The Vent/Help Thread



  • I'm so incredibly hyped for Episode 5 of Tales from The Borderlands, that I cried from overwhelming excitement and feeling. Not to sound like a edgy teenager or anything, but I don't usually cry over stuff like this. They were mostly tears of joy, but it caught me off guard. I haven't liked a game as much as I have TFTBL, and that's saying a lot since I'm a massive TWD fan.

  • My body has built up an immunity to the antibiotic they were giving me, so that is not an option. I shall try the cream however. Thanks.

    Mawula posted: »

    I had similar problems on both feet. Maybe this will be useful: the pain is caused by the inflammatory process, and not the toenails themsel

  • >_>

    Why doesn't the government do something about the place? Don't they use surveillance? I'm starting to think they're lazy... Just holy shit, some people really need a psychiatrist, that's borderline sociopathic.

    I've never been there myself, but I did read stories about the site, and god damn are some of those people horrible. Some users have even tr

  • At least you don't have to turn everything back on again (although, from my experience on my uncle's PS4, it is fairly quick).

    Lucky butt. The Last of Us crashed on me a lot on the PS4. It usually gives off obvious signs like the textures freaking out as if it wer

  • I'm so sorry to hear this this seriously sucks bro you did everything right getting the surgery and now this happens

    Is their any cure for this you have in mind I'd like to know u have a way around this?

    Three months ago, I had both of my big toenails undergo surgery, whereby the sides of the roots where killed and the then-dead sides of my t

  • Thank you.

    My only options as I see it is to try the cream that Mawula suggested, or get the surgery done yet again - properly. Although, being in where I am, I am looking at a waiting list of several months with the surgery.

    Markd4547 posted: »

    I'm so sorry to hear this this seriously sucks bro you did everything right getting the surgery and now this happens Is their any cure for this you have in mind I'd like to know u have a way around this?

  • edited October 2015

    Could you do both bro put your name on the list and use the cream till then

    Then if the worst happens and the cream fails at least you have an upcoming surgery instead of nothing if the creams fails

    Thank you. My only options as I see it is to try the cream that Mawula suggested, or get the surgery done yet again - properly. Although, being in where I am, I am looking at a waiting list of several months with the surgery.

  • I would guess so. Cheers for your time.

    Markd4547 posted: »

    Could you do both bro put your name on the list and use the cream till then Then if the worst happens and the cream fails at least you have an upcoming surgery instead of nothing if the creams fails

  • That's never true.

    Charlieh65 posted: »

    But what if you are?

  • woah intense stuff

    i got into a fight with an anon on 4chan 4chan.user: you think your so smart with your long ass wall of text you fat potato fuck face

  • the song of my people


  • OMG I need to vent to someone. XD But be warned, long and perhaps unrewarding long read about my college problems. :P

    So, I just transferred to a new college this year, starting over completely with an all new campus, people, professors, class and work expectations, etc. At the decent sized community college I went to for the past 5 years, I saw a lot of first year and sophomore or generally inexperienced students making their way through classes, and I was always more than happy to help them navigate their way through the campus and the classes because it wasn't that they were using me, it was more of a, "OMG I don't know what to do, can you please just help me?"

    Now, I'm attending this new big university. It's not cheap, so generally I'd expect students in general to take this all more seriously. Nope. Not at all. Some have blatantly asked me to send them my work so that they can 'compare' mine to their own. Yeah, right...

    But then there is my favorite class I enrolled in this year is a 'Intro To Historical Research' class that every History major has to have to graduate. The professor I signed up for however, switched to a different time and class, so our class was given a new professor a week before classes started. At first I was bummed because this new professor had bad reviews on Rate my Professor. He is a foreigner first and foremost, and that I have no problem with at all! As a matter o'fact I think it's interesting and good for us American students to have other worldly views.

    I won't give a specific but he's from Eastern Europe. So he's generally not savvy yet with American culture and especially with a class of 18 - 25 year old American college students when he is probably in his late 30's early 40's. Maybe except for the ones whom legitimately take the class and History lessons seriously. But as the class progressed, I have found myself really enjoying his class and really becoming interested in his teachings and POV on History just in general, he's an awesome guy! He is trying hard to teach us important aspects of historical research and understanding how to conduct it and how to avoid bias and how to present good, factual arguments. Honestly, I would say he's a brilliant Historian and a very intelligent and interesting person. Personally, I like him and I'm glad he is my professor now.

    Now here is where my venting is...

    Like I said, the classroom has 18 - 25 year olds, I myself an 23, so I'm one the older side of the students of about 13 total in the class. So many other students in the class constantly complain about the professor, and I have made 'friends' with almost everyone in the class due to the size, and due to the fact that I complete all my work, go to see the professor outside of class on a weekly basis to ask questions and also because I'm very passionate about the subject of History. These kids however, some are actually my age, constantly rip on the poor guy, for literally everything he does in class.

    He asks us to turn in a rough draft, they complain and say they don't need their hands held and can turn in an entire project on time at the end of the semester. Yet, at the same time they are saying this as they scramble at the last minute to make such a rough draft.

