TWD Interactive Fanfic Story-The Uprising-The End?
I've done a lot of thinking weather to do one and have decided yes i will. I started reading things from other interactive thread in GOT (Stig_52,LiquidChicagoTed and DaveTheArakin) and they were awsome so im going to start one with here since i predict that there aren't as many on TWD.
You can submit characters here-
As this is the walking dead i'm going to start at beginning of the apocalypse where most of the dramatic parts can take place. I'm a noob at characters (writings my stong point) so im going to pick the best characters submitted as my POV characters, i want to start writing ASAP so if you have an amazing character idea submit (tell me in the fourm as well so i know who to thank . Comment if you think this is an alright idea and such.
The Uprising
Episode 1: Finish off what you start- Finished-
Episode 2: Basics- Coming soon
POV characters in bold
Character's Location:
Highberry: Arthur Diamond Felix Hunter
Scouting for Supplies:Michelle Bannis,
Alexis Nelson,Sammy Sanders,Rembrandt Michels,
Steve MCconrad,Simon Bannis
Character's waiting to be introduced:David Bannis,Olivia Terry,Lily Jay,
Status unknown:Sonia Landeria,
Deceased:Skylar Health
Is this set right at the beginning of the outbreak or will it be during?
Beginning so its fresh new zombies catching the human race unprepared for more excitement. You submitting a character?
I just did! I plan on submitting two more, their all from the same family.
Be sure to let me know what you think!
Imma start writing when I get a few so I can get to know the characters and form a story out of it. I'll let u know about ur characters
I can't remember the surname I used! Can you quickly check and remind me?
Michelle Bannis,17 it was a cool description btw
Gonna start the opening so look out for it. Whole story hasn't been structured this is so you just get a taste of whats going on. Submit characters if you have a good one plz
First part let's start this I'm new at this so i'm learning if you don't like it.
Chapter 1-The End?
Arthur Diamond
Arthur had just finished his shift down at the workplace, he works in the gaming business where not many skills are needed to be hired so he had to apply for the job there. Life has been rough before he got this paying job living on the street and trying to not live but survive day by day. He wasn't kicked out of his home, he ran away since he didn't want to hear anymore of how he had brought great shame to his family.
He arrives at his Girlfriend's house Skylar Health who is glad to see that he has now gone off the road and found himself a permanent job that he can have a career in, they sit on the couch whilst conversing between them and watching the news. “Remember how we met”asked Skylar, “Yes it was March 17th, your birthday, and a guy's mugging you for your presents” he said whilst gazing at her eyes. “He swung the knife at you before you got your pepper spray out, i went in the way getting this huge scar on my face”. Ever since then Sky (Skylar) felt she owed her life to Arthur but then started to actually love him.
“Anyway let's go for a walk before dinner to work up an appetite” suggested Sky as they exited the house she left her sword but Arthur decided to bring his arrow after being startled by the news,whilst strolling they see two figures on the ground doing something. “Is that Michelle again probably sucking another guy off” said Sky “You need to give the girl a chance even though she seems like a player she has potential to be a good artist, and be careful with saying that she's sensitive. They went round the car and what they saw was much worse. The gore of this creature feasting on a corpse caused Skylar to scream, she had just alerted it and one nearby to where Arthur is.
He had to decide
Shoot the one nearest to him
Shoot the one nearest to Skylar
Shoot the one nearest to him
A short but interesting start, I'm pumped for this story!
Thanks trying to get more people involved but 1 vote fine since I'm new. It will be longer I'm just trying to include as many of these characters
It's a shame this hasn't caught the attention of more people.
Shoot the one nearest to him
Eh haven't proven myself yet I'm new I'm sure they'll come around at least I'm Making one person happy so far
That's a good and positive look at it! And you're absolutely right!
