Life Is Strange - True Colors Out Now, Bonus Episode "Wavelengths" September 30th



  • I got around 2hr and 45 mins, mostly because I was exploring and took my time with the puzzles.

    FauDeef posted: »

    I've got a question for the people who played the game: How long did it take for you to complete it? (I wanted to know if I can play it non-stop during the week or keep episode 5 untouched until the weekend).

  • edited October 2015

    If nothing else, Episode 5 makes great fanfiction comic material for that one guy.

    Can't wait to see what "psychopath Max" does in the comic strips.

    I can totally see comic her sacrificing Arcadia Bay only to backstab Chloe or something.

  • Wow easily one of the best games I've ever experienced and easily a 9.5/10. I would give it a solid 10, but my only gripe is a couple unanswered questions.

  • edited October 2015

    Lol everyone just saying how underwhelming it is while I'm just here thinking "That was fucking phenomenal" I swear that was a 9.5-10/10 I loved it. The final choice was even harder than the final choice for GOT Episode 5. I loved the little retrospective of all the episodes at the end as well. I also felt so lied to, such as David being really good at heart and that voice mail from Nathan. The weird trippy time mess was also handled pretty well. My only gripes would be that it was a tad predictable and I never got to go ape with warren ;( Anyway, spectacular job from DONTNOD I can't wait for any other future release from them! (Lets hope for season 2!)

    "Bottles...This must be hell."

    enter image description here


  • edited October 2015

    "Life is Strange's decisions have way more impact than Telltales Games!!" -every LiS Fanboy ever.

    "I Call bullshit on that." -me


  • edited October 2015

    So right now I'm playing Tales From the Borderlands so I'm just gonna do a short review. (Contains episode 5 spoilers)

    The last episode has to be my second favorite episode in the entire series. It heartbroke me and it was emotional af. The last choice is what it truly broke my heart. I mean, choosing to sacrificing the whole town or your best friend... Fuck, man... Although truth be told, the episode was a little bit rushed.

    I rate it at least 8.5/10

  • edited October 2015

    Did anyone else think this episode was funny? Like the fight between David and Jefferson. David just kept getting killed. And when Max had the nightmare sequence. Chloe dancing and kissing Warren then Victoria. What the heck was DONTNOD thinking? haha

  • "Life is Strange's decisions have way more impact than Telltales Games!!" -every LiS Fanboy ever.

    Well it's not... THAT wrong...

    GSSalvador posted: »

    "Life is Strange's decisions have way more impact than Telltales Games!!" -every LiS Fanboy ever. "I Call bullshit on that." -me 8/10

  • edited October 2015

    That dog sending you a text message in some mysterious realm that is more than a dream.

    They couldn't resist to include comedic elements in episode 5 too.

  • I thought it was a pretty good episode but the ending was a bit disappointing.

    enter image description here

    enter image description here

  • I actually think that the choices in LiS have the same impact just like the choices in the Telltale games. :P

    Miklaus posted: »

    "Life is Strange's decisions have way more impact than Telltales Games!!" -every LiS Fanboy ever. Well it's not... THAT wrong...

  • enter image description here

    Hawt Dog Man is Best Man.

  • Yeah. But in a Telltale Game, the decisions you make lasts to the end and don't just reset. The Ending was a bit of a downer for me. It was the Same As in Mass Effect 3 or deus ex Human Revolution. Even though you made your decisions throughout the game, you still have the Choice At the end. It's like "Do you want Ending 1 or Ending 2?". If it Choses automatically based on your decision, it would've been better. And your Choices would matter, Then.

    Wolfenus54 posted: »

    I actually think that the choices in LiS have the same impact just like the choices in the Telltale games. :P

  • I'm so confused. It isn't showing up on PS4 for me.

  • But in a Telltale Game, the decisions you make lasts to the end and don't just reset.

    I totally agree with you. I mean, in Life is Strange, our choices didn't matter a lot in the end. It's just like we never did those choices. Sacrifice Arcadia Bay = Everyone dies, even the ones you saved throughout the game. Sacrifice Chloe = Everyone lives except Chloe. The previous choices were like having zero consequence. And that's something that upsets me with the game... Good thing that I still enjoyed the finale, at least :/

    GSSalvador posted: »

    Yeah. But in a Telltale Game, the decisions you make lasts to the end and don't just reset. The Ending was a bit of a downer for me. It was

  • Man just the time. My PC got formatted and LiS downlaod 10GB what the hell?

