Tanner is hurt, so we shouldn't take him. There is no need to risk life of heir of Hoare's King (we can get same as in the end of 2nd chapter of "Invasion"). Choice is clear - [Take no one - spend your time with Arika instead]
BTW. Reference with "thirty good men" was perfect!
The gale force winds blew in from the east, across Ironman’s bay and stopped attacked the Iron Islands. Jared watched as the Storm … moreGod battled with the Drowned God in front of his very eyes. The Sea Tower was old and crooked, the salt spray had caused the base of the tower to go white over the past couple of centuries. Jared watched the battle for a long while, though was interrupted by the arms of a woman holding him from behind. He slowly turned to see his lover, Arika Goodbrother.
“Watching the battle?” Jared nodded, observing that it was an unfair fight for the Storm God.
“I didn’t hear you come up, how are you?” Arika laughed and snuggled closer to Jared.
“Nevermind me, my father sent me to find you. The Hoare wishes to see you.” Jared turned and stared her in the eyes, trying to see if she was mocking him. She was not.
“Does your father know about us? Is that why my father has sent for me, to punish me?” Arika shook… [view original content]
The Mess Hall was full in the mornings. Todd sat in between Lartel and Tirius at one of the many tables in the hall as they at their morning porridge. Todd had been at the Wall only four days now and he had begun to hate the repetitive meals. This is the Night’s Watch, I thought the honourable men would be fed something better than this. Turns out Todd was right, as the knights ate bacon and eggs in their own corner. Unbelievable. Across the table sat Rowan and three new faces: Jullon, Felix and Bryce Stone. All were recruits for the Wall, and today was the day they would be given their assignments.
“You boys nervous? I sure know I am.” Felix was a young man, only sixteen. He had a child’s mustache which looked horrible, though no one commented on it.
“No, I’m more excited than nervous.” Tirius said, Lartel rolled his eyes.
“I fucking bet, Lannister. At least you have a guarantee that you’ll become a ranger, unlike the rest of us here.” Tirius shook his head.
“What in Sevel Hells is your problem with me! What did I do to you?” Lartel smirked, coming up with a cocky comeback.
“You came out of your whore mother’s womb.” That was it, the two were up and at it again. This time they were separated from some brothers on the opposite table.
Todd watched as they were taken outside to be calmed down. Todd turned back to his table and finished his porridge in silence. Todd looked up at the four faces opposite him, the only he recognised was Rowan, and he couldn’t exactly say he got along with the rapist. Felix piped up, happy as always.
“How about we tell each other about the reasons we came to the Wall?” Todd sighed.
“How about no, shit mouth.” Rowan said, causing Bryce Stone to laugh. About time someone mentioned it.
“Come on now, how about you start.” Rowan shook his head.
“Not me, I’m going to the yards.” Rowan grabbed his bowl and got up. Felix looked at the two sitting next to him.
“How about you, Bryce?” Bryce looked up, somewhat surprised.
“Alright… I lived in the Vale as a stone layer. I helped build many houses and even participated in building a fort. I guess I wanted to build my own place, and the Arryn’s didn’t appreciate me borrowing their materials. I was faced with either castration or the Wall. Easy choice.” Felix nodded.
“Sounds pretty shit. How about you, Jollun?” Jollun darkly glared at his empty bowl, Felix tapped his shoulder and pulled him out of his altered state.
“Fuck off.” Jollun got up and left, Felix raised his eyebrows and shrugged.
“Well, my turn. My parents and I ran a nomadic food stall in the Stormlands. Called ourselves the ‘travelling cooks.’ I grew bored of that after a while, and when the opportunity came to leave, I did. Went with one of the Wandering Crows to come to the Wall. I’d say it’s been good. So… How about you Todd?” Before Todd could answer, a banging of a cup signalled for everyone to be quiet. The Lord Commander stood from his table and cleared his throat.
“May all the recruits please head to the yards to be given their assignments.” Todd stood up and headed for the door, Felix catching up to him.
“I’m Felix by the way.” Todd nodded in return and left the Mess Hall.
It was cold, as usual, but the snow and wind had reduced a bit. Todd joined his brothers in the courtyard, Lartel and Tirius stood next to each other, Alvar stood in between them. The Lord Commander placed himself on a raised platform in front of them, two men stood next to him. One was the First Builder Errok and the other was Maester Endrew.
“Recruits, you have been put through the basic training to determine whether you are to become a ranger, builder or steward. Through your skillset, we have decided where you best belong. Though remember this, if a time comes when the Wall is attacked. All brothers will be expected to take up arms and defend their post, despite their order. All brothers will protect their post until their watch has ended.” The Lord Commander turned to Maester Endrew. “On to you, Maester.”
“Very well. Rowan, to the Rangers. Jullon, to the Builders. Felix, to the Stewards. Bryce, to the Builders. Tirius, to the Rangers. Todd, to the Stewards. Lartel, to the Rangers...” The Maester continued on reading through the rest of the recruits. Todd’s heart sunk once he heard he was to become a steward. The old man rolled up the paper and eyed of the men with his one good eye.
“Builders will follow First Builder Errok to the forge. Rangers will follow Lord Commander Flint to the armory. Stewards will follow me to the rookery.” The giant huddle disassembled into three smaller groups, all heading in different directions.
Todd looked at Felix, who grinned back at him. I can’t believe this. Todd followed Felix and the other Stewards upstairs to the rookery, which was located just off the Maester’s Tower. The Maester stopped and fed the ravens, then unrolled another piece of paper.
“Liam, you will become the Lord Commander’s personal steward. You will learn from his example and follow his instructions. Head to his quarters immediately. Jorsh, your expertise in cooking has given you the job of chef’s assistant. You will help cook and do whatever the chef orders you to do. Head to the kitchens immediately.” The Maester continued reading out the rest of the names and their assignments.
“This is auroch shit, Todd. That job was supposed to be mine!” Todd shook his head, confused on why he should even care.
“At least we’re both pissed off now.” Felix raised an eyebrow.
“Who’s talking back there?” The Maester searched with his one good eye and it landed on Todd. Felix quickly jumped in to Todd’s defense.
“It was me, Maester Endrew. My apologies.” The Maester moved his eye to Felix.
“What’s your name, boy?” Felix gulped, unsure of what to do.
“F-f-f- Felix. Y-your grace. I-I mean-” Todd placed the palm of his hand over his face.
“Felix, you are to be one of my personal stewards. You will cook my meals and serve drinks.” A small smile appeared on Felix’s face. He got what he wanted, to cook.
“Todd Rivers, you will also be my personal steward. You will read my letters, scribe what I say and help with anything I request.” Todd sighed, though it was still better than cleaning the latrine pits.
“Vince, you will be cleaning and digging latrine pits…” The list went on for a while, then the brothers moved onto their new assignments. “Everyone take to note that those who want to take their vows at the weirwood will head to the courtyards now. Those who want to take their vows in the sept will go there immediately.” Felix walked over to Todd and smiled.
“You and me, working side by side in the Maester’s Tower. This will be great!” Todd managed to give a fake smile. “I guess I should head to the sept, See you soon, Todd.” Todd sighed and walked to the courtyard, it was going to be a long day.
The ride to Castle Black had been long and tiring, and to find out they were only half way there was somewhat discomforting. The Lord Commander and First Builder had been leading the newly assigned men of the Watch to Castle Black. Among those were Jollun, Rowan, Lartel Todd, and a few other rangers. Tirius, Felix and Bryce had gone to the Sept.
“By the gods, is this weirwood at Castle Black?” Lartel asked, looking exhausted. First Builder Errok rode next to Lartel and Todd.
“No, we go beyond the Wall. Reason we come to Castle Black is because of the tunnel.” Lartel sighed. Todd however was a little shocked.
“Beyond the Wall? What about the Wildlings?” Errok laughed.
“Aye, there are Wildlings. We’re going to a small town called Whitetree, it’s inhabited by a few Wildlings though we made a pact with them so we could use their weirwood. It’s only until we manage to find another, hopefully won’t be too long.” A shiver went down Todd’s spine.
The crowd stopped in front of the gate to the tunnel that runs through the Wall. The Lord Commander signalled for the gate to be entered and lowered once they were out. The men rode on through the tunnel of solid ice. Todd observed that there were no wooden braces to help support the structure of the tunnel, meaning that the tunnel was mined well enough to not collapse, or at least that was what Todd hoped. The men exited the tunnel and entered the real north. Between the Wall and the Haunted Forest was five hundred metres of clear land and snow. The Lord Commander led the men on through the Haunted Forest to the supposedly friend Wildling town. The Haunted Forest was awfully quiet, as if all life had been taken away from it.
“Gods, it’s a wonder why they call it ‘Haunted.’ What do you think?” Lartel asked.
“I don’t know, nor do I want to. This place gives me the creeps.” Lartel laughed and punched Todd in the arm, quickly riding up ahead of the Lord Commander. Todd chased him, going as fast as he could on his Garron.
The two rode until they were the first to reach Whitetree. Todd and Lartel were hesitant to go any further, so they decided to wait for the others. After a solid five minutes they arrived, Todd noted that there had been no movement in the town whatsoever. The Lord Commander dismounted his horse and tied it to a post that stuck out of a pine tree.
“Alright brothers, follow me to the weirwood.” Slowly and cautiously, the men followed the Lord Commander into the seemingly deserted Wildling village. Errok walked passed Lartel and Todd looking slightly puzzled.
“Errok, where is everyone?” Errok shrugged, a bit curious himself.
“Probably gone out hunting.” Errok found his place next to the Lord Commander and the weirwood.
“Alright you new bloods, you will take your vows here. Kneel down and say the words, then rise as Men of the Night’s Watch.” The brothers did so, and said their vows in unison.
“Night gathers, and now my watch begins. It shall not end until my death. I shall take no wife, hold no lands, father no children. I shall wear no crowns and win no glory. I shall live and die at my post. I am the sword in the darkness. I am the watcher on the walls. I am the fire that burns against the cold, the light that brings the dawn, the horn that wakes the sleepers, the shield that guards the realms of men. I pledge my life and honor to the Night's Watch, for this night and all the nights to come.” The brothers all went silent, waiting for the Lord Commander. Lartel patted Todd on the back, Todd smiled in return.
“Rise now, as men of the Watch.” As they did, a loud bang went off in the distance. The men turned and looked in the direction it had come from.
“Errok, stay here. If you hear any fighting, take them back to Castle Black and send the rangers there to find us. Rangers, with me.” Lartel drew his sword and followed the Lord Commander. Todd watched the Rowan and a few other rangers also draw their weapons. Errok spoke up.
“Alright lads, we’re holding position. Keep a lookout.” Jullon grabbed his hammer and perched himself up against the weirwood. Todd only had a steel dagger, but it was still a weapon. Todd walked over to Jullon and stopped in front of him.
“Have any idea what’s going on?” Jullon ignored him, hatred patrolled his face. Todd sighed.
“Listen, I don’t care if you don’t like me. Though I need someone to watch my back if we were to get attacked, watch my back?” Jullon looked up, his face saddened. He nodded and downcasted his eyes.
Todd sat himself down and started observed the pale roots of the weirwood. It was strangely beautiful to Todd’s surprise, he found himself not being able to look away. A noise in the distance forced him to look away, the sound of a horn. Errok stood up.
“That’s a sentries horn.” The small garrison of men stayed quiet as they listened for the horn. One blast… Two blasts.
“Wildlings. Come on people, we need to head back.” Errok turned and began to walk to the horses, others slowly following him.
Todd stared into the depths of the forest, then he heard it. Sounds of metal hitting against metal, then a giant explosion that sent fireballs hundreds of metres into the sky. Jullon stood up.
“If you’re smart, you’d follow me friend.” Jollun made his way back to the horses. Dammit! Todd looked at the now burning forest, then back at the men heading back to their horses. Lartel is in there, I can’t just leave him.
“COME ON TODD!” Errok yelled, getting on his Garron. Todd looked at him, then back at the burning forest. Todd observed that Jollun had left his hammer sitting on the root. Todd picked it up. It’s time to go, Todd.
[Go back to Castle Black] [Head into the forest and find Lartel]
Long part, and there is the Jared part to read so this should keep you lot busy!
The Mess Hall was full in the mornings. Todd sat in between Lartel and Tirius at one of the many tables in the hall as they at their… more morning porridge. Todd had been at the Wall only four days now and he had begun to hate the repetitive meals. This is the Night’s Watch, I thought the honourable men would be fed something better than this. Turns out Todd was right, as the knights ate bacon and eggs in their own corner. Unbelievable. Across the table sat Rowan and three new faces: Jullon, Felix and Bryce Stone. All were recruits for the Wall, and today was the day they would be given their assignments.
“You boys nervous? I sure know I am.” Felix was a young man, only sixteen. He had a child’s mustache which looked horrible, though no one commented on it.
“No, I’m more excited than nervous.” Tirius said, Lartel rolled his eyes.
“I fucking bet, Lannister. At least you have a guarantee that you’ll become a ranger, unlike the rest o… [view original content]
The gale force winds blew in from the east, across Ironman’s bay and stopped attacked the Iron Islands. Jared watched as the Storm … moreGod battled with the Drowned God in front of his very eyes. The Sea Tower was old and crooked, the salt spray had caused the base of the tower to go white over the past couple of centuries. Jared watched the battle for a long while, though was interrupted by the arms of a woman holding him from behind. He slowly turned to see his lover, Arika Goodbrother.
“Watching the battle?” Jared nodded, observing that it was an unfair fight for the Storm God.
“I didn’t hear you come up, how are you?” Arika laughed and snuggled closer to Jared.
“Nevermind me, my father sent me to find you. The Hoare wishes to see you.” Jared turned and stared her in the eyes, trying to see if she was mocking him. She was not.
