Life Is Strange - True Colors Out Now, Bonus Episode "Wavelengths" September 30th



  • A week should suffice

    I wanted to ask: How long should we post our thoughts/reviews/etc. under spoiler tags? A week, maybe?

  • Yeah, I saw that. But since I'm stupid I don't know what 16:01 means.

    Onmens posted: »

    It's out on the PS4. Are you sure it isn't out already on the PS3? edit: Sorry, didn't take regions into account. Anyway, *PS3 Au

  • 16:00 is four o'clock in the afternoon.

    Coraline96 posted: »

    Yeah, I saw that. But since I'm stupid I don't know what 16:01 means.

  • Ok, I thought so, thank you!

    Onmens posted: »

    16:00 is four o'clock in the afternoon.

  • So... I just finished up.

    I ended up saving Chloe over Arcadia Bay, but honestly, did anyone else find the ending kinda disappointing? I have no idea how the sacrifice Chloe goes, but I found that ending to be disappointing. Sadly I guess Warren died, after all those episodes I finally liked him and hes honestly the only character I feel bad about getting killed, game only gave me an option to hug him too, I wanted to kiss him ;'(

  • Yeah .

    That was the bad ending. Killing off Warren and even Chloe's own mother. Worst ending I've seen since Mass Effect 3.
  • Help! Everyone on YouTube is playing ps4 so far but it's not showing up!

  • Wow this game crushed my feelings, I didn't feel this bad since the ending of TWD season 1.

  • Yeah I know, I thought we would like, IUNNO, check the rubble not just drive off into the sunset.

    Cope49 posted: »

    Yeah . That was the bad ending. Killing off Warren and even Chloe's own mother. Worst ending I've seen since Mass Effect 3.

  • Can anybody help me? It's not showing on PSN

    Miklaus posted: »

    Wow this game crushed my feelings, I didn't feel this bad since the ending of TWD season 1.

  • I found it using the searching bar, it didn't show up in the main page of the game. (PSN Europe btw).

    Can anybody help me? It's not showing on PSN

  • I sacrificed Chloe, it was so painful to watch Nathan kill her again while Max is hiding, crying. And the funeral too. Apparently there's no happy ending.
  • Thanks for responding!

    Miklaus posted: »

    I found it using the searching bar, it didn't show up in the main page of the game. (PSN Europe btw).

  • No problem! Hope you'll be able to play it soon ;)

    Thanks for responding!

  • At least 2 days

    I wanted to ask: How long should we post our thoughts/reviews/etc. under spoiler tags? A week, maybe?

  • I feel like the games mistake was to pretend that chloe was likable... i mean, a lot of people liked her, but i just couldn't stand her. In the end the motivation of wanting to save her over everyone else just... didn't work for me at all. I didn't like the ending too much - but the fucked up nightmare sequence was really well done, i enjoyed that a lot (except for the part in which all the guys in the game are suddenly creeps) Life is strange never really reached a high point for me and i didn't like the characters too much, but overall it was okay i guess! Had some interesting parts to it, imo.

  • edited October 2015

    Alright, so I gathered my thoughts and I can safely say the Finale wasn't bad, but it wasn't brilliant either. It did what it intended to do, but I feel like they could've done much more. Chloe sacrificing herself imo feels like the canon ending. It just makes much more sense and complete compared to the tornado wrecking Arcadia Bay, and you and Chloe just leaving to who knows where. You don't even get a resolution on what happened to everybody. Its just safe to assume that they all died which is pretty bullshit. Not even a quick conversation like "I'm sorry about Warren, Max" or "Thank god, Warren made it out of the tornado safe". You just see the wreckage and leave, that's pretty lame. Also the last act dragged on for way too long, it just felt like they were trying to make the episode unnecessarily longer, but besides all that what was good in the episode was REALLY good. I enjoyed Life is Strange as a whole. It doesn't beat Telltale in my eyes, but it was worth the time and money.

  • edited October 2015

    So... uh.

    Hardest. decision. EVER.

    Of all time.

  • That was....I don't know what to think. I've said this on Twitter and to a friend, so I'll said it once more. I liked the journey, not so much the payoff.

  • Thats pretty much my opinion of the game as well.

  • Goddamit.. that ending is going to emotional fuck me up for a few days.

  • Maybe it's a good that season 2 will have new characters .

  • I have played both endings and I have to say I am more at peace with the one where we sacrificed Chloe and the whole town gets saved... It just feels like Chloe's destiny was to bring Arcadia bay together and it feels like everyone unites at the end.

    By Sacrificing Chloe you avoid these things

    -Town getting destroyed and everyone dying.
    -Nathan getting killed by Jefferson
    -Max becomes closer with all her friends around her such as Warren, Kate and even Victoria as they can all be seen attending the funeral.

    although we will never know how Max got the powers.. I think they were given to her to teach her a lesson about life.

  • Your right! That's actually pretty shitty we never got an explanation on how Max got the rewind ability!

  • Oh really? I got 3 options. Hug, Kiss, or walk away. That's weird it didn't give you the kiss option. Did you not GO APE!

