TWD S2 and WAU S1 both had cliffhanger finales, so by logic their next seasons should be the next projetcts after minecraft, or even at the same time, but you never know...
#N3 ftw telltale won't make us wait that long but we ain't got no classification so N3 (Minecraft story mode got it's like the second after the first ep )
Gwen Whitehill I think
Wasn't too hard, just had to look for the day when episode 5 was released and go from there.
Just release in this October because it's "mega-month"?
The king eats and the hand takes the shit.
It's Gryff. :P
Fake fucking Liars.
You shouldn't go and insult TellTale like that, especially since they aren't what you claim them to be.
I'm tired of waiting buying the finest wines and the best whores. It get's boring. Need episode 6
Shall we?
Hes missing an eye and has a mole that covers up his forehead...
You're a saint
This song that plays at the beginning of each episode. Luv it
You gotta eat the booty like groceries
TWD S2 wasn't really a cliffhanger. You didn't know what was coming next, but none of the endings were cliffhangers.
u mad bro?
Wow it's been almost 13 weeks since episode 5.
Episode 6 better be damn good.
When I see no release date..
Wow, I never realized just how painstakingly long 13 weeks could be... I feel like the release is just on the horizon yet miles away at the same time.
Just calm down and have a drink, Mikey!
Ep 5 ending leaked.
What has been seen...
OTP intensifies
This week, I hope to hear some solid news.
same :-3 PRAY FOR O27
N17 #believe
Nah it it's not O27 it will probably be N3.
#N3 ftw telltale won't make us wait that long but we ain't got no classification so N3 (Minecraft story mode got it's like the second after the first ep
U mad bro? more like N3 if not O27
It's taking forever
Have patience.
The finale of GoT will come out soon.
"Soon." they said.
Just in time for Christmas? NNNNnnooononoonooooo....
Haha, you had a long time to come online, I see ;p