“Does your father know about us? Is that why my father has sent for me, to punish me?” Arika shook… [view original content]
The Mess Hall was full in the mornings. Todd sat in between Lartel and Tirius at one of the many tables in the hall as they at their… more morning porridge. Todd had been at the Wall only four days now and he had begun to hate the repetitive meals. This is the Night’s Watch, I thought the honourable men would be fed something better than this. Turns out Todd was right, as the knights ate bacon and eggs in their own corner. Unbelievable. Across the table sat Rowan and three new faces: Jullon, Felix and Bryce Stone. All were recruits for the Wall, and today was the day they would be given their assignments.
“You boys nervous? I sure know I am.” Felix was a young man, only sixteen. He had a child’s mustache which looked horrible, though no one commented on it.
“No, I’m more excited than nervous.” Tirius said, Lartel rolled his eyes.
“I fucking bet, Lannister. At least you have a guarantee that you’ll become a ranger, unlike the rest o… [view original content]
The gale force winds blew in from the east, across Ironman’s bay and stopped attacked the Iron Islands. Jared watched as the Storm … moreGod battled with the Drowned God in front of his very eyes. The Sea Tower was old and crooked, the salt spray had caused the base of the tower to go white over the past couple of centuries. Jared watched the battle for a long while, though was interrupted by the arms of a woman holding him from behind. He slowly turned to see his lover, Arika Goodbrother.
“Watching the battle?” Jared nodded, observing that it was an unfair fight for the Storm God.
“I didn’t hear you come up, how are you?” Arika laughed and snuggled closer to Jared.
“Nevermind me, my father sent me to find you. The Hoare wishes to see you.” Jared turned and stared her in the eyes, trying to see if she was mocking him. She was not.
“Does your father know about us? Is that why my father has sent for me, to punish me?” Arika shook… [view original content]
The Mess Hall was full in the mornings. Todd sat in between Lartel and Tirius at one of the many tables in the hall as they at their… more morning porridge. Todd had been at the Wall only four days now and he had begun to hate the repetitive meals. This is the Night’s Watch, I thought the honourable men would be fed something better than this. Turns out Todd was right, as the knights ate bacon and eggs in their own corner. Unbelievable. Across the table sat Rowan and three new faces: Jullon, Felix and Bryce Stone. All were recruits for the Wall, and today was the day they would be given their assignments.
“You boys nervous? I sure know I am.” Felix was a young man, only sixteen. He had a child’s mustache which looked horrible, though no one commented on it.
“No, I’m more excited than nervous.” Tirius said, Lartel rolled his eyes.
“I fucking bet, Lannister. At least you have a guarantee that you’ll become a ranger, unlike the rest o… [view original content]
The gale force winds blew in from the east, across Ironman’s bay and stopped attacked the Iron Islands. Jared watched as the Storm … moreGod battled with the Drowned God in front of his very eyes. The Sea Tower was old and crooked, the salt spray had caused the base of the tower to go white over the past couple of centuries. Jared watched the battle for a long while, though was interrupted by the arms of a woman holding him from behind. He slowly turned to see his lover, Arika Goodbrother.
“Watching the battle?” Jared nodded, observing that it was an unfair fight for the Storm God.
“I didn’t hear you come up, how are you?” Arika laughed and snuggled closer to Jared.
“Nevermind me, my father sent me to find you. The Hoare wishes to see you.” Jared turned and stared her in the eyes, trying to see if she was mocking him. She was not.
“Does your father know about us? Is that why my father has sent for me, to punish me?” Arika shook… [view original content]
The Mess Hall was full in the mornings. Todd sat in between Lartel and Tirius at one of the many tables in the hall as they at their… more morning porridge. Todd had been at the Wall only four days now and he had begun to hate the repetitive meals. This is the Night’s Watch, I thought the honourable men would be fed something better than this. Turns out Todd was right, as the knights ate bacon and eggs in their own corner. Unbelievable. Across the table sat Rowan and three new faces: Jullon, Felix and Bryce Stone. All were recruits for the Wall, and today was the day they would be given their assignments.
“You boys nervous? I sure know I am.” Felix was a young man, only sixteen. He had a child’s mustache which looked horrible, though no one commented on it.
“No, I’m more excited than nervous.” Tirius said, Lartel rolled his eyes.
“I fucking bet, Lannister. At least you have a guarantee that you’ll become a ranger, unlike the rest o… [view original content]
The Mess Hall was full in the mornings. Todd sat in between Lartel and Tirius at one of the many tables in the hall as they at their… more morning porridge. Todd had been at the Wall only four days now and he had begun to hate the repetitive meals. This is the Night’s Watch, I thought the honourable men would be fed something better than this. Turns out Todd was right, as the knights ate bacon and eggs in their own corner. Unbelievable. Across the table sat Rowan and three new faces: Jullon, Felix and Bryce Stone. All were recruits for the Wall, and today was the day they would be given their assignments.
“You boys nervous? I sure know I am.” Felix was a young man, only sixteen. He had a child’s mustache which looked horrible, though no one commented on it.
“No, I’m more excited than nervous.” Tirius said, Lartel rolled his eyes.
“I fucking bet, Lannister. At least you have a guarantee that you’ll become a ranger, unlike the rest o… [view original content]
[Take no one - spend your time with Arika instead]
I fully agree with what MicroAce said. Tanner is hurt pretty badly and we shouldn't risk Thelred's life, even if Qhored seems to be a lot more affable than Rogar. The only option left would be Arika, in that case, even if I really hope that we won't regret that.
The gale force winds blew in from the east, across Ironman’s bay and stopped attacked the Iron Islands. Jared watched as the Storm … moreGod battled with the Drowned God in front of his very eyes. The Sea Tower was old and crooked, the salt spray had caused the base of the tower to go white over the past couple of centuries. Jared watched the battle for a long while, though was interrupted by the arms of a woman holding him from behind. He slowly turned to see his lover, Arika Goodbrother.
“Watching the battle?” Jared nodded, observing that it was an unfair fight for the Storm God.
“I didn’t hear you come up, how are you?” Arika laughed and snuggled closer to Jared.
“Nevermind me, my father sent me to find you. The Hoare wishes to see you.” Jared turned and stared her in the eyes, trying to see if she was mocking him. She was not.
“Does your father know about us? Is that why my father has sent for me, to punish me?” Arika shook… [view original content]
The Mess Hall was full in the mornings. Todd sat in between Lartel and Tirius at one of the many tables in the hall as they at their… more morning porridge. Todd had been at the Wall only four days now and he had begun to hate the repetitive meals. This is the Night’s Watch, I thought the honourable men would be fed something better than this. Turns out Todd was right, as the knights ate bacon and eggs in their own corner. Unbelievable. Across the table sat Rowan and three new faces: Jullon, Felix and Bryce Stone. All were recruits for the Wall, and today was the day they would be given their assignments.
“You boys nervous? I sure know I am.” Felix was a young man, only sixteen. He had a child’s mustache which looked horrible, though no one commented on it.
“No, I’m more excited than nervous.” Tirius said, Lartel rolled his eyes.
“I fucking bet, Lannister. At least you have a guarantee that you’ll become a ranger, unlike the rest o… [view original content]
Vote closed! Jared will take Tanner with him to Harlaw
Vote closed! Todd will go back to Castle Black
Next part will take place on Skane, an island just north of Skagos and under control of the NW. I would also like to mention "Ol'Town" the home of House Oldstark has now been changed to "Ol'Tower" due to mixups with Oldtown (which I did not realise until now). This change has absolutely no impact on the story, just letting you know to avoid confusion.
Jorge ploughed dirt while his son, Croll, placed the seeds in the ditch they made. His wife and daughter, Tanya and Kyra, did the same on the other end of their farmland. Jorge had done his best to create a good life for his family on Skane, despite being smallfolk they had everything they needed on their farm. Jorge had met Tanya nineteen years ago and had instantly fallen in love. The two moved to Skane to start a new life in the field. Tanya gave birth to their first son, Kaiden, nine months later. Kyra came three years after that, and Croll another nine years. Kaiden had left home when he was sixteen, and the last thing Jorge had heard of him was that he had joined the Night’s Watch. Croll was a young boy at the age of six, he had big dreams to become a soldier in the Stark army once he grew up.
“Father?” Jorge held the reins to their only horse - a rounsey - which steered their plough.
“Yes son?” Croll looked up at his father with his big yellow eyes.
“What is the Night’s Watch?” Jorge sighed, thinking of an appropriate answer.
“It is a… Brotherhood. They live near a big icy wall and protect the North from wildlings and other things beyond the Wall.” Croll nodded, his maturity was higher than the average six year-old, and his hunger for knowledge.
“And what’s a wildling?” Jorge paused, slightly hesitant to answer. He did so anyway.
“Wildlings are the men beyond the Wall. They’re kind of like the Skaggs.” Jorge observed that Croll shivered as he said ‘Skaggs’.
“You cold?” Croll shook his head.
“Dad, why don’t you like the Night’s Watch?” Jorge quietly laughed.
“Who told you that?” Jorge asked, laughing to himself.
“You talk about them at dinner, dad. We don’t need to be told.” Jorge raised an eyebrow, his son sounded older than he really was. Jorge laughed it off.
“Come on dad, tell me.” Jorge’s expression dulled. He sighed.
“Son, not all men of the Watch are good men. There are those who are honourable, like Ser Harold for example. Though then there are bad men, men that don’t respect the vows of the Watch…” Croll’s eyes widened.
“What did they do father?” Jorge laughed.
“I’ll tell you when you’re older son.” Croll sighed.
As the two pushed their rounsey onwards, Jorge noticed his neighbour - Karne - returning with the other fishermen. Jorge looked back to his son and messed his short brown hair.
“Take the horse back to the stable and have a break.” Croll smiled his wide and happy smile.
“What about mother and Kyra?” Jorge smiled back.
“I suppose they could continue working…” He joked. “No, get them to have a break too.” Jorge grabbed his son’s shoulder and then jumped off the plougher.
Karne and the other fishermen carried a few baskets of fish, though there was not much for their usual catch. Jorge crossed the field and hopped his fence to quickly intercept Karne. The men headed for the hub, which was located in an abandoned barn. Karne continued on towards his home, Jorge quickly ran after him.
“Karne! How did your fishing trip go?” Karne stopped and turned, tears had been streaming down his eyes. Jorge looked at him with an expression asking him what the problem was.
“We-” He sniffed and began to cry again. He dropped his basket and fell to the ground.
“What is it Karne, what happened?” The man broke down in front of him, and there was nothing Jorge could do but pat his back.
“They killed him, Jorge. The fuckers took him from me.” Jorge frowned.
“Who did, took who?” Karne looked up, his saddened face turned red with anger.
“Skaggs. The fucking Skaggs sunk my brother’s boat when we were fishing of the coast of Skagos. My brother tried to swim to us but the water was too cold, it was-” Karne broke down in Jorge’s arms, all Jorge could do was hold the man as he fell apart. Jorge lifted the teary man’s head.
“I’ll take to Ser Harold, get him to double the guard. Anything.” Karne shook his head.
“You know he won’t, he can’t.” Jorge shook his head. I have to try, for us all. Jorge placed all the escaped fish back into the basket and helped Karne back up.
“Go home and make love to your wife. Let me handle the Black Brothers.” Karne nodded, sniffing as he did.
“Thank you, Jorge. Thank you.” Jorge nodded and sent him on his way home.
Jorge turned and looked at the crossroad that homed the hub. The road went down to the shores of Skane, the opposite direction went to the town hall, where all the Night’s Watch stayed. Jorge took in a deep breath, then followed the road to the town hall.
The Black Brother’s drank and ate everything the town hall had to offer as per usual. There were only a few good men out of the small garrison that the Night’s Watch had deployed. Ser Harold Flowers was definitely one of them. Ser Harold was second-in-command of the garrison, though now was acting full command as Commander Warrek had fallen been poisoned by some raw pheasant. Jorge entered the hall and walked over to the Commander’s table. A pale man with baggy eyes sat at the end of the table, Ser Harold sat adjacent of him. Jorge stopped at the opposite end of the table.
“Commander Warrek, Ser Harold. May I have a word?” Commander Warrek grabbed his bucket and barfed, Ser Harold intervened.
“Of course, Jorge. Come with me outside, where it is quieter.” Ser Harold stood up from the table and led Jorge out the back of the hall.
Patches of snow lay around the back entrance to the door. Jorge could feel that this autumn would end quickly, and the winter would not. Ser Harold Flowers took a seat on a bench that was connected to a table. Ser Harold was a medium heighted man with a strong figure. He had short black hair and the same could be said about his beard. His eyes were green and around his neck was a chainmail hood which he wore as protection in battle.
“How can I be of service, Jorge?” Jorge sat down opposite to the knight.
“I bring you news from Karne, the fisherman next door to me. Just today he lost his brother to the Skaggs as they were fishing off the coast. I’m telling you, for the safety of us all we need to increase the numbers of the men stationed here.” Ser Harold sighed and placed his head in his hands.
“I sent a raven to the commander at Eastwatch, but the reply was not good. He goes on to say that he cannot afford to send anymore men to prepare for something that may not happen. I’m sorry Jorge.” Jorge shook his head in disbelief.
“Well, what about sending a raven to the Lord Commander?” Ser Harold sadly shook his head.
“I’m sorry Jorge, until Commander Warrek recovers there is nothing I can do except use the men we have.” Jorge frowned, highly disappointed.
“Very well, thank you for your time Ser Harold.” Ser Harold stood and nodded.
“Let me saddle my horse, I’ll ride you back to your house.” Jorge laughed.
“Thank you, but I need to walk. Have to clear my mind.” Ser Harold smiled and nodded.
“I understand. Once again, I am sorry there is nothing I can do. May the Seven watch over you.” Jorge smirked.
“And the old gods over you.” The two laughed and split ways.
Jorge’s house came into view as he turned the corner. The sun was setting and his son sat on the fence waiting for him. Jorge smiled and quickened his pace. He grabbed his son and placed him on his shoulders.
“How’d your chat go dad?” Jorge gave a fake smile.
“It… Went well.” Croll smiled, happy to hear it.