    Then, they complain about how he doesn't give us enough direction and hasn't taught us anything applicable in class to use on assignments and in our research. These same people are generally on their computers during class, not engaging in the conversation.

    So, my issue is, these people rip on a professor, a great professor whom is only doing his job. All because they don't want to put in the extra work and think that anything he does is bad. Just imagine though, coming from a different country in which your native tongue is not the same as the place you'll now be teaching in. Not only that, but you try to legitimately help and teach said students to the best of your ability because history and research are your passion. Only to have nearly have an entire class that is disrespectful and never does the work or class readings, and blame him for it!

    It makes me so mad! All to often I hear how people rip on and hate a professor. BUT it's their own damn faults that they refuse to do work and instead complain about every little thing the professor does. Sure I have my own issues to deal with, and while I don't agree with a professor 100% of the time, I trust them and that what they are doing is to help us grow and become more intelligent. But these people, are just disrespectful, insensitive, and dare I say it, LAZY college students.

    UGH. I'm out.

  • edited October 2015

    I have a teacher in my school who hasn't done anything wrong, but to that my classmates say


    And they proceed to interrupt her at every opportunity, saying things that have absolutely NOTHING to do with the subject and even talking shit about her BEHIND HER BACK! And that would probably be normal but she did NOTHING WRONG! I don't even like her much myself, but I'm always sitting in the corner ACTUALLY DOING MY WORK while everyone's FUCKING SCREWING AROUND! Not only that, but she actually decided to do something about it and asked for us to be put on CLASS REPORT! Now everything we do is closely monitored! We're notorious around the school for being the class who always screws around and stupidly got on class report! ALL BECAUSE PEOPLE COULDN'T BE BOTHERED TO ACRUALLY BE PRODUCTIVE! This was supposed to be support for your situation, but it kinda turned into a rant :P

    OMG I need to vent to someone. XD But be warned, long and perhaps unrewarding long read about my college problems. :P So, I just transfer

  • Seriously, Telltale community. I'm ready to make a thread about all the shit-slinging that is getting threads closed.

  • Hear, hear. Teachers have it rough when it comes to disrespectful students. It makes me worry for when I intend to study to become a university lecturer, or at least a secondary school teacher. Many students within my class are like that (I am still in secondary school, by the way) and are disgracefully arsine towards teachers. I just sit and do my assigned work while they try to make the teacher's life a living hell.

    OMG I need to vent to someone. XD But be warned, long and perhaps unrewarding long read about my college problems. :P So, I just transfer

  • Go for it. A sanity check probably wouldn't hurt.

    Seriously, Telltale community. I'm ready to make a thread about all the shit-slinging that is getting threads closed.

  • I just hate what the forum is becoming. The general toxicity and closing of threads really ruins a place that has given me so many memories. And I'm sure some of the mods are sick of it as well. I'll make a thread when I'm off my phone. (The forum is blocked at my school.)

    BigBlindMax posted: »

    Go for it. A sanity check probably wouldn't hurt.

  • edited October 2015


  • Ehhh, i'd say tumblr is worse. 4chan might be full of dickweeds, but at least some of them have actrually done some good, such as hacking a pedophile and giving his info to the FBI. Meanwhile, tumblr has a fucking shoplifting fandom. While what they have done isn't as bad as the shit you see on 4chan, the people on tumblr haven't done any good stuff whatsoever, at least 4chan KNOWS that it's a shithole.

    4chan is filled with some of the worst people out there. I'm not surprised.

  • I had my first dose of Tumblr yesterday, when I checked out the r/TumblrInAction subreddit. Some of the people there are just ridiculously bigoted and stupid.

    Social justice my dick.

    Gary-Oak posted: »

    Ehhh, i'd say tumblr is worse. 4chan might be full of dickweeds, but at least some of them have actrually done some good, such as hacking a

  • edited October 2015

    Really? I thought Tumblr was just full of butthurt people who lose their shit over the smallest things.

    Gary-Oak posted: »

    Ehhh, i'd say tumblr is worse. 4chan might be full of dickweeds, but at least some of them have actrually done some good, such as hacking a

  • Everything you described about your History professor is what a lot of people said about my English professor. Aside from the foreign part though, but he is of Russian decent. Many say on Rate My Professor, "DONT DU IT!" But after taking his class, I actually really like the guy. He makes the assignments incredibly easy, and the people around me constantly say he's tooooo harsh on us.

    Pffftt. No, you're just fucking lazy.

    OMG I need to vent to someone. XD But be warned, long and perhaps unrewarding long read about my college problems. :P So, I just transfer

  • LOL no by all means rant! That's what this thread is for! XD

    But it worries me that so many people treat teachers that way. Not all teachers are perfect, but most do a great job considering the lives they already live on top of teaching hundreds or students every year.