Thanks for the characters guys i'vs tried to include them all. This part is a little bit longer so enjoy
Shoot the one nearest to him
In a split second Arthur quickly turns around and aims fire at the one closest to him, he lands a perfect shot right through the creature's forehead. “Ahh” screams Skylar, as she now seems to be trying to fight off this creature the best she can without her machete, Arthur reaches for another bow and lands another shot through the skull of the creature causing it immediately die. “Are you alright” said Arthur as he’s approaching Skylar, she quickly smacks him away and gives him a look of disgust. “So you decide to save yourself before me, i know you had one on you but you're armed and i'm not, he apologizes for his choice, which she does not accept at the time, but he hopes she’ll come around soon. “Anyway, we should head home to get equipped” said Arthur “we need to go to the community centre ASAP and find out what's going on, also we have to get Michelle”. “Why she’ll make it there herself”, “we need to to because Simon (her brother) probably having to handle a load of people and won't have the time and she’s 17 think of how scared she’s going to be on her own”. Skylar doesn’t object this time knowing that Arthur is now serious so they head back to their neighborhood.
Back at Highberry road they saw that all their neighbours were crowded in a circle looking like they were about to all go together, “survival is in numbers, smart, we’ll join them to the community centre”. All their neighbours were there Sonia, Sammy, Alex but where was Michelle “guys you're forgetting Michelle” said Arthur, who was shocked they’d forget the youngest neighbour, “were leaving her, Fuck her brother he should be here helping her i tried and tried to get her up but she won’t budge so we're going”. Arthur knew he was hot-headed and could start a fight so he was going to act calm “let me try”, “O.K, but try not to take to long”said Sammy while imitating a zombie walk, Arthur did a little chuckle then went to the house of the Bennis's. Michelle came at the door looking quite depressed “i know i'm coming i just know i’m a liability, i don’t know how to use any weapon except a kitchen knife, Sammy’s was being aggressive so i said i’ll wait for my brother”she said wiping the tears from her eyes. “Oh don’t mind him and your brother isn’t coming anytime soon so just come with us, he’ll want to see all of us safe, especially you.”, she came out to the group and they proceeded to the community centre after Sky went to get her sword (machete).
They arrived at the community centre where it was packed with people on the floor with sleeping bags and people on the desk trying to enlist in staying in this place. “Wow i can’t believe their cannibals these zombies, keep your gun close Sonia in case we aren't accepted”said Alex who was looking quite concerned. Michelle saw her her brother who gave him a hug, Simon thanked Arthur for bringing her, “thank you for bringing my sister back here, but i have some bad news you can’t stay here”. They were all stunned “Can’t i even just split from the group and stay here myself, please Simon i want to live” pleaded Sonia, the others were disgusted how she begged for the right so stay and without them, Simon stuttered since she was getting quite close to him and uttered “ermmm.. well i’m sure we can..” “Thanks Simon” said Sonia as she sprinted for a sleeping bag. “Anyway guys no more i’ll get some stick for Sonia but any more they’ll take me off the army, you could start a camp at the neighbourhood or you could still request but a slim chance of all of you getting in”,”if you decide that me and my buds Rembrandt and Steve will join since you’ll need some guns and stuff”. Arthur thought this was possible building there own little society but they could have a chance if they tried to request here again where there are going to be loads of people here protect them.
Try to request again
Build own camp at Highberry
BTW guys once chapter 1 is finished i'll let you view my google docs for catch up if newcomers get lost or just want to read it again
Build own camp at Highberry
I feel the need for some constructive criticism. Things seem to be going by really quickly without things being explained, it just feels... rushed? For one I don't understand why Arthur and Skylar already have weapons like Bow's and machete's, then they met a bunch of people so suddenly and finally I feel like their not reacting realistically to walking corpses roaming around. My advice: Try to set things up before immediately jumping into them, double check to make sure everything's realistic and makes sense, overall "Take your time". Please don't take this personally, I'm just offering some constructive criticism to try and help make the story better ^_^
Yh I see what your alot of time skips ill try and work on the whole chapter structure in up for constructive criticism in new at this so anything to improve. Thanks for that now I can learn from it
Try to request again
If it comes to a split the ... action comes into play
Tried to slow down the tempo a bit so i hope it's an improvement. enjoy
The group were uncertain of what to do none of them actually wanted to take the lead so early since none of them were natural born leaders or were ready to take these people's lives into their hands. Tired of the silence and lack of decision Simon finally said “Ok then guys you can stay here for one night, that's all i can guarantee since it seems you need to sort out the dynamics of your group, one of you need to lead or i will”. They all were fine with that having a safe place to stay for the night. Arthur had hinted that he may take the leader role of the group, but is uncertain since he has such friendly traits and would be able to be decisive. To have the privilege to sleep in the protection of the army they were to give all their weapons into the office since that the government wanted to control the weapons since they think their soldiers will put it to good use, so the group are naked of weapons. In the long term Arthur knew this would cause some problems for his group but he felt confident that when they have to leave this place they will survive...somehow.