The two entered their small home. It was a one-story house made out of stone bricks and wood. There were a few windows with small flowers growing on their sills. A thatched roof and a wooden door with a round iron door handle. Inside was different, a fireplace was centre back of the house. All wooden flooring except around the fireplace, there it was stone. To the left side of the house was the kitchen, the right was Jorge and Tanya’s bed. The basement consisted of Kyra and Croll’s beds as well as the food supplies for winter. Tanya and Kyra slaved away in the kitchen when Jorge and Croll entered.
“Hello honey, how did your talk with Ser Harold go?” Jorge smiled, happy to know his wife always knew where he was without needing to notify her.
“I will tell you after we eat.” She nodded and pulled out the iron plates which were now beginning to rust.
The meal consisted of lamb chops with potato and carrots glazed in honey sauce, all washed down with mead. Of course, the kids only drank water. The family ate and talked about the farm and other general family chatter. After the meal was done, Tanya collected the plates and Jorge took the kids downstairs to bed.
“Dad can you tell us a story?” Jorge tried to think back of any he hadn’t told, none came to him. Fortunately Kyra came to his aid.
“Leave him dad, I’ll tell one.” Jorge smiled and pecked them both on the cheeks.
Jorge climbed the stairs as Kyra told the story of the Night’s King. Kyra was fortunate as she was well educated by her father, though recently Jorge had not had enough time to do the same for Croll. Tanya cleaned and put away the dishes, Jorge grabbed her from behind and kissed her neck.
“So, you going to tell me what the talk was all about?” Jorge released his beautiful woman and lent a hand with the cleaning up.
“Karne’s brother died. Skaggs got him.” Tanya raised her eyebrows, surprised and shocked.
“By the gods, I’m so sorry to hear that. Did you talk to the Commander about it?” Jorge shook his head.
“No, Ser Harold. He told me that Eastwatch won’t send any more men.” Tanya frowned.
“We’ll just have to make do with the one’s we have then.” Jorge shook his head.
“You don’t get it, the Skaggs are coming. There’s not enough men here to stop them.” Tanya put the last plate away and found her way to Jorge’s arms.
“We don’t know that.” Jorge sighed.
“We need to leave, we’ll take the kids and go.” Tanya looked up to her husband and stroked his beard.
“And go where, my love? No, we must stay here. Perhaps we should send a letter to Kaiden, he could pass it on to the Lord Commander. Or maybe the Starks?” Jorge laughed.
“The Starks are too busy with their own war against the Bolton’s, and I don’t know about Kaiden. We haven’t heard from him in years.” Tanya pinched his cheek.
“It’s still worth a try, I’m going to bed.” Jorge watched his love walk over to the other side of the room and hop into their woolen bed.
Jorge put out the final lantern and stared out the window, watching for something to happen. Nothing did. The next thoughts he had were of Kaiden, then the Starks. I could send a raven to the Nightfort, or to Winterfell. Perhaps the Umber’s could be of assistance. Jorge walked over this bed and removed his boots. He sat down and covered himself with the woolen blanket. I’ll send the raven in the morning.
[Send a raven to the Nightfort] [Send a raven to Winterfell] [Send a raven to the Last Hearth]
Jorge ploughed dirt while his son, Croll, placed the seeds in the ditch they made. His wife and daughter, Tanya and Kyra, did the s… moreame on the other end of their farmland. Jorge had done his best to create a good life for his family on Skane, despite being smallfolk they had everything they needed on their farm. Jorge had met Tanya nineteen years ago and had instantly fallen in love. The two moved to Skane to start a new life in the field. Tanya gave birth to their first son, Kaiden, nine months later. Kyra came three years after that, and Croll another nine years. Kaiden had left home when he was sixteen, and the last thing Jorge had heard of him was that he had joined the Night’s Watch. Croll was a young boy at the age of six, he had big dreams to become a soldier in the Stark army once he grew up.
“Father?” Jorge held the reins to their only horse - a rounsey - which steered their plough.
“Yes son?” Croll looked up at his fat… [view original content]
Jorge ploughed dirt while his son, Croll, placed the seeds in the ditch they made. His wife and daughter, Tanya and Kyra, did the s… moreame on the other end of their farmland. Jorge had done his best to create a good life for his family on Skane, despite being smallfolk they had everything they needed on their farm. Jorge had met Tanya nineteen years ago and had instantly fallen in love. The two moved to Skane to start a new life in the field. Tanya gave birth to their first son, Kaiden, nine months later. Kyra came three years after that, and Croll another nine years. Kaiden had left home when he was sixteen, and the last thing Jorge had heard of him was that he had joined the Night’s Watch. Croll was a young boy at the age of six, he had big dreams to become a soldier in the Stark army once he grew up.
“Father?” Jorge held the reins to their only horse - a rounsey - which steered their plough.
“Yes son?” Croll looked up at his fat… [view original content]
Jorge ploughed dirt while his son, Croll, placed the seeds in the ditch they made. His wife and daughter, Tanya and Kyra, did the s… moreame on the other end of their farmland. Jorge had done his best to create a good life for his family on Skane, despite being smallfolk they had everything they needed on their farm. Jorge had met Tanya nineteen years ago and had instantly fallen in love. The two moved to Skane to start a new life in the field. Tanya gave birth to their first son, Kaiden, nine months later. Kyra came three years after that, and Croll another nine years. Kaiden had left home when he was sixteen, and the last thing Jorge had heard of him was that he had joined the Night’s Watch. Croll was a young boy at the age of six, he had big dreams to become a soldier in the Stark army once he grew up.
“Father?” Jorge held the reins to their only horse - a rounsey - which steered their plough.
“Yes son?” Croll looked up at his fat… [view original content]
Jorge ploughed dirt while his son, Croll, placed the seeds in the ditch they made. His wife and daughter, Tanya and Kyra, did the s… moreame on the other end of their farmland. Jorge had done his best to create a good life for his family on Skane, despite being smallfolk they had everything they needed on their farm. Jorge had met Tanya nineteen years ago and had instantly fallen in love. The two moved to Skane to start a new life in the field. Tanya gave birth to their first son, Kaiden, nine months later. Kyra came three years after that, and Croll another nine years. Kaiden had left home when he was sixteen, and the last thing Jorge had heard of him was that he had joined the Night’s Watch. Croll was a young boy at the age of six, he had big dreams to become a soldier in the Stark army once he grew up.
“Father?” Jorge held the reins to their only horse - a rounsey - which steered their plough.
“Yes son?” Croll looked up at his fat… [view original content]
I'm not too keen on writing to the Nightfort, considering the reputation that place has. The Last Hearth on the other hand is a lot closer than Winterfell, so I think it should be the better choice here.
Jorge ploughed dirt while his son, Croll, placed the seeds in the ditch they made. His wife and daughter, Tanya and Kyra, did the s… moreame on the other end of their farmland. Jorge had done his best to create a good life for his family on Skane, despite being smallfolk they had everything they needed on their farm. Jorge had met Tanya nineteen years ago and had instantly fallen in love. The two moved to Skane to start a new life in the field. Tanya gave birth to their first son, Kaiden, nine months later. Kyra came three years after that, and Croll another nine years. Kaiden had left home when he was sixteen, and the last thing Jorge had heard of him was that he had joined the Night’s Watch. Croll was a young boy at the age of six, he had big dreams to become a soldier in the Stark army once he grew up.
“Father?” Jorge held the reins to their only horse - a rounsey - which steered their plough.
“Yes son?” Croll looked up at his fat… [view original content]
Jorge ploughed dirt while his son, Croll, placed the seeds in the ditch they made. His wife and daughter, Tanya and Kyra, did the s… moreame on the other end of their farmland. Jorge had done his best to create a good life for his family on Skane, despite being smallfolk they had everything they needed on their farm. Jorge had met Tanya nineteen years ago and had instantly fallen in love. The two moved to Skane to start a new life in the field. Tanya gave birth to their first son, Kaiden, nine months later. Kyra came three years after that, and Croll another nine years. Kaiden had left home when he was sixteen, and the last thing Jorge had heard of him was that he had joined the Night’s Watch. Croll was a young boy at the age of six, he had big dreams to become a soldier in the Stark army once he grew up.
“Father?” Jorge held the reins to their only horse - a rounsey - which steered their plough.
“Yes son?” Croll looked up at his fat… [view original content]
Jorge ploughed dirt while his son, Croll, placed the seeds in the ditch they made. His wife and daughter, Tanya and Kyra, did the s… moreame on the other end of their farmland. Jorge had done his best to create a good life for his family on Skane, despite being smallfolk they had everything they needed on their farm. Jorge had met Tanya nineteen years ago and had instantly fallen in love. The two moved to Skane to start a new life in the field. Tanya gave birth to their first son, Kaiden, nine months later. Kyra came three years after that, and Croll another nine years. Kaiden had left home when he was sixteen, and the last thing Jorge had heard of him was that he had joined the Night’s Watch. Croll was a young boy at the age of six, he had big dreams to become a soldier in the Stark army once he grew up.
“Father?” Jorge held the reins to their only horse - a rounsey - which steered their plough.
“Yes son?” Croll looked up at his fat… [view original content]
Jorge ploughed dirt while his son, Croll, placed the seeds in the ditch they made. His wife and daughter, Tanya and Kyra, did the s… moreame on the other end of their farmland. Jorge had done his best to create a good life for his family on Skane, despite being smallfolk they had everything they needed on their farm. Jorge had met Tanya nineteen years ago and had instantly fallen in love. The two moved to Skane to start a new life in the field. Tanya gave birth to their first son, Kaiden, nine months later. Kyra came three years after that, and Croll another nine years. Kaiden had left home when he was sixteen, and the last thing Jorge had heard of him was that he had joined the Night’s Watch. Croll was a young boy at the age of six, he had big dreams to become a soldier in the Stark army once he grew up.
“Father?” Jorge held the reins to their only horse - a rounsey - which steered their plough.
“Yes son?” Croll looked up at his fat… [view original content]
Jorge ploughed dirt while his son, Croll, placed the seeds in the ditch they made. His wife and daughter, Tanya and Kyra, did the s… moreame on the other end of their farmland. Jorge had done his best to create a good life for his family on Skane, despite being smallfolk they had everything they needed on their farm. Jorge had met Tanya nineteen years ago and had instantly fallen in love. The two moved to Skane to start a new life in the field. Tanya gave birth to their first son, Kaiden, nine months later. Kyra came three years after that, and Croll another nine years. Kaiden had left home when he was sixteen, and the last thing Jorge had heard of him was that he had joined the Night’s Watch. Croll was a young boy at the age of six, he had big dreams to become a soldier in the Stark army once he grew up.
“Father?” Jorge held the reins to their only horse - a rounsey - which steered their plough.
“Yes son?” Croll looked up at his fat… [view original content]
Jorge ploughed dirt while his son, Croll, placed the seeds in the ditch they made. His wife and daughter, Tanya and Kyra, did the s… moreame on the other end of their farmland. Jorge had done his best to create a good life for his family on Skane, despite being smallfolk they had everything they needed on their farm. Jorge had met Tanya nineteen years ago and had instantly fallen in love. The two moved to Skane to start a new life in the field. Tanya gave birth to their first son, Kaiden, nine months later. Kyra came three years after that, and Croll another nine years. Kaiden had left home when he was sixteen, and the last thing Jorge had heard of him was that he had joined the Night’s Watch. Croll was a young boy at the age of six, he had big dreams to become a soldier in the Stark army once he grew up.
“Father?” Jorge held the reins to their only horse - a rounsey - which steered their plough.
“Yes son?” Croll looked up at his fat… [view original content]
The Haunted Forest was silent, except for the occasional birds evading their nests as Toregg and his son Torwynd snuck by. The two tracked a gray direwolf with white strands. The animal stood as tall as a small pony, its legs were longer than an average wolf and its head was larger. It had a long and more pronounced muzzle than an average wolf. Toregg looked over at his calm and courageous son. He held his spear firmly, though Toregg knew well that those who were overconfident would be the ones of the lower end of the food chain. The two crawled onto their bellies and hid under a small thornberry bush. The elderly direwolf was inspecting a burrow of rabbits.
“Shall we attack now, father?” Torwynd whispered, Toregg shook his head.
“No, if he eats then he will be less likely to search for us. Then we may hunt the hunter.” Torwynd grinned and Toregg scruffed the young man’s hair.
The two watched as the direwolf swallowed down two whole rabbits without needing to chew. Torwynd watched with amazement, Toregg checked that he had enough arrows. The direwolf moved on, slowly walking through the bushes and out of their view. Toregg slowly rose and pursued the tracks, Torwynd followed him. Torwynd inspected the burrow to see a bloody mess of rabbit limbs.
“Father, the direwolf didn’t do this.” Toregg shrugged. He placed his hand in the paw print of the wolf’s track, it was double the size of his hand. He looked up at his son, who seemed to now be pissed off that his father was ignoring him.
“How should I know? Probably a fox got to them earlier.” Torwynd shook his head, clearly frustrated.
“No dad, you don’t understand.” He continued to follow the tracks of the slow-moving direwolf. Toregg got up and observed the burrow of dead rabbits. A whole colony sat slaughtered, though barely eaten. His son was right, he did not understand.
Toregg continued to follow the direwolf tracks through some thick bush area, though most was cleared from the direwolf’s passing. His son crouched behind a boulder and stared out to a plain field of grass, where the old wolf sat licking its paws. Toregg stared at the wolf, there was blood and cut marks over its side and paws. Torwynd pulled his father behind the small boulder so he was out of view.
“It’s injured.” Toregg nodded at Torwynd’s observation. Toregg pulled an arrow from his quiver and nocked it to his bowstring. He sighed, feeling some pity for the old wolf.
“Alright, let’s go get him.” The two stood and appeared out of the bushes, showing themselves to the direwolf.