  • "I love you Mrs. Jefferson" / "I'm glad you killed Chloe" / "My selfies are shit" / "Our Dark Room"

    Tried them all and lmao. No regrets.

  • edited October 2015

    So I thought the final episode was good in terms of a story, not so much in terms of a game


    I love that max got called out on her attitude and got shown that there were consequences for all her dumb actions, I was really expecting a disney ending

    If you sacrifice chloe its actually a pretty decent story

    Jefferson was decentish villan

    Chloe was pretty likeabe for her being the one to realize the only way to save everyone

    The weirdness of the episode I found very cool, the constant shifts were bizzare but cool


    Little to no interaction with many characters

    Choice is utterly pointless, literally the final decision is the only thing that matters in the whole game. I do appreciate how it did feel that they brought up choices a lot though

    Slow start, The back and forth there was all over the place.


    Jefferson was a bit all over the place, I suppose we are just supposed to assume hes nuts?

    Very unclear what happened to most characters in any ending

    Alyssa's death was so funny I almost just let it stay that way

  • Did anyone else think this episode was funny? Like the fight between David and Jefferson. David just kept getting killed. And when Max had the nightmare sequence. Chloe dancing and kissing Warren then Victoria.

    I couldnt stop laughing at alyssa's death. I almost just let it happen and stay that way

  • Telltale won this round for sure. Man the finale was such a disappointment compared to just finishing Tales from the Borderlands which was phenomenal. Dontnod could learn a thing or two from Telltale ;)

  • Tales from the Borderlands finale completely defeated Life is Strange finale. :)

    Telltale won this round for sure. Man the finale was such a disappointment compared to just finishing Tales from the Borderlands which was phenomenal. Dontnod could learn a thing or two from Telltale

  • Can't wait to get out of work to play it ;-;

    Telltale won this round for sure. Man the finale was such a disappointment compared to just finishing Tales from the Borderlands which was phenomenal. Dontnod could learn a thing or two from Telltale

  • So I thought the finale was a mixed bag. But over all I've enjoyed this game so much. Unfortunately I was so pumped up for Tales this evening I was a bit disappointed and not really in the mood to play LiS! I did find some of the weird scenes a bit of a grind, and was disappointed that it was Max responsible for the storm. I'm sure Rachel is special to everything somehow, but I guess that'll be season 2 or the rumoured dlc.

    I knew going into it if it was a choice between saving Arcadia bay or Chloe I'd choose Arcadia bay, but it took me ages to press the button!

  • was disappointed that it was Max responsible for the storm

    Why were you disappointed? It made sense, she changed everything just by saving Chloe from Nate. She kept destroying time. Plus, how is it disappointing?

  • Yes we get it you didn't like it.

    Telltale won this round for sure. Man the finale was such a disappointment compared to just finishing Tales from the Borderlands which was phenomenal. Dontnod could learn a thing or two from Telltale

  • Tbh I enjoyed the finale of LiS but the finale of Tales completely rekt LiS' finale ;3

    Telltale won this round for sure. Man the finale was such a disappointment compared to just finishing Tales from the Borderlands which was phenomenal. Dontnod could learn a thing or two from Telltale

  • ironically the dialogue was based on how actual teens spoke. They wanted it to be legit. So apparently some people speak like that.

  • Overall solid episode, I wish they did a little bit more in explaining the doe and other spirit stuff, especially since Max has a doe neckless in the end. 8/10.

  • I play it only on Saturday and on Saturday I'll post how I felt as the end and throughout the entire game.

  • JohnBuroJohnBuro Banned
    edited October 2015

    Hmm... I KIND of agree with some people on this episode. I agree in some aspect with the ending being a bit rushed and not really any conclusion or answering all of our questions, just like what everyone said after the episode ended.

    I feel like the past 4 episodes have been building up to everything so well, and then in the end, they were so quick to conclude it, and not 100% clear. Nathan is a good example. He's been such a big character in the past 4 episodes, and he doesn't even appear in the last episode, except we hear his voice over the voice message and we get the news that he is dead. I would have liked to see David redeem himself for Chloe, Nathan redeem himself for Max and the rest of Arcadia Bay, or Warren eventually get out of the friendzone (which he kind of did, depending on your choices), and even the Max and Chloe relationship (which also kind of happens, depending on your choices in episode 3, I believe). And even the minor characters getting one last farewell. Eh, I guess that's just me. I think Dontnod could have done better than that. But, I actually did feel some emotions after the end, just because of everything we've been through since Episode 1, and all of that is gone, literally, since either Arcadia Bay/the second main character is killed off. All I'm trying to say is that the series unraveled VERY well, however, unfortunately couldn't conclude on the best note.