Arthur stepped outside of the perimeter, a safe distance away for a moment to try and simplify all that has happened how action-packed one day in the zombie apocalypse was, things around him had been going so fast he forgot to just take a minute to actually observe what's going on around him. In the distance he saw another zombie feasting on a human that looked recently active. The blood-slurping began as it feasting it was horrible experience having to now deal with it on a daily bases, he just hopes that he’ll still be able to enjoy living than just be constantly having to kill these arctic-white zombies. The evolution he thought was different the way with the straggly hair, the way there teeth were chipped as old tombstones, and the truly stink of their bodies and breath. “Oh my what has the world become were suppose to be living enjoying a laugh, maybe a drink with mates, but no were cursed by the gods to now survive, we’ll i’m not going to give up and i hope no-one else does we need to stay strong to survive this” he thought to himself “But i’m scared along with everyone else, it’s so surreal he can’t believe this has happened dead people being cannibals feasting on what use to be their fellow human being . Seeing the way Simon handled the situation he thinks that he may be the perfect leader the way he’s decisive and won’t take no for an answer, he was certain of it even if may seem a bit too passionate in protecting his loved ones Arthur thinks he’s the man for the job.
Arthur was about to enter his sleeping bag when he suddenly approached by Michelle “Arthur we need to talk” she said as they moved to a less populated area of the camp, “You should lead us”. This was a lot to take in for Arthur especially when he was just thinking about how her big brother should be the leader of this group, but he wasn’t sure about this, if the people want him to lead should he?, he thought. “Really i’m not the leader type ...whereas your brother he looks like the spitting image of what a natural born leader is, good with a gun no nonsense, why would you think me when he’s... him”he replied. “We’ll i know my brother more than anyone yeah he may seem like the perfect guy for this but he’s not, he’s too protective, the slightest of slips will set him off and we can’t have someone short tempered leading a group of people” said Michelle. “if i were to choose one of us to lead it would be you, you have a level head in situations, yeah you can’t protect us like my brother but the fact you came in to get me and not leave means you care about us, all of us. Arthur was now considering her point about how her brother will try to protect them but will take his role far too seriously if he’s given this power so Arthur simply said “look i’ll sleep on it, long day tomorrow get some sleep”. “O.k but inform me tomorrow, “Goodnight Arthur” she said in a calmly manner. before also making her way to her sleeping bag drifting off to sleep.
Don’t lead
Next POV character will be Simon Bannis
Michelle makes a very good point, having Simon lead could be problematic. I'm having a lot of trouble with this decision but I think I'll go with Don't lead it'll be interesting to see what comes of this.
Cant give anything away but the character description you made of him was very good I see a storyline with him so I made him a POV character
Awesome! Can't wait to see what you've got in store!
Don’t lead
Simon Bannis
Simon wasn’t able to get much sleep that night, he was one of the security guards who had the important job of getting rid of any threats around the area and protect these people who come to the community to seek help and feel like they are protected from the new era of the human race. He knew today he had to go with his sisters group back to their old street since that the community could only offer them accommodation for the night since others must come who are either the elderly or children, most vulnerable to the creatures. He was certain he was going to lead without a shadow of a doubt, he saw that no-one could make the vital decision of what they were going to do. He did have a faint whiff that Arthur was going to try and lead, but Simon wasn't impressed, even if he got her sister here it seems like he’s not a leader. Despite this harsh attitude Simon seems to show on the inside he’s soft, his parents let Michelle live with him until she found a husband until then Simon has a life goal to protect her and to only let her marry someone who will have the same hunger to protect her, especially now. He was also being affected by this new atmosphere with the dead running around trying to feast on more humans, no-one could handle this type of surroundings and not be affected he thought it was so cruel and inhumane.
After a few more hours of letting the group eat and rest up he ordered them to get ready for the journey ahead, he was the only one along with Rembrandt and Steve that were equipped with a bit of armour and each of them equipped with a gun since they were in the army. “O.K, guys i’m going to lay it down straight, i will be leading this group, put your trust in me i will try and protect each one of you” he said in a demanding manner “any questions… no then leads head out, keep your eyes peeled”. Simon saw behind him that Michelle was looking disappointed and was aiming her glares at Arthur, he wondered what that was about, but he had too much to be concentrating on and not enough time to start worrying about small problems.