The direwolf panted heavily, its breath could be seen as a mist in the air. The wolf got up, though as it landed on its hind back leg it whimpered and fell back to the ground. Torwynd moved himself into a position where he could easily throw his spear into the wolf without it jumping on him. Toregg felt unsure, and stared the beast in its beautiful yellow eyes. Something made him want to go up to his foe and say a final farewell, hunter to hunter. Toregg placed his arrow back into his quiver and swung his bow onto his back. He slowly approached the old wolf with caution, ready to jump back if the direwolf had a change of heart. He glanced over to his son, who had a very disapproving look to his face. The direwolf tried to stand up again, but fell back to the ground twice as hard. He growled as Toregg approached.
“Easy now boy. I’m not going to hurt you.” The wolf looked at the strange hunter, than at his son - he growled once again. Toregg looked over to his clearly discomforted son.
“Put the spear down, Torwynd.” Fear and worry flooded the seventeen year old’s face.
“But dad-” Toregg stared him down.
“Do it son.” The boy hesitated, but obeyed his father’s command.
Toregg slowly approached the wolf until his feet were only a metre away from the wolf’s. Toregg knelt down and placed his hand on the beast’s beating chest. Its pace was rapid, it would soon bleed out. Toregg sat himself down and patted the wolf’s fur, clearly noticing the beast was in pain.
“It’s alright boy, I’m here to end it all.” The wolf turned its head to Torreg, and stared into his eyes. The look Toregg saw told him that the wolf was ready to die.
Toregg unsheathed his dagger, stilling patting the wolf as he silently did so. The direwolf turned and placed his head away from the scene, staring at the beauty of the Frostfangs in the distance. Toregg placed his dagger to the position of the hunter’s heart. Now your hunt is over, you may rest. Toregg plunged the dagger in. The direwolf shrieked and struggled, then surrendered the fight.
The village of the Nightrunners was big, though despite it’s size it was still easy to pack up everything and leave without a trace. The Nightrunners had been known to evade the Hornfoots as they tried to track them down, they were good at it and had evaded war for many generations now. Torregg turned to his son, who now wore the direwolf’s head and fur as a cape and hood. He looked rather fearsome, yet also noble and strong. Torwynd turned and grinned at his father, who was carrying the sack of meat they could skin off the direwolf.
“That was very brave dad, what you did back there. How did you know he wouldn’t attack you?” Toregg laughed his loud and booming laugh.
“I didn’t.” Torwynd’s face filled with horror yet fascination. Before he could say anything, his best friend - Thorald- appeared.
“Wow, look at you Torwynd! You killed the direwolf!” Torwynd grinned and grabbed the young man’s forearm.
“Aye, and do I have a story to tell you of my father.” The two disappeared around the corner and into Thorald’s hut. Toregg smiled, thinking back to the time he was a boy.
Toregg lugged the heavy bag of meat to his hut, where his wife sat next to the small fire with her sister - Christa Frostleaf. Toregg looked somewhat surprised, as Christa was a girl who wanted to live south of the Wall. However, his wife - Ygwyn - had always been a proud spearwife.
“Hello ladies.” Ygwyn turned and grinned. She got up and ran to her husband, wrapping her arms around him. Christa stood and nodded.
“Hello, Toregg.” Toregg managed to give a fake smile, he had little respect for those who wanted to live a ‘southern life.’ Ygwyn let go of Toregg and smiled.
“I need to go find Horegg, he was chatting with those brothers last I saw him and I need a hand with the cooking.” Toregg loudly laughed.
“Leave him, I’ll help.” As his lovely wife attempted to escape, he pulled her back and she fell in his arms.
“Oh shut up you ancient crow. You wouldn’t cook if your life depended on it! Besides, I need to speak to Amathe.” Toregg grinned and stared down to his beautiful wife.
“Don’t be too long.” She kissed him and left, leaving Toregg and Christa alone in the hut together. The two stood in an awkward silence, Toregg was the first to break it.
“Is there anything I can help you with, Christa? I think I have some wine in kitchen somewhere.” Christa politely laughed.
“You are too kind, I was actually just leaving.” Toregg shook his head.
“No, if you were you’d have done it earlier. Take a seat.” He beckoned for her to sit at a stool next to the wooden table he made. He grabbed his direwolf meat and placed it on the table.
“I wanted to talk to you about the Southerners.” She said as she took a seat. Toregg unsheathed his dagger, he pulled out some meat and began to slice it into thinner pieces.
“If this is about silk dresses again…” Christa laughed and shook her head.
“It’s not. I guess I just wanted…” She hesitated, Toregg was losing interest and patience.
“Spit it out girl.” She sighed, like she was committing a great crime.
“I guess I just wanted to know if it is any better down south than it is up here.” Toregg placed his knife down and looked at Christa. He had a long think about it, though could not give much of an answer.
“Not where I came from.” She sighed, somewhat disappointed.
“You told me you came from a place called ‘the Riverlands.’ What was it like there?” Toregg grunted, growing tired of the conversation. He calmed himself, his wife wouldn’t appreciate him being an arse to her sister.
“It was once ruled by a great man, Bernarr Justman the first. Though pirates from the Iron Islands invaded and seized our lands, making themselves the new kings. One day, an Ironborn king going by the name of ‘Greyjoy’ ordered me to become his heir’s guard. Another day, we were ambushed by bandits, a uneven battle of seven to four. The two guards with me managed to take down four of the men before they fell, I took down the other two. Though before I could finish of the last one, he had already shot a dart into the king's heir. The king sent me to the Wall, despite my efforts. I guess the lesson to learn from this is that southern politics are harsh and cruel. So to answer your question, no is the answer. Where we are now, we are free. That is the best lifestyle that you could ever want.” Christa lay her head against her hand, looking somewhat bored.
“Well, thanks for the chat. I must go meet up with Emma.” The young girl got up and left before Toregg could even think of saying goodbye. Toregg picked up his dagger and continued to slice the meat, getting it ready to cook.
Toregg had cooked a stew out of the meat he had. Ygwyn had come home alone which made Toregg begin to worry.
“Where are the boys?” She smiled and avoided the question.
“You cooked?” Ygwyn looked surprised, she rushed over the pot to taste it.
“Well I thought I’d prove you wrong, what do you think?” She savoured the taste, then smiled.
“Needs salt, but overall it is good. As for the boys, Horegg is staying the night with those brothers. Torwynd is still telling the story of how you managed to have a conversation with the direwolf. They are calling you ‘the warg’ now.” She mockingly grinned, Toregg laughed.
“The boy overexaggerates, the wolf and I simply had a mutual understanding.” Ygwyn rolled her eyes and fell into her lover's arms.
“Say it how you will, ancient crow.” She teased, as she got up Toregg pulled her back down.
“We’ve got the whole place to ourselves for an hour or so. Perhaps I’ll show you I am more wild then I am crow.” She looked up to her lover and grabbed his bearded chin.
“Alright, ancient crow. Show me.” She said with a seductive smile. Toregg lifted her and placed her onto the bed, kissing her as he did.
As he undressed her, someone entered the hut. Ygwyn pulled the blankets close to herself. Toregg turned - now shirtless - to see who the imposter was, it was Horegg.
“Horegg, what are you doing!” The boy covered his eyes and walked out the tent, quickly apologising.
“I’m sorry, but you need to come and take a look at this.” Toregg raised an eyebrow.
“Look at what?” Ygwyn grabbed his arm and shook her head, clearly wanting him to stay.
“Some crows are lurking outside the village.” Toregg instantly snapped into a defensive mode.
“Alright, go find your brother and inform the chief. I’ll go check it out.” Toregg listened as Horreg’s footsteps slowly faded away.
Toregg slipped his shirt back on and put on his woolen boots. Ygwyn cuddled him as he did. He turned to her and kissed her on the forehead.
“I’ll come back. In the meantime, go to Amathe.” She shook her head in disagreeance.
“I’m coming with you.” Toregg placed his hand on her cheek.
“I can’t lose you.” She smiled and placed her hand above his heart.
“You won’t.” The two held the moment for what felt like a lifetime. He pulled back and sent her out.
When she had left, Toregg walked back to the bed and reached under, pulling out an old wooden case with rusted hinges. He carried it to the bloody table and opened it. There lay his Valyrian steel shortsword: Thorn. He picked it up, feeling the weight. As balanced as it will ever be. He looked over to his bow, which he had already unstrung and neatly put away. He sighed, he was not as a good with a sword, but his skills would have to do. He walked over to the fire and put it out by tromping on it. He exited the hut, double checking everything was okay. It was.
The cool light wind hit his face as he left his heated establishment. He looked around to see where everyone was, though had little luck as everyone had put out their fires in anticipation of an attack. He used his ears, he heard voices towards the edge of the village. He unsheathed his sword and silently snuck over to where he heard them, taking cover in the shadows as best he could. In the distance he saw a light, in that light were two black crows. In front of them stood Amathe and Torwynd. Torwynd? Dammit. As Toregg approached the crowd, he started hearing the conversation.
“Leave now, crows. We will not say it again.” Amathe was a strong willed and outspoken woman who valued her freedom.
“Easy now, we only want to ask if you have seen an old brother of ours. First Ranger Niclas.” Toregg listened to the voice, it sounded familiar.
Toregg approached the crows until he was right next to one of them, who sat high on his horse. Toregg grabbed the boy by the waist and pulled him off, he landed on the ground with a solid thud. Toregg picked him up and placed Thorn to his throat, he moved to where the other ranger could see him. The ranger was an old man who wore an eyepatch and a black hood. He looked Toregg up and down, then unsheathed his sword.
“Release him.” The voice was too familiar for Toregg’s liking.
“Last chance, crow.” Amathe unsheathed her axe.
The old man shook his head, then walk towards Toregg. He pointed his sword at Toregg, looking him up and down as if he recognised him. Toregg released the boy and threw him to Amathe, who only just caught him. Toregg threw himself at the old crow, bashing his sword against the old man’s steel. The old man was still a better swordsman than Toregg, and managed to disarm him. Toregg tackled the man to the ground, creating a loud thud as they hit the ground.
“Gods, who the hell are you!” Toregg unhooded the old man, and then he saw him - Odin Umber - and he saw him back.
“Toregg?” Odin looked into Toregg’s eyes, forcing Toregg to look away. Amathe held the other ranger and had place her axe to his throat.
“Shall we kill them, Toregg?” She looked at him, Toregg looked at his son. Torwynd looked slightly confused.
“I think we should question them, before we kill them.” Amathe ignored Torwynd.
“Well I say we kill them, there might be more crows out there.” Toregg looked back down at the man he had pinned to the ground - his old friend.
“We didn’t mean no harm, we’re just looking for the First Ranger.” The other crow yelled, though the more he talked the tighter the axe got to his throat.
“Shut up, Kaiden.” Odin said, then looked Toregg in the eyes with an unreadable expression.
[Kill them] [Take them in for questioning] [Show mercy - Let them go]
The Haunted Forest was silent, except for the occasional birds evading their nests as Toregg and his son Torwynd snuck by. The two… more tracked a gray direwolf with white strands. The animal stood as tall as a small pony, its legs were longer than an average wolf and its head was larger. It had a long and more pronounced muzzle than an average wolf. Toregg looked over at his calm and courageous son. He held his spear firmly, though Toregg knew well that those who were overconfident would be the ones of the lower end of the food chain. The two crawled onto their bellies and hid under a small thornberry bush. The elderly direwolf was inspecting a burrow of rabbits.
“Shall we attack now, father?” Torwynd whispered, Toregg shook his head.
“No, if he eats then he will be less likely to search for us. Then we may hunt the hunter.” Torwynd grinned and Toregg scruffed the young man’s hair.
The two watched as the direwolf swallowed down … [view original content]
The Haunted Forest was silent, except for the occasional birds evading their nests as Toregg and his son Torwynd snuck by. The two… more tracked a gray direwolf with white strands. The animal stood as tall as a small pony, its legs were longer than an average wolf and its head was larger. It had a long and more pronounced muzzle than an average wolf. Toregg looked over at his calm and courageous son. He held his spear firmly, though Toregg knew well that those who were overconfident would be the ones of the lower end of the food chain. The two crawled onto their bellies and hid under a small thornberry bush. The elderly direwolf was inspecting a burrow of rabbits.
“Shall we attack now, father?” Torwynd whispered, Toregg shook his head.
“No, if he eats then he will be less likely to search for us. Then we may hunt the hunter.” Torwynd grinned and Toregg scruffed the young man’s hair.
The two watched as the direwolf swallowed down … [view original content]
The Haunted Forest was silent, except for the occasional birds evading their nests as Toregg and his son Torwynd snuck by. The two… more tracked a gray direwolf with white strands. The animal stood as tall as a small pony, its legs were longer than an average wolf and its head was larger. It had a long and more pronounced muzzle than an average wolf. Toregg looked over at his calm and courageous son. He held his spear firmly, though Toregg knew well that those who were overconfident would be the ones of the lower end of the food chain. The two crawled onto their bellies and hid under a small thornberry bush. The elderly direwolf was inspecting a burrow of rabbits.
“Shall we attack now, father?” Torwynd whispered, Toregg shook his head.
“No, if he eats then he will be less likely to search for us. Then we may hunt the hunter.” Torwynd grinned and Toregg scruffed the young man’s hair.
The two watched as the direwolf swallowed down … [view original content]
The Haunted Forest was silent, except for the occasional birds evading their nests as Toregg and his son Torwynd snuck by. The two… more tracked a gray direwolf with white strands. The animal stood as tall as a small pony, its legs were longer than an average wolf and its head was larger. It had a long and more pronounced muzzle than an average wolf. Toregg looked over at his calm and courageous son. He held his spear firmly, though Toregg knew well that those who were overconfident would be the ones of the lower end of the food chain. The two crawled onto their bellies and hid under a small thornberry bush. The elderly direwolf was inspecting a burrow of rabbits.
“Shall we attack now, father?” Torwynd whispered, Toregg shook his head.
“No, if he eats then he will be less likely to search for us. Then we may hunt the hunter.” Torwynd grinned and Toregg scruffed the young man’s hair.