  • One thing i didnt seem to understand was, why was tearing the picture to not win the contest a bad thing? Was that because when you tore it she didnt rat on jefferson? Or was it because the timeline for the torn picture is that one where Max gets captured?

  • also.. I was expecting her to lose her power in the end.. but she still has it! Sequel bait!! Lol in my dreams..

    Your right! That's actually pretty shitty we never got an explanation on how Max got the rewind ability!

  • DeltinoDeltino Moderator
    edited October 2015

    Oh god why

    So I went the route of sacrificing Chloe. Then we get to the funeral scene and that's where it really hit me.

    So it's all emotional, right? Then that fucking funeral director shows up, and all I could think about was the fact that he looked just like Larry David

    It just killed all of the emotional impact of the scene for me in one fell swoop

  • edited October 2015

    That's what makes it worse since Episode 5 is the end of both Max and Chloe's stories. That's really lame they didn't explain anything.

    Legendary12 posted: »

    also.. I was expecting her to lose her power in the end.. but she still has it! Sequel bait!! Lol in my dreams..

  • It sucks when you start to really warm up to characters and then you realise you won't get to continue it again... if there is a season 2 Max and Chloe won't be in it... but the game did well to tackle social issues and make it relatable to all young adults around the world. I loved the part where Max battled with her bitchy self on if she was using her powers to help others or to help herself.

    The only thing I was a little disappointed about was Nathan's role in ep 5, I was expecting a little more from him and was disappointed when he was written off as dead, I wanted to see him redeem himself and get more involved in the episode. at least he tried to warn max though...regardless he meets a pretty shitty end by getting bashed by Warren and killed by Jefferson.. and if he's not dead he's in prison if you sacrifice Chloe... poor guy.. I pitied him.

    Sigh.... Im gonna miss this game.

    That's what makes it worse since Episode 5 is the end of both Max and Chloe's stories. That's really lame they didn't explain anything.

  • Gary-OakGary-Oak Banned
    edited October 2015

    Sacrificed Chloe in a heartbeat. I even cheered when it happened. Scared the shit out of my cat, and now my leg is covered in blood. But anyway, I'm happy. I thought this ending was muchh better than the SACRIFICE ARCADIA BAY ending, because that ending felt off to me. Max and Chloe just smile and go on with their lives, but what about their friends, their family? Are they just going to act like that never happened? I also liked the sacrifice Chloe ending because, if you save Chloe, it feels to me that Max is just in denial. The whole game is about Max saving Chloe and stuff, but people die. Saving Chloe to me, is a way of Max not accepting, that one day, she will lose her friend. Letting Chloe die feels like a way Max can mature a whole lot more.

  • The explanation of Max getting her powers.... Life Is Strange.

  • I was thinking about that actually.. if the reason of Max getting her powers is simply in the title of the game..

    Gary-Oak posted: »

    The explanation of Max getting her powers.... Life Is Strange.

  • edited October 2015

    Just finished the episode along with both endings.

    I can't help but feel really disappointed with it. I mean, it was alright. Still good I guess. But a whole lot of nothing happened for the most part. Traveling between different realities so many times in such a short span felt really tedious after a while. Questions are left unanswered like why Max even has these powers and what's with the spirit animals..

    Now for the endings. I had predicted this, which is something I really had hoped wouldn't happen just because I didn't want to see it end with the obvious. I had guessed right from the beginning that the final choice would be to either go back in time and let Chloe get shot or let the tornado destroy the place.

    I had gotten the "Sacrifice Arcadia Bay" ending first and well, I thought it was kinda bad honestly. Max and Chloe drive into the aftermath of the tornado to see death and destruction. Then ride of into the sunset knowing at least they have each other. They seemed to have forgotten that basically everyone they know in Arcadia Bay is dead.

    Then I went for the "Sacrifice Chloe" ending. I prefer this one a lot more because it's the one that makes the most sense, there's more in this than the other and it didn't just end abruptly. But I couldn't get into the funeral and the atmosphere because of who appeared at the funeral. it looked like because Chloe doesn't really interact with anyone other than Max, the developers just got a bunch of random students to appear at the funeral who had never met her before. It seemed like they just wanted the scene to not look empty.

    Regardless of the finale, overall it is a good game and I would definitely recommend it to people.

  • Yeah I agree, it's the one that makes the most sense.

  • I prefer the Sacrifice Chloe ending, holds more meaning.. her death brings everyone together in the end.. And that blue butterfly appearing on the coffin, I'd like to think thats Chloe congratulating Max on saving everyone and the city.

  • edited October 2015

    Anyone else feel... Incomplete.. after finishing the game.... like its not over yet or are in denial that this is the last we will see of these characters, are we disappointed with the ending.. or are we disappointed that there is an ending.. which one?

  • edited October 2015

    I've just found out that warning Victoria in Episode 4 of the Dark Room gets her killed, because she goes to Mr. Jefferson for help...who promptly kidnaps and murders her because 'she knew too much'. Damn...

    And to think that by not telling her about the Dark Room at all out of spite was actually the one choice that saves her life. How ironic.

  • Where did Chloe get that photo with the butterfly?
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