still excited for the movie though.

  • You should listen to ‘Uma Thurman’, it's pretty good!

    (Tbh all their songs are good, so..)

    Heard at least one of their songs back when I watched WWE Extreme Rules 2015 Edition, Irresistible. enter link description here Another track I heard from them was The Phoenix. They're pretty good.

  • edited October 2015

    Continuing my 007 Marathon, the next film I watch last night was The Man With The Golden Gun. This happens to be one of my favourites, below TWINE and Skyfall. A very unique and different Bond film, this time he meets his equal by the name of Francisco Scaramanga (RIP Christopher Lee), a hired assassin who was hired to kill Bond, Bond's very life threatened at the very start. Scaramanga is one of equal cunning, instincts, charm, and marksmanship comparable to Bond. He's basically the anti-Bond as many would say. Lee's portrayal of Scaramanga completely molded the character as one of the most popular villains of all time in the Bond films. The plot was a bit more unigue, the main villain is instead the hired henchman, who also kills his own boss and takes over his boss' riches. The film had many great moments, and ironically Bond is the one defended by two Chinese schoolgirls against a school of karate fighters, what a way to twist the cliché. lol But one scene always stands out the most to me, the dinner scene.

    enter link description here

    In this scene, Scaramanga is every bit right about Bond, he's very similar to Bond so he's able to understand his personality. Bond's nerves were stricken by the comparison, and justifies his actions for doing it for his queen and control. It really makes you think Bond could be just as sociopathic as his enemies. The dark jokes of his defeated enemies, the sex with women acts as reward for battles, the drinks and cigarettes blocks whatever's in his head. There's even a hint he enjoys killing with the jokes he makes. It's an interesting comparison, and is very likely true. His loyalty to his queen and country is what keeps him under control, without them, he could be very much like his enemies to the fullest.

  • One of my favorite bands.

    I'd say my favorite song from the newest album would either be "Novocaine" or "Favorite Record"

    Fall Out Boy, anyone?

  • Niggah, wtf is this shit?

    ~sees feels~ 1 2 3 no feels for me

  • enter image description here

    SEE I told you on skype to post it everyone will love it :P you should post more now please you have a great sense of humor and know the good sheet we need

    blueneon posted: »

    So, I found this, I thought it would maybe make someone's day a little better. Hope you guys like it.

  • enter link description here

    Who are your two fav video game characters and who would you get to star as them in a movie?

    Mine are Joel and Ellie I would choose Chloe Moretz as ellie and Hugh Jackman as Joel


  • I love that band

    Fall Out Boy, anyone?

  • BigBlindMaxBigBlindMax Banned
    edited October 2015

    Such a relaxed, beautiful song. It truly sounds like a sunny day on the beach.

    People who usually avoid rap for being crude, violent or uninspired should definitely give these guys a shot.

  • Possibly. Too late for that now, alas.

    BigBlindMax posted: »

    At least when Germany lost WWII, they were made to confront the horror they had wrought in Europe. In my opinion, the allies should've put the Ottoman Empire down a lot harder than they did after WWI.

  • Metal Gear Online releases for consoles tomorrow, I am ready.

  • edited October 2015

    enter link description here

    So there's this show called The Avengers, it's this British spy comedy-ish TV series that came out in the 1960's. I only know about it from my Dad because he introduced me and my brother to the series as kids. Recently me and him have made it a thing that whenever I come down to visit, we'll watch some of those episodes.

    Anyway it got to the one called 'Forget me Knot' where Emma Peel played by Diana Rigg, was to leave the series and like usual it was a light-hearted episode that really did well in setting up the new lady who was going to replace her from there on out. It reaches the end where Emma Peel and John Steed [the other main lead played by Patrick Macnee who died this year] have to say goodbye; it's their final scene together, and you can tell, not just as characters but actual people. It's not so clear in the quality of the video below, but when I was watching it, you could really see these two actors tearing up, and the way Diana delivers her last lines in that scene to where they almost become a whisper actually made me tear up too at that moment from watching it.

    Another thing to point out too is that throughout the series, both characters always referred to each other by their last names, but just as Emma Peel goes to leave, Steed to refers to her by her first name. This is the only version I can find of that scene online:

    enter link description here

    I'm getting emotional over something made over 50 years ago, but I really wanted to share this with you guys.


    Fall Out Boy, anyone?

  • I concur with the Uma Thurman suggestion. The Munsters theme song hook actually works really well in the song (and helps to make the song super catchy)

    Uma Thurman Pulp Fiction Edit

    You should listen to ‘Uma Thurman’, it's pretty good! (Tbh all their songs are good, so..)

  • It's pretty good game. The only problem I really had with it is that it's pretty short.

    BigBlindMax posted: »

    It's free on Xbox One. I might have to try it out, being a WWI buff and all.

  • @blueneon

    enter link description here

    I love this film I've seen it properly a hundred

  • I was in a similar situation once but it was my dog that got attacked by a couple of other dogs while I was walking him, had to kick the other dogs until they stopped biting him and he wasn't attacking back or anything but he couldn't run away because they bit his leg and almost tore his ear out, fuck people that leave their pets outside unattended, irresponsible assholes shouldn't be allowed to have pets, hope yo're OK but it must have been quite a scare, unfortunately all the advice I can can give you is to be more observant and to try to avoid routes with possible threats, which is admittedly not very useful and fairly obvious.

    Fucking dog tried to attack me while I was walking. People need to keep better track of their animals.

  • If only my father had seen this. Then again, I hardly think that he would care.

  • I love this gif waaaayyyyy too much.

  • enter link description here

    I want a cheetah for a pet (since I was like 5 I've wanted one)

  • Now next on my 007 Marathon, last night I watched The Spy Who Loved Me. This happens to be one of my favourites from Moore's series. The adventures and scenery were obviously extravagant. Bond had a rivalled partner working for Russia's government, both with the same goal, and the death of the spy's husband ultimately linked them together. Originally, this film was apparently meant to feature the return of Ernst Stavro Blofeld, Bond's long time nemesis. However due to script rights from the righter of Thunderball, a congection was place on Eon Productions, causing a delay. While I believed this film would've been the perfect send off for Blofeld, we had no choice but to welcome the creation of the web-fingered Karl Stromberg. A cold, calculating old man much like Blofeld, had no regard for human life and was willing to submerge every population to be forced into seas by causing a nuclear war. The scheme was very similar to Blofeld's, capturing Russian and American submarines (You Only Live Twice involved space shuttles though), and forcing both forces to oppose the other into war. For such a cold person, it's only fitting to have a cold death.

    Not so ballsy now, eh, Stromberg?

    But the scene before this, is my most favourite scene. The battle within Stromberg's tanker, Lupirius, before Bond kills Stromberg in Atlantis. It's very rare to see Bond along with a small army fend off another small army, not only that but very poetic to see American, Russian, and British forces fighting a common enemy.

    We did explosions before Micheal Bay.

    Last but not least, my most favourite henchman of them all, JAWS (RIP Richard Kiel, you were awesome)! A tall and silent cold killer, who's frightening but also comical, has the distinctive steel teeth to bite and kill his victims like a vampire/ghoul/zombie, and survives it all and remains one of the only henchmen Bond has never been able to kill. His entire atmosphere was powerful and unique. The train fight with Jaws will always be my most favourite of the train fights throughout the series.

    Well that escalated quickly.

  • I LOVE THESE keep us updated bro :)

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