The two watched as the direwolf swallowed down … [view original content]
The Haunted Forest was silent, except for the occasional birds evading their nests as Toregg and his son Torwynd snuck by. The two… more tracked a gray direwolf with white strands. The animal stood as tall as a small pony, its legs were longer than an average wolf and its head was larger. It had a long and more pronounced muzzle than an average wolf. Toregg looked over at his calm and courageous son. He held his spear firmly, though Toregg knew well that those who were overconfident would be the ones of the lower end of the food chain. The two crawled onto their bellies and hid under a small thornberry bush. The elderly direwolf was inspecting a burrow of rabbits.
“Shall we attack now, father?” Torwynd whispered, Toregg shook his head.
“No, if he eats then he will be less likely to search for us. Then we may hunt the hunter.” Torwynd grinned and Toregg scruffed the young man’s hair.
The two watched as the direwolf swallowed down … [view original content]
The Haunted Forest was silent, except for the occasional birds evading their nests as Toregg and his son Torwynd snuck by. The two… more tracked a gray direwolf with white strands. The animal stood as tall as a small pony, its legs were longer than an average wolf and its head was larger. It had a long and more pronounced muzzle than an average wolf. Toregg looked over at his calm and courageous son. He held his spear firmly, though Toregg knew well that those who were overconfident would be the ones of the lower end of the food chain. The two crawled onto their bellies and hid under a small thornberry bush. The elderly direwolf was inspecting a burrow of rabbits.
“Shall we attack now, father?” Torwynd whispered, Toregg shook his head.
“No, if he eats then he will be less likely to search for us. Then we may hunt the hunter.” Torwynd grinned and Toregg scruffed the young man’s hair.
The two watched as the direwolf swallowed down … [view original content]
The Haunted Forest was silent, except for the occasional birds evading their nests as Toregg and his son Torwynd snuck by. The two… more tracked a gray direwolf with white strands. The animal stood as tall as a small pony, its legs were longer than an average wolf and its head was larger. It had a long and more pronounced muzzle than an average wolf. Toregg looked over at his calm and courageous son. He held his spear firmly, though Toregg knew well that those who were overconfident would be the ones of the lower end of the food chain. The two crawled onto their bellies and hid under a small thornberry bush. The elderly direwolf was inspecting a burrow of rabbits.
“Shall we attack now, father?” Torwynd whispered, Toregg shook his head.
“No, if he eats then he will be less likely to search for us. Then we may hunt the hunter.” Torwynd grinned and Toregg scruffed the young man’s hair.
The two watched as the direwolf swallowed down … [view original content]
The Haunted Forest was silent, except for the occasional birds evading their nests as Toregg and his son Torwynd snuck by. The two… more tracked a gray direwolf with white strands. The animal stood as tall as a small pony, its legs were longer than an average wolf and its head was larger. It had a long and more pronounced muzzle than an average wolf. Toregg looked over at his calm and courageous son. He held his spear firmly, though Toregg knew well that those who were overconfident would be the ones of the lower end of the food chain. The two crawled onto their bellies and hid under a small thornberry bush. The elderly direwolf was inspecting a burrow of rabbits.
“Shall we attack now, father?” Torwynd whispered, Toregg shook his head.
“No, if he eats then he will be less likely to search for us. Then we may hunt the hunter.” Torwynd grinned and Toregg scruffed the young man’s hair.
The two watched as the direwolf swallowed down … [view original content]
The Haunted Forest was silent, except for the occasional birds evading their nests as Toregg and his son Torwynd snuck by. The two… more tracked a gray direwolf with white strands. The animal stood as tall as a small pony, its legs were longer than an average wolf and its head was larger. It had a long and more pronounced muzzle than an average wolf. Toregg looked over at his calm and courageous son. He held his spear firmly, though Toregg knew well that those who were overconfident would be the ones of the lower end of the food chain. The two crawled onto their bellies and hid under a small thornberry bush. The elderly direwolf was inspecting a burrow of rabbits.
“Shall we attack now, father?” Torwynd whispered, Toregg shook his head.
“No, if he eats then he will be less likely to search for us. Then we may hunt the hunter.” Torwynd grinned and Toregg scruffed the young man’s hair.
The two watched as the direwolf swallowed down … [view original content]
The Haunted Forest was silent, except for the occasional birds evading their nests as Toregg and his son Torwynd snuck by. The two… more tracked a gray direwolf with white strands. The animal stood as tall as a small pony, its legs were longer than an average wolf and its head was larger. It had a long and more pronounced muzzle than an average wolf. Toregg looked over at his calm and courageous son. He held his spear firmly, though Toregg knew well that those who were overconfident would be the ones of the lower end of the food chain. The two crawled onto their bellies and hid under a small thornberry bush. The elderly direwolf was inspecting a burrow of rabbits.
“Shall we attack now, father?” Torwynd whispered, Toregg shook his head.
“No, if he eats then he will be less likely to search for us. Then we may hunt the hunter.” Torwynd grinned and Toregg scruffed the young man’s hair.
The two watched as the direwolf swallowed down … [view original content]
The Fist of the First Men stood tall in the dark clouds. A storm was coming, which was not unnatural when it was autumn though it felt different to Julie. She shook off the feeling, not wanting to appear weak and worried in front of her new group. The Mangler’s rode their Garron’s and followed Maror, who was riding ahead with Gorne. Julie, Skagard and Lokran brought up the rear, and Gendel was somewhere else entirely.
“These fucking cave dwellers are madder than the fucking Ice River Clans.” Skagard muttered. A light shower began to rain down on the tired men and women of the Mangler’s, though they did not show any signs of weakness.
“Perhaps they are. There is still a chance this ‘way’ really does exist. If it doesn’t, these cave dwellers are fucked.” Lokran said, a wry smile appearing on his face.
“They may be mad, but even the dumbest of the Free Folk know not to fuck with the Manglers. I’m convinced it’s real.” Skagard laughed, somewhat mockingly.
“Whatever you say, Julie. I’ll see it when I believe it.” Skagard sighed and pushed on through the mud and rain. Julie caught a glimpse off to her right, it was Gendel. She looked over to Lokran, who had also spotted him.
“Keep going, I’ll catch up.” Lokran nodded and rode to Skagard’s side.
Julie steered her shivering horse into the small meadow that Gendel had dismounted in, she watched as he picked some flowers. Julie looked around her to see if there were any possibilities of danger around her. Nothing but the cold. Julie dismounted her Garron, holding onto the reins so it wouldn’t ride off without her. Gendel continued to pick at the wild flowers.
“Do you get many flowers at the icy rivers? Perhaps Milkwater?” Julie raised an eyebrow, appearing confused. She had not cared for flowers like the southerners did in the stories.
“Does it matter?” The skinny man stopped what he was doing and looked up at Julie.
“To me. Come here, see what I see.” The man wore a grin and turned back to his flowers. Julie hesitated, but led the Garron and herself over to the lunatic picking flowers.
“There is an odd beauty to them, isn’t there? I hope to make my own garden once we are all south of the Wall.” That word struck at Julie like a sword would strike at a shield.
“What do you mean, all of us. The Manglers?” Gendel shook his head and stood up straight. He held a small bouquet of the naturally born flowers in his hands.
“Come, we must talk.” Julie was already confused, now this cave dweller wanted to talk more.
Gendel dropped his bouquet and climbed onto his white steed. Julie had already mounted as she watched him do so. The two left the meadow and rode to the freshly made track that the Manglers had left for them. They turned and continued to follow it.
“Gorne and I have been tucked away from the world for a long time, though when we saw what was coming we knew that even the darkest caves could not hide us.” Julie’s head began to ache from Gendel’s lack of sense.
“What are you talking about?” Julie grew frustrated, the cave dweller laughed.
“My apologies, my brother and I have not communicated with other Free Folk for a long time. We saw them. In the rock pools, they came to us. They gave us a chance before they stared their great hunt. All of us must leave the North, or all of us with perish.” Julie shook her head, indicating her confusion.
“You saw who? What great hunt? What do you mean that we will all perish?!” Gendel once again apologised.
“In our cave, we had ancient rock pools. We used to drink out of them, they would enhance our sight. One day, or night, the pools had frozen over. Before we could crack them, the Others appeared in the icy mirror. They talked to us, they told us their plan. Informed us that we were the last chance for the Free Folk. Don’t you see? We must rally the clans and flee south of the Wall, before all hope is lost.” Julie sighed, still barely understanding what the dweller talked about.
“You wish to rally all the Free Folk? You do realise that will be impossible right? The Nightrunners and Hornfoots have their issues and hate each other. The Frozen Shore Men and Ice River Clans are at each other’s throats. The Thenn’s are just arrogant pricks who shelter themselves in their Vale. As for the giants… No one knows if they even exist anymore.” Gendel gave a scornful look as if Julie was the most naive girl in all of the North.
“We understand the difficulties, and we have it all planned out. For many years we have planned. We will prevail.” Julie could not tell what scared her more: the dweller’s confidence or her actually believing him.
“Please, call me Gendel.” Julie stared at the man as if he was going to play some trick on her, but eventually nodded.
The Fist of the First Men grew larger, it would not be long until they arrived.
The Manglers had set camp next to the cliff of the giant hill. Gendel and Gorne and rode off to find the entrance to the tunnel. Julie sat and Maror’s tent as Skagard, Lokran and any other Thenn that could walk were looking for something to make a fire out of. Maror pulled out an elk’s bladder, inside it was at least two letres of mead. He took a sip, then offered it to Julie. Julie shook her head, still affected from the headache that the cave dweller had given her.
“How long do you think until they get back?” Julie sat with her legs huddled to her chest, her arms holding them closer to hold onto any heat.
“Not long now, they have been gone an hour now. They said they would be.” Julie’s teeth chattered. Julie had let her hair out of her bun to try and keep her neck warm, though she found her hair to be colder than her neck.
“Do you think this could all have been a sham. Perhaps someone hired them to freeze us to death.” Maror laughed and chucked the bladder to Julie.
“Drink up, you’ll feel warmer in no time. As for your theory, I doubt it.” Julie took a small sip of the mead. Maror was right, she was already feeling warmer. She kept drinking until she was feeling tipsy.
“Easy now, don’t want you collapsing before we get to the other side of the Wall.” Julie put down the bladder and looked at Maror with a slightly shocked face.
“We’re not staying here for the night?” Maror shrugged.
“Depends on what the dwellers think. If they go, we go.” Julie sighed.
She thought to say that Maror put too much trust into these strangers, and that it may get them into trouble, though the thought of Baedol’s melted face quickly erased the thought. The two sat in silence for a while, passing the bladder back and forth. After another fifteen minutes, the tent flap opened and Gendel and Gorne entered.
“Sorry we are late.” Gendel started.
“It took us a little longer than we had expected.” Gorne finished. Maror nodded and put the bladder back into his pack.
“When do we leave?” Julie asked, desperately hoping they would say tomorrow.
“Directly.” Gendel replied, Julie’s heart sunk.
“My men need rest, we’ll pursue the tunnel in the morning.” Gorne shook his head.
“With all respect, Maror the Mangler. We do not want to lose the tunnel, we can rest once we are on the other side of the Wall.” Maror sighed.
“Leave us.” Gendel and Gorne nodded and bowed, then exited the tent. Julie grabbed her spear and slowly helped herself up, the cold had taken its toll on her sore legs.
“I understand the necessity for rest, though I do not feel the need for it like most men do. These Thenn’s will follow me till they drop dead. They will not complain, which bothers me as I do not know how tired they are. You’re as strong as them, and I need to know how you feel. If you need rest, we will stay the night and recover. If not, we will continue.” Julie wished she could lie to herself as she could to anyone else, but the cramps in her legs were not going to fade that easily. Gendel had greatly stated that the tunnel moved and that only Gorne could navigate it when the alignments were right. Julie did not want to ruin that chance, she could push on but for how much longer she could not tell. The fate of the Thenn’s rested in her hands just as well as her own did.
[Tell the truth - Stay camped for the night] [Lie - Travel through Gorne’s Way]
Tanner is hurt, so we shouldn't take him. There is no need to risk life of heir of Hoare's King (we can get same as in the end of 2nd chapter of "Invasion"). Choice is clear - [Take no one - spend your time with Arika instead]![:D :D](https://community.telltalegames.com/resources/emoji/lol.png)
BTW. Reference with "thirty good men" was perfect!
The Mess Hall was full in the mornings. Todd sat in between Lartel and Tirius at one of the many tables in the hall as they at their morning porridge. Todd had been at the Wall only four days now and he had begun to hate the repetitive meals. This is the Night’s Watch, I thought the honourable men would be fed something better than this. Turns out Todd was right, as the knights ate bacon and eggs in their own corner. Unbelievable. Across the table sat Rowan and three new faces: Jullon, Felix and Bryce Stone. All were recruits for the Wall, and today was the day they would be given their assignments.
“You boys nervous? I sure know I am.” Felix was a young man, only sixteen. He had a child’s mustache which looked horrible, though no one commented on it.
“No, I’m more excited than nervous.” Tirius said, Lartel rolled his eyes.
“I fucking bet, Lannister. At least you have a guarantee that you’ll become a ranger, unlike the rest of us here.” Tirius shook his head.
“What in Sevel Hells is your problem with me! What did I do to you?” Lartel smirked, coming up with a cocky comeback.
“You came out of your whore mother’s womb.” That was it, the two were up and at it again. This time they were separated from some brothers on the opposite table.
Todd watched as they were taken outside to be calmed down. Todd turned back to his table and finished his porridge in silence. Todd looked up at the four faces opposite him, the only he recognised was Rowan, and he couldn’t exactly say he got along with the rapist. Felix piped up, happy as always.
“How about we tell each other about the reasons we came to the Wall?” Todd sighed.
“How about no, shit mouth.” Rowan said, causing Bryce Stone to laugh. About time someone mentioned it.
“Come on now, how about you start.” Rowan shook his head.
“Not me, I’m going to the yards.” Rowan grabbed his bowl and got up. Felix looked at the two sitting next to him.
