I Got To Play Story Mode Episode 1 in London - Spoiler Free Impression


I am keeping this impression short and simple and i can’t give a rating yet due to a embargo but i will give my impression out of 10 once it releases, this impression does contain some spoilers that featured in the trailer and Twitchcon demo.

enter image description here

Today (October 8th) i was lucky enough to have the opportunity to play Order of the Stone in a London movie theatre and @puzzlebox gave me permission to give my impression which will be as vague and spoiler free as possible.

I arrived to the theatre shortly before Laura so i sat down and chilled for while, once Laura arrived she took me to the screen room and left me to play a solo session of Order of the Stone.

Voice Acting: I decided to choose a female Jesse as i haven't heard her voice yet and i have to say am impressed with Catherine Taber's performance, all the other voice actors where also really good so Telltale have yet again shown they are really good at choosing suitable voice actors.

Story/characters: I enjoyed the story and i did get the feeling of old adventure movies like the Goonies while i was playing, i did find a couple of choices slightly tough but i can't go into more detail without spoiling stuff (but you might have seens hints on one if you watched the Twitchcon demo).

All the supporting characters where also really good including some of the more antagonistic ones, i also liked all the locations that i saw like the Nether (which we saw briefly in the trailer) and some other that i can't talk about or don't want to spoil too much.

There where also some fun puzzle elements which i'm pretty sure most people will enjoy and i hope to see more of them in future episodes.

Reuben (yes he gets his own section): Reuben was also a really cool character and i will keep on insisting that he is a friend and not food :P

My Impression: Without going into any detail i can say i am looking forward to seeing where the story is going and i am also looking forward to seeing what others think once it releases, it is a fun game that families can play together and it will also be easy for younger people to pickup and play and I can also see it being fun for older players.

Don’t let the Minecraft theme put you off before you have the chance to play it, i really enjoyed playing it and i am well above the stereotypical Minecraft player age and hardly ever play regular Minecraft. I grew up watching the movies they based it off (The Goonies, Ghostbusters and others) which is probably why i enjoyed it as much as i did and i liked the nostalgic feeling towards old adventure movies.

I will give a more spoiler filled impression once it releases and if you are still unsure about whether to buy or not i think you should wait and see what other people think first before completely dismissing the game.


  • Sounds good, did you craft the stone sword at the crafting table or did you try crafting the lever?

  • OzzyUKOzzyUK Moderator

    I only made a sword.

    dojo32161 posted: »

    Sounds good, did you craft the stone sword at the crafting table or did you try crafting the lever?

  • edited October 2015

    How long did it take you to beat episode 1, and did any of your choices feel impactful? (Feel free to just say yeah or no for the second question).

  • OzzyUKOzzyUK Moderator

    I didn't keep a exact timer but it was fairly long for me and i know it was over 90 mins as i clicked on everything which probably extended my playtime.

    I can't spoil too much about choices but i get the feeling the result of choices in episode 1 will be more obvious in the next episode(s).

    How long did it take you to beat episode 1, and did any of your choices feel impactful? (Feel free to just say yeah or no for the second question).

  • From previews, I've noticed it seems like Telltale are making this game a little more interactive than their typical choice-based games. How much more interactive was this game compared to Tales, Game of Thrones, Walking Dead, or Wolf (if you can say without spoilers)?

  • OzzyUKOzzyUK Moderator

    Interactivity with things like crafting is pretty fun but i don't want to say too say too much because of spoilers, like i mentioned in the OP there is also a good interactive puzzle element and i hope they add more like it to future episodes or games. The sword fighting like you saw in the demo was also fun to play and i did lose some health because a zombie hit me :P

    From previews, I've noticed it seems like Telltale are making this game a little more interactive than their typical choice-based games. How

  • Wow that's pretty cool OzzyUK. What did you play it on? Was it smooth gameplay (sometimes TT games can play a bit awkward, at first)?

  • OzzyUKOzzyUK Moderator
    edited October 2015

    I played it on a PS4 and it ran really smoothly, the only awkwardness i found was due to using a controller for the first time as i have always played Telltale games on a PC with a keyboard and mouse.

    Edit: One other thing i would like to add is that playing on a large theatre screen was also really cool :D

    DoubleJump posted: »

    Wow that's pretty cool OzzyUK. What did you play it on? Was it smooth gameplay (sometimes TT games can play a bit awkward, at first)?

  • You lucky bugger you! I can't stand Minecraft, and my nephew spends every moment he has on playing it, but TT has got me mildly interested in it.