    CosmicSouls posted: »

    I have a teacher in my school who hasn't done anything wrong, but to that my classmates say FUCK DAT And they proceed to interrupt her

  • OMG I'm studying to be a junior college professor as well! I'm not gonna do university since I'd have to get my Doctorate to teach that level and constantly be working on projects. ;A; With just a Masters I can teach college students but not on a university level.

    And it stinks... not all professors just go to teach because they can't find anything else. There are a lot of teachers and professors whom want to teach because they want to inform others, not because they want to make their students lives a living hell. -_-

    Hear, hear. Teachers have it rough when it comes to disrespectful students. It makes me worry for when I intend to study to become a univers

  • Yeah my professor was born and raised for most of his life in Europe, and I think only recently moved here about 7 years ago, so he's definitely still learning how things work in America and how shitty American children can be. -_- And I say that as a proud American.

    LOL little kids, wait till real life hits you with bills and responsibilities, are you just gonna bitch and moan or buck up and due what you have to? Ugh.

    Pffftt. No, you're just fucking lazy.

    OMG lol you have no idea how often that thought runs through my head each time the kids in my class bitch and moan.

    Everything you described about your History professor is what a lot of people said about my English professor. Aside from the foreign part t

  • I love that sub reddit.

    BigBlindMax posted: »

    I had my first dose of Tumblr yesterday, when I checked out the r/TumblrInAction subreddit. Some of the people there are just ridiculously bigoted and stupid. Social justice my dick.

  • What kind of a person befriends a guy, talks to him because she's lonely, but then meets a new guy and just blatantly ignores the first one?

    Screw you, Adriana, screw you.

  • edited October 2015

    Tell her this in private and finish with screw u Adriana to get closure and answers or public for maximum rekt if u don't want to save this friendship >:D muhahaha

    Charlieh65 posted: »

    What kind of a person befriends a guy, talks to him because she's lonely, but then meets a new guy and just blatantly ignores the first one? Screw you, Adriana, screw you.

  • Cope49Cope49 Banned
    edited October 2015

    A guy who doesn't realize that he's just been friendzoned .

    Charlieh65 posted: »

    What kind of a person befriends a guy, talks to him because she's lonely, but then meets a new guy and just blatantly ignores the first one? Screw you, Adriana, screw you.

  • Maybe try to talk to her and see what's up.

    Charlieh65 posted: »

    What kind of a person befriends a guy, talks to him because she's lonely, but then meets a new guy and just blatantly ignores the first one? Screw you, Adriana, screw you.

  • Oh ,believe me, friendzone is better than this.

    Cope49 posted: »

    A guy who doesn't realize that he's just been friendzoned .

  • Nope girls friend zone guys they connect with but still.find them unappealing you just got ignored take this as a blessing it happened so early and move on

    Charlieh65 posted: »

    Oh ,believe me, friendzone is better than this.

  • take this as a blessing

    enter image description here

    Markd4547 posted: »

    Nope girls friend zone guys they connect with but still.find them unappealing you just got ignored take this as a blessing it happened so early and move on

  • Bro she was toxic and left you just like that do u really want to waste more time on someone like that who could drop u like a hat. They are so many awesome girls out there and u deserve someone better much better then that

    Charlieh65 posted: »

    take this as a blessing

  • Did she even know you liked her?

    Charlieh65 posted: »

    Oh ,believe me, friendzone is better than this.

  • Yeah, you're right. It's hard for me to meet a decent girl tho. I'm not really a sociable type irl.
    What did I expect honestly, when she has a reputation of being the hottest girl there...

    Markd4547 posted: »

    Bro she was toxic and left you just like that do u really want to waste more time on someone like that who could drop u like a hat. They are so many awesome girls out there and u deserve someone better much better then that

  • Yes... you just reminded me of the worst part in university. Our interesting profs and TAs were constantly bitched at by other students. Honestly, the absolute most terrible aspect of my time in undergrad and grad school had to have been my spoiled, stubborn, stupid, and lazy peers.

    Some were great, worked hard, and cared about the material. Others expected to be spoon fed everything and had the worst attitude about everything. You sir, should feel validated in your venting.

    OMG I need to vent to someone. XD But be warned, long and perhaps unrewarding long read about my college problems. :P So, I just transfer

  • I didn't really tell her directly, but I'm really transparent when it comes to these things. My friends got it, so I guess she did too.

    Cope49 posted: »

    Did she even know you liked her?

  • How would I start the conversation tho? 'Hey, I see you're spending more time with other guys than me. Why's that?'
    That wouldn't turn out good.

    Maybe try to talk to her and see what's up.

  • My recommendation is to just move on. It's hard and shitty, believe me I know, but I'm sure you can find somebody who is better and more honest with you.

    Or maybe she just wanted a friend because she was lonely, and you wanted more. That happens... often. It's not really anybody's fault, if that's the case. If so, the best thing you can do is maybe just be that friend. Trust me, platonic female friends are the best way to meet other girls.

    Just some friendly, non-judgmental advice.

    Charlieh65 posted: »

    I didn't really tell her directly, but I'm really transparent when it comes to these things. My friends got it, so I guess she did too.

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