“How about you, Bryce?” Bryce looked up, somewhat surprised.
“Alright… I lived in the Vale as a stone layer. I helped build many houses and even participated in building a fort. I guess I wanted to build my own place, and the Arryn’s didn’t appreciate me borrowing their materials. I was faced with either castration or the Wall. Easy choice.” Felix nodded.
“Sounds pretty shit. How about you, Jollun?” Jollun darkly glared at his empty bowl, Felix tapped his shoulder and pulled him out of his altered state.
“Fuck off.” Jollun got up and left, Felix raised his eyebrows and shrugged.
“Well, my turn. My parents and I ran a nomadic food stall in the Stormlands. Called ourselves the ‘travelling cooks.’ I grew bored of that after a while, and when the opportunity came to leave, I did. Went with one of the Wandering Crows to come to the Wall. I’d say it’s been good. So… How about you Todd?” Before Todd could answer, a banging of a cup signalled for everyone to be quiet. The Lord Commander stood from his table and cleared his throat.
“May all the recruits please head to the yards to be given their assignments.” Todd stood up and headed for the door, Felix catching up to him.
“I’m Felix by the way.” Todd nodded in return and left the Mess Hall.
It was cold, as usual, but the snow and wind had reduced a bit. Todd joined his brothers in the courtyard, Lartel and Tirius stood next to each other, Alvar stood in between them. The Lord Commander placed himself on a raised platform in front of them, two men stood next to him. One was the First Builder Errok and the other was Maester Endrew.
“Recruits, you have been put through the basic training to determine whether you are to become a ranger, builder or steward. Through your skillset, we have decided where you best belong. Though remember this, if a time comes when the Wall is attacked. All brothers will be expected to take up arms and defend their post, despite their order. All brothers will protect their post until their watch has ended.” The Lord Commander turned to Maester Endrew. “On to you, Maester.”
“Very well. Rowan, to the Rangers. Jullon, to the Builders. Felix, to the Stewards. Bryce, to the Builders. Tirius, to the Rangers. Todd, to the Stewards. Lartel, to the Rangers...” The Maester continued on reading through the rest of the recruits. Todd’s heart sunk once he heard he was to become a steward. The old man rolled up the paper and eyed of the men with his one good eye.
“Builders will follow First Builder Errok to the forge. Rangers will follow Lord Commander Flint to the armory. Stewards will follow me to the rookery.” The giant huddle disassembled into three smaller groups, all heading in different directions.
Todd looked at Felix, who grinned back at him. I can’t believe this. Todd followed Felix and the other Stewards upstairs to the rookery, which was located just off the Maester’s Tower. The Maester stopped and fed the ravens, then unrolled another piece of paper.
“Liam, you will become the Lord Commander’s personal steward. You will learn from his example and follow his instructions. Head to his quarters immediately. Jorsh, your expertise in cooking has given you the job of chef’s assistant. You will help cook and do whatever the chef orders you to do. Head to the kitchens immediately.” The Maester continued reading out the rest of the names and their assignments.
“This is auroch shit, Todd. That job was supposed to be mine!” Todd shook his head, confused on why he should even care.
“At least we’re both pissed off now.” Felix raised an eyebrow.
“Who’s talking back there?” The Maester searched with his one good eye and it landed on Todd. Felix quickly jumped in to Todd’s defense.
“It was me, Maester Endrew. My apologies.” The Maester moved his eye to Felix.
“What’s your name, boy?” Felix gulped, unsure of what to do.
“F-f-f- Felix. Y-your grace. I-I mean-” Todd placed the palm of his hand over his face.
“Felix, you are to be one of my personal stewards. You will cook my meals and serve drinks.” A small smile appeared on Felix’s face. He got what he wanted, to cook.
“Todd Rivers, you will also be my personal steward. You will read my letters, scribe what I say and help with anything I request.” Todd sighed, though it was still better than cleaning the latrine pits.
“Vince, you will be cleaning and digging latrine pits…” The list went on for a while, then the brothers moved onto their new assignments. “Everyone take to note that those who want to take their vows at the weirwood will head to the courtyards now. Those who want to take their vows in the sept will go there immediately.” Felix walked over to Todd and smiled.
“You and me, working side by side in the Maester’s Tower. This will be great!” Todd managed to give a fake smile. “I guess I should head to the sept, See you soon, Todd.” Todd sighed and walked to the courtyard, it was going to be a long day.
The ride to Castle Black had been long and tiring, and to find out they were only half way there was somewhat discomforting. The Lord Commander and First Builder had been leading the newly assigned men of the Watch to Castle Black. Among those were Jollun, Rowan, Lartel Todd, and a few other rangers. Tirius, Felix and Bryce had gone to the Sept.
“By the gods, is this weirwood at Castle Black?” Lartel asked, looking exhausted. First Builder Errok rode next to Lartel and Todd.
“No, we go beyond the Wall. Reason we come to Castle Black is because of the tunnel.” Lartel sighed. Todd however was a little shocked.
“Beyond the Wall? What about the Wildlings?” Errok laughed.
“Aye, there are Wildlings. We’re going to a small town called Whitetree, it’s inhabited by a few Wildlings though we made a pact with them so we could use their weirwood. It’s only until we manage to find another, hopefully won’t be too long.” A shiver went down Todd’s spine.
The crowd stopped in front of the gate to the tunnel that runs through the Wall. The Lord Commander signalled for the gate to be entered and lowered once they were out. The men rode on through the tunnel of solid ice. Todd observed that there were no wooden braces to help support the structure of the tunnel, meaning that the tunnel was mined well enough to not collapse, or at least that was what Todd hoped. The men exited the tunnel and entered the real north. Between the Wall and the Haunted Forest was five hundred metres of clear land and snow. The Lord Commander led the men on through the Haunted Forest to the supposedly friend Wildling town. The Haunted Forest was awfully quiet, as if all life had been taken away from it.
“Gods, it’s a wonder why they call it ‘Haunted.’ What do you think?” Lartel asked.
“I don’t know, nor do I want to. This place gives me the creeps.” Lartel laughed and punched Todd in the arm, quickly riding up ahead of the Lord Commander. Todd chased him, going as fast as he could on his Garron.
The two rode until they were the first to reach Whitetree. Todd and Lartel were hesitant to go any further, so they decided to wait for the others. After a solid five minutes they arrived, Todd noted that there had been no movement in the town whatsoever. The Lord Commander dismounted his horse and tied it to a post that stuck out of a pine tree.
“Alright brothers, follow me to the weirwood.” Slowly and cautiously, the men followed the Lord Commander into the seemingly deserted Wildling village. Errok walked passed Lartel and Todd looking slightly puzzled.
“Errok, where is everyone?” Errok shrugged, a bit curious himself.
“Probably gone out hunting.” Errok found his place next to the Lord Commander and the weirwood.
“Alright you new bloods, you will take your vows here. Kneel down and say the words, then rise as Men of the Night’s Watch.” The brothers did so, and said their vows in unison.
“Night gathers, and now my watch begins. It shall not end until my death. I shall take no wife, hold no lands, father no children. I shall wear no crowns and win no glory. I shall live and die at my post. I am the sword in the darkness. I am the watcher on the walls. I am the fire that burns against the cold, the light that brings the dawn, the horn that wakes the sleepers, the shield that guards the realms of men. I pledge my life and honor to the Night's Watch, for this night and all the nights to come.” The brothers all went silent, waiting for the Lord Commander. Lartel patted Todd on the back, Todd smiled in return.
“Rise now, as men of the Watch.” As they did, a loud bang went off in the distance. The men turned and looked in the direction it had come from.
“Errok, stay here. If you hear any fighting, take them back to Castle Black and send the rangers there to find us. Rangers, with me.” Lartel drew his sword and followed the Lord Commander. Todd watched the Rowan and a few other rangers also draw their weapons. Errok spoke up.
“Alright lads, we’re holding position. Keep a lookout.” Jullon grabbed his hammer and perched himself up against the weirwood. Todd only had a steel dagger, but it was still a weapon. Todd walked over to Jullon and stopped in front of him.
“Have any idea what’s going on?” Jullon ignored him, hatred patrolled his face. Todd sighed.
“Listen, I don’t care if you don’t like me. Though I need someone to watch my back if we were to get attacked, watch my back?” Jullon looked up, his face saddened. He nodded and downcasted his eyes.
Todd sat himself down and started observed the pale roots of the weirwood. It was strangely beautiful to Todd’s surprise, he found himself not being able to look away. A noise in the distance forced him to look away, the sound of a horn. Errok stood up.
“That’s a sentries horn.” The small garrison of men stayed quiet as they listened for the horn. One blast… Two blasts.
“Wildlings. Come on people, we need to head back.” Errok turned and began to walk to the horses, others slowly following him.
Todd stared into the depths of the forest, then he heard it. Sounds of metal hitting against metal, then a giant explosion that sent fireballs hundreds of metres into the sky. Jullon stood up.
“If you’re smart, you’d follow me friend.” Jollun made his way back to the horses. Dammit! Todd looked at the now burning forest, then back at the men heading back to their horses. Lartel is in there, I can’t just leave him.
“COME ON TODD!” Errok yelled, getting on his Garron. Todd looked at him, then back at the burning forest. Todd observed that Jollun had left his hammer sitting on the root. Todd picked it up. It’s time to go, Todd.
[Go back to Castle Black] [Head into the forest and find Lartel]
Long part, and there is the Jared part to read so this should keep you lot busy!![:) :)](https://community.telltalegames.com/resources/emoji/smile.png)
[Go back to Castle Black] Todd isn't a ranger, he should just get back to safety. Nothing he can do with that his "steel dagger"
[Take Tanner]
[Head into the forest and find Lartel]
**[Take Tanner] **
[Go back to Castle Black]
[Take Tanner]
[Go back to Castle Black]
[Head into the forest and find Lartel]
[Take no one - spend your time with Arika instead]
I fully agree with what MicroAce said. Tanner is hurt pretty badly and we shouldn't risk Thelred's life, even if Qhored seems to be a lot more affable than Rogar. The only option left would be Arika, in that case, even if I really hope that we won't regret that.
[Go back to Castle Black]
While I don't want to leave Lartel behind, I also don't want to risk Todd's life. Returning to Castle Black sounds like the safer option for him.
Vote closed! Jared will take Tanner with him to Harlaw
Vote closed! Todd will go back to Castle Black
Next part will take place on Skane, an island just north of Skagos and under control of the NW. I would also like to mention "Ol'Town" the home of House Oldstark has now been changed to "Ol'Tower" due to mixups with Oldtown (which I did not realise until now). This change has absolutely no impact on the story, just letting you know to avoid confusion.
Jorge ploughed dirt while his son, Croll, placed the seeds in the ditch they made. His wife and daughter, Tanya and Kyra, did the same on the other end of their farmland. Jorge had done his best to create a good life for his family on Skane, despite being smallfolk they had everything they needed on their farm. Jorge had met Tanya nineteen years ago and had instantly fallen in love. The two moved to Skane to start a new life in the field. Tanya gave birth to their first son, Kaiden, nine months later. Kyra came three years after that, and Croll another nine years. Kaiden had left home when he was sixteen, and the last thing Jorge had heard of him was that he had joined the Night’s Watch. Croll was a young boy at the age of six, he had big dreams to become a soldier in the Stark army once he grew up.
“Father?” Jorge held the reins to their only horse - a rounsey - which steered their plough.
“Yes son?” Croll looked up at his father with his big yellow eyes.
“What is the Night’s Watch?” Jorge sighed, thinking of an appropriate answer.
“It is a… Brotherhood. They live near a big icy wall and protect the North from wildlings and other things beyond the Wall.” Croll nodded, his maturity was higher than the average six year-old, and his hunger for knowledge.
“And what’s a wildling?” Jorge paused, slightly hesitant to answer. He did so anyway.
“Wildlings are the men beyond the Wall. They’re kind of like the Skaggs.” Jorge observed that Croll shivered as he said ‘Skaggs’.
“You cold?” Croll shook his head.
“Dad, why don’t you like the Night’s Watch?” Jorge quietly laughed.
“Who told you that?” Jorge asked, laughing to himself.
“You talk about them at dinner, dad. We don’t need to be told.” Jorge raised an eyebrow, his son sounded older than he really was. Jorge laughed it off.
“Come on dad, tell me.” Jorge’s expression dulled. He sighed.
“Son, not all men of the Watch are good men. There are those who are honourable, like Ser Harold for example. Though then there are bad men, men that don’t respect the vows of the Watch…” Croll’s eyes widened.
“What did they do father?” Jorge laughed.
“I’ll tell you when you’re older son.” Croll sighed.
As the two pushed their rounsey onwards, Jorge noticed his neighbour - Karne - returning with the other fishermen. Jorge looked back to his son and messed his short brown hair.
“Take the horse back to the stable and have a break.” Croll smiled his wide and happy smile.
“What about mother and Kyra?” Jorge smiled back.
“I suppose they could continue working…” He joked. “No, get them to have a break too.” Jorge grabbed his son’s shoulder and then jumped off the plougher.
Karne and the other fishermen carried a few baskets of fish, though there was not much for their usual catch. Jorge crossed the field and hopped his fence to quickly intercept Karne. The men headed for the hub, which was located in an abandoned barn. Karne continued on towards his home, Jorge quickly ran after him.
“Karne! How did your fishing trip go?” Karne stopped and turned, tears had been streaming down his eyes. Jorge looked at him with an expression asking him what the problem was.
“We-” He sniffed and began to cry again. He dropped his basket and fell to the ground.
“What is it Karne, what happened?” The man broke down in front of him, and there was nothing Jorge could do but pat his back.
“They killed him, Jorge. The fuckers took him from me.” Jorge frowned.
“Who did, took who?” Karne looked up, his saddened face turned red with anger.
“Skaggs. The fucking Skaggs sunk my brother’s boat when we were fishing of the coast of Skagos. My brother tried to swim to us but the water was too cold, it was-” Karne broke down in Jorge’s arms, all Jorge could do was hold the man as he fell apart. Jorge lifted the teary man’s head.