They were on the road out of the community centre now walking towards their street which was a lengthy distance away so they made sure they were walking at a fast pace and to swerve away from any incoming zombies. After a few minutes of walking they were halted by a roadblock a car on fire, the car was stretching out along the road so there was no way around except for climbing over the car and continue their journey. “O.K guys let’s..” said Simon before being interrupted, “wait do you not see that zombie under the car, it could grab us at any moment”said a worried Skylar. The zombie was idle underneath the car not a singular bone moved just a little bit of twitching on the hands, the body seemed short almost child like and it’s hair doesn't seem to be in bad condition as most zombies end up looking like. “Let’s inspect it maybe…” BANG, Arthur was talking but was stopped abruptly by a gunshot, Simon has just shot this kid like body, he doesn't know what he’s just done, in his head Simon was only thinking about one thing, Michelle and how she could of died if that was a zombie. “Fucking hell...sorry but why’d you do that for” said Michelle who is currently in shock, the blood dripped from the child’s forehead as a pool of blood is created branching out everywhere. “Michelle was right about you, yes you want to protect us and all but you may have just killed an innocent child who was probably just unconscious, i don’t think you're fit to lead, maybe… maybe i should”. Simon was shocked at how had just been talked to by Arthur and quite offended, but was also stunned at how he may be right, he had a decision to make .
Stay leader
Step down from role
Stay leader I can't imagine Simon stepping down, he's stubborn and believes he's the best person for the job.
Your writing style has definitely improved! I'm loving Simon and Arthur going head to head, I sense a rivalry brewing...
Thanks gcse English four times a week helps. And yes there may be a problem with the males wanting to become alpha
Stay leader
Simon had made up his mind he knew he was still able to lead he had a desire to lead and knows he will do anything to protect these people so he confronts Arthur for the way he had previously talked to him. “Arthur i order you to stand down and follow me, i know you may question my leadership and think that you will do a good job but u haven’t got the right equipment and you don’t look like you have the hunger” he said giving Arthur a hard glare. He saw Arthur was about to respond but sees that his sister is the one that is defending him “you should let Arthur lead brother, i know you have the guns and have a passion of protecting us but look at what you just did you may have just shot an innocent child who could have simply been knocked out”. Simon wasn’t too pleased about how his sister has just been defending a guy that he thought had just been threatening his male dominance by trying to show everyone else he is the alpha male. ”Arthur for now i will let this slide, this act of disarray but i will lead and if you want to talk about his when we're near Highberry fine but right now we're in the middle of the street and are open for any zombie to come and rip us to pieces so lego”. Despite not really saying anything Arthur gives him a nod meaning they can proceed, Simon was still quite shocked at how his own sister, his own flesh and blood has sided with this neighbour who she only is friends with. He knows that Michelle is a lover of romance and that she has had previous affairs with other guys but he fears that she might have a love interest in Arthur, but why she thought, he’s older and already has a girlfriend (Skylar), he decided to leave this behind and just focus on getting the group to Highberry and hope they won’t turn on him.
After an hour of walking Simon realized that Arthur had been talking to his little sister more often that Skylar which was very puzzling to him he didn’t get it since he hasn’t had much time to build a relationship with anyone since he was in the army and didn't have time to concentrate on anyone else but his sister. Since he is confused he decides to just confront him “hey, Arthur you like my sister or something, because you seem to be spending a lot of time with her that with your own girlfriend. He was unaware that he’s talking about a really touchy subject which he shouldn’t be shouting out to the whole of the group, Skylar was giving multiple glares to Michelle and Arthur since she is feeling quite awkward despite hoping this news isn’t true. “Simon i don’t know what your problem is with me just because i tell you that i think i should be leader of the group who want to destroy my relationship with Skylar by using your sister, thats cold man you don’t do those things, i don’t like your sister like that but i do feel like i should be the leader” said Arthur. The two men were basically up in each others faces, Simon was just concentrating on Arthur, his blood was boiling and he knew he wanted to kill him, he didn't have control over his body when he got into states like this there was no going back. Skylar pulled back Arthur and took him a few few feet away and started to talk to him, the same was done with Simon with Michelle trying to hold her big brother back. “What are you doing this is the kind of reasons i’m scared of you being leader, it’s been 2 hours and you can’t even control your own temper, ow are you going to lead, this hurt Simon more than inspired him and was now full with rage. He slowly raised his gun to a occupied Arthur, “noooo you're making a mistake Fuck... what are you doing”, BANG, she was too late the bullet had already flown and hit Arthur.