    However, if you think about it... how else could they have possibly ended it? I can't really think of any other BIG game ending choice like that, and it's not Dontnod's fault that the players predicted the ending before it was released. And I know, maybe Dontnod should have seen it coming, but keep in mind that this is their first big game in terms of development and popularity.

    Now, with all of that being said... I DO feel like we'll be getting some sort of DLC that might wrap up some loose ends and other things, before of course, Season 2 is released. I just think that there's no way that the game can just end that abrupt, especially knowing Dontnod's writing capabilities.

    Also, I should note, if you pick the sacrifice Chloe ending, apparently at the end, the camera pans out on the same blue butterfly from the beginning of the game. This just makes me believe more that there will be some sort of concluding DLC that will come out, hell, maybe even Season 2 will tie up some loose ends.

    All in all, although Episode 5 was a bit underwhelming, it was most definitely not bad, and LiS was just a fantastic game in general. I can't wait until Season 2, and if it's true that it will be with completely new characters, I will certainly miss all of them.

  • Ironically. Good subject for Jefferson would be he himself.

    Also Max isn't exactly innocent person and there is certain irony of Jefferson pointing something out without knowing what Max has really done but hits spot on.

    There is even more irony, when Max judges Jefferson to be a bad person and it comes around later in the episode that she might be too.

  • Is it out? I checked the other day when I saw a bunch of vids pop uo on u2b, figured the u2bers got a leg up. Now I'm confused

    I'm so confused. It isn't showing up on PS4 for me.

  • edited October 2015

    They're games with very different aims.

    I think both endings succeeded in terms of those aims.

    Telltale won this round for sure. Man the finale was such a disappointment compared to just finishing Tales from the Borderlands which was phenomenal. Dontnod could learn a thing or two from Telltale

  • I'm glad I played the 5th episode of LiS first.

    As much as I love TfTb, the last episode was pretty mediocre.

  • edited October 2015

    I just felt like she was given powers, and it was connected to Rachel somehow, to stop the storm. I'm not disappointed that my theory was wrong, but just that she was given these powers but can't actually ever use them else she "destorys" time. I mean it must have been for a reason right? They kept bringing up destiny. Destined to never use these powers else the world goes to shit? It just didn't quite tie up for me!

    TDMshadowCP posted: »

    was disappointed that it was Max responsible for the storm Why were you disappointed? It made sense, she changed everything just by saving Chloe from Nate. She kept destroying time. Plus, how is it disappointing?

  • I managed to find time to play today, holy crap this was disappointing, especially since I got that ending. You can really tell that the other one is way more impactful and fitting, but it doesn't matter now, since 50% of the players won't experience it the same. I'm just hoping that when I look back, I'll remember the atmosphere and the fantastic experience of the first episodes, and not the horrid mess that ep. 5 was.

  • edited October 2015

    Just finished.

    While the episode wasn't as emotionally effective as it might have been for me (which they kind of wrote themselves into with a rewind power being able to undo deaths), I really think it's a very good example of how video games can be good, cohesive, art. It goes beyond simply trying to entertain and pander to people, and actually makes p[oints about letting go, fulfillment, selfishness etc..

    Feel like I could write an essay on this in the same vein as some latin literature, in terms of symbolism and stuff.

    Overall then I think telltale's games are more rawly enjoyable, along the lines of, say, Harry Potter, and Life is Strange is more of an artistic, intricate tale of symbolism and point-making (which makes sense as unlike telltale they didn't rotate lead writers), more along the lines of 20th century non-populist literature.

    Both are very enjoyable for me, and seeing people compare them like 'lol tellttale are way better than LiS loll' (and vice versa) etc is disappointing because it's like comparing a potato with a toothbrush.

  • I disliked the final episode. A lot of things were unexplained (Nathan's supposed death) and 90% was just backtracking. Which was what was wrong with the first episode. Jefferson is a lame villain, instead of a morally ambiguous character who needs to kill Max to save Arcadia Bay and stop the storm he just comes off as a sick fuck (and not in an entertaining way like Josh from Until Dawn). They should have rewritten it. I hope this isn't how the game ends (possibly a DLC or something filling in the cracks) but not impressed, Dontnod...

  • Agreed. This is like when Cry Wolf came out. Terrible..

    SpineLine posted: »

    I managed to find time to play today, holy crap this was disappointing, especially since I got that ending. You can really tell that the oth

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