“I’ll take to Ser Harold, get him to double the guard. Anything.” Karne shook his head.
“You know he won’t, he can’t.” Jorge shook his head. I have to try, for us all. Jorge placed all the escaped fish back into the basket and helped Karne back up.
“Go home and make love to your wife. Let me handle the Black Brothers.” Karne nodded, sniffing as he did.
“Thank you, Jorge. Thank you.” Jorge nodded and sent him on his way home.
Jorge turned and looked at the crossroad that homed the hub. The road went down to the shores of Skane, the opposite direction went to the town hall, where all the Night’s Watch stayed. Jorge took in a deep breath, then followed the road to the town hall.
The Black Brother’s drank and ate everything the town hall had to offer as per usual. There were only a few good men out of the small garrison that the Night’s Watch had deployed. Ser Harold Flowers was definitely one of them. Ser Harold was second-in-command of the garrison, though now was acting full command as Commander Warrek had fallen been poisoned by some raw pheasant. Jorge entered the hall and walked over to the Commander’s table. A pale man with baggy eyes sat at the end of the table, Ser Harold sat adjacent of him. Jorge stopped at the opposite end of the table.
“Commander Warrek, Ser Harold. May I have a word?” Commander Warrek grabbed his bucket and barfed, Ser Harold intervened.
“Of course, Jorge. Come with me outside, where it is quieter.” Ser Harold stood up from the table and led Jorge out the back of the hall.
Patches of snow lay around the back entrance to the door. Jorge could feel that this autumn would end quickly, and the winter would not. Ser Harold Flowers took a seat on a bench that was connected to a table. Ser Harold was a medium heighted man with a strong figure. He had short black hair and the same could be said about his beard. His eyes were green and around his neck was a chainmail hood which he wore as protection in battle.
“How can I be of service, Jorge?” Jorge sat down opposite to the knight.
“I bring you news from Karne, the fisherman next door to me. Just today he lost his brother to the Skaggs as they were fishing off the coast. I’m telling you, for the safety of us all we need to increase the numbers of the men stationed here.” Ser Harold sighed and placed his head in his hands.
“I sent a raven to the commander at Eastwatch, but the reply was not good. He goes on to say that he cannot afford to send anymore men to prepare for something that may not happen. I’m sorry Jorge.” Jorge shook his head in disbelief.
“Well, what about sending a raven to the Lord Commander?” Ser Harold sadly shook his head.
“I’m sorry Jorge, until Commander Warrek recovers there is nothing I can do except use the men we have.” Jorge frowned, highly disappointed.
“Very well, thank you for your time Ser Harold.” Ser Harold stood and nodded.
“Let me saddle my horse, I’ll ride you back to your house.” Jorge laughed.
“Thank you, but I need to walk. Have to clear my mind.” Ser Harold smiled and nodded.
“I understand. Once again, I am sorry there is nothing I can do. May the Seven watch over you.” Jorge smirked.
“And the old gods over you.” The two laughed and split ways.
Jorge’s house came into view as he turned the corner. The sun was setting and his son sat on the fence waiting for him. Jorge smiled and quickened his pace. He grabbed his son and placed him on his shoulders.
“How’d your chat go dad?” Jorge gave a fake smile.
“It… Went well.” Croll smiled, happy to hear it.
The two entered their small home. It was a one-story house made out of stone bricks and wood. There were a few windows with small flowers growing on their sills. A thatched roof and a wooden door with a round iron door handle. Inside was different, a fireplace was centre back of the house. All wooden flooring except around the fireplace, there it was stone. To the left side of the house was the kitchen, the right was Jorge and Tanya’s bed. The basement consisted of Kyra and Croll’s beds as well as the food supplies for winter. Tanya and Kyra slaved away in the kitchen when Jorge and Croll entered.
“Hello honey, how did your talk with Ser Harold go?” Jorge smiled, happy to know his wife always knew where he was without needing to notify her.
“I will tell you after we eat.” She nodded and pulled out the iron plates which were now beginning to rust.
The meal consisted of lamb chops with potato and carrots glazed in honey sauce, all washed down with mead. Of course, the kids only drank water. The family ate and talked about the farm and other general family chatter. After the meal was done, Tanya collected the plates and Jorge took the kids downstairs to bed.
“Dad can you tell us a story?” Jorge tried to think back of any he hadn’t told, none came to him. Fortunately Kyra came to his aid.
“Leave him dad, I’ll tell one.” Jorge smiled and pecked them both on the cheeks.
Jorge climbed the stairs as Kyra told the story of the Night’s King. Kyra was fortunate as she was well educated by her father, though recently Jorge had not had enough time to do the same for Croll. Tanya cleaned and put away the dishes, Jorge grabbed her from behind and kissed her neck.
“So, you going to tell me what the talk was all about?” Jorge released his beautiful woman and lent a hand with the cleaning up.
“Karne’s brother died. Skaggs got him.” Tanya raised her eyebrows, surprised and shocked.
“By the gods, I’m so sorry to hear that. Did you talk to the Commander about it?” Jorge shook his head.
“No, Ser Harold. He told me that Eastwatch won’t send any more men.” Tanya frowned.
“We’ll just have to make do with the one’s we have then.” Jorge shook his head.
“You don’t get it, the Skaggs are coming. There’s not enough men here to stop them.” Tanya put the last plate away and found her way to Jorge’s arms.
“We don’t know that.” Jorge sighed.
“We need to leave, we’ll take the kids and go.” Tanya looked up to her husband and stroked his beard.
“And go where, my love? No, we must stay here. Perhaps we should send a letter to Kaiden, he could pass it on to the Lord Commander. Or maybe the Starks?” Jorge laughed.
“The Starks are too busy with their own war against the Bolton’s, and I don’t know about Kaiden. We haven’t heard from him in years.” Tanya pinched his cheek.
“It’s still worth a try, I’m going to bed.” Jorge watched his love walk over to the other side of the room and hop into their woolen bed.
Jorge put out the final lantern and stared out the window, watching for something to happen. Nothing did. The next thoughts he had were of Kaiden, then the Starks. I could send a raven to the Nightfort, or to Winterfell. Perhaps the Umber’s could be of assistance. Jorge walked over this bed and removed his boots. He sat down and covered himself with the woolen blanket. I’ll send the raven in the morning.
[Send a raven to the Nightfort] [Send a raven to Winterfell] [Send a raven to the Last Hearth]
[Send a Raven to Winterfell]
[Send a raven to Winterfell]
[Send a raven to Winterfell]
[Send a raven to Winterfell]
I don't see why he can't send letters to all three, tbh. :P
[Send a raven to the Last Hearth]
I'm not too keen on writing to the Nightfort, considering the reputation that place has. The Last Hearth on the other hand is a lot closer than Winterfell, so I think it should be the better choice here.
[Send a raven to the Last Hearth]
[Send a raven to the Last Hearth]
[Send a raven to the Last Hearth]
[Send a raven to the Last Hearth] Sorry for not voting for a while, I've been busy![:/ :/](https://community.telltalegames.com/resources/emoji/confused.png)
[Send a raven to the Last Hearth]
Only one raven >:(
Probably should have made that clearer haha
Whoops, just read what I said to Alikir, was meant for you![:) :)](https://community.telltalegames.com/resources/emoji/smile.png)
The next part goes beyond the wall to the clan of the Nightrunners.
The Haunted Forest was silent, except for the occasional birds evading their nests as Toregg and his son Torwynd snuck by. The two tracked a gray direwolf with white strands. The animal stood as tall as a small pony, its legs were longer than an average wolf and its head was larger. It had a long and more pronounced muzzle than an average wolf. Toregg looked over at his calm and courageous son. He held his spear firmly, though Toregg knew well that those who were overconfident would be the ones of the lower end of the food chain. The two crawled onto their bellies and hid under a small thornberry bush. The elderly direwolf was inspecting a burrow of rabbits.
“Shall we attack now, father?” Torwynd whispered, Toregg shook his head.
“No, if he eats then he will be less likely to search for us. Then we may hunt the hunter.” Torwynd grinned and Toregg scruffed the young man’s hair.
The two watched as the direwolf swallowed down two whole rabbits without needing to chew. Torwynd watched with amazement, Toregg checked that he had enough arrows. The direwolf moved on, slowly walking through the bushes and out of their view. Toregg slowly rose and pursued the tracks, Torwynd followed him. Torwynd inspected the burrow to see a bloody mess of rabbit limbs.
“Father, the direwolf didn’t do this.” Toregg shrugged. He placed his hand in the paw print of the wolf’s track, it was double the size of his hand. He looked up at his son, who seemed to now be pissed off that his father was ignoring him.
“How should I know? Probably a fox got to them earlier.” Torwynd shook his head, clearly frustrated.
“No dad, you don’t understand.” He continued to follow the tracks of the slow-moving direwolf. Toregg got up and observed the burrow of dead rabbits. A whole colony sat slaughtered, though barely eaten. His son was right, he did not understand.
Toregg continued to follow the direwolf tracks through some thick bush area, though most was cleared from the direwolf’s passing. His son crouched behind a boulder and stared out to a plain field of grass, where the old wolf sat licking its paws. Toregg stared at the wolf, there was blood and cut marks over its side and paws. Torwynd pulled his father behind the small boulder so he was out of view.
“It’s injured.” Toregg nodded at Torwynd’s observation. Toregg pulled an arrow from his quiver and nocked it to his bowstring. He sighed, feeling some pity for the old wolf.
“Alright, let’s go get him.” The two stood and appeared out of the bushes, showing themselves to the direwolf.
The direwolf panted heavily, its breath could be seen as a mist in the air. The wolf got up, though as it landed on its hind back leg it whimpered and fell back to the ground. Torwynd moved himself into a position where he could easily throw his spear into the wolf without it jumping on him. Toregg felt unsure, and stared the beast in its beautiful yellow eyes. Something made him want to go up to his foe and say a final farewell, hunter to hunter. Toregg placed his arrow back into his quiver and swung his bow onto his back. He slowly approached the old wolf with caution, ready to jump back if the direwolf had a change of heart. He glanced over to his son, who had a very disapproving look to his face. The direwolf tried to stand up again, but fell back to the ground twice as hard. He growled as Toregg approached.
“Easy now boy. I’m not going to hurt you.” The wolf looked at the strange hunter, than at his son - he growled once again. Toregg looked over to his clearly discomforted son.
“Put the spear down, Torwynd.” Fear and worry flooded the seventeen year old’s face.
“But dad-” Toregg stared him down.
“Do it son.” The boy hesitated, but obeyed his father’s command.
Toregg slowly approached the wolf until his feet were only a metre away from the wolf’s. Toregg knelt down and placed his hand on the beast’s beating chest. Its pace was rapid, it would soon bleed out. Toregg sat himself down and patted the wolf’s fur, clearly noticing the beast was in pain.
“It’s alright boy, I’m here to end it all.” The wolf turned its head to Torreg, and stared into his eyes. The look Toregg saw told him that the wolf was ready to die.
Toregg unsheathed his dagger, stilling patting the wolf as he silently did so. The direwolf turned and placed his head away from the scene, staring at the beauty of the Frostfangs in the distance. Toregg placed his dagger to the position of the hunter’s heart. Now your hunt is over, you may rest. Toregg plunged the dagger in. The direwolf shrieked and struggled, then surrendered the fight.
The village of the Nightrunners was big, though despite it’s size it was still easy to pack up everything and leave without a trace. The Nightrunners had been known to evade the Hornfoots as they tried to track them down, they were good at it and had evaded war for many generations now. Torregg turned to his son, who now wore the direwolf’s head and fur as a cape and hood. He looked rather fearsome, yet also noble and strong. Torwynd turned and grinned at his father, who was carrying the sack of meat they could skin off the direwolf.
“That was very brave dad, what you did back there. How did you know he wouldn’t attack you?” Toregg laughed his loud and booming laugh.
“I didn’t.” Torwynd’s face filled with horror yet fascination. Before he could say anything, his best friend - Thorald- appeared.
“Wow, look at you Torwynd! You killed the direwolf!” Torwynd grinned and grabbed the young man’s forearm.
“Aye, and do I have a story to tell you of my father.” The two disappeared around the corner and into Thorald’s hut. Toregg smiled, thinking back to the time he was a boy.
Toregg lugged the heavy bag of meat to his hut, where his wife sat next to the small fire with her sister - Christa Frostleaf. Toregg looked somewhat surprised, as Christa was a girl who wanted to live south of the Wall. However, his wife - Ygwyn - had always been a proud spearwife.
“Hello ladies.” Ygwyn turned and grinned. She got up and ran to her husband, wrapping her arms around him. Christa stood and nodded.
“Hello, Toregg.” Toregg managed to give a fake smile, he had little respect for those who wanted to live a ‘southern life.’ Ygwyn let go of Toregg and smiled.
“I need to go find Horegg, he was chatting with those brothers last I saw him and I need a hand with the cooking.” Toregg loudly laughed.
“Leave him, I’ll help.” As his lovely wife attempted to escape, he pulled her back and she fell in his arms.
“Oh shut up you ancient crow. You wouldn’t cook if your life depended on it! Besides, I need to speak to Amathe.” Toregg grinned and stared down to his beautiful wife.
“Don’t be too long.” She kissed him and left, leaving Toregg and Christa alone in the hut together. The two stood in an awkward silence, Toregg was the first to break it.
“Is there anything I can help you with, Christa? I think I have some wine in kitchen somewhere.” Christa politely laughed.
“You are too kind, I was actually just leaving.” Toregg shook his head.
“No, if you were you’d have done it earlier. Take a seat.” He beckoned for her to sit at a stool next to the wooden table he made. He grabbed his direwolf meat and placed it on the table.
“I wanted to talk to you about the Southerners.” She said as she took a seat. Toregg unsheathed his dagger, he pulled out some meat and began to slice it into thinner pieces.
“If this is about silk dresses again…” Christa laughed and shook her head.