No choice this time
I'm going to be honest, I don't like the way you're handling Simon's character. The whole alpha male thing seems sexist and he just seems too arrogant, this is not how I thought about Simon when I was creating him. It seems too soon for him to start shooting members of his group just for arguing with him.
Arthur Diamond
Once the bullet hit him he like like someone had just stuck a knife in his chest, the pain hurt that bad, he was shot near his upper right shoulder, so luckily for him the bullet had hit him away from his heart so he might leave.He couldn’t believe that simon had just shot him, he knew that Simon was kind of mad at him for trying to take the role of leader away from him but he didn’t think he was this mad, Arthur thought that he was a bit out of order as well though. If he survives he hopes that this feud will end for the well being of the group, Michelle and Skylar because if it doesn’t or he dies here he thought everything will just fall apart. The world was a blur he couldn’t concentrate on a screaming Skylar who seems to be screaming the word “no” endless times, but he was too out of it to get into it, that's all he could think about as his body began to drop to the floor as he passed out.
While unconscious Arthur was awaking up time by time from major head thumps that he kept on feeling, this did not help as he could see that more blood was spewing out of his wound every time he had been waken up. He could feel his body being alternatively being either dragged across the floor or being held, he got why this was happening, he may not be one of the biggest apples in the basket but he was tall and average weight so whoever had the trouble of carrying/dragging him would have a very hard time. Although being unable to actually talk or more his body he could make out that the group were heading in the same direction as when they were coming to the community centre...Highbury…Home, that was relieving, even though he had suspected they would just carry on with the plan. If and when he wakes up he has decided he will try and make peace with Simon even if that means Arthur won’t be leader, he didn’t care anymore he just wanted everything to go back the way it was, before the zombies before everything when him and Simon were friends if not good. He also recognized that Skylar wasn’t feeling to good as he could slightly make out her constantly vomiting and looking tired despite them having more than enough time to sleep back at the community centre. “Oh no she’s having a baby if not i may not be a world renowned doctor but i know symptoms when i see it, oh fuck how are we going to handle this, i’ve always wanted a child but not like this in the middle of the zombie apocalypse where it will expose itself and the group with it’s constant crying” Arthur thought to himself. If it turns out his theory is true he knows that things will be 10x harder trying to raise a baby especially when the zombie apocalypse has just started, he hoped that when things started to cool down and there were only few on the streets then they could proceed it raising a child but no not now.
After a lengthy amount of time Arthur found himself lying down on his couch, he maybe thought that this had all just been a dream, that this whole zombie apocalypse thing wasn’t real but he was mistaken when he realized the big hole in his body was still open and was only now slightly bleeding. The first one to acknowledge his awakening was Simon who rushed over to him, before Simon could say what was possibly going to be an apology Arthur spoke first “Simon, don’t this was partly my fault as well i know you have a big heart and will do anything to protect the group i shouldn’t have tried to take your role like that, also the girl could have been dead”. “Thank you Arthur that feels refreshing, but then again i am the one who shot you, it seems like you don’t want me to preach sorry so i’ll just give you a big ‘ol man hug”. They embraced for about 5 seconds then pulled apart, “now i must tell you some saddening news about skylar she…”said Simon before being interrupted, “no it’s alright i know she’s pregnant it’s my fault i shouldn't have..” said Arthur before being countered by Simon. “No listen it’s much worse she’s...turning”, this news his Arthur worse than the gunshot but he was confused how it happened “she said when you were near the car and you were turnt while she was trying to push off her zombie she was bitten” explained Simon. Arthur replayed that moment in his head and the words that Skylar uttered after “you're armed and i'm not” she said and he was sure that he will never forget that moment. Simon continued “the problem is we only have limited supplies, either we attempt to amputate her arm (taking it off) which might work but i doubt it with it being like 18 hours since that moment, or we use it on your arm so you don’t bleed out on us”. This was a hard decision for him, what was he going to do.
