The Whatever's on Your Mind Megathread



  • Those green eyes....I'm in love..

    enter link description here

  • Well It's my Birthday today and Walking Dead Season 6 Premieres tonight soooooo


  • I don't think the person who made that graphic understands how ratios work.

  • [removed]

  • I think the mods have been getting a bit more aggressive lately. Not in words but in how they enforce guidelines. I've seen two threads get shut down with no response, and I never saw anything that warranted closing a thread, but maybe there was a flagged conversation that I didn't see.

    What's up with all these bans?

  • I don't get it until tomorrow :(

    Saltlick123 posted: »

    Well It's my Birthday today and Walking Dead Season 6 Premieres tonight soooooo GET ON MY LEVEL

  • edited October 2015

    Happy birthday, may it be the best yet!

    enter image description here

    Saltlick123 posted: »

    Well It's my Birthday today and Walking Dead Season 6 Premieres tonight soooooo GET ON MY LEVEL

  • Happy late birthday! ♡ I hope it was awesome ^-^

    enter image description here

    Saltlick123 posted: »

    Well It's my Birthday today and Walking Dead Season 6 Premieres tonight soooooo GET ON MY LEVEL

  • that feel when those certain types of videos are in 720p60HD

    enter image description here

  • enter image description here

    The day the legendary Saltlick was born merica made a legend happy birthday bro have a fantastic day

    Saltlick123 posted: »

    Well It's my Birthday today and Walking Dead Season 6 Premieres tonight soooooo GET ON MY LEVEL

  • That explains it, the head must be counted as a separate object in the data files.

    enter link description here

  • Happy Birthday to Salty, happy birthday to you!

    Saltlick123 posted: »

    Well It's my Birthday today and Walking Dead Season 6 Premieres tonight soooooo GET ON MY LEVEL

  • Such a good game, I remember that back when it was new and I first played it I cleared it 3 times in the same day gradually increasing the difficulty, shame I don't have a ps3 anymore (Or a PS4 with the remastered version) since I can't replay it anymore, 2 was good too but I never played 3 since my PS3 was already gone by the time that came out but anyway great games, good way to spend a day.

    Well, I sure am glad I decided to play Uncharted tonight.

  • That graphic doesn't put white people against white people in consideration. I'm sure the statistics would change a LOT if that was put into account.

  • I know that. I'm sure that Plenty of White People kill other White people. My main point of the image was the Black on White violence, hence the "DURR BLACK PEOPLE CAN'T BE RACIST" GIF above it.

    CosmicSouls posted: »

    That graphic doesn't put white people against white people in consideration. I'm sure the statistics would change a LOT if that was put into account.

  • @blueneon

    enter link description here

    wtf but I'd say you would make a shit ton of cash remaking these classics into the horror versions

  • enter image description here

    Sniper the hero we need and deserve on this forum to combat drama :)

    We are almost at a School Bus Yellow on the Drama charts, and are taking appropriate actions to contain and quarantine any further fallout. Please remain calm and stand by.

  • enter image description here

    Providing statistics and fact to back up your claims I see ^

  • Ah shit mate, ya got me there.

    Markd4547 posted: »

    Providing statistics and fact to back up your claims I see ^

  • enter image description here

    Saltlick123 posted: »

    Well It's my Birthday today and Walking Dead Season 6 Premieres tonight soooooo GET ON MY LEVEL

  • The extracted files has no names whatsoever, only numbered from 0001 to 6000+.

    There are 18 folders with varying files and the heads are none to be found after double-checking. (Or im just dumb and missed those)

    kaleion posted: »

    That explains it, the head must be counted as a separate object in the data files.

  • Happy Birthday!

    enter image description here

    Saltlick123 posted: »

    Well It's my Birthday today and Walking Dead Season 6 Premieres tonight soooooo GET ON MY LEVEL

  • Oh, okay. :P

    Gary-Oak posted: »

    I know that. I'm sure that Plenty of White People kill other White people. My main point of the image was the Black on White violence, hence the "DURR BLACK PEOPLE CAN'T BE RACIST" GIF above it.