“It’s not. I guess I just wanted…” She hesitated, Toregg was losing interest and patience.
“Spit it out girl.” She sighed, like she was committing a great crime.
“I guess I just wanted to know if it is any better down south than it is up here.” Toregg placed his knife down and looked at Christa. He had a long think about it, though could not give much of an answer.
“Not where I came from.” She sighed, somewhat disappointed.
“You told me you came from a place called ‘the Riverlands.’ What was it like there?” Toregg grunted, growing tired of the conversation. He calmed himself, his wife wouldn’t appreciate him being an arse to her sister.
“It was once ruled by a great man, Bernarr Justman the first. Though pirates from the Iron Islands invaded and seized our lands, making themselves the new kings. One day, an Ironborn king going by the name of ‘Greyjoy’ ordered me to become his heir’s guard. Another day, we were ambushed by bandits, a uneven battle of seven to four. The two guards with me managed to take down four of the men before they fell, I took down the other two. Though before I could finish of the last one, he had already shot a dart into the king's heir. The king sent me to the Wall, despite my efforts. I guess the lesson to learn from this is that southern politics are harsh and cruel. So to answer your question, no is the answer. Where we are now, we are free. That is the best lifestyle that you could ever want.” Christa lay her head against her hand, looking somewhat bored.
“Well, thanks for the chat. I must go meet up with Emma.” The young girl got up and left before Toregg could even think of saying goodbye. Toregg picked up his dagger and continued to slice the meat, getting it ready to cook.
Toregg had cooked a stew out of the meat he had. Ygwyn had come home alone which made Toregg begin to worry.
“Where are the boys?” She smiled and avoided the question.
“You cooked?” Ygwyn looked surprised, she rushed over the pot to taste it.
“Well I thought I’d prove you wrong, what do you think?” She savoured the taste, then smiled.
“Needs salt, but overall it is good. As for the boys, Horegg is staying the night with those brothers. Torwynd is still telling the story of how you managed to have a conversation with the direwolf. They are calling you ‘the warg’ now.” She mockingly grinned, Toregg laughed.
“The boy overexaggerates, the wolf and I simply had a mutual understanding.” Ygwyn rolled her eyes and fell into her lover's arms.
“Say it how you will, ancient crow.” She teased, as she got up Toregg pulled her back down.
“We’ve got the whole place to ourselves for an hour or so. Perhaps I’ll show you I am more wild then I am crow.” She looked up to her lover and grabbed his bearded chin.
“Alright, ancient crow. Show me.” She said with a seductive smile. Toregg lifted her and placed her onto the bed, kissing her as he did.
As he undressed her, someone entered the hut. Ygwyn pulled the blankets close to herself. Toregg turned - now shirtless - to see who the imposter was, it was Horegg.
“Horegg, what are you doing!” The boy covered his eyes and walked out the tent, quickly apologising.
“I’m sorry, but you need to come and take a look at this.” Toregg raised an eyebrow.
“Look at what?” Ygwyn grabbed his arm and shook her head, clearly wanting him to stay.
“Some crows are lurking outside the village.” Toregg instantly snapped into a defensive mode.
“Alright, go find your brother and inform the chief. I’ll go check it out.” Toregg listened as Horreg’s footsteps slowly faded away.
Toregg slipped his shirt back on and put on his woolen boots. Ygwyn cuddled him as he did. He turned to her and kissed her on the forehead.
“I’ll come back. In the meantime, go to Amathe.” She shook her head in disagreeance.
“I’m coming with you.” Toregg placed his hand on her cheek.
“I can’t lose you.” She smiled and placed her hand above his heart.
“You won’t.” The two held the moment for what felt like a lifetime. He pulled back and sent her out.
When she had left, Toregg walked back to the bed and reached under, pulling out an old wooden case with rusted hinges. He carried it to the bloody table and opened it. There lay his Valyrian steel shortsword: Thorn. He picked it up, feeling the weight. As balanced as it will ever be. He looked over to his bow, which he had already unstrung and neatly put away. He sighed, he was not as a good with a sword, but his skills would have to do. He walked over to the fire and put it out by tromping on it. He exited the hut, double checking everything was okay. It was.
The cool light wind hit his face as he left his heated establishment. He looked around to see where everyone was, though had little luck as everyone had put out their fires in anticipation of an attack. He used his ears, he heard voices towards the edge of the village. He unsheathed his sword and silently snuck over to where he heard them, taking cover in the shadows as best he could. In the distance he saw a light, in that light were two black crows. In front of them stood Amathe and Torwynd. Torwynd? Dammit. As Toregg approached the crowd, he started hearing the conversation.
“Leave now, crows. We will not say it again.” Amathe was a strong willed and outspoken woman who valued her freedom.
“Easy now, we only want to ask if you have seen an old brother of ours. First Ranger Niclas.” Toregg listened to the voice, it sounded familiar.
Toregg approached the crows until he was right next to one of them, who sat high on his horse. Toregg grabbed the boy by the waist and pulled him off, he landed on the ground with a solid thud. Toregg picked him up and placed Thorn to his throat, he moved to where the other ranger could see him. The ranger was an old man who wore an eyepatch and a black hood. He looked Toregg up and down, then unsheathed his sword.
“Release him.” The voice was too familiar for Toregg’s liking.
“Last chance, crow.” Amathe unsheathed her axe.
The old man shook his head, then walk towards Toregg. He pointed his sword at Toregg, looking him up and down as if he recognised him. Toregg released the boy and threw him to Amathe, who only just caught him. Toregg threw himself at the old crow, bashing his sword against the old man’s steel. The old man was still a better swordsman than Toregg, and managed to disarm him. Toregg tackled the man to the ground, creating a loud thud as they hit the ground.
“Gods, who the hell are you!” Toregg unhooded the old man, and then he saw him - Odin Umber - and he saw him back.
“Toregg?” Odin looked into Toregg’s eyes, forcing Toregg to look away. Amathe held the other ranger and had place her axe to his throat.
“Shall we kill them, Toregg?” She looked at him, Toregg looked at his son. Torwynd looked slightly confused.
“I think we should question them, before we kill them.” Amathe ignored Torwynd.
“Well I say we kill them, there might be more crows out there.” Toregg looked back down at the man he had pinned to the ground - his old friend.
“We didn’t mean no harm, we’re just looking for the First Ranger.” The other crow yelled, though the more he talked the tighter the axe got to his throat.
“Shut up, Kaiden.” Odin said, then looked Toregg in the eyes with an unreadable expression.
[Kill them] [Take them in for questioning] [Show mercy - Let them go]
[Take them in for questioning]
[Take them in for questioning]
This seems like a good middle way between killing them and letting them go.
[Take them in for questioning]
[Take them in for questioning]
[Take them in for questioning] Amazing Part !! : DD
[Take them in for questioning]
[Take them in for questioning]
[Take them in for questioning]
[Take them in for questioning]
Pretty simple vote... So it's closed. Toregg will take Odin and Kaiden in for questioning
The Fist of the First Men stood tall in the dark clouds. A storm was coming, which was not unnatural when it was autumn though it felt different to Julie. She shook off the feeling, not wanting to appear weak and worried in front of her new group. The Mangler’s rode their Garron’s and followed Maror, who was riding ahead with Gorne. Julie, Skagard and Lokran brought up the rear, and Gendel was somewhere else entirely.
“These fucking cave dwellers are madder than the fucking Ice River Clans.” Skagard muttered. A light shower began to rain down on the tired men and women of the Mangler’s, though they did not show any signs of weakness.
“Perhaps they are. There is still a chance this ‘way’ really does exist. If it doesn’t, these cave dwellers are fucked.” Lokran said, a wry smile appearing on his face.
“They may be mad, but even the dumbest of the Free Folk know not to fuck with the Manglers. I’m convinced it’s real.” Skagard laughed, somewhat mockingly.
“Whatever you say, Julie. I’ll see it when I believe it.” Skagard sighed and pushed on through the mud and rain. Julie caught a glimpse off to her right, it was Gendel. She looked over to Lokran, who had also spotted him.
“Keep going, I’ll catch up.” Lokran nodded and rode to Skagard’s side.
Julie steered her shivering horse into the small meadow that Gendel had dismounted in, she watched as he picked some flowers. Julie looked around her to see if there were any possibilities of danger around her. Nothing but the cold. Julie dismounted her Garron, holding onto the reins so it wouldn’t ride off without her. Gendel continued to pick at the wild flowers.
“Do you get many flowers at the icy rivers? Perhaps Milkwater?” Julie raised an eyebrow, appearing confused. She had not cared for flowers like the southerners did in the stories.
“Does it matter?” The skinny man stopped what he was doing and looked up at Julie.
“To me. Come here, see what I see.” The man wore a grin and turned back to his flowers. Julie hesitated, but led the Garron and herself over to the lunatic picking flowers.
“There is an odd beauty to them, isn’t there? I hope to make my own garden once we are all south of the Wall.” That word struck at Julie like a sword would strike at a shield.
“What do you mean, all of us. The Manglers?” Gendel shook his head and stood up straight. He held a small bouquet of the naturally born flowers in his hands.
“Come, we must talk.” Julie was already confused, now this cave dweller wanted to talk more.
Gendel dropped his bouquet and climbed onto his white steed. Julie had already mounted as she watched him do so. The two left the meadow and rode to the freshly made track that the Manglers had left for them. They turned and continued to follow it.
“Gorne and I have been tucked away from the world for a long time, though when we saw what was coming we knew that even the darkest caves could not hide us.” Julie’s head began to ache from Gendel’s lack of sense.
“What are you talking about?” Julie grew frustrated, the cave dweller laughed.
“My apologies, my brother and I have not communicated with other Free Folk for a long time. We saw them. In the rock pools, they came to us. They gave us a chance before they stared their great hunt. All of us must leave the North, or all of us with perish.” Julie shook her head, indicating her confusion.
“You saw who? What great hunt? What do you mean that we will all perish?!” Gendel once again apologised.
“In our cave, we had ancient rock pools. We used to drink out of them, they would enhance our sight. One day, or night, the pools had frozen over. Before we could crack them, the Others appeared in the icy mirror. They talked to us, they told us their plan. Informed us that we were the last chance for the Free Folk. Don’t you see? We must rally the clans and flee south of the Wall, before all hope is lost.” Julie sighed, still barely understanding what the dweller talked about.
“You wish to rally all the Free Folk? You do realise that will be impossible right? The Nightrunners and Hornfoots have their issues and hate each other. The Frozen Shore Men and Ice River Clans are at each other’s throats. The Thenn’s are just arrogant pricks who shelter themselves in their Vale. As for the giants… No one knows if they even exist anymore.” Gendel gave a scornful look as if Julie was the most naive girl in all of the North.
“We understand the difficulties, and we have it all planned out. For many years we have planned. We will prevail.” Julie could not tell what scared her more: the dweller’s confidence or her actually believing him.
“Alright, dweller.” Gendel sighed, somewhat annoyed.
“Please, call me Gendel.” Julie stared at the man as if he was going to play some trick on her, but eventually nodded.
The Fist of the First Men grew larger, it would not be long until they arrived.
The Manglers had set camp next to the cliff of the giant hill. Gendel and Gorne and rode off to find the entrance to the tunnel. Julie sat and Maror’s tent as Skagard, Lokran and any other Thenn that could walk were looking for something to make a fire out of. Maror pulled out an elk’s bladder, inside it was at least two letres of mead. He took a sip, then offered it to Julie. Julie shook her head, still affected from the headache that the cave dweller had given her.
“How long do you think until they get back?” Julie sat with her legs huddled to her chest, her arms holding them closer to hold onto any heat.
“Not long now, they have been gone an hour now. They said they would be.” Julie’s teeth chattered. Julie had let her hair out of her bun to try and keep her neck warm, though she found her hair to be colder than her neck.
“Do you think this could all have been a sham. Perhaps someone hired them to freeze us to death.” Maror laughed and chucked the bladder to Julie.
“Drink up, you’ll feel warmer in no time. As for your theory, I doubt it.” Julie took a small sip of the mead. Maror was right, she was already feeling warmer. She kept drinking until she was feeling tipsy.
“Easy now, don’t want you collapsing before we get to the other side of the Wall.” Julie put down the bladder and looked at Maror with a slightly shocked face.
“We’re not staying here for the night?” Maror shrugged.
“Depends on what the dwellers think. If they go, we go.” Julie sighed.
She thought to say that Maror put too much trust into these strangers, and that it may get them into trouble, though the thought of Baedol’s melted face quickly erased the thought. The two sat in silence for a while, passing the bladder back and forth. After another fifteen minutes, the tent flap opened and Gendel and Gorne entered.
“Sorry we are late.” Gendel started.
“It took us a little longer than we had expected.” Gorne finished. Maror nodded and put the bladder back into his pack.
“When do we leave?” Julie asked, desperately hoping they would say tomorrow.
“Directly.” Gendel replied, Julie’s heart sunk.
“My men need rest, we’ll pursue the tunnel in the morning.” Gorne shook his head.
“With all respect, Maror the Mangler. We do not want to lose the tunnel, we can rest once we are on the other side of the Wall.” Maror sighed.
“Leave us.” Gendel and Gorne nodded and bowed, then exited the tent. Julie grabbed her spear and slowly helped herself up, the cold had taken its toll on her sore legs.
“I understand the necessity for rest, though I do not feel the need for it like most men do. These Thenn’s will follow me till they drop dead. They will not complain, which bothers me as I do not know how tired they are. You’re as strong as them, and I need to know how you feel. If you need rest, we will stay the night and recover. If not, we will continue.” Julie wished she could lie to herself as she could to anyone else, but the cramps in her legs were not going to fade that easily. Gendel had greatly stated that the tunnel moved and that only Gorne could navigate it when the alignments were right. Julie did not want to ruin that chance, she could push on but for how much longer she could not tell. The fate of the Thenn’s rested in her hands just as well as her own did.
[Tell the truth - Stay camped for the night] [Lie - Travel through Gorne’s Way]