Use supplies on Skylar
Use supplies on Arthur
Use supplies on Skylar
[Use supplies on Skylar]
Use supplies on Arthur
Use Supplies on Skylar
Soz no new part over the weekend. I wanted to try and finish the whole chapter over the weekend,and do....other stuff
. Anymore new part once i return home
Is this story still going?
yes but i feel the need to actually finish (so close like 4 days away from finishing the plan) the whole chapter so that i can have a structured story. i no there are choices but I've written in separate what to edit if you don't pick the choice i have written. Would you like me to start bringing them out now or when i finish.
He's a new part though to keep up the spirits
After a long pause of Arthur thinking he had made his decision he was going to save Skylar this time, he obviously knows this will hurt like hell and be so painful for her but he was with an open wound spewing blood by the second and could eventually die of blood loss, but he would take his chance. “Simon listen i want you to go and amputate her arm and then use those supplies on her” he said in a very melancholy voice, “but she might still turn it’s been awhile since she got bitten and it looks like you need those supplies Arthur you're losing blood by the minute” replied Simon. Arthur had now shed a tear he knew still, even if they did take off the infected arm she could still come back as a zombie, also that the fact that none of these supplies are being used on him so he could also die, at least they would go out together he thought. He gave Simon a half hearted nod to signal that they should go ahead and amputate her arm, Arthur wish he could have got up and held her hand through this but he was in a grim situation himself and was unable to function properly. But he thought “if one of us dies i want to be with her we have been through so much together and if one of us are going we’ll do it in each others arm”. “Hey Simon” he said out loud as Simon turned around “i’m coming too, give us a hand”, with aid he was able to attend the butchering of his wife's arm.
It simply took them half a minute for them to arrive at the Bannis household that was next door to the Diamond household, so it wasn’t too much of a struggle to simply get over there, this was fortunate since Arthur was not able to travel a long distance. They entered the room to see a scared looking Michelle tending to a worried Skylar who seems to be have a normal face on right now but still has a worried look . “Arthur” she said looking very surprised “you made it your still alive aww i'm so happy, but i’m dying, i’m so sorry for not telling you, i knew you would start blaming yourself for not shooting the walker closer to me”. She spotted that Arthur’s wound was still open “why don’t you get patched up, i know there aren’t enough supplies to spare, i’m dead i already know it you might as well use the supplies on your arm, it’s over for me. Arthur knew she would try to suspend the idea of this so he and Simon quickly made an alternative plan in case she tried something like this, he didn’t want to actually want to do this with her kicking and screaming but he was willing to do this, for her sake. “Now” demanded Arthur, Simon had dropped Arthur and had rugby tackled Skylar to the ground, Arthur looked at her she was out cold, they were expecting her to actually be awake but as long as this has happened it will possibly help the nerves as she will probably wake up as the saw grinds through her skin. They put her on a simple wooden planks as they prepare the equipment to amputate her arm, they decided to take it outside since that the blood would stain everywhere inside the house. Arthur saw Simon winding up his arm getting ready to unleash an almighty cut, he decided to use and old saw instead of his military knife since he thinks it will go quicker than, Alex has previously said she could do it but Arthur insisted Simon. The blade came down with incredible pace and pierced the outer layer of Skylar’s skin he saw, the gore and the blood loss seemed too much he was unable to witness this and passed out.
Arthur Woke up in the diamond household and the exact same chair he was when he had before but the sun was now going down, he was very ashamed of himself for doing that even if he was in a very bad medical state. There was no Simon to help or guide him around so he knew he had to do this himself, holding his open wound he slowly began making his way outside of the house, he was praying inside she made it they had been through so much together he just hoped. He opened the door and began to regain his eyesight from a long slumber and saw everyone in the street just standing there not moving a muscle just standing there. Once he approached the crowd everyone was just gazing at him for a couple of seconds not saying a word just staring until Michelle approached him saying, “i’m so sorry Arthur she just..” as she embraced him alongside Alex who was trying to stay emotionless. It hit him, it hit him harder than the bullet this was his first serious relationship but it has ended up like this, he instantly dropped to the floor without warning he was in distraught unable to even look at the body as he zoned out again.
No choice, next Pov is character is Simon Bannis