  • So I just woke up to find out that all of my quails had been slaughtered by one fucking rat.

  • So!

    I said awhile ago that I would post some of Patient Zero's songs on here. For those that don't know, I've been listening to his songs a lot lately. Well, I can finally be bothered to post them so... Here's a few of my favourites!

    This one is pretty badass!

    enter link description here

    I really don't know what to say about this one, it's about as badass as the previous!

    enter link description here

    So, in my comment about a week ago, I mentioned a song based on Caddicarus. Here it is!

    enter link description here

    This one is so eerie... I love it!

    enter link description here

    All of these songs are from his latest album, Echo. I recommend you check it out!

    NOTE: A couple of his songs are really inappropriate. I mean REALLY INAPPROPRIATE. SERIOUSLY. They're called Technosexual and DoubleTime.


  • edited October 2015

    Looks like they were taken down for copyright reasons pretty fast...

    At least I'm assuming that's why.

    Though I found the whole album, for your convienience. (Time stamps in description)

    enter link description here

    CosmicSouls posted: »

    So! I said awhile ago that I would post some of Patient Zero's songs on here. For those that don't know, I've been listening to his songs

  • Happy late birthday! ♡ I hope it was awesome ^-^

    I posted this at like 12:30 am my time so I still have the whole day ahead of me :P (So happy Season 6 comes out on the same day)

    Happy late birthday! ♡ I hope it was awesome ^-^

  • Tomorrow as in the 11th or 12th?

    I posted this at like Midnight so I meant today (the 11th for me) :P

    I don't get it until tomorrow

  • Hey, Happy Birthday :)

    Saltlick123 posted: »

    Well It's my Birthday today and Walking Dead Season 6 Premieres tonight soooooo GET ON MY LEVEL


    Saltlick123 posted: »

    Well It's my Birthday today and Walking Dead Season 6 Premieres tonight soooooo GET ON MY LEVEL

  • Happy birthday, man! :D

    Saltlick123 posted: »

    Well It's my Birthday today and Walking Dead Season 6 Premieres tonight soooooo GET ON MY LEVEL

  • Thanks!

    Looks like they were taken down for copyright reasons pretty fast... At least I'm assuming that's why. Though I found the whole album, for your convienience. (Time stamps in description) enter link description here

  • That sucks, I wouldn't really know though, but that sounds like a lot of files to check.

    Are there community sites for stuff like this? Perhaps there might be another person that's been messing with Tekken files and knows the name of the fie or at least has some info on the number patterns that might help you find it, then again you probably tried looking for that already since I'm just stating the obvious.

    The extracted files has no names whatsoever, only numbered from 0001 to 6000+. There are 18 folders with varying files and the heads are none to be found after double-checking. (Or im just dumb and missed those)

  • For me right now it's 7 AM on the 12th, and Walking Dead is on either in the afternoon or in the evening ( I forget which). Goddamn time zones.

    Saltlick123 posted: »

    Tomorrow as in the 11th or 12th? I posted this at like Midnight so I meant today (the 11th for me) :P

  • I love to get in bed with terrorists ;^) if u catch my drift ;^) (^; <^;

    BigBlindMax posted: »

    Newsflash Turkey. When you get in bed with terrorists, bad things happen.

  • Happy day of birth.

    Saltlick123 posted: »

    Well It's my Birthday today and Walking Dead Season 6 Premieres tonight soooooo GET ON MY LEVEL

  • I spent my weekend well.

    I played all three Uncharted games for the first time in three days.


  • Oh... I totally knew that... I'm from the future, duh.

    enter image description here

    Saltlick123 posted: »

    Happy late birthday! ♡ I hope it was awesome ^-^ I posted this at like 12:30 am my time so I still have the whole day ahead of me :P (So happy Season 6 comes out on the same day)

  • Why does Thanksgiving have to be so stressful? -_-

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