Thread: Why do I have a feeling that telltale is going to suprise us with a release date.
Telltale loves to procrastinate in the best way. I have a feeling that telltale is just going to release a trailer and announsment the day before it is released. I know telltale does not do this but I just have a huge feeling telltale is going to do this. Have a great day and let me know what you think.
You make it sound like we are in a war zone, fighting the endless waves of minions of impatience, totally desperate for any news from our General Telltale about reinforcement called News.
You make it sound like we are in a war zone, fighting the endless waves of minions of impatience, totally desperate for any news from our General Telltale about reinforcement called News.
Because that's how I feel too.
Everyone needs to chill, we obviously aren't getting anything until the end of the Borderlands publicity cycle later this week. On top of that there's still no ratings so we're looking at November 10/17 at the earliest.
Oh. I'm sorry, I'm so sorry. ;-;
Don't worry! I got used to Telltale's timing
Yeah, me too.
But let's look on the bright side. We will get some news next week
(Or this week idk xd)
Someone tell Telltale we are in the week already?
We crave for news. And for classification. And for images. And for trailers. And for the game.
"You think it's a motherfucking game?"
Yes. (LMAO the quote button is not working atm so... yeah xP)
D26 Believe people
I'm still on the O27 hype train.

When someone says "soon"
I'm gonna get a job at Telltale and do all of the voice acting, write all the scripts, do all of the designs, and release all of the episodes on time.
Sounds practical.
My patience has been sucked outta me. Sucked I say! Telltale has drained me of any hope...
Thread: Why do I have a feeling that telltale is going to suprise us with a release date.
Telltale loves to procrastinate in the best way. I have a feeling that telltale is just going to release a trailer and announsment the day before it is released. I know telltale does not do this but I just have a huge feeling telltale is going to do this. Have a great day and let me know what you think.
( ͡ ° ͜ʖ ͡°)
I'd love to hear you sing "Ethan the Brave" XD
YESSS let us know when you drop that hot track! xD
Now that MCSM has premiered and TftB finale is launching can we expect our Thrones news today?
(Telltale) 8========D--O-,: (People waiting eagerly for Game of thrones episode 6, the ice dragon.
It's okay. I can wait a another month. I would not care. I can wait a BIT longer!
Word, we're dying over here!
Today? I'm not sure since they'll be focusing on reviews of Tales finale. Maybe Thursday since they like to give news then.
Still waiting for the promised news...
You make it sound like we are in a war zone, fighting the endless waves of minions of impatience, totally desperate for any news from our General Telltale about reinforcement called News.
Because that's how I feel too.
Pretty certain the episode will be out October 27th
...we are two days into the week.
Aren't we? ;_;
Everyone needs to chill, we obviously aren't getting anything until the end of the Borderlands publicity cycle later this week. On top of that there's still no ratings so we're looking at November 10/17 at the earliest.
Sit. Down.
Why is there any earthly reason to go into November?
The wait began back in mid August...
Don't say that!
But you have a good point, this is episode is taking way too long.