    OzzyUK posted: »

    I played it on a PS4 and it ran really smoothly, the only awkwardness i found was due to using a controller for the first time as i have alw

  • Sounds good. Im excited to try it, and Tales right after that? The only thing that would make it perfect was if Wolf season Two was being announced but I'll take what I can get.

  • OzzyUKOzzyUK Moderator

    Tales right after that?

    Yes it is, Story Mode will be released on the 13th and Borderlands will be released on the 20th :)

    KCohere posted: »

    Sounds good. Im excited to try it, and Tales right after that? The only thing that would make it perfect was if Wolf season Two was being announced but I'll take what I can get.

  • OzzyUKOzzyUK Moderator

    I can't stand Minecraft, and my nephew spends every moment he has on playing it, but TT has got me mildly interested in it.

    I'm not the biggest Minecraft fan but i did enjoy the game, maybe it might by something you could play with your nephew as it's one of those games that will be fun for families to play together.

    alostguy25 posted: »

    You lucky bugger you! I can't stand Minecraft, and my nephew spends every moment he has on playing it, but TT has got me mildly interested in it.

  • Wolf among us season 2 will be announced the 11th.

    Im not crazy. hahaha...ha...

    KCohere posted: »

    Sounds good. Im excited to try it, and Tales right after that? The only thing that would make it perfect was if Wolf season Two was being announced but I'll take what I can get.

  • Where the action scenes any good.And IF you can at least give me a clue of an other location except endercon and nether.

  • OzzyUKOzzyUK Moderator

    The action scenes like fighting zombies was pretty fun, in the trailer you briefly saw Jesse in a minecart which was another part i liked but i can't give more details without spoiling things.

    I also don't want to talk about other locations yet apart from what has already been seen in the public previews but i think i can say you do get to walk around Endercon a little bit.

    johnpas749 posted: »

    Where the action scenes any good.And IF you can at least give me a clue of an other location except endercon and nether.

  • Really cool Ozzy! How many choices did you make? (you don't have to say what kind of choices, just the HOW MANY choices)

  • OzzyUKOzzyUK Moderator

    I didn't bother counting how many choices i made but it's probably the same as a average Telltale episode.

    Smellmeh posted: »

    Really cool Ozzy! How many choices did you make? (you don't have to say what kind of choices, just the HOW MANY choices)

  • Haha I'll deffo check it out. He's ecstatic about it... family friendly you say? hmmm..... not sure how that'll play out, since TTG's other games aren't... hehe

    OzzyUK posted: »

    I can't stand Minecraft, and my nephew spends every moment he has on playing it, but TT has got me mildly interested in it. I'm not

  • Playing a TT game on a kick ass big screen for TT staff. Sounds like you lived a gamer's dream.

    OzzyUK posted: »

    I played it on a PS4 and it ran really smoothly, the only awkwardness i found was due to using a controller for the first time as i have alw

  • Most of Telltale's games prior to Walking Dead were family friendly, actually.

    alostguy25 posted: »

    Haha I'll deffo check it out. He's ecstatic about it... family friendly you say? hmmm..... not sure how that'll play out, since TTG's other games aren't... hehe

  • edited October 2015

    Oh I got a question. Did you get any fail states? and if you did were there any good ones? Oh and did the QTE's seem harder?

  • OzzyUKOzzyUK Moderator

    I did fail a couple of times, one i can't talk about due to spoilers but the other one i failed on was seen in the demo at the part where you are running from the monster at Endercon.

    Oh and did the QTE's seem harder?

    They didn't seem that hard but i did fail when i needed to click on something with the crosshairs but that was due to me not being used to a controller :P

    Oh I got a question. Did you get any fail states? and if you did were there any good ones? Oh and did the QTE's seem harder?

  • Yes, I know that, but there's BTWD and ATWD (Before The Walking Dead and After The Walking Dead). I loved Wallace and Gromit.

    Most of Telltale's games prior to Walking Dead were family friendly, actually.

  • Good to hear. Most of the time, people aren't familiar with Telltale's older titles or just don't care enough to bring them up.

    but there's BTWD and ATWD (Before The Walking Dead and After The Walking Dead)

    If I ever write a History book about Telltale, I'm using that in place of BCE and CE with 2012 being "Year 0" for ATWD. :P

    alostguy25 posted: »

    Yes, I know that, but there's BTWD and ATWD (Before The Walking Dead and After The Walking Dead). I loved Wallace and Gromit.

  • Glad to meet another TTG's fan who knew about them BTWD then :P

    Good to hear. Most of the time, people aren't familiar with Telltale's older titles or just don't care enough to bring